Flat AD reds at level 2 give like 1 less damage from WQ than MPen reds and your autos are stronger that way, so definitely the way to go. Flat AD also scales better than flat MPen. AP quints are just ridiculously efficient (15 AP wtf, more than any other flat AP runes and typically quints are less efficient than "profile" runes like 15 AS on reds to 10 AS on quints etc), so no reason to not get them. This setup also gives you slightly less than 60 HP, so it's very nice.
[Champion] Jax, the Armsmaster (long guide) - Page 10
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Russian Federation4235 Posts
Flat AD reds at level 2 give like 1 less damage from WQ than MPen reds and your autos are stronger that way, so definitely the way to go. Flat AD also scales better than flat MPen. AP quints are just ridiculously efficient (15 AP wtf, more than any other flat AP runes and typically quints are less efficient than "profile" runes like 15 AS on reds to 10 AS on quints etc), so no reason to not get them. This setup also gives you slightly less than 60 HP, so it's very nice. | ||
United States3125 Posts
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United States12679 Posts
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United States17988 Posts
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United States176 Posts
Considering GRB as a luxury item over core seems to be working better for me. It seems to only be super effective when you have level 3 ult already anyway, and only gives like what ~30% attackspeed at max stacks? *EDIT* Most of my games are over by the time I even get Gunblade/Triforce/Needed Resists never getting to the GRB. Jax is 2 gud 2 fun. inb4 fotm and nerf/rework. | ||
United States148 Posts
Edit: I was trying to be a bit more uncertain about what I wanted and it came out wrong. I didn't mean to say that I'd go 9 points into Util for 1pt in mana regen. I was trying to say that I didn't know how 15+ Utility or 15+ Defense worked out on him. | ||
United States12679 Posts
On May 14 2011 15:37 Dezzimal wrote: What sort of masteries work best on Jax? I can see how 21Off would make his leaps sting, but beyond that I have no idea how each tree plays out on him. I know I'd want the mana regen from Utility if I was spamming counterattack, or SoS/Defense if i was eating damage or getting in someone's face. I go 9 utility if I'm jungling, 9 defense for laning. For jungling the exp masteries are a must. For laning I feel that only 1 point in the mp/5 mastery doesnt' do anything for you. SoS helps you stay in lane and will aid you in wearing down your opponent better imo. I've found that Jax is still somewhat hard countered by certain champs in lane though. Vlad and Nid can heal through the brunt of your harass, especially if they open with pots. Champs that outrange your leap strike (like Karthus) can punish you for trying to jump them and kite you pretty well if they open with boots. Against most solo laners though, Jax does decently well. | ||
Russian Federation4235 Posts
On May 14 2011 15:43 Ryuu314 wrote: I go 9 utility if I'm jungling, 9 defense for laning. For jungling the exp masteries are a must. For laning I feel that only 1 point in the mp/5 mastery doesnt' do anything for you. SoS helps you stay in lane and will aid you in wearing down your opponent better imo. I've found that Jax is still somewhat hard countered by certain champs in lane though. Vlad and Nid can heal through the brunt of your harass, especially if they open with pots. Champs that outrange your leap strike (like Karthus) can punish you for trying to jump them and kite you pretty well if they open with boots. Against most solo laners though, Jax does decently well. Vlad and nid are both ezpz. Just go and kill them instead of harassing. Vlad is annoying in a sense that he will dodge the leap (but not the proc if you do everything right) with his pool, but that is 20% of his current HP so I guess it's okay. The moment he ults you you pop your own ult and mash him to death with autoattacks. Ryze is impossible, on the other hand. Karthus should be very easy as well as long as YOU open with boots. Then you return to lane with a Negatron and voila. Really, you should be getting a MR item first vs any kind of caster and you will dominate them without hurting your lategame too much. Notable exceptions are Ryze and maybe Brand because both have a very quick on-demand stun and high-ranged harass that deals a lot of damage without costing mana (srsly wtf). | ||
United States176 Posts
On May 14 2011 15:37 Dezzimal wrote: What sort of masteries work best on Jax? I can see how 21Off would make his leaps sting, but beyond that I have no idea how each tree plays out on him. I know I'd want the mana regen from Utility if I was spamming counterattack, or SoS/Defense if i was eating damage or getting in someone's face. Edit: I was trying to be a bit more uncertain about what I wanted and it came out wrong. I didn't mean to say that I'd go 9 points into Util for 1pt in mana regen. I was trying to say that I didn't know how 15+ Utility or 15+ Defense worked out on him. I think 21/0/9 for jungling, since you need all the damage you can get out of ganks and exp. 21/9/0 for solo lane, since you need all the dmg to dominate. and 8/21/1 or 9/21/0 for side laning since you need a little more defense when jumping in, and ardor gives attackspeed too which is nice not a total waste. | ||
United States12679 Posts
On May 14 2011 18:21 BluzMan wrote: Vlad and nid are both ezpz. Just go and kill them instead of harassing. Vlad is annoying in a sense that he will dodge the leap (but not the proc if you do everything right) with his pool, but that is 20% of his current HP so I guess it's okay. The moment he ults you you pop your own ult and mash him to death with autoattacks. Ryze is impossible, on the other hand. Karthus should be very easy as well as long as YOU open with boots. Then you return to lane with a Negatron and voila. Really, you should be getting a MR item first vs any kind of caster and you will dominate them without hurting your lategame too much. Notable exceptions are Ryze and maybe Brand because both have a very quick on-demand stun and high-ranged harass that deals a lot of damage without costing mana (srsly wtf). On May 15 2011 00:09 HAL9OOO wrote: Yea, I figure karthus shouldn't be much of a problem, but it's painful when you open with dblade 'cause you're solo top and you expected karthus to solo mid. I think 21/0/9 for jungling, since you need all the damage you can get out of ganks and exp. 21/9/0 for solo lane, since you need all the dmg to dominate. and 8/21/1 or 9/21/0 for side laning since you need a little more defense when jumping in, and ardor gives attackspeed too which is nice not a total waste. I personally wouldn't sidelane at all with Jax. It's just too painful jumping into 2 champs :[ | ||
