[Champion] Shen - Page 17
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United States33802 Posts
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United States12679 Posts
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United States7572 Posts
On February 17 2012 07:49 Ryuu314 wrote: I dont understand why people seem to be under the impression that you need to rush warmogs or get stacks on it for it to be a good item. Warmogs is already extremely powerful and cost-effective when you buy it with 0 stacks. The stacks is just a bonus. Even if Warmogs doesn't have the stacking mechanism at all it'd still be a really strong item. Going from individual components to Warmogs gives a ~50% increase on the hp stats and doubles the regen stats. It's silly how cost-effective it is. Thats not what I read. I heard it was pretty inefficient until ~50 stacks....someone mathcraft for us. So people are opening cloth5 for Shen top? Meh, never like cloth5, but if its the best... | ||
57 Corvette
Canada5941 Posts
For what I have been building, pretty much what you guys have already said. Dblade, boots, phage, boots 2, fmallet, atmas, whatever | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
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United States37500 Posts
On February 17 2012 08:32 sob3k wrote: Thats not what I read. I heard it was pretty inefficient until ~50 stacks....someone mathcraft for us. So people are opening cloth5 for Shen top? Meh, never like cloth5, but if its the best... Cloth+5 vs AD up top. Boots+3 vs AP. That's your typical AD Bruiser opening for Top Lane anyways. | ||
United States37500 Posts
On February 17 2012 08:44 Slayer91 wrote: Feels hard to justify a no pots opening in this day and age, it limits how agressive you can be early by a lot, and makes early ganks more effective. Shen doesn't scale that well off AD anyways, might as well just build AD from a phage or get the magic AD on wits. I agree. The only time I would ever open Blade up top is if I want to do a gimmicky Level 2 kill with Renekton. EW Ignite auto, E auto, Flash auto. Only works against a squishy AP top lane who decides to go Boots instead of Cloth. :3 | ||
United States7572 Posts
Boots>HOG>Wits>Malady>Randuins/Warmogs/Mallet>Atmas sounds pretty solid, Malady is so damn cheap 1825 Hell, maybe Rageblade is viable on shen. With stack its one of if not the most efficient items in the game. | ||
United States33802 Posts
On February 17 2012 08:50 sob3k wrote: What about malady on Shen? All of his damage comes from magic and onhits and AS is heavily synergized with passive, he has good ap ratios on tiny CD's for the bit of ap it gives too. Boots>HOG>Wits>Malady>Randuins/Warmogs/Mallet>Atmas sounds pretty solid, Malady is so damn cheap 1825 Hell, maybe Rageblade is viable on shen. With stack its one of if not the most efficient items in the game. You're still a bruiser at best, closer to a tank. I'd rather not get pure damage items in lieu of damage/defense items. | ||
United States37500 Posts
Edit: ok, I don't want to seem like a jerk and just shoot down idea but Shen is a melee champion. If you're going to go in and auto a lot, might as well benefit from the defensive bonuses from WE. Malady fits a ranged AP auto attack like Teemo much better. | ||
United States12679 Posts
On February 17 2012 08:32 sob3k wrote: Thats not what I read. I heard it was pretty inefficient until ~50 stacks....someone mathcraft for us. So people are opening cloth5 for Shen top? Meh, never like cloth5, but if its the best... The upgrade cost is 980. For that you get 310 hp and 15 hp/5. The 15 hp/5 alone is worth 435 gold (regrowth pendant). So that leaves you 310 hp for 445 gold. For comparison, a ruby crystal is 180 hp for 475 gold. That looks pretty darn cost-effective to me. Honestly, if you can afford a warmogs on Shen I don't see why not. | ||
3534 Posts
Is it just me being hyped after bashing some bads or is he so strong that it's very likely Riot's gonna nerf him next patch? | ||
United States7572 Posts
