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Patch 10.10: Live on May. 13. 2020
Team Fight Tactics Patch 10.10 Live on May. 13, 2020
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Can someone explain to me what the point is in nerfing Diana AD from 57.04 to 57? Why is base AD even calculated to two decimal places? Does level stat growth mean this actually becomes significant? I would have thought that stats should be rounded to integers for clarity, or one decimal for things like health regen. Same with 2 less mana for Mao. I can kind of see it working with the 10 extra mana cost for Q, but this is such a little change.
Nidalee spear damage...
Lmao, why touch Udyr when you obviously don't care about him.
Cant answer your questions. I guess regarding udyr they thought we can do something for him, without actually doing something so why not. Otherwise, Annie and Soraka changes are probably the only ones that mean something
I like current Annie, she's simple but effective. The W buff lets her trade well, but she still suffers from lack of sustain and can be poked down. Lots of people underestimate her burst, compared to Liss she hits like a truck. LS probably happy his favorite noob champ is getting buffed.
That sivir buff is going to push sivir to op levels. You don't even go E max 2nd with how big this buff is from 80 to 110. We going to see her get nerfed soon.
On May 13 2020 19:33 DarkCore wrote: I like current Annie, she's simple but effective. The W buff lets her trade well, but she still suffers from lack of sustain and can be poked down. Lots of people underestimate her burst, compared to Liss she hits like a truck. LS probably happy his favorite noob champ is getting buffed. How does a slight damage reduction buff and a slight buff to tibbers really make a difference though? It is also not like she is terribly great with the items that are good right now. I just don’t see this being different from Udyr changes.
She was already in a decent spot before. She has hard counters in lane, who can outrange and outpoke her, but I think she can be picked into melee matchups because of her harass and engage potential. She's viable, just not meta.
People play stuff like protobelt on her, makes her ult engage range pretty massive, and she has enough burst to back it up. But she can also be built like a normal mage, I don't see how she uses AP items worse than the likes of Syndra.
New York City13113 Posts
Thread just pointed out her clear speed, and quite a few top comments point out other champs are faster. But it is funny to see a thread even reach so many comments, there's not much to discuss because she's simply not a good jungler. Not very mobile (no lane creeps to let you jump, no terrain hop), no built in sustain, needs a lot of gold for her major items, and she loses her main strength, namely being a big lane bully.
Nidalee jungle seems really snowbally. She was like that before, but I've had multiple games where she nukes you with a Q and then follows for the execute. The extra damage lets you get more kills, so more gold, so more damage, until she doesn't even need to get empowered abilities to kill squishes, melee form is enough.
On May 13 2020 23:01 LightningStrike wrote: That sivir buff is going to push sivir to op levels. You don't even go E max 2nd with how big this buff is from 80 to 110. We going to see her get nerfed soon. You need to proc it on cooldown, which you wont, for it to be better than just one or two Faery Charms. Once you have ER the mana buff does nothing. That being said Faery Charm is IMO the most underrated early game item in the game, if you have the spot and 125 it essentially just cost 33 and the extra mana actually feels so noticable.
I think Sivir's biggest issue at the moment (in pro) is the "run at you" comps are not really that viable at the moment.
On May 16 2020 04:02 Jek wrote:Show nested quote +On May 13 2020 23:01 LightningStrike wrote: That sivir buff is going to push sivir to op levels. You don't even go E max 2nd with how big this buff is from 80 to 110. We going to see her get nerfed soon. You need to proc it on cooldown, which you wont, for it to be better than just one or two Faery Charms. Once you have ER the mana buff does nothing. That being said Faery Charm is IMO the most underrated early game item in the game, if you have the spot and 125 it essentially just cost 33 and the extra mana actually feels so noticable. I think Sivir's biggest issue at the moment (in pro) is the "run at you" comps are not really that viable at the moment.
I think kite has generally been trending too strong for a while. Also I don't think a buff on E is something that really would ever push her into OP levels unless its the cooldown. Using E for mana is too risky. People are too smart about it. People hold back CC spells into Sivir, and people are good at stuff. If you shield an Ez Q you end up missing CS because the support can play super aggro at you.
Using E for mana is too risky. People are too smart about it.
This makes me very curious about low elo Sivirs' win rate after the patch. On the one hand players who understand that her E can be a source of mana should profit from the change, but on the other hand people on that level (or slightly higher if they never played the champ) should be aware that poking Sivir for no reason is a mistake. Would be funny to see the change have little to no effect with the exception of gold II Sivirs' win rate skyrocketing.
Was curious and looked her up, she has a sub 50% winrate in every region for Diamond+ (around 47%), and barely hits 50% for Plat+. She does have a higher winrate of 52% in Masters+ though, which isn't too bad. Interestingly, most Gold players run Press the Attack on her, while everyone in Plat+ uses Lethal Tempo (which I thought was standard). And big brain KR plays Fleet Footwork on her past Diamond.
The big thing about this Sivir change is that her shield basically covers her entire mana needs for Q and more. If you use shield you get mana for a Q and half a W, which is really nice. That lets you get minions you'd otherwise be denied, or hit the opponent with one of the biggest damage abilities in the laning phase. You do open yourself up to an all in, but if you use spell shield to deny an Ez Q when Leona is next to you, you're an idiot anyway. Sivir abilities are balanced around her being mana gated, so this buff is actually pretty big imo.
Riot really doesn't want me to honor people, since 2 or 3 patches the client keeps freezing at the honoring screen and I have to wait 5-10 seconds before I can move on
Honor is a joke anyway so you're not missing much
You're lucky, because that's what I had last patch. Now, the client sometimes freezes so badly it either skips honor or crashes, and I have to restart my computer because LoL won't open up again. Can safely say I haven't honored someone in over 3 months.
On May 20 2020 01:13 DarkCore wrote: You're lucky, because that's what I had last patch. Now, the client sometimes freezes so badly it either skips honor or crashes, and I have to restart my computer because LoL won't open up again. Can safely say I haven't honored someone in over 3 months.
I had that happen for a while. Just change the client to the low graphics setting, and it performs a LOT better.
I will try, thanks for the advice. It's sad though, I have a new PC that runs this game at like 300 fps, but apparently the client is space technology.
So I've tested it, and it doesn't make a difference.