United States2707 Posts
I just don't like jungling with him because you have to level E and W...when you want to be maxing Q as soon as you can. | ||
United States17988 Posts
Also, I really don't see the point of bothering with banshee's veil on Jax anymore. Just get a QSS instead. The extra HP on the BV is meaningless compared to the get out of jail free card that is the QSS active. Plus, it's like 40% of the cost of the BV. | ||
United States176 Posts
On May 15 2011 04:00 dnastyx wrote: If you don't have optimal runes, 1/16/13 will prevent you from getting shat on by jungle creeps. I just don't like jungling with him because you have to level E and W...when you want to be maxing Q as soon as you can. I think it was mentioned earlier in this thread but I think I am following ditzy's jungle pattern. I start with one level in e, get 1 level in w afterwards and get q at level 3, prioritizing that. I start at blue and work my way down to red, sometimes golems but I usually have to go back after red. You want to get your dodge boots first. I actually like his jungling a lot because his ganks are pretty good, most people don't know how to deal with jax and just giving an empowered leapstrike and ignite is usually enough to kill someone. I gank a lot at level 3 as well, right after wraiths when most mids aren't expecting to get ganked then. I get the vampiric scepter afterwards working towards a cutlass, then a revolver then gunblade. After this it depends on how I'm doing ingame, but I usually build resist, triforce or rageblade (only if they dumb and let me sit there autoattacking them forever). | ||
Chile4253 Posts
- Dblade - Another Dblade and Ninja Tabi - Rageblade - Gunblade x3 Is it just me who thinks this build is pretty bad? Delaying your Cutlass with a second Doran's item and also with a Rageblade seems pretty bad, and after finishing the first Gunblade, I'd get a Phage and maybe upgrade it into Triforce. Rageblade has one significant upside- Jax's ult stacks last only 2.5 seconds whereas Rageblade stacks last more and can be refreshed with Empower, so if you keep them up they can help you replenish your ult stacks a bit faster. Still, GRB feels pretty awful compared to Cutlass -> HG, and getting a second or third HG sounds like a bad idea when you could instead get a Triforce. In the build's defense, he had ludicrous amounts of lifesteal and spell vamp and since the enemy team didn't focus him or CC, he healed back up VERY quickly. Still, counting on not getting CC'ed / focused on as Jax doesn't strike me as a very wise strategy. | ||
United States1817 Posts
I also agree that GRB isn't a very good item on him. Hextech gunblade(and both its elements) give a lot more staying power in lane. The attack speed on GRB also isn't that useful because it needs to be charged up just like his ult. The only thing I do that is probably slightly unique is I get sheen before cutlass since it fits with his jump then run away laning phase. | ||
United States693 Posts
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United States1817 Posts
masteries: 9/21/0 taking att. speed, magic pen, and the speed dodge proc thing in the defensive tree. runes: idk i never spend money on runes, just champs. Flat AD and AP probably best but i don't have those. Items: -Open a dorans item if you think you will have a hard lane, if not get the health regen thing that builds into a philo stone. - 1-2 philo stones depending on how much you are getting denied. - Tabi or Merc treads. - 2 Hextech revolvers - Giants belt - Malady - rylais crystal sceptre Eventually turn those revolvers into gunblades and if the game is really long then get a triforce and replace malady with void staff. this is basically the stack op items build. Revolvers are almost as OP on jax as they are on vlad because jax has 3 single target nukes and 1 small aoe stun that all give him spell vamp. I personally find this much more durable than building cutlass first. The malady allows you to regen to full very quickly on a single creep wave and get faster ult procs. Keep in mind that jax's w, q, e, and ult damage procs ALL trigger both rylais and the spell vamp. Give it a shot, feedback welcome. | ||
Russian Federation4235 Posts
On May 17 2011 13:46 petered wrote: OP build for Jax: masteries: 9/21/0 taking att. speed, magic pen, and the speed dodge proc thing in the defensive tree. runes: idk i never spend money on runes, just champs. Flat AD and AP probably best but i don't have those. Items: -Open a dorans item if you think you will have a hard lane, if not get the health regen thing that builds into a philo stone. - 1-2 philo stones depending on how much you are getting denied. - Tabi or Merc treads. - 2 Hextech revolvers - Giants belt - Malady - rylais crystal sceptre Eventually turn those revolvers into gunblades and if the game is really long then get a triforce and replace malady with void staff. this is basically the stack op items build. Revolvers are almost as OP on jax as they are on vlad because jax has 3 single target nukes and 1 small aoe stun that all give him spell vamp. I personally find this much more durable than building cutlass first. The malady allows you to regen to full very quickly on a single creep wave and get faster ult procs. Keep in mind that jax's w, q, e, and ult damage procs ALL trigger both rylais and the spell vamp. Give it a shot, feedback welcome. You will die in 2 seconds without doing any damage at all stages of the game, in all other aspects, the build is very good. | ||
United States17988 Posts
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TL Blazeraid
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