[Champion] Kassadin - Page 8
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United States37500 Posts
On January 24 2011 19:31 Jougen wrote: Irelia is secretly imba, but nobody knows how to play her well yet. Give Joug 1 week. | ||
United States13274 Posts
On January 24 2011 19:26 dnastyx wrote: Okay, how do you lane v Irelia? I have no idea how to play that matchup. She has too much lifesteal to Q her down, she has better laning burst, and I can't stop her from farming. I would just focus E vs. Irelia and focus on last hitting. Killing that bitch is really fucking hard. | ||
10417 Posts
On January 24 2011 19:31 Jougen wrote: Irelia is secretly imba, but nobody knows how to play against* her well yet. | ||
Russian Federation4235 Posts
What I've been running is pure Q/E with Doran's Ring, mana regen runes and that mastery that turns max mana into health regen. Second summoner spell is debatable, but it's usually Ignite when I feel like going brave or Cleanse in all other circumstances. People advocate going W at start to help with mana regen while they take DShield to help with health regen, but doing so will reduce your ganking potential (Teleport ganks are almost impossible to avoid, but being there without a slow is just stupid) and will somewhat harm your laning because instead of two damage spells and a slow you will only have one damage spell. Stronger autoattacks with W are fine, but vs most champions you will have to lane against they are hard as fuck to land and just having more regen doesn't cut it. The only time I take it early is when I go the ultra-brave Rageblade first Kassadin, but that is not probably a serious build. On the other hand, if you haven't already, give it a try, you basically take both buffs, slice through towers like butter (50 APen!!!) and pwn anyone in 1v1. In 5v5 situations it ain't that great though. | ||
Germany8679 Posts
Just because you take W doesn't mean you don't take E. W actually allows you to have your E up more reliably. And APen doesn't affect towers afaik. | ||
9871 Posts
teleport blows unless you're running a specific strat makes no sense to run teleport over cleanse or ghost or flash or even ignite which isn't good on him teleport doesn't help you kite and you have incredible map travel speed without it | ||
Russian Federation4235 Posts
2) Teleport is the best counterganking tool in the game, especially on Kassadin. 3) Teleport is generally one of the most team-friendly spells in the game. 4) Kassadin's worst problem is inability to replenish HP. Teleport lets you bluepill and immediately return during a push. Flash on Kassadin blows (if riftwalk didn't save you, flash won't either) and Cleanse is what you take as the second spell. Map travel speed on Kassadin is a myth, noone would ever blow half of his mana just to reach his lane faster and mana-safe riftwalking in the ideal scenario gives 400 extra units of distance covered every 7 seconds which equals 57 extra movespeed, less if you take reaction into account. Big deal, huh. Blitzcrank will run faster than that with regular boots, reaction not needed. | ||
Germany8679 Posts
Except for the last part of 2), which completely lacks any reasoning, you take Teleport on Kassadin for reasons that also apply for pretty much every champ. Sure, Teleport is good, but not "especially on Kassadin". If you frequently blow Teleport to return to lane then you basically lose all the utility it provides otherwise. | ||
United States2707 Posts
On January 25 2011 19:24 BluzMan wrote: 1) Teleport lets you stay in lane for infinite time without any regen. 2) Teleport is the best counterganking tool in the game, especially on Kassadin. 3) Teleport is generally one of the most team-friendly spells in the game. 4) Kassadin's worst problem is inability to replenish HP. Teleport lets you bluepill and immediately return during a push. Flash on Kassadin blows (if riftwalk didn't save you, flash won't either) and Cleanse is what you take as the second spell. Map travel speed on Kassadin is a myth, noone would ever blow half of his mana just to reach his lane faster and mana-safe riftwalking in the ideal scenario gives 400 extra units of distance covered every 7 seconds which equals 57 extra movespeed, less if you take reaction into account. Big deal, huh. Blitzcrank will run faster than that with regular boots, reaction not needed. Why not just buy a Catalyst...? | ||
Russian Federation4235 Posts
On January 25 2011 19:54 spinesheath wrote: Teleport is one of the most useful summoners, that's not debatable. However Kassadin is one of the champions who need it the least. I really don't get why you say it's good "especially on Kassadin". Except for the last part of 2), which completely lacks any reasoning, you take Teleport on Kassadin for reasons that also apply for pretty much every champ. Sure, Teleport is good, but not "especially on Kassadin". If you frequently blow Teleport to return to lane then you basically lose all the utility it provides otherwise. Imagine a (fairly typical) situation - you're standing on mid, and two people at bot are abit ahead of their creeps, ideally, initiating an attack against your two champs. Kassadin works well here because twhen they see the teleport and start running away, it's too late because you have an AoE slow and a blink. This is a rather unique combination of abilities that lets you, coupled with your teammates, score two kills pretty much