There is no reason to jungle with him over laning with him though because he's hands down the best top lane in the game right now.
[Champion] Sion - Page 2
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10417 Posts
There is no reason to jungle with him over laning with him though because he's hands down the best top lane in the game right now. | ||
United States37500 Posts
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Hungary4707 Posts
On January 16 2011 17:20 Stealthpenguin wrote: Could you elaborate abit on jungle sion, I tried some stuff out in a custom game but couldnt really find a way to not be super low when i hit lvl 4. What route do you take and and skill order do you take? I presume you start with normal cloth+5pot aswell? edit:what masteries do you use aswell? In my tries I was running 1-8-21 since I was kinda winging it. cloth+5 hp My usual route is golems, wraiths, wolves, blue, golems -> you are lvl 4 with 60% hp, ready to gank that lane where your little golems are. Other route is the same but after blue you kill red. You'll get super low, you go home, buy boots, then gank. Skills are W, E, W or E, Q. You will be about the same health whether you pick W or E on 3rd level, but W helps more with wraith and wolf camps. At ganks.. W is 50 more burst damage, if you pick E thats 10 more damage per strike, decide which you want. If you wanna red immediately after blue, definitely take one more W. Important, that you should use W only once per camp before blue. If you don't, you won't have mana to do it twice on blue and you 'll get really low, especially if you put two points on it. Always explode it, never let the creeps completely hit it off you. If you mess it up, you'll get really low, especially at the wraiths. This means activating shield at 1:36 by golems, you can take 3 hits. As you go towards the wraiths, activate it when you are next to red, and you'll have to explode it at the end of second round of wraith hits. Etc. Masteries are 19/0/11 or 21/0/9. I don't always pick havoc, i find 5% damage not always worth it. If you have 200 damage, it gives 10 more. If you don't pick it, you can put 2 points on buff duration and that's better imo. | ||
Marshall Islands3404 Posts
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Germany1471 Posts
The big issue with Junglesion imho is that he a) has no definig advantage in some category over an actual jungler (safety:Warwick, ganking: Rammus, etc.) b) it forces him into his AD build which is imho his inferior aspect. You want to stand in the middle of the enemy Team and heal yours with the help of autoattacks and keep pumping out stuns? You are actually looking for Taric. @Brees: How exactly does that play out? | ||
Marshall Islands3404 Posts
if that happens you just take control of the lane and ward top bush | ||
Hungary4707 Posts
On January 17 2011 10:15 Unentschieden wrote: Havoc is awful because it only applies to BASE values, it doesn´t boost what you get from items/AP etc. The big issue with Junglesion imho is that he a) has no definig advantage in some category over an actual jungler (safety:Warwick, ganking: Rammus, etc.) b) it forces him into his AD build which is imho his inferior aspect. You want to stand in the middle of the enemy Team and heal yours with the help of autoattacks and keep pumping out stuns? You are actually looking for Taric. a) And why play udyr? Rammus is a better jungling tank with ganks than Udyr. Rammus can't take dragon alone, WW has worse ganks pre 6, you have the best stun in the game (and not you, Udyr). It's a different jungler. What's the problem with that? b) But you dish out huge damage while Taric doesn't. And by picking Sion maybe you can trick them into thinking that you'll go AP so they bring someone to counter laning AP sion and not effective against the jungling one. edit: im not saying he is the best jungler. i don't say that AP sion isn't better, actually I think that the two aspects don't really compare but whatever. i watch streams of the top players playing alistar, blitzcrank and whatever on their team. why wouldn't you play a fun character who is certainly not worse than the majority of the cast. | ||
Germany1471 Posts
Taric could do plenty damage as well if you build him AD. Who would be that strong counter to laning Sion that would have issues with jungle Sion? Sion is always countered by kiting, AD Sion just simply moreso because he needs to stick to a target but only has his stun for that while AP Sion only needs to get his burst off, then it´s fine to disengage until the shield comes back up. | ||
United States13274 Posts
On January 16 2011 01:45 Chrispy wrote: Sion's an asshole don't teach others how to play this asshole champion. Chrispy's totally right actually. Sion's a complete and total asshole. | ||
Canada5878 Posts
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Marshall Islands3404 Posts
lol'd at strongest top lane in game | ||
United States2707 Posts
On January 26 2011 09:50 Mogwai wrote: Chrispy's totally right actually. Sion's a complete and total asshole. umadbro? I sense so much bitterness coming from's Smash's panth v Sion experiences. | ||
United States13274 Posts
On January 26 2011 10:11 Brees wrote: so I tested my theory of trundle crushing him solotop after some one first picked him. first blooded him in 5 mins. lol'd at strongest top lane in game yo, please rape my sion top sometime. I just don't see it. | ||
United States13274 Posts
On January 26 2011 10:28 dnastyx wrote: umadbro? I sense so much bitterness coming from's Smash's panth v Sion experiences. naaa, I play sion a lot now. he's just an asshole, no way around it. | ||
United States42 Posts
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Canada737 Posts
farm. you can't beat them, then make do and try not to fall behind. call for a gank, you have a stun, your gank has a stun, win. Sion is a mediocre solo because he is way too mana-intensive. If you force sion to use shield or stun to prevent damage, or you are a champ that is trivial to heal with, then he doesn't have any way to sustain any kind of pressure. | ||
5286 Posts
wut? l2use mana runes and meditation + dring for mana sion burst > 99.999% of single target healing healing (maybe excepting nidalee). it doesn't hurt that sion is probably the best lane to gank for other than ashe, because his burst is insane and he has a stun. he can easily call a gank for those spam healers like nidalee and vlad. even vlad has a hard time against sion, especially if sion gets an early advantage (and gets absolutely demolished pre 7) | ||
Hungary4707 Posts
it feels so bad letting them run because you forgot to spare mana to your stun. | ||
United States802 Posts
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United States10 Posts
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