[Champion] Trundle - Page 10
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United States1898 Posts
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United States10467 Posts
On April 10 2012 00:39 BlasiuS wrote: Agree here. Also keep in mind that for your first clear, you will have blue buff, which means you can contaminate at every camp, which gives you +20% AS. btw, there's 2 main ArPen breakpoints for junglers: -13, this is all small monsters except the buffs -20, this is all monsters except baron (120 armor) technically dragon has 21 armor, but 20 arpen is damn close to true damage. 13 arpen is 3 quints + 2 marks 20 arpen is 3 quints + 6 marks I usually go for 20 arpen, it's effective against champions even into late-game, and once I reach mid-game I'm only jungling for the buffs anyway. edit: though I am curious to know what the optimal early-game AS is for trundle, both with and without blue buff. I usually put 4 points into Alacrity mastery so I can get Weapon Expertise. If those 4 points in Alacrity are wasted I'd put the 5 points elsewhere. I also use the remainder of my marks on AS. If those are wasted, I'd rather use them for flat AD or AD/level. Recall the arp doesn't work on dragon or baron anymore anyways. | ||
United States7572 Posts
On April 10 2012 03:41 Bladeorade wrote: I have no idea how you find Trundle fast... he is so freaking slow. I play Shyvana or Mundo when I jungle and whenever I face a Trundle I keep him 3 - 4 levels behind. If he ever catches you in his jungle early he has a chance, but if you are smart about your invades and bring wards it is relatively easy to make Trundle a non factor He's definitely faster than WW, alistar, Fizz, Nautilus, GP, Rammus. He's fast enough that his speed isnt an issue, you run out of camps. If you think Trundle is bad I just dont know what to say, he is uncatchable, great duelist, has huge utility with pillar, and is the only character in the game who can make a fed huge bruiser into useless shit while simultaneously becoming a god. Hes a fucking monster with a few items. Also hes one of the best dragon solos. | ||
France994 Posts
On April 10 2012 03:58 obesechicken13 wrote: Recall the arp doesn't work on dragon or baron anymore anyways. Are you sure? I thought only armor/MR reduction (Wukong's Q, Trundle's ult, Karthus's wall) didn't work anymore. The wiki seems to confirm that. | ||
United States10467 Posts
On April 10 2012 04:06 NpG)Explosive wrote: Are you sure? I thought only armor/MR reduction (Wukong's Q, Trundle's ult, Karthus's wall) didn't work anymore. The wiki seems to confirm that. Where's your confirmation? | ||
United States7572 Posts
Baron and Drag are immune to shred, not normal penetration. | ||
United States10467 Posts
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France994 Posts
Patch history from the dragon page says "Dragon is now immune to armor and magic resist-shredding effects." | ||
United States1898 Posts
On April 10 2012 04:06 sob3k wrote: He's definitely faster than WW, alistar, Fizz, Nautilus, GP, Rammus. He's fast enough that his speed isnt an issue, you run out of camps. If you think Trundle is bad I just dont know what to say, he is uncatchable, great duelist, has huge utility with pillar, and is the only character in the game who can make a fed huge bruiser into useless shit while simultaneously becoming a god. Hes a fucking monster with a few items. Also hes one of the best dragon solos. Alistar is a ganker, I don't consider Fizz a real jungler, Nautilus max E is definitely faster, GP's jungle got nerfed barely anyone plays him in jungle anymore and he is not faster than rammus. Warwick is the only one he "may" be faster than and even then they probably have roughly the same speed and Warwicks ganks once he hits 6 are superior to Trundles. Alistar has crazy ganks and that is why you jungle him. I have never seen or jungled Fizz, sounds like a slow, bad choice. Nautilus, like Alistar, is a more gank oriented jungler but his E->W definitely clears camps faster than trundle. GP is slow as crap and is shitty in the jungle. Rammus is pretty fast and his Q from camp to camp makes him tons faster than Trundle not to mention his ganks are a million times better. Shyvana is a million times faster, as is Udyr and Mundo. Jarvan, Skarner and Nocturne are all faster and have great ganks. I seriously don't see a place in my jungle repertoire for Trundle anymore. I used to play him a bunch before the jungle remake but he really just isn't up there anymore. Too many AoE clearers or better gankers. For anything you would use Trundle for in solo que, someone else can do it better. He may have his place in arranged fives but I hate it when I get a jungle Trundle on my team. I was also under the impression Trundle can no longer ult Dragon or Baron. Making him not a great soloer anymore. I could have sworn I tried this and it got patched out. Am I wrong? | ||
