O_O My second champ was Sion (first was jax)[Pre-nerf] This was because my friends didn't want me feeding and got me to play OP easier champions... He was really fun... especially at lower levels. I didn't know how to play back then, but I knew that if I stun -> shield I can get massive damage done lol.
yeah, he's mediocre. Has one bit of burst that you call insane but is actually... not that good. lvl 5 is 335? lvl 7 is 440?
Sion lives and dies by his spammable shield, both to reduce damage taken and to harass with. if you're some champ that ignores it, you'll rape him. If you can force him to use it to counter your (better) harass, you win. (kennen, ez, anyone with range)
sion loses to: anivia/mundo/ez/galio/kennen/lux/malph/morg/nid/zilean
sion draws with: annie/cait/corki/fiddle/janna/karth/leblanc/malz/mf/morde/nunu/olaf/sivir
23 champs that simply aren't worse that him in that lane. mediocre from where I'm sitting.
Sion loses to Nivia?
I really doubt it.
its "insane" because there is a near sure-fire way of landing it (stun -> shield) and is fairly spammable. you can build up damage quick.
do you really think sion would lose a lane to anivia? lux (squishy ass bitch who comes for lasthit, gets stunned and blown up in her face, rinse and repeat?)?
i dislike hearing the ELO card being dropped myself, but are you secretly some 2000 ELO sion hater or a theorycrafter who has never been subject to sion gayness lol
For example, everybody knows that in theory anivia is the #1 champion in burst, even fairly early in lane. What with the double dip from her e, the extra autoattack she can get off while her opponent is stunned with her q, her passive against other laners with great burst, she should 100% win all lanes just by her numbers. But she doesn't, because she doesn't have a way of making her q hit until she's 6 (and even then it is still fairly juke-able if you are more skilled than your opponent). The reason for sion's dominance top is because he has damage mitigation, a sure-hit stun in which to get an autoattack or two off while blowing up shield, and he only gets stronger over time in lane (with his e, probably not super noticeable but something to keep in mind).
On January 27 2011 18:19 Kaneh wrote: yeah, he's mediocre. Has one bit of burst that you call insane but is actually... not that good. lvl 5 is 335? lvl 7 is 440?
Sion lives and dies by his spammable shield, both to reduce damage taken and to harass with. if you're some champ that ignores it, you'll rape him. If you can force him to use it to counter your (better) harass, you win. (kennen, ez, anyone with range)
sion loses to: anivia/mundo/ez/galio/kennen/lux/malph/morg/nid/zilean
sion draws with: annie/cait/corki/fiddle/janna/karth/leblanc/malz/mf/morde/nunu/olaf/sivir
23 champs that simply aren't worse that him in that lane. mediocre from where I'm sitting. I would love to play vs. an anivia/mundo/ez/galio/kennen/lux/malph/nid/zilean every game. Literally the only one in your "loses to:" row that I even think can go even with sion is Morgana and that lane is just a ridiculous farmfest where they cannot touch each other.
I'd also like to point out that LeBlanc is the funniest inclusion on your entire group of 23 heroes. Sion just mercilessly shoves it in her ass.
Sion passive another reason he's imba for laning
I kinda wanna 1v1 Brees on Olaf/Trundle with Sion and see how he rapes me. As much of a troll as he is, Brees is pretty fucking beastly at this game and I do believe him even though I don't see how the fuck it works.
United States37500 Posts
On January 28 2011 04:24 Mogwai wrote: I kinda wanna 1v1 Brees on Olaf/Trundle with Sion and see how he rapes me. As much of a troll as he is, Brees is pretty fucking beastly at this game and I do believe him even though I don't see how the fuck it works.
wtb obs slot to this game. I personally can't imagine how it works. Does Q break Shield? That's my main question. But even then, if Olaf misses his Q, it sets up Sion for an easy stun + shield explosion to the face. I can't imagine Olaf's W regen that much.
Trundle just boggles my mind further...
So yeah, I'd love to see this match up.
Olaf is a pretty retarded strong laner, at least from my experience on 3v3. On the other hand so is Sion.
On January 27 2011 18:19 Kaneh wrote: yeah, he's mediocre. Has one bit of burst that you call insane but is actually... not that good. lvl 5 is 335? lvl 7 is 440?
