On March 06 2019 00:18 JimmiC wrote:
I think psychologically it makes most people want to try to accomplish that goal.
As for the situation you are talking about I had the same thing happen to me, however when I popped through after 5 series it was like 2-3 games and I was in the next and then I hopped two divs after that promo. So it catches up in time.
I guess i just feel like I've already accomplished the goal but the systems punishing me because of the order I won games in. It just pisses me off.
This is exacerbated by being a fill player and seeing just how far my LP gain average is below my MMR average, and just through the nature of my schedule and free laddering time available; it quickly becomes clear I will never be able to push my rank up to where I feel it should be based on my historical performance and current matchmaking rating... So i feel like its not worth persuing and my time would be better spent playing Apex / OW / BW.