reliably. Kassadin is an excellent chaser, on of the best, if not the best in the game, so quickly appearing somewhere with a teleport will net kills, you're fast enough to teleport to a ward in the jungle, score a kill, and get away free. Yes, many other champs can do the same with the aid of another summoner spell, but Kass doesn't actually have to waste a second summoner spell to do it. Teleport allows you to play very aggressively in mid starting at level 3 and, if everything goes well, you and your enemy will be quickly brought down to pretty low health, but you immediately restock and buy your first items (boots or red crystal or something else), with this, you will immediately drive off the enemy from mid and make them take a painful blue pill themselves or die. "Buying a catalyst instead" is a shitty argument because you will never be able to farm it so fast especially since Kass is not exactly the champ to get 100% CS before level 6 vs a good mid, simply because he's melee. Teleport serves as a quick restock tool at low levels (first 1-2 teleports) and a gank/countergank/towersave tool in the midgame. In late, it's value is undeniable. Yep, I frequently blow teleport to return to my lane, and I frequently use it in other ways, it's flexible, that's the point. | ||
Poland5551 Posts
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United States3104 Posts
On January 25 2011 19:24 BluzMan wrote: 1) Teleport lets you stay in lane for infinite time without any regen. 2) Teleport is the best counterganking tool in the game, especially on Kassadin. 3) Teleport is generally one of the most team-friendly spells in the game. 4) Kassadin's worst problem is inability to replenish HP. Teleport lets you bluepill and immediately return during a push. Flash on Kassadin blows (if riftwalk didn't save you, flash won't either) and Cleanse is what you take as the second spell. Map travel speed on Kassadin is a myth, noone would ever blow half of his mana just to reach his lane faster and mana-safe riftwalking in the ideal scenario gives 400 extra units of distance covered every 7 seconds which equals 57 extra movespeed, less if you take reaction into account. Big deal, huh. Blitzcrank will run faster than that with regular boots, reaction not needed. ghost maybe? | ||
United States2474 Posts
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United States1663 Posts
as for teleport specifically, you really shouldnt be taking it just so you can blue pill and have easier laning. that just seems like a crutch. with SoS+medit and mp5pl seals you really should be fine in early laning. and then in the midgame a catalyst, smart casting and blue buff should get you there. as for antiganking, as someone said before teleport is good on any champ for that. | ||
Canada690 Posts
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Canada1188 Posts
On January 26 2011 02:53 Yiruru wrote: Kass is like the only hero I go Flash Teleport on :| yiru real noob | ||
Zanzabar Haberdasher
United States510 Posts
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United States2798 Posts
On January 25 2011 21:56 Kaniol wrote: In other words - you are taking tele on kassadin just to use it in very niche and rare situation which happens once a 20-30 games? Counterganking opportunities happen every game. If you ever played Dota/Hon, you'll know that tp counterganks happen in basically every game and the best heros to do so are ones with mobility moves/blinks along with stuns/slows. Teleport on a hero like Kassadin lets you mirror that style of play. IMO teleport to return to lane isn't a major issue if you can time your bp's well. Whenever I look at top players like TreeEskimo, I'm always amazed that they can keep up in experience and gold while going back 2-3 times in lane (he basically never takes experience mastery either). | ||
9871 Posts
On January 25 2011 19:24 BluzMan wrote: 1) Teleport lets you stay in lane for infinite time without any regen. - doesn't matter, sitting in your lane for an infinite amount of time is not a valuable trait. - kassadin already crushes in lane - you are thinking like 'if I go b and teleport back I got a free b'. Well, no, they made you burn a summoner 2) Teleport is the best counterganking tool in the game, especially on Kassadin. true, it is a decent spell 3) Teleport is generally one of the most team-friendly spells in the game. heal is very team friendly, this isn't even a point 4) Kassadin's worst problem is inability to replenish HP. Teleport lets you bluepill and immediately return during a push. that isn't his worst problem, he has two legit problems: - weak early level in lane - getting caught out while kiting teleport only helps marginally with the first one (if you get forced back to fountain in the first few levels you have problems that will not have gone away whether you walk or tele back) and not at all with the second one. Flash on Kassadin blows (if riftwalk didn't save you, flash won't either) no... :< Map travel speed on Kassadin is a myth, noone would ever blow half of his mana just to reach his lane faster and mana-safe riftwalking in the ideal scenario gives 400 extra units of distance covered every 7 seconds which equals 57 extra movespeed, less if you take reaction into account. Big deal, huh. Blitzcrank will run faster than that with regular boots, reaction not needed. walls | ||
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