France45622 Posts
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United States5142 Posts
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168 Posts
On April 10 2012 05:22 Bladeorade wrote: Alistar is a ganker, I don't consider Fizz a real jungler, Nautilus max E is definitely faster, GP's jungle got nerfed barely anyone plays him in jungle anymore and he is not faster than rammus. Warwick is the only one he "may" be faster than and even then they probably have roughly the same speed and Warwicks ganks once he hits 6 are superior to Trundles. Alistar has crazy ganks and that is why you jungle him. I have never seen or jungled Fizz, sounds like a slow, bad choice. Nautilus, like Alistar, is a more gank oriented jungler but his E->W definitely clears camps faster than trundle. GP is slow as crap and is shitty in the jungle. Rammus is pretty fast and his Q from camp to camp makes him tons faster than Trundle not to mention his ganks are a million times better. Shyvana is a million times faster, as is Udyr and Mundo. Jarvan, Skarner and Nocturne are all faster and have great ganks. I seriously don't see a place in my jungle repertoire for Trundle anymore. I used to play him a bunch before the jungle remake but he really just isn't up there anymore. Too many AoE clearers or better gankers. For anything you would use Trundle for in solo que, someone else can do it better. He may have his place in arranged fives but I hate it when I get a jungle Trundle on my team. I was also under the impression Trundle can no longer ult Dragon or Baron. Making him not a great soloer anymore. I could have sworn I tried this and it got patched out. Am I wrong? His jungle speed is not the reason to pick him. But he is just so strong. I have seen trundles go 1v3 make a kill and get out of it alive. Thats not something that every champion can do. Basically, he's not a bad choice but will work best in specific lineups i assume. | ||
Croatia11752 Posts
In total I played against 4 yoricks.For the first two games I went with a total of 25 armor from runes(quints,yellows),9 in offense and 21 in defense in which I put 2 points into tough skin,I started with cloth5pot from the shop. So I was coming into the lane with 71 armor.In hindsight this was pretty much a overkill to say the least.It was actually pretty lolzy,the first yorick tried to spam me from lvl 2 and than when he was half way through his mana pool I didn't even get to use one of my health potions and was standing in lane with about 90% of my health.In the second game I even got ganked by shyvana at lvl 3,they blew all the summoners one me and I died,bought tabis,went back to lane and yorick still did no damage to me.I ended up sitting on top of the low hp creeps so he can't last hit properly,he couldn't even do much damage to me when he fully unloaded on me with his ghouls and tried to trade autos with me because of my Q debuff. I ended up about 30 cs ahead in the first game and 25 in the second.The third and forth game I tried out a regrowth+pot opening which I did pretty good as well there,but I did take more damage from his autos because my tabi was later so it did leave me more open for ganks. The thing is you can't do anything majory to him in return 1v1 apart from being extremely annoying.Your only damage comes from autos so he will life leach a lot of the damage back.You will still come out on top from the trades but you won't be able to really push him out of the lane or something drastic like that,especially once he gets his tear.Best thing that I can suggest is try to hold the lane at a spot where your jungler will be able to get a gank off. I haven't paid much attention to the runes they used so I couldn't tell if they were nubs or not,for what its worth I'm around 1.6k elo so judge for yourself if you want to take my anything from this. In general my advice would be if you are annoyed by yorick and you have trundle sitting around from the champs to choose from,play him against yorick.You will be able to free farm as much as you want without a huge threat from dying from the moment you get your W and E(I would actually recommend getting pillar at lvl 3 because I died by not having it to a gank from shyvana as I said and if I had it I would be safe pretty much)and only way you can die is if they use all of their summoners on you(with jungler having exhaust and lane ignite) and they will still kill you barely under your turret.(at least that's what happened to me the 2 times I died in lane to ganks.) I'll be trying to play this matchup every time someone picks yorick so if I find anything new I'll share.If someone has anything better to add would be great,I'm not the highest elo so there always is a possibility of the yoricks that I play against being just dumb >_> | ||