Sion lives and dies by his spammable shield, both to reduce damage taken and to harass with. if you're some champ that ignores it, you'll rape him. If you can force him to use it to counter your (better) harass, you win. (kennen, ez, anyone with range)
sion loses to: anivia/mundo/ez/galio/kennen/lux/malph/morg/nid/zilean
sion draws with: annie/cait/corki/fiddle/janna/karth/leblanc/malz/mf/morde/nunu/olaf/sivir
23 champs that simply aren't worse that him in that lane. mediocre from where I'm sitting.
ez/galio/lux/zilean for SURE don't stand a chance against sion, i don't know the other champs well enough but i have a hard time believing ez/mundo/nid beat him :|
i'm almost annie/fiddle/janna/leblanc/mf/nunu would get crushed by sion, the others might be draws, again i don't play the champs enough to know the matchup
i also want an obs slot in the breesmogwai matchup. i can see a good olaf beating sion or at least not letting him get spectacular farm but i also don't see how trundle can stand a chance. really interested in that matchup
Marshall Islands3404 Posts
havent tried olaf since the patch since they weakened him, but trundle definetly still works. vs better sions you wont be able to kill them but they will go OOM very fast and you'll just get to freefarm.
(of course all this theorying completely disregards jungle ganks, and both sides have equally strong gank help with 2 sec stun and massive slow)
if trundle Q's you he steals your AD so you cant simply go auto attack to auto attack with him or you'll get crushed. this pushes sion off the lane allowing you to freely last hit.
by the time sion catches up in power (lvl 7-9) its too late and trundle will have zoned him too much/laning phase is probably over by now
On January 27 2011 18:19 Kaneh wrote: yeah, he's mediocre. Has one bit of burst that you call insane but is actually... not that good. lvl 5 is 335? lvl 7 is 440?
Sion lives and dies by his spammable shield, both to reduce damage taken and to harass with. if you're some champ that ignores it, you'll rape him. If you can force him to use it to counter your (better) harass, you win. (kennen, ez, anyone with range)
sion loses to: anivia/mundo/ez/galio/kennen/lux/malph/morg/nid/zilean
sion draws with: annie/cait/corki/fiddle/janna/karth/leblanc/malz/mf/morde/nunu/olaf/sivir
23 champs that simply aren't worse that him in that lane. mediocre from where I'm sitting.
i feel like you're assuming this is sion solo mid, where i've found sion is manageable for some people (ez and kennen i kinda agree with here, if you can dance far away enough). but that all falls apart when he goes top and you literally cant do anything to keep him from popping out of the bushes with a stun+shield combo taking out half your health
edit: not to mention the fact that sion shield absorbs a shitload of dmg, which i think you underestimate, and tbh, if he ran boots first could probably deal with those pesky long-ranged types (not sure about this statement)
i would never open boots. need dat early mana regen yo. and for whoever was talking about sapphire crystal opening, you only need to be at not-full mana for 50 seconds for d-ring to outperform sapphire during laning so yea... d-ring is definitely better by a lot aside from the fact that it doesn't build into anything.
On January 28 2011 07:04 Mogwai wrote: i would never open boots. need dat early mana regen yo. and for whoever was talking about sapphire crystal opening, you only need to be at not-full mana for 50 seconds for d-ring to outperform sapphire during laning so yea... d-ring is definitely better by a lot aside from the fact that it doesn't build into anything. 200 mana / (4 mana / 5 seconds) = 250 seconds
Assuming you are not at full mana the whole time starting when the minions clash in lane, you will be level 5 by the time you got more mana out of that DRing.
oh yea, lol, my bad, forgot to multiply by 5, DERP. I still think it's generally much more useful to have that AP and HP and the mana comparison is pretty close in realistic laning scenarios IMO.
ya, and besides sion is so gud at farming like a boss that getting sheen isn't tough cookies or nothing. generally goes back at 7+, because he's such a boss in lane that you can't force him back before then imo, so you usually get the efficiency from dring by that time too
the hp is very clutch, it can definetly mean the buffer between death and time for another shield during jungler ganks, and the AP never hurts either.
I have trouble playing Sion. I keep forgetting he's a tough nuker, not a tank. Zzz.
SERIOUSLY this champion is so OP. I hate this guy so much.
hmm, i will have to remember this for the next time i ban ezreal against chrispy in an inhouse.....
On January 28 2011 11:02 Chrispy wrote: SERIOUSLY this champion is so OP. I hate this guy so much. I agree, I think he's completely stupid beyond belief.