On June 24 2014 20:54 arb wrote: Im liking Triforce as a 4th item on draven tbh. feels strong.
To further support this, there was a game in OGN masters? a month or so ago where a draven went triforce 3rd item i think? and could literately almost 1 shot people. I remember one part of the game he got caught in a bush 5v1, still had the time to pop Q > E > auto and kill someone @.@
if you don't filter for division all high skillcap champions who the pros play will have fairly low winrates because of Bronze. Leblanc couldn't break 45% whilst being undisputed top 3 mid (probly top 1) I've already seen Yasuo headed down this trail next, but at least he has right click late game so it won't skew him as badly.
I'm actually really suprised by Nunu's winrate
Karma (for me) was my go to pick into Annie, because you can Q her in the face and she either has to blow her stun charge or eat it for free. Annie got less popular > I never play Karma, not sure if this is indicative of the general population, but it is an explanation.
and on Nidalee I saw 2 just yesterday try to play the old playstyle exactly only 1 of the 3 I saw was a bruiser so that is probably part of the problem as well.
Bearded Elder29903 Posts
Karma support is actually pretty good, her laning presence is pretty intense early on, I find her a bit harder to play outside of lane / post 6 cause she lacks an ultimate but really with frost queen (or w/e the lvl1 version of it is called) your mantra Q hits like a truck in lane and you have good utility with shield/root.
On June 24 2014 17:56 Velocirapture wrote:Show nested quote +On June 24 2014 17:34 GozoShioda wrote: All I'm going to say is a lot of the samsung and najin adc's are rushing things like Triforce and Ghostblade in solo q (with only 1 doran blade and no lifesteal items) and they are carrying hard as fuck still even in the early game.
I'll let you formulate your opinion on what that really means. To be fair, as professionals they should be able to crush solo queue with Atmas Impaler rush but I do think DL is exaggerating the downside of the changes. BotrK feels stronger on ADCs and weaker on bruisers which I like. If you dont think a 60% damage increase on the passive is big then you never thought the passive was a big deal. Im not convinced about ghostblade in bot lane as it seems like much more of a skirmisher item than an ADC item but maybe that is the new meta for ADCs in 4.10 and I am being stubborn. I do think ADCs require sustain and damage before they are a threat and I agree with DL that stacking dorans feels like a bad way to itemize sustain. I also agree with DL that standardizing super early IE introduces an unfortunate RNG element into the laning phase. I guess the best way I can put it is to create an in game comparison. Do you guys remember Zed before he was changed to his current state? Old zed was really strong but also felt really fluid. All of his abilities lined up in such a way that any player fell into a natural rhythm shortly after picking him up. After the changes Zed is still good but he FEELS way clunkier in ways that have nothing to do with damage numbers or viability. ADCs are in the same spot I think, still strong but it feels like we have to go out of our way to meet requirements that came naturally before. Whether this is good or bad is anybody's guess.
Your belief that pros should be crushing solo Q with silly builds makes sense. However, it only makes sense If it's a shitty solo queue system like NA or EU. You have to remember in Korea these pros are playing against beast solo queue monsters and boosters like Apdo and Savila. Hell teams like Samsung are known to bring in toxic solo queue monsters into their team house to help coach their players on how to play specific champions or matches. They help them develop their mechanics. CrumbleCookies is one of those examples. That guy was up there with Faker and Marin in the old SKT days. Never made it pro because of his boosting and toxic past, yet he would stomp Faker just as much as Faker stomped him.
This is why I put a lot of value into what people in Korean Solo Q build. They take their shit seriously and it's not filled with trash NA "pros" who spend more time streaming and posting on twitter than actually practicing. Plus most of the item builds that Koreans use in solo queue I'm pretty sure it's because their coaches tell them to do it. I wouldn't be surprised if kKoma is telling guys like piglet to try certain builds on different adcs in order to see which ones he feels most comfortable with.
The best MMR in korea to spectate games and see the highest level of individual play is between the 2600-3000 MMR range. It's perfect because this is where all the pros and boosters typically are and you get to avoid all the Afreeca streamers who play like NA players.
United States47024 Posts
On June 24 2014 20:05 arb wrote:Show nested quote +On June 24 2014 19:14 Amarok wrote: A lot of people saying it's easy to remember timers so this won't effect anything, but if it's so easy why do we need it implemented? it is easy, add 5 6 7 to the timer bam you have timers. its a hassle to scroll through rage filled chat to see timers though. its not like it effects the game in any way, i mean i could time every buff between camps does it make me more skilled to be able to do so? nope. this is imo a quality of life buff that shoulda been in forever ago As someone else mentioned, chat filters would be more generally useful, probably be easier to implement, and address the same issue.
