It doesn't reset, the timer does. Doesn't stop you from letting it build up between last hits or waves, and then when you know the next tick in 3s will bring it to 100, you get in range of your opponent and crit+volley him. You can either follow-up on the trade if the burst is high enough, or resume farming and try zoning a bit.
It's a bit like Caitlyn's passive in that regard, but obviously harder to build-up and with less range (but more burst if you manage your positioning well).
Also Ashe even with maxed E can't necessarily peel well, it depends on who she's against. For example even at level 13 and with Zerks and Shiv she barely has enough AS to gain much ground between autoattacks because the animation still takes long, and the slow isn't enough to prevent a melee from catching up to you. Remember Ashe has the lowest base MS possible too. Level 13 with IE, Zeal, Zerkers against a Lee, I could use my ult to disengage from him after he Q'd me, but I couldn't move fast enough between my shots, he quickly caught up and once he was in E range I was just dead. Because by level 13 Ashe still get 100-0'd by casters, even junglers that only build Lizard Spirit, so it won't matter, she doesn't have the damage to kill them in the time frame her Q buys her, and she dies once they get in range.
So, is there anyone who seriously cares about a third place match at Worlds? I don't understand why this appears to be such a hot topic on Reddit.
Shortly before the 3rd place game at the FIFA World Cup, the press was saturated with complaints of players and coaches alike about how meaningless this game is, and how the loser of the game had to go out with 2 defeats in a row - in a tournament that otherwise went really well for them as they got into the top 4.
Pretty sure if we had a 3rd place match at Worlds the other half of community would borrow just these arguments and complain again.
On July 27 2014 00:47 UmberBane wrote: So, is there anyone who seriously cares about a third place match at Worlds? I don't understand why this appears to be such a hot topic on Reddit.
Shortly before the 3rd place game at the FIFA World Cup, the press was saturated with complaints of players and coaches alike about how meaningless this game is, and how the loser of the game had to go out with 2 defeats in a row - in a tournament that otherwise went really well for them as they got into the top 4.
Pretty sure if we had a 3rd place match at Worlds the other half of community would borrow just these arguments and complain again.
I care about a 3rd place game. World Cup is pretty different because most countries don't care how well they did if they didn't get 1st.
On paper it's going to be a higher-level match than those of the group stages. Such, I'm all for it, the more high level matches to watch the better for us.
I think I see what you guys mean, there's certainly a big difference in the audiences, as we mostly just wanna see good games and our emotional attachement to certain teams doesn't define *everything* completely. When SKT K used to utterly curbstomp someone in 20 minutes, even as an SKT K fan you were somewhat bummed out that the match wasn't more of a fight. But when Germany utterly stomps Brazil, the enthusiasm on the German side just gets exponentially fueled by that.
I guess it also depends on which teams play the 3rd place match. If we had some Chinese team get humiliated by a Korean team that now moves onto the Finals, I think the Chinese fans might be too depressed to care much about the 3rd place. Western fans on the other hand might be very happy to see it, especially if it's NA and EU battling it out for third.
3rd place match is fine as long as it's not played on the same day as the Grand Finals. Nothing worse then having that 3rd place match played before the finals and having extra long games so the finals get delayed. Also, having the 3rd place game after the grand finals would be stupid because honestly...who cares at that point.
Its kinda sad that a 3rd place match would only be interesting if it was a great matchup like gambit vs in s2.Can't really predict where teams will end up to announce ahead of time if it will be played.
The point of a third place match is to place an extra game where they can increase revenue from sponsors because they know quite a few people will be watching anyway. More ads = more $$.
Last two worlds I would have loved njbs vs fnatic and vs M5 as a 3rd place match. There are obviously some issues like teams not taking it seriously or potential scheduling problems but idk more matches more fun right?
Some of the top 10 solo queue players now play on the purple side 68% of the time - due to Riot trying to put higher MMR players on the purple side to address the blue side advantage.
On July 27 2014 03:26 Fusilero wrote: Last two worlds I would have loved njbs vs fnatic and vs M5 as a 3rd place match. There are obviously some issues like teams not taking it seriously or potential scheduling problems but idk more matches more fun right?
There's an easy solution to that - higher money prize for 3rd than 4th!
On July 26 2014 14:41 JazzVortical wrote: Bought 3 mystery skins:
Jack of Hearts Twisted Fate Freljord Ashe Gatekeeper Galio
It's a shame I don't play much of these champs. I never play Ashe, I always consider learning TF and Galio, but I never have actually followed through with it. Still saved a lot of change with the Gatekeeper pick up. Might have to give him a whirl.
Ashe free elo. You should do it more often.
I have no idea how to play her. I don't know how anyone wins a trade with her. I know she scales decently well naturally and has hardcore initiation but laneing is so painful. Freljord is a pretty boring skin though, maybe if I got amethyst I'd play her more.
Plus my go to ADC is Varus, and I don't see that changing anytime soon. If I have to ADC, I always seem to do well with him.
Uh Ashe is really good and people grossly underestimate her. I underestimate her myself sometimes even though I play her quite often. Her R by itself makes her worthwhile - in soloQ initiation spells are really good, and Ashe is one of the few ADCs who can initiate.
