[Champion] Jax, the Armsmaster (long guide) - Page 8
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United States3216 Posts
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United States1865 Posts
Then goes on to go 7-2 and carry the team to victory (with help from Loci's jungle trynd). | ||
United States750 Posts
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Russian Federation4235 Posts
On May 09 2011 13:06 Atrioc wrote: Laned top as Irelia against Ditzy's Jax today, started 1-0 and ahead in cs, he still dominated me in a 1v1 once he got his lifesteal. He fought through all 4 blades of Irelia's ulti, exhaust, and my sheen-aided burst to kill me from full HP with no minion advantage. Then goes on to go 7-2 and carry the team to victory (with help from Loci's jungle trynd). I was under the impression winning vs Irelia as Jax is plain impossible since she can itemize pure MR and still be relevant. Whoa Wit's End and you're plain useless. | ||
TL Blazeraid
566 Posts
Laneing vs irelia top is 100% in her favor especially post-6 | ||
United States17988 Posts
On May 10 2011 06:27 TL Blazeraid wrote: Ditzy method completely failed me. Laneing vs irelia top is 100% in her favor especially post-6 I would think that Jax would fail hard against any champ with a built in heal mechanism. That said, leapstrike with AD/AP runes is incredibly abusive against champs that can't heal. You can take over a lane and crowd out your opponent real fast. | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
Irelia is a burst based champ if you built her with sheen-->trinity but with W max and wits end she would probably own jax pretty hard because 75+42 =117 bonus damage per hit is going to kick in faster than his ultimate. | ||
TL Blazeraid
566 Posts
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United States17988 Posts
On May 10 2011 08:07 TL Blazeraid wrote: Jax's mana pool counters his laneing vs any beefy/healy champ. I'm trying to work out how2jax vs people like rumble and irelia and cait and stuff. Doran's ring opening. The mana regen will give you extra leapstrikes/empowers and the extra HP will help offset the lack of hpots/healing. I think you have to go "all in" with the rune set up though if you're going to go this route: full AD red, AP quint, and AP blue. Even then, there are some champs that will still probably beat you. | ||
TL Blazeraid
566 Posts
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United States17988 Posts
On May 10 2011 08:35 TL Blazeraid wrote: Opening ring is going to get you raped by any kind of poke, even cloth 5pot isn't regening enough to win lane. Well, the point is that you'll poke harder with leapstrike + empower (with all of the runes) than anyone else. | ||
United States17988 Posts
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United States3125 Posts
His runes? Exactly the same as Ditzy's (flat AD reds/quints, dodge yellows, AP/level blues). It appears that he plays purely lane Jax, with a similar gunblade/tabi first build, and dblades as necessary. Going all-in in lane from level 1 seems to be the answer. If you can reliably force your opponent to back, you can back as well and keep from running out of mana. Ignite is probably worth using even to just make the other guy bluepill, and whining to your jungler for ganks probably helps as well. The new patch notes are up, and they are allowing Jax to cast spells during leapstrike again ![]() | ||
Russian Federation4235 Posts
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United States17988 Posts
I think the same basic rule applies to most champs versus Jax. Playing super-aggressively Jax is going to be at his strongest in the levels 2-5 range relative to other champs. You gotta abuse this window and open up an advantage. With AD runes, a d-ring, and an offensive mastery setup, leapstrike hits for ~170 magic damage at level 1 (I don't have the numbers in front of me). With empower at level 2, your leapstrike suddenly is hitting for ~245. At level 3, it hits for ~270. How many champs can eat that kind of damage at levels 2-3? Most importantly, leapstrike is not a skillshot. You just point and click, so you're guaranteed to hit. Add exhaust and/or ignite (I've started using both just to whore my early game advantage), and you are a gigantic douchebag to lane against. | ||
TL Blazeraid
566 Posts
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Zanzabar Haberdasher
United States510 Posts
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United States17988 Posts
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TL Blazeraid
566 Posts
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Russian Federation4235 Posts
Btw, the guide in the OP suggests using E to get out after WQ - NEVER do this. Only use E if you're 100% sure you will: a) avoid a lot of damage (unlikely) b) do a lot of damage (also unlikely to impossible before you get ult) c) kill them Using it to avoid 80 damage from them autoing you in return is very bad because this is the only real way to drain yourself out of mana. And when you're oom many people whom you "raep" suddenly become very very dangerous. Also, does anyone have any experience playing vs roaming/jungling eve? In my experience laning with Jax kinda relies on you getting in their faces and autoing as much as possible (very few people can win a straight up fight vs you at lvl 6), and that is precisely what you never want to do vs eve. I think I've lost all games where there was eve on the enemy team, pink wards or not. They don't reveal enough for you to safely win the lane and if you don't win the lane by doing damage, you typically can't even farm. | ||
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