I'm still weeping at the amount of gold spellthief generates for my opponents who just sit back and spam spells while I rush sightstone and fight for vision and dragon control and end up so much poorer (still ahead if we win because global gold and especially assist streaks end up paying dividends). ;_;
However, after Riot nerfed crucible it's not like I can expect to have 2.5 items complete by midgame anymore, even when doing really well, so might as well get spellthief right after sightstone instead of getting chalice parts, and have it pay super fast. I still want my ruby+pots start because the HP buffer is nice considering I go balls to the walls from the first creep wave, but delaying chalice a bit (I get some mp5 from spellthief and it's going to pay for itself stupidly fast anyway) to roll in the banknotes seems like it's straight-up better now. I haven't had too much use for Talisman anyway (although that's probably me getting worse), and with the CDR from crucible it'll partly make up for it.
I guess I could try actually starting spellthief to kick people around even harder, with the additional pots making up for the lower starting HP (... assuming I let them tick; I usually burn through the 2 health pots by level 3 already, with the mana pot soon following suit if I keep finding harass opportunities), it's riskier if they turn on me though (and I assume seeing the ruby start has a psychological effect on them not wanting to start a fight level 1 anyway). And I'm not gonna experiment during a promo series.
You think they'll make it so in the future your opponent's summoners and ults can be timed too? Maybe their regular abilities too because I don't always know when Renek's abilities are down and I can trade safely with him or Darius hook, or blitz hook. Just something on their ui when I click on them would be good.
It'd also be nice if Riot would ping when a ward we saw got placed in lane or in the fog of war but gave the warding animation. I usually have to ping it, stop csing, and then type "river ward 6:00".
Should also types stuff like "Darius no flash 7:00" if flash is used during laning phase so the jungler knows which lanes are easily gankable.
I'm half serious here.
I mean I don't see the reasoning for implementing buff timers but not implementing timers for these things which are equally important for team coordination.
On June 25 2014 00:04 obesechicken13 wrote: You think they'll make it so in the future your opponent's summoners and ults can be timed too? Maybe their regular abilities too because I don't always know when Renek's abilities are down and I can trade safely with him or Darius hook, or blitz hook. Just something on their ui when I click on them would be good.
It'd also be nice if Riot would ping when a ward we saw got placed in lane or in the fog of war but gave the warding animation. I usually have to ping it, stop csing, and then type "river ward 6:00".
Should also types stuff like "Darius no flash 7:00" if flash is used during laning phase so the jungler knows which lanes are easily gankable.
I'm half serious here.
I mean I don't see the reasoning for implementing buff timers but not implementing timers for these things which are equally important for team coordination. lol
On June 24 2014 23:56 TheYango wrote:Show nested quote +On June 24 2014 20:05 arb wrote:On June 24 2014 19:14 Amarok wrote: A lot of people saying it's easy to remember timers so this won't effect anything, but if it's so easy why do we need it implemented? it is easy, add 5 6 7 to the timer bam you have timers. its a hassle to scroll through rage filled chat to see timers though. its not like it effects the game in any way, i mean i could time every buff between camps does it make me more skilled to be able to do so? nope. this is imo a quality of life buff that shoulda been in forever ago As someone else mentioned, chat filters would be more generally useful, probably be easier to implement, and address the same issue.
Easier to implement? That's debatable, but a very irrelevant issue to do so with. I'm still not sure why people are up in arms over this. While I disagree with the concept that buff timers are a skill, I can at least accept the argument. However, getting said timers back is not a skill at all; it's simply a hassle. And a random one at that. The better your team communicates (or heaven forbid, gets along), the harder a time you actually have retrieving your own timers in the current "system." That is stupid and trying to hold onto it just seems like apm penis swinging.
And the argument as to 'why not keep track of summoner spells/ultimates then' is an extremely easy one: This would give away information that you should not be privy to (regardless of what lolnexus, etc actually provides). If there is a level one fight and the support uses ex/flash, the timers on those cooldowns immediately tells you up to 8 points of their spec. There is also a HUGE difference in game knowledge in "what is the base cooldown on Talon's ult at level 11" vs "what is 5/6/7 minutes"
you time flash at 5 minutes and exh at like 3, i don't understand how that's any different than adding 5/6/7 to buff timers
On June 25 2014 00:27 Nos- wrote: you time flash at 5 minutes and exh at like 3, i don't understand how that's any different than adding 5/6/7 to buff timers
Because it might not actually be 5/3 minutes.
On June 25 2014 00:28 asymptotech wrote:Show nested quote +On June 25 2014 00:27 Nos- wrote: you time flash at 5 minutes and exh at like 3, i don't understand how that's any different than adding 5/6/7 to buff timers Because it might not actually be 5/3 minutes.
Except that information is already displayed ingame, you don't need any third party program/site to check it.