Yes her laning phase is close to garbage. That's a trade off.
Pros - super spammable aoe slow, built in auto attack slow modifier, long range aoe stun+slow. Cons - Poor AD scaling, terrible wave clear spell, lack of innate auto attack damage modifiers (no magic/% hp/true, no AS), lack of escape spell, low range.
I dunno man. IBG ezreal takes all the kiting and slow spam away from her already, and varus has the better wave clear, damage modifiers and decent ranged initator too.
Ashe isnt completely terrible, its just she cannot carry as well nor kite as well as certain champs, shes terrible in lane and works as a semi-support-dpser in teamfights. Very, very weird champ that doesnt fit properly into any category
You want to carry? Trist/Kog/Draven Kite? Lucian/Ezreal Poke? Corki/Ezreal Spam slow? IBG Ezreal Cone shaped damage? Graves Initiate with ulti? Varus Counter Initiate with ulti? Sivir. Wave clear? Too many. Caitlyn fits into a bunch of them..
I always wished they would change her Q so that it gave magic damage per auto attack that scaled from AD or something
Ashe is a kiting beast once she gets level 3~5 frost arrows. Her late game is honestly really goddamn powerful between the initiation power of her ult and the fact that it's impossible to stick to her, especially if she takes flash+ghost, or run away from her.
The reason why she doesn't see play is because she is by far the most item dependent AD carry because her stats/stat growth are pretty bad compared to other AD carries (Ashe has the lowest AD at level 18 and second lowest hp at level 18; she has the highest attack speed at level 18 though, bar abilities ofc), plus she has virtually no offensive steroid/power outside of her W, which is mediocre compared to other AD carry nukes. Combine that with a pretty damn weak early/mid game and Ashe is not gonna see much play. She used to be a staple despite all that because her ulti is just that powerful, but Riot nerfed the cooldown of her ult, making her even less useful. Plus, the AD carry pool was a lot smaller when she was popular, too.
she used to be popular when her tristana and miss fortune were the only adcs rofl lack of steroid/range and her only upside is her initiation with arrow, but why take that when you can pick someone else to do the initiating then have a carry with more range/an actual steroid that will do damage instead?
yea, that's not even close to true. twitch, kog, corki, ezreal, and sivir were all around, as well. Ashe was popular because strong lane bullies didn't exist outside of MF so she could farm up in relative safety (Corki was flying under the radar for a loooooong time despite being utterly broken). Her uti also had a 75 second cooldown, meaning she could literally just fire an ult every minute. If it hit, you get a pick, a won team fight, and maybe an objective. If it missed, it's ok just wait another minute. I think you're really underestimating how strong Ashe's ult is/was before they nerfed the cooldown.
Range is also not an issue with Ashe at all...she has the highest base range in the game. She's only outclassed by Cait, Kog with ult, Twitch with ult, and late game Tristana, but so is every other AD carry and that doesn't stop them from being picked. No steroid hurts, but honestly her frost shots is sick late game. It lets her do a ton of "extra" damage since it's easier for her to kite. She also has the highest natural attack speed at level 18, which also means she scales better with attack speed items so stutter stepping really isn't a problem if you have upgraded boots and an upgraded Zeal item and/or Ghost.
Her biggest weakness and probably biggest reason why she sees 0 play is her early game is shit and her mid game is weaker than Tristana when Ashe's ult is down. It's kinda like Poppy - a potential late game monster, but virtually impossible to get there against competent opponents.
On July 27 2014 03:26 Fusilero wrote: Last two worlds I would have loved njbs vs fnatic and vs M5 as a 3rd place match. There are obviously some issues like teams not taking it seriously or potential scheduling problems but idk more matches more fun right?
There's an easy solution to that - higher money prize for 3rd than 4th!
We can fund it by fining h2k, nukeduck and mithy some more!
On July 27 2014 04:08 nafta wrote: Ashe really isn't that strong late.If crucible didn't exist and every ad was kog maybe but definitely not atm.Also yasuo/braum/morgana.
Have you seen the rengar/zilean dive comps that some OGN teams have been running? Suicide rengar goes in at lightspeed with zil ult up, and another diver or two to back him up.
You can't run a single core line up against that, especially not ashe or kog.
On July 27 2014 04:36 Frolossus wrote: i still don't understand why the side thing is an issue if they just make it so everyone plays either side 50% of the time
Two reasons
1) Tournaments cannot reasonably be played long enough to cancel out the bias. Its not like chess where you can have 10 game quaterfinals and semifinals and a 'best of 24' championship round to cancel out the bias. Whomever starts blue side has a pretty large advantage because of the "best of 3/5" methods
2) The optimal strategy has been to dodge if you're blue. Ironically while this fixes this is also means that people who don't get to play 50/50 blue/purple will have MMR's lower than they ought to be (because they're denied the advantage in a number of games)
On July 27 2014 03:29 Sufficiency wrote: Some of the top 10 solo queue players now play on the purple side 68% of the time - due to Riot trying to put higher MMR players on the purple side to address the blue side advantage.