I recognize the usefulness of building triforce, since you're jungling and need to spend a lot of money on wards/elixir/oracle's, but still, you're spending your hard to get money in something that doesn't pay off as better as some items. I totally understand the reasoning behind not buying Black Cleaver, since BF is really expensive. For that reason I'm starting to build Brutalizer, Phage, tank, upgrading both to Youmuus/Frozen Mallet.
[Champion] Trundle - Page 6
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Brazil885 Posts
I recognize the usefulness of building triforce, since you're jungling and need to spend a lot of money on wards/elixir/oracle's, but still, you're spending your hard to get money in something that doesn't pay off as better as some items. I totally understand the reasoning behind not buying Black Cleaver, since BF is really expensive. For that reason I'm starting to build Brutalizer, Phage, tank, upgrading both to Youmuus/Frozen Mallet. | ||
United States9109 Posts
On March 12 2011 16:37 Brees wrote: just build your wriggles, then pick youmuu or tri-force after buying negatron. Then rest tank gear. build ends up looking like cloth armor + 5hp razors + boots wriggles + merc treads + negatron wriggles + merc treads + negatron + triforce -OR- ghostblade wriggles + merc treads + banshee veil + triforce -OR- ghostblade + randuin's finish with 6th item of your choice depending on game you get your negatron before sheen/phage? doesn't that make your damage output come reaaaallly late? i dunno, i focus more on counterjungling and dragon control than ganking with trundle (unless there's a solo laner that has no escape summoners) so maybe i get a bit underfarmed but i still usually get my triforce from the 25-27 minute range if i'm not getting kills... wouldn't a negatron make your triforce wayyyyy too late? tapioca, as for route, trundle can literally start anywhere on the map. it's bullshit that red camp alone doesn't get you to 2 imo so you can't gank immediately after red. his red level 2 gank with pillar would be devastating but most people still have their summoners at that point anyways. my new route is enemy golem->blue (no smite, kinda scary)->wolves->wraiths->my golem->back'n'buy->red->their wolves or their wraiths if gank's not an option dontmashme's route is blue->wolves->wraiths->golems->red->their wolves->back'n'buy->gank | ||
Brazil885 Posts
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Germany8679 Posts
On March 13 2011 03:05 necrosed wrote: Well, maybe with one Exp Quint you can do red -> gank level 2. You need 2 exp quints and the exp mastery. | ||
United States9109 Posts
i like the extra HP for when i ult their tank, even more EHP for me the mallet 100% slow completely unnecessary the cleaver will never get full 4 stacks because of how hard it is to consecutively hit people as a melee dps UNLESS they stand and fight you. which would be dumb because you're trundle. i really missed the triforce procs on towers *LOL* i also direly missed the MS. i specced 0/21/9 instead of 1/14/15 since i was in lane as well i'd rather have SotD than ghostblade on trundle | ||
Germany8679 Posts
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Brazil885 Posts
Yeah, from my testing Cleaver isn't put at its maximum with Trundle. I like the poking of Trinity Force, but I think they're (TF and BC) still subpar. If you want to try something different, try Last Whisper Mallet. While its unsynergistic if you attack the same target as your ult, it should give some positive results if you focus another person than your ult. Like ult your team main target and give the beatings to the secondary. I haven't tested Last Whisper yet, but it should be the best DPS item on Trundle if they have more than one person with armor >= 100. | ||
United States9109 Posts
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United States47024 Posts
On March 13 2011 08:09 necrosed wrote: I haven't tested Last Whisper yet, but it should be the best DPS item on Trundle if they have more than one person with armor >= 100. It gives you the best DPS assuming you're actually hitting them, but very often, those guys aren't the ones you want to be hitting (and even if they are, putting your ult on them makes them suddenly not have armor >= 100 anymore). | ||
10417 Posts
DontMashme wrote a trundle guide, it's probably worth viewing | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
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Brazil885 Posts
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United States47024 Posts
On March 17 2011 09:26 Slayer91 wrote: I'm not too sure about G.A and banshees instead of stuff like FoN on trundle, he can run away so well it seems that regen and attack speed might be a better form of magic resist, but I haven't had enough experience. I go Spirit visage unless they have hardcore magic damage anyway. I guess hexdrinker if you don't like FoN. Why would you get Visage on Trundle? The only heal-based mechanic he has is his passive, which, while great for jungling, is IMO not relevant enough to itemize for. And Visage has received enough nerfs that it's a pretty hard sell for champs that aren't benefitting from the heal component. | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
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United States47024 Posts
On March 17 2011 11:54 Slayer91 wrote: Visage isn't so much for the regen effect, though it does help your passive, and regen if you're going warmogs/FoN. It's simply a cheap way to get health, magic resist and CDR really fast. If you want to buy banshees you're investing a lot into mana and almost double the total gold. You can easily get visage and be 1.3 gold faster on your trinity force and have 10% extra CDR. I'd usually rush Trinity anyway. If I needed MR badly, I'd slot a neg cloak in before finishing Trinity, but IIRC in normal situations most people just beeline straight Trinity--you're not really 1.3k gold faster on Trinity Force when you're getting it before the aforementioned MR items. | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
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Brazil885 Posts
Still, if you're looking for a second DPS item after it, go for Last Whisper or something with CDR. | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
Last whisper is great because you're so mobile on trundle you can afford to hit tanks and wait for a ranged dps to get out of position instead of running around. That said, trundle also has very good dive-their-whole-team power with contaminate his ultimate on a tank and a warmogs, but its best combined with some other tanks initation. | ||
Canada31494 Posts
At some point I feel it would be useful to dump Wriggle's and pick up Madred's or even start with it, but I can't seem to determine when that might be. | ||
United States37 Posts
Blue, Wolves, wait for smite to come back up hit big ghost and get ghosts. Level three pillar then go ganking. I then complete my jungle and keep playing like normal. I have had success with it, but at relatively low ELO. I use the early ganks to keep the mid on their toes. | ||
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