United States47024 Posts
On June 25 2014 00:21 asymptotech wrote: And the argument as to 'why not keep track of summoner spells/ultimates then' is an extremely easy one: This would give away information that you should not be privy to (regardless of what lolnexus, etc actually provides). If there is a level one fight and the support uses ex/flash, the timers on those cooldowns immediately tells you up to 8 points of their spec. There is also a HUGE difference in game knowledge in "what is the base cooldown on Talon's ult at level 11" vs "what is 5/6/7 minutes" Then it still begs the question from yesterday about why couldn't you be shown the location and duration of wards that you saw get placed.
Or ally ulti CDs, for that matter (which was really what got people worked up about Curse Voice, not buff timers).
On June 25 2014 00:33 NpG)Explosive wrote:Show nested quote +On June 25 2014 00:28 asymptotech wrote:On June 25 2014 00:27 Nos- wrote: you time flash at 5 minutes and exh at like 3, i don't understand how that's any different than adding 5/6/7 to buff timers Because it might not actually be 5/3 minutes. Except that information is already displayed ingame, you don't need any third party program/site to check it.
No it isn't? (Feel free to show me otherwise; I'm absolutely open to being wrong, but I've never seen a way to see my opponents active masteries in game.)
And it still goes back to the *only* thing this changes is teams now don't need someone to type [ot][rb]. Everything else being provided is already provided - just in a terrible fashion.
On June 25 2014 00:40 asymptotech wrote:Show nested quote +On June 25 2014 00:33 NpG)Explosive wrote:On June 25 2014 00:28 asymptotech wrote:On June 25 2014 00:27 Nos- wrote: you time flash at 5 minutes and exh at like 3, i don't understand how that's any different than adding 5/6/7 to buff timers Because it might not actually be 5/3 minutes. Except that information is already displayed ingame, you don't need any third party program/site to check it. No it isn't? (Feel free to show me otherwise; I'm absolutely open to being wrong, but I've never seen a way to see my opponents active masteries in game.) And it still goes back to the *only* thing this changes is teams now don't need someone to type [ot][rb]. Everything else being provided is already provided - just in a terrible fashion. I usually find them in lolnexus. I'm only really interested in runes and whether their jungler is duoing vs my lane opponent though.
United States47024 Posts
The fact that it can be variable doesn't make the information impossible to display anyway. It can still be provided to you as a range.
Like "you don't know the exact CD of his summoners so the game can't show it to you" has always been bogus to me because even if it showed you the minimum CD, then gave you some indicator that it *might* be up for the rest of the duration of it's possible CD, that would already be more information than many players are able to track precisely.
On June 25 2014 00:37 TheYango wrote:Show nested quote +On June 25 2014 00:21 asymptotech wrote: And the argument as to 'why not keep track of summoner spells/ultimates then' is an extremely easy one: This would give away information that you should not be privy to (regardless of what lolnexus, etc actually provides). If there is a level one fight and the support uses ex/flash, the timers on those cooldowns immediately tells you up to 8 points of their spec. There is also a HUGE difference in game knowledge in "what is the base cooldown on Talon's ult at level 11" vs "what is 5/6/7 minutes" Then it still begs the question from yesterday about why couldn't you be shown the location and duration of wards that you saw get placed. Or ally ulti CDs, for that matter (which was really what got people worked up about Curse Voice, not buff timers).
Wards: because you might not actually see it. Now, you could definitely make the same argument about buffs since all five people might be actively engaged when their blue buff gets taken and you have a ward on it. So...I would concede that if absolutely forced. Take away the red/blue timers. The drag/baron timers are already provided to you, so nothing changes here except QoL.
Ultis: 1) It's a matter of game knowledge, and an understandable one. There is a more than a semantic difference between experience and skill, but I find it very (very) hard to argue that buff timers are the same as the ult timer on obscure champion X (or hell, for most people, picked-in-70%-of-games champion Y). If someone puts in the effort to memorize all of that, I'm ok with them having that advantage over me. 2) Same as before, there are masteries/runes that can affect this number.
On June 25 2014 00:44 obesechicken13 wrote:Show nested quote +On June 25 2014 00:40 asymptotech wrote:On June 25 2014 00:33 NpG)Explosive wrote:On June 25 2014 00:28 asymptotech wrote:On June 25 2014 00:27 Nos- wrote: you time flash at 5 minutes and exh at like 3, i don't understand how that's any different than adding 5/6/7 to buff timers Because it might not actually be 5/3 minutes. Except that information is already displayed ingame, you don't need any third party program/site to check it. No it isn't? (Feel free to show me otherwise; I'm absolutely open to being wrong, but I've never seen a way to see my opponents active masteries in game.) And it still goes back to the *only* thing this changes is teams now don't need someone to type [ot][rb]. Everything else being provided is already provided - just in a terrible fashion. I usually find them in lolnexus. I'm only really interested in runes and whether their jungler is duoing vs my lane opponent though.
Yes, my contention was in game. I'm aware you can grab it via the api when outside the client.