United States9109 Posts
I'm not sold on trundle countering yorick. His passive is good in this lane yeah but not gamebreaking. Gamebreaking trundle passive was when nocturnes dusk trails were 2500 hp units so every time noc ganked, trundle jumped back to full health | ||
United States5348 Posts
On April 24 2012 07:40 gtrsrs wrote: Feel like those yoricks weren't adapting to the lane well. Trundle comes to lane with 71 armor? I max w and spam it on him every time he goes to cs. I push the lane from w spam, while he's unable to approach menthrough the persistent slow- if he ever does get close I just e some creeps to regen. When the lane is pushed I harass enemy jungler while trundle is forces to last hit under tower. Yeah, I'm probably not gonna force trundle to die but I will 100% outcs him and scale harder. When the enemy gank comes I just throw down a w on trundle since he has no gap closer, q the jungler and scoot away I'm not sold on trundle countering yorick. His passive is good in this lane yeah but not gamebreaking. Gamebreaking trundle passive was when nocturnes dusk trails were 2500 hp units so every time noc ganked, trundle jumped back to full health why would you max w, e does magic dmg you know, unless you're really that confident you don't need the regen at all. | ||
United States9109 Posts
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Croatia11752 Posts
On April 24 2012 07:56 gtrsrs wrote: Don't see how trundle can even approach yorick to damage him is the thing. No ranged harass, no gap closer... Yorick can probably take 0 damage while laning if he wants to. E should be unnecessary Erm who cares,yorick does no damage to you,I'm serious you can try it out in a custom against someone,yorick is gonna run out of mana before you get a cloth5pot trundle below70%.That's my whole point,you don't push yorick out of lane or anything you can just flat out ignore him,if he tries to push the lane you auto the minions to push it back,sooner or later yorick will run out of mana that way tho and get ganked.Trundle doesn't win against yorick he just free farms. Besides your acting like trundle is fiora lol.You can't just cross the other half of the lane and expect to escape with just W.Trundle's pillar is immense for ganks,if you get caught by a pillar you either have to flash or pray your jungler is near else you gonna die,not to mention that trundles W has CC reduction so as soon as you get W you use it. | ||
United Kingdom12 Posts
The only thing I would say is he doesnt have huge damage so you have to stay on your target a little longer than other junglers which means you have to keep W up so you can keep up with them. | ||
Denmark4564 Posts
On April 24 2012 07:56 gtrsrs wrote: Don't see how trundle can even approach yorick to damage him is the thing. No ranged harass, no gap closer... Yorick can probably take 0 damage while laning if he wants to. E should be unnecessary Trundle makes the lane go into a farm-fest mode (where yorick will be stronger imo, considering how trundle has to build solely around farming in his lane), however i don't really see anyone else ever being able to do this, other than da troll. | ||
United Kingdom659 Posts
If you bump this, you better have a good reason. - This to me shows how nobody plays trundle. I tried trundle again in season 3 and he has new life! The machete and its new passive (10%) extra damage to monsters means trundle clears camps in a really fast time compared with the other junglers (because of bite and the AD Steroid it gives) i use (lee shaco fiddle jarven etc) i also find that as this builds straight into wriggles i can go intro wriggles which means i rarely have to back. I also think as a league is leaning towards bruisers now and trundle is almost the anti bruiser champ as his ult reduces any tankyness they may have, he also has a slow.. I am currently playing at the low elo of 1500 and i have yet to find a jungler he gets dominated by which means i can actually just go invade steal enemy camps fight enemys etc.. I also find he actually has decent ganks due to his pillar and speed boost skills. I currently go wriggles into cleaver or wriggles phage depending on the other team and depending on whos getting fed etc.. Has anybody else used him recently? and what are your thoughts? I currently have around a 5.3 KDA with him | ||
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