On February 17 2012 10:32 Shiv. wrote: I played him for the first time today, or well, for the first time since his remake. I was playing with some RL friends who're not 30 yet and while I obviously had rune&mastery advantage and was a better player by a fair margin, I had no problems playing a 1v2 lane whatsoever. Holy lord, is he retartedly strong or what? I was facing a Talon/Kayle top and had no problems straight up fighting them 1v2 from level 5 onwards. Granted, I used Feint to negate most of Talon's Rake harass and Q'd him in the face every time it was off CD, but that shouldn't be possible. I felt pretty allmighty, went HoG->Wit's->Phage->Aegis and ended the game right there. Every gank bot turned into a 3v3 with Shen generally bringing more to the table then their jungler, every fight was easily won because of the retarted amounts of AoE CC the kid has. Is it just me being hyped after bashing some bads or is he so strong that it's very likely Riot's gonna nerf him next patch? He is extremely strong, but he is still sort of stealthy OP...I could actually see him going unnerfed or very minorly nerfed for a while because you dont just 100 to zero people and get 30 kills and stuff that gets people nerfed instantly. After playing other champs and then playing shen its just a bit silly though, he is just stronger in pretty much every way. He feels a bit like skarner after he got overbuffed but even a bit better. He'll definitely get a huge amount of tournament play or be permban status. | ||
United States5635 Posts
Given that I feel like Q is, to borrow WoW terminology, an energy dump. The damage is great but it's something you cast at high energy because the energy/damage ratio is terrible and the heal doesn't need to be spammed. So W is mostly > Q, and of course a good E is > both since the CC and damage reduction are very valuable and a good one doesn't even cost much. Except for like when you need that last Q to kill someone. IDK just my thoughts. | ||
United States33802 Posts
Elementz Shen top guide. Interestingly, he suggests core as Boots/Sunfire/Abyssal/Rylai's. I mean, sure, it's all a nice mix of tank and damage, lots of health, but I feel like it's just... something. I don't know if I like Rylai or Sunfire as items as a whole. But, then again, it's some nice resistances and 2 Giant's Belt items. It'll probably work because Shen is Shen, though. | ||
United States7572 Posts
On February 17 2012 11:50 Requizen wrote: http://www.lolpro.com/guides/shen/146-shen-top-lane Elementz Shen top guide. Interestingly, he suggests core as Boots/Sunfire/Abyssal/Rylai's. I mean, sure, it's all a nice mix of tank and damage, lots of health, but I feel like it's just... something. I don't know if I like Rylai or Sunfire as items as a whole. But, then again, it's some nice resistances and 2 Giant's Belt items. It'll probably work because Shen is Shen, though. wow....uh.... I guess that would work....I do think its a massive mistake not to build AS as core on new shen, he is just completely ignoring the passive. Abyssal over wits is just a really bad choice IMO | ||
57 Corvette
Canada5941 Posts
Very interesting lane. If Shen can put Olaf behind pre-6, he is good to go. Otherwise Olaf can smash him at 6 | ||
United States7572 Posts
On February 17 2012 12:39 57 Corvette wrote: Just Vs'd an Olaf top lane as Shen. Levels 1-5 he couldn't come near me. Vorpal harrass and taunt threat nearly killed him multiple times (And i nearly died to GP jungle ganks). Level 6-9ish was harder for me, as he bullied me back with his ult threat and rapidly increasing true damage (Wasn't leveling w equal to q), but once I got lvl 3-4 of my shield, the lane tipped back in my favour. Very interesting lane. If Shen can put Olaf behind pre-6, he is good to go. Otherwise Olaf can smash him at 6 Its super jungle dependant, and you are definetly at a disadvantage as Shen. I've played it twice, one time there was no jungle pressure really from either side and I did fine, just dagger him a ton but you cant really engage straightup, farmoff. Second time their jungle came in a ton and I ended up completely fucked, if olaf gets a kill or 2 and any sustain item you are just completely powerless. Poppy is much the same. I think both are playable matchups but you realllly have to watch out and your jungle has to make sure you don't get camped and end up behind or its game over. | ||
United States1945 Posts
maybe sunfire is the aoe i've been looking for though, farming for a warmog's with wriggles/sunfire/wit's end sounds pretty sexy to me with all 3 giving clearing power and resists | ||
United States2294 Posts
On February 17 2012 11:50 Requizen wrote: http://www.lolpro.com/guides/shen/146-shen-top-lane Elementz Shen top guide. Interestingly, he suggests core as Boots/Sunfire/Abyssal/Rylai's. I mean, sure, it's all a nice mix of tank and damage, lots of health, but I feel like it's just... something. I don't know if I like Rylai or Sunfire as items as a whole. But, then again, it's some nice resistances and 2 Giant's Belt items. It'll probably work because Shen is Shen, though. is he really suggesting building those items in that order? good luck getting atmogs in 90% of games. | ||
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