[Patch 10.22] K/DA + Seraphine Release Discussion - Page 3
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Poland9108 Posts
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Germany4194 Posts
Imo his complaint about games being so lopsided is because of what I said previously, the snowball meta makes for very stompy games where players feel they have little control over what is happening elsewhere on the map. The winrate standard deviation is probably much bigger this season than ever before, i.e. even if you're at your true MMR, you will have very good and very bad weeks, 50% winrate is actually pretty unlikely. That means your assessment of a player will change wildly from game to game. Here's a different way to look at Chipmonklord's numbers: Instead of looking at op.gg rank as a player carry rating, look at it as a measurement of how much of a stomp of the game was. If he only wins 48% of his games, and losses often end up in stomps, then it would make sense for him to have the op.gg 10th ranked person on his team 53% of the time. The op.gg numbers don't really say anything about how well he carried, only that he doesn't feed horribly since he rarely gets 10th rank. I'm interested in what his winrate is when he's bottom 5 himself, and also what his winrate when he's bottom 5 but someone else on his team is top 1 or 2. | ||
United States11944 Posts
I also lost all 55 games that I was in top 5 and my entire team was bottom 5. Again I think I should stress that: a) op.gg isn't the end all be all, but it is the only "real" source of stats to analyze. Its useless to go to say leagueofgraphs and see that my Lilla jungle stats were comparative to the average diamond player at the time because of course they would be. I was a low-mid gold player playing in low Silver, I was always going to hard gap (higher dps than average silver lilla, higher wards, higher farm, etc) someone who actually should be in low silver, making the stat comparison worthless, because I'm not comparing to a peer. b) I've since gotten up 3 ranks because it literally was just getting trolled continuously for weeks on end, and you can only be kept lower than your "actual skill level" for so long before you muscle your way through. I haven't done a full season analysis and don't intend to, I ran out of my free excel trial and am too lazy to buy it lmao | ||
Germany4194 Posts
I also lost all 55 games that I was in top 5 and my entire team was bottom 5. That's not really surprising, 4 people with low op.gg scores suggests the game was a stomp, if you had carried the team to a win it would be drastically unlikely they all place bottom 5 to begin with, since to win you need to take objectives and kills, and that would raise their score via gold and KDA. | ||
United States11944 Posts
But again, I also ended up going up 3ish ranks from that time so it really was just getting trolled a lot through MMR wonkyness at the beginning of the season that percolated through half the season | ||
Denmark2771 Posts
mvp win -6,3,5,2 - stomp (3rd place mid giga smurfing, but low cs and few wards) - enemy mvp 4th should have been 1st literal 1v9 performance 3rd win -4,7,mvp,5 - close game - their mvp did nearly nothing, their mid playing out of her mind 9th low cs, 6th their jungler also unfair 2nd win -3,4,mvp,6 - they had ragequit... 10th loss -6,8,9,7 - mega stomp 6th win -2,3,8,mvp - our mvp support omega super giga gigantic overlord carried, none of us except jungler (2nd) should have been in top 5. 3rd win -6,4,5,mvp - our mid and senna adc popped off, their mid 8th and jungler ace/2 played out of their mind, bot+top diff 8th win -mvp,2,4,6 - mvp and 4th(!) were boosters("new" roles and swapped flash keys), should have been mvp+2nd. 4th completely undeserved, xerath with 3rd lowest damage all he did was wave clear. 5th win -mvp,4,2,3 - mvp and 2nd were boosters from above game. Everyone else could have had different placements. Underserved 10th and 8th for enemy - laned vs boosters. 6th win -9,3,2,mvp - Enemy 8th definitely should have been in top 5. 3rd win -4,mvp,5,2 - failed invade -> desperate cheese gank -> stomp 2nd win -mvp,8,3,4 - MvP made no sense, adc wish lowest damage on team Ashe with 3/11/22 all assists basically random volley hits. 8th should have been 2nd, rough early game adapted to hard carry with one-way ticket insanely well played engages.... 10th loss -6,9,5,3 - 6th should have been 3rd, 5 and 3 should have been swapped. Close game. mvp win -4,2,5,3 - Malphite vs full ad...... long game, slowly grinded them out. 8 win -2,mvp,4,3 - mvp and 4th carried. Enemy ace (adc) made no sense, did literally nothing except farming. 3rd win -mvp,2,5,7 - enemy 6th should have been top 5. 3rd win -2,mvp,5,7 - 5th and 7th should have been 8 and 9. Close game. All I did was stonewall on Ornn until level 15->group and win with ornaments on mid+adc. Boring as fuck game. 8th win -2,7,4,mvp - Swapped to mid. My standard ezmode free LP perma roam style to make botlane snowball and saccing own lane. mvp played very well. ace loss -9,8,10,5 - my faul, did nothing to spread my lead. Thought it was a win lane win game, horrible idea in modern league. 10 loss -6,ace,8,9 - swapped to adc. My support admitted to being high and drunk....... mvp mid 1v9. I could do literally nothing thanks to support, she should have been 10th IMO. I got back into the game in the last part of the game, did alright compared to what I got to work with IMO. 7th loss -10,9,ace,6 - Shouldn't have swapped with our top (10th). Neither should our 6th - gave up jungle (which went 9th) to play adc. *** I ALWAYS dodge lobbies with the slightest hint of toxicity in champ select. ................................... What I could conclude. Dodging lobbies is OP. You dont need to "carry". Be a role player and dodge to climb. Often spam ping the hell out of free objectivesIn close games it's kind of natural losing team get bottom placings since they slowly start losing here and there which adds up. Very often the "ace" did nothing to spread their lead. | ||
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