yeah i agree with the quality of ranked being really shit. ive played just 200 games this season and the entire season has been win streak -> loss streak -> win streak -> loss streak on repeat. somethings fucked up with mm because every game one team has 1 or 2 retards who are just simply too shit to play with the remaining 8 or 9. been a really toxic and stressful season especially for a casual like me
I think a large part of the rise of toxicity over the last few seasons is 99% due to the toxic ragelord manchild streamers pulling big numbers. Back when the biggest streamers were people like Voy and Scarra there was next to nothing.
Annie feels absolutely bonkers now and I have no idea if Seraphine is trash or super strong. Played her twice in mid in our 5 stack, did pretty good but it felt like I was riding on my team. A farmed support that could wave clear and if the stars align had pretty strong AoE burst. Her ultimate is super sexy. Found her surprisingly fun to play.
EDIT: Is it sus if you have a Nidalee that goes 14/0 with ~90% win rate on junglers and on his op.gg he "was" a Nautilus OTP with flash on other key that appearently out of the blue decided to play Nidalee and Kha'zix only?
........Boosters are out to play, I love end of season. At least I had him on my team twice but still zzzzzzz
wow I thought that its just me feeling like the rank has never been so shitty since I started at the end of season 3. I was always getting to platinum easy and when I was in a mood to grind I was getting diamond. This season for the 1st time I wont get to plat. Like I even had a losing streaks of 40 games out of 50 in gold where I had S in half of these loses. I was just unable to do anything to impact the games and I had no idea what I was doing wrong. I mean for the last 3 seasons I am playing a lot less and without trying to grind, but as I said platinum was never a challenge until this season where my skill drastically dropped over night or something. Everything is so chaotic, I just cant impact my games and it feels shitty :-)
Seraphine has a sub 50% winrate on SR, but over 67% on ARAM. Haven't seen too much of her yet, but based on my games and those numbers, it suggests she's a super good team fighter but nobody knows how to play her in the laning phase yet (support or mid?).
The sheer randomness in soloQ these days is really off putting, majority of games are a stomp in either direction. And many people don't understand that when you're slightly behind in S10, you're 2 team fights away from losing the game: pre-15 minute fight where the enemy team gets Herald, dragon and 2+ towers, and a post 20 minute fight where your opponent either gets baron and 3+ towers, or straight up pushes the Herald all the way to your nexus. Ofc, in soloQ people don't do these things properly, but you're still looking at 3 lost team fights to end the game.
With plat MMR I climbed piss easy to gold playing Malphite top only, not touching ranked until next season tho. Ban Vladimir and buy 3x Doran's Ring for Q spam on cooldown. People counterpicking Vayne or Fiora against Malphite = free LP. Think I'll see how high I can take 100% Malphite next season.
On November 03 2020 17:57 DarkCore wrote: Seraphine has a sub 50% winrate on SR, but over 67% on ARAM. Haven't seen too much of her yet, but based on my games and those numbers, it suggests she's a super good team fighter but nobody knows how to play her in the laning phase yet (support or mid?).
The sheer randomness in soloQ these days is really off putting, majority of games are a stomp in either direction. And many people don't understand that when you're slightly behind in S10, you're 2 team fights away from losing the game: pre-15 minute fight where the enemy team gets Herald, dragon and 2+ towers, and a post 20 minute fight where your opponent either gets baron and 3+ towers, or straight up pushes the Herald all the way to your nexus. Ofc, in soloQ people don't do these things properly, but you're still looking at 3 lost team fights to end the game. Played a fair bunch of Seraphine in our 5 man flex. She's decent with Ashe in bot, but feel pretty underwhelming with everyone else. In midlane she felt best played as a wonky support/utility-carry for your jungler. They need to do something about her Q and/or W, right now every point after the first completely wasted. Her ultimate is legit bonkers, it has such an insane range, if you can bruteforce the game into back to back teamfights she's amazing.
Glacial items are massive powerspikes for her in mid and a full AP/damage build feels so bad it's downright trolling.
wow i decided ill play a series of games to just get plat before the end of the season. 5 games, 5 games with 1 laner going 10+ deaths, two 15min ff with 10min rqers, 5 losses. nope. fuck this mm system
im not even exaggerating when i say faker himself wouldnt be able to carry the shit i see. i go 3-0-0 in 13mins as mid akali and i have to watch my 1-7 top lucian just run down my lane because "jg diff".
played 1 more game and my opposing mid dies a few times and decides to play hide and seek the rest of the game. what a quality experience this season has been.
I legit couldn't take it anymore. 1 guy shitting the bed completely, whatever. 2 of 3 or even 4 guys completely shitting the bed game after game after game just made me boil. I'm too competitive for it to be healthy. I know I should blame myself for not being able to carry 1v9, but I legit had (I think in the same night even) a few toplaners being 100 cs down around 15 minutes. That's just a setup for something unwinnable. And when you try not to waste time by forfeiting, you always get the players that believe they can still bring it back, which leads to just inevitable timewaste.
LoL ranked S10 has truly been a prison, or, more apt perhaps, a hostage situation.
Just play champs with strong ganks and gank your bleeding lanes every single time your ult is off cooldown. Losing plates or even tower is insignificant compared to having a team member put insurmountable far behind.
I had high highs and low lows this ranked season (what's the point of ranked splits btw?). Sadly most of the highs were in the first half. Climbed like 4 divisions rapidly due to abusing Diana and Ekko mid when they were good, and then the system started matching me with people much better than me. I fell down like 5-6 divisions next and was still losing way more games than I was winning with exactly the same playstyle. I think the fun I had stomping games wasn't worth the suffering I got later because not only I kept losing games, my teammates also kept flaming me. Trying different things, champions and roles didn't help. I was still losing more than winning. This probably broke my mental because next I stopped trying to main anything and just played champions I (kind of) know how to play until I got a hextech chest on them. That's how I spent most of the season. Then I realized it's october and I'm still not back in plat, so I jumped onto the enchanter support freelo train and got my plat IV 0 lp achievement.
So yeah, I'd agree that the quality of ranked this year was really shitty, but I'm still not sure how much of the blame for my bad experience I can put on Riot instead of myself.
i blame riot 100%. i play < 300 games a season but ive always been able to get plat and stay there if i grinded for it. this season i get trolled into loss streaks that pull me from gold 1 back down to gold 3 and i have to actually grind to even get gold 1 again. my guess is the introduction of iron and loss of 5th division did something to mm because something is definitely wrong with team balancing.
On November 07 2020 13:23 evilfatsh1t wrote: i blame riot 100%. i play < 300 games a season but ive always been able to get plat and stay there if i grinded for it. this season i get trolled into loss streaks that pull me from gold 1 back down to gold 3 and i have to actually grind to even get gold 1 again. my guess is the introduction of iron and loss of 5th division did something to mm because something is definitely wrong with team balancing.
100% this. There's no way that everyone here who has shared a similar experience has just randomly declined in skill in the exact same season
On November 07 2020 23:16 chipmonklord17 wrote:Show nested quote +On November 07 2020 13:23 evilfatsh1t wrote: i blame riot 100%. i play < 300 games a season but ive always been able to get plat and stay there if i grinded for it. this season i get trolled into loss streaks that pull me from gold 1 back down to gold 3 and i have to actually grind to even get gold 1 again. my guess is the introduction of iron and loss of 5th division did something to mm because something is definitely wrong with team balancing. 100% this. There's no way that everyone here who has shared a similar experience has just randomly declined in skill in the exact same season We be getting old, grey haired and slow. 
I dont think division changes has anything to do with it, MMR should function completely independant of it. Rather I think it's general toxicity being higher and a ton of newly added mechanics to the game add negative experiences; getting double scuttled is basically equal to getting a buff stolen, if not worse, and relies almost entirely on your laners, new dragons add a stressful clock rather than "just" gold, elder can unfairly lose you a game, shelly is way too impactful - you can literally lose lane just because the jungler drops it and does nothing else to you.
There's a ton of mechanics that heavily punish you for something completely outside your control. A negative enviroment could easily lead to players being more prone to tilting and toxic behavior.
Players are way way way way way less toxic in high Elo tryhard ARAM.
Idk, I have good and bad ARAM days. Sometimes everyone is nice and accept losses gracefully, other times the D1 dude flames and trolls because everyone else is a peasant gold player (ironic, some of those gold players have Diamond level mechanics and exclusively play ARAM). A lot of it has to do with how many games of Sona/Akali/Yuumi/Veigar people have had to suffer through.
On SR, imo the game has become far more team oriented, which is great for pro play but sucks for soloQ. You can't dictate a game alone, your team has to participate. Which means a troll or brain dead zombie can completely deny you from carrying the game, your good plays look like int.
On November 07 2020 23:16 chipmonklord17 wrote:Show nested quote +On November 07 2020 13:23 evilfatsh1t wrote: i blame riot 100%. i play < 300 games a season but ive always been able to get plat and stay there if i grinded for it. this season i get trolled into loss streaks that pull me from gold 1 back down to gold 3 and i have to actually grind to even get gold 1 again. my guess is the introduction of iron and loss of 5th division did something to mm because something is definitely wrong with team balancing. 100% this. There's no way that everyone here who has shared a similar experience has just randomly declined in skill in the exact same season Considering that the distribution of players seems to be the same as last season, it can very much be the case. People get better and worse, plus the game changes. Skills you had previously might not be suited to the current iteration of the game. The only real change I see in matchmaking this year is that they added smurf duoq, so it tries to remove smurfs from regular play even more than before. (which should in theory be good for regular players)
Was thinking of trying to grind masters, but I'd probably need 50-100 games for that in the last 2 weeks, which wasn't doable with my schedule. D2 finish is decent though.
On November 09 2020 00:29 Fildun wrote:Show nested quote +On November 07 2020 23:16 chipmonklord17 wrote:On November 07 2020 13:23 evilfatsh1t wrote: i blame riot 100%. i play < 300 games a season but ive always been able to get plat and stay there if i grinded for it. this season i get trolled into loss streaks that pull me from gold 1 back down to gold 3 and i have to actually grind to even get gold 1 again. my guess is the introduction of iron and loss of 5th division did something to mm because something is definitely wrong with team balancing. 100% this. There's no way that everyone here who has shared a similar experience has just randomly declined in skill in the exact same season Considering that the distribution of players seems to be the same as last season, it can very much be the case. People get better and worse, plus the game changes. Skills you had previously might not be suited to the current iteration of the game. The only real change I see in matchmaking this year is that they added smurf duoq, so it tries to remove smurfs from regular play even more than before. (which should in theory be good for regular players) Was thinking of trying to grind masters, but I'd probably need 50-100 games for that in the last 2 weeks, which wasn't doable with my schedule. D2 finish is decent though.
I disagree. Sure, for example, if we're talking about the Ardent meta and you were a Lulu one trick beforehand and now you're playing against those grifters who are playing soraka like she's brand, or trying to play Trundle with Ardent because they watched X pro do it sure you might increase a little bit in rank because you have a skill that's suited to the current game. But that would be like suggesting that a gold 3 player would be plat 3 in the ardent meta because their skill lines up.
I actually did some analysis on my first 332 games this season a few months ago. I found out I had a 48% (160 games) win rate, where 53% (175 games) of the time I had the 10th place player on my team, 72% (238 games) of the time I was in the top 5 of op.gg and at least one of my teammates is in bottom 5, and 17% (55 games) of my games I was in top 5 playing with my whole team in the bottom 5, while my average score was 7.3/10. I'm not really sure of what to make of this. It FEELS like a match making issue, but obviously I'm bias toward myself as any human is
Isn't a 53% chance of a 10th place person on your team reasonable, even 300 games won't get you a perfect 50% likelihood, especially if you yourself rarely get 10th place.
Don't take op.gg stats too seriously, it doesn't consider things like getting camped, sacrificing farm for the team etc. I've also seen people get 1st place who absolutely did not deserve it, i.e. playing very selfishly.
That's still a higher % of games I have 10th place on my team than loss %, albeit not by much. IE I'm more likely to get the worst person on the rift on my team than I am likely to lose the game. Compared to the literally 2/332 games that I myself was 10th place. It was more of the combination of everything, having 17% of your games be statistically unwinnable (because good luck winning a game if all 4 players on the team are 6th and below) is absurd in my opinion. I agree that op.gg isn't the end all be all, but its certainly one of the best sources to gather data from.
Maybe its more of a complaint to how Riot pairs teams together than anything else. Like sure those stats are CLOSE to a 50/50 win rate, but to do that by making almost 1/5 of the games unwinnable is just a terrible experience. Basically the wins are struggles, given 70% of the time we're carrying at least one person's worth of dead weight, and about 20% of the losses are impossibly difficult. And if I'm not playing at 110% the game is over, whereas I'm still losing games I'm going beast mode in because all 4 of my teammates are straight toxic trash.
I should stress I haven't done this kind of analysis for other seasons, so its possible that other seasons play similar to this one mathematically. But the only reason I put this all together was it felt like I was getting trolled almost all of my matches this season
You seem to be approaching this like op.gg scores lead to good/bad gameplay, but obviously the reverse is true. Maybe your playstyle and the op.gg scoring mechanism interact in such a way that your team just gets a bit worse score on average. The focus on op.gg score you seem to have seems a bit weird in general to me to be honest. The only thing that actually measures how good you are as a player is the rate at which the enemy nexus explodes compared to the rate at which your own nexus explodes. Sure, if I was trying to play for op.gg score I could probably get top 5 in 75% of games as well, but that's not what makes you gain ladder points.
When I look at my own play (I play toplane), the way I approach the game is that I try to make sure that the enemy toplaner doesn't accelerate and that on relatively low gold compared to the rest of the players in the game, I will be more useful that him. In the games that this works I still won't have a great op.gg score since I will have relatively low kill participation nor great cs numbers. In the games where it doesn't work I'm useless and I'll have even an worse score. I still have 60% winrate over 300 games doing this.
Edit: Also with regard to your Ardent example, gold 3 players were actually diamond just playing ardent that season, FYI.
The op.gg score hardly gives a insightful score at all, it doesn't take anything about how the game was actually played into account. Supports can giga smurf and still end up 10th because their carries do fuck all with the huge lead you gave them. Toplaners playing weakside are (unless their opponent suck complete ass) going to be in sub 5.
Congrats ACE Tryndamere, you had 10cs/m and a couple of kills but your perma split lead to nothing since you got stonewalled by the 10th placed tank that played a large part in his team winning the teamfights.
you all bash op.gg pointing out different possible scenarios, however, it is very close to the in game S, A,B etc. assessment system where getting S or C might not exactly show what happened in the game, but if you look at the scores in a larger scale throughout plenty of games, you'll notice that you win 70-80% of your S games and lose 90%+ of your C games. So, in my opinion if you make a score analysis over 300+ games, the results will show at least 70-80% of the truth