On June 25 2014 02:27 TheYango wrote:Show nested quote +On June 25 2014 02:16 PrinceXizor wrote:On June 25 2014 02:10 TheYango wrote: It's not that people don't think it's a skill, it's that they don't think it's a skill that should be tested by League of Legends.
Everyone in their heads has their own subjective view on what skills they feel should be relevant to the game they're playing--usually biased towards skills that they consider themselves to be good at, and against things they don't enjoy or feel they're bad at. Sometimes it feels like riot wants LoL to be a team based isometric twitch shooter. all emphasis on moving and attacking. I mean I feel like the members of the design/Live Balance teams with competitive experience have predominantly shooter/fighting game experience and not as many who were into RTS games. Obviously Zileas did, but I don't know how long it's been since he even had a direct hand in design. Zileas' philosophies were mostly driven by his WoW fandom and not his BW experience though.
So imaqtpie is showing titties on stream. just sayan
On June 25 2014 02:13 thenexusp wrote:Show nested quote +On June 25 2014 01:49 genius_man16 wrote:On June 24 2014 19:26 obesechicken13 wrote:On June 24 2014 18:50 Alaric wrote:On June 24 2014 18:43 obesechicken13 wrote: Will it display the buff respawn timer as an icon on the side or a countdown in the HUD or is it like a timer in chat from 5 minutes ago? They even provided a link when they posted... It's a countdown appearing in the HUD of the scoreboard (eg. when you press tab). Ah cool. I think it's going to make the game way more teamworky and objective oriented. Often times now my teams and I don't carefully time dragon or don't remember the timer so we'll back and it'll spawn 2 seconds later or something, or mid will walk up to push and then blue will spawn and mid won't be able to take blue without risking the entire team dying while he's away or wasting the team's time. Then again, often times the only reason the behind team is able to get a dragon is because the winning team didn't time it properly. Oh my god. This is EXACTLY why I am vehemently opposed to Riot instituting the drag/baron/buff timers into the game. People say "omg its not a skill" and yet 90% of people don't do it? Even in Gold 1 where I am i can win games by simply timing dragon and telling my team to be there every 6 mins and we eventually get a huge lead because we are up 4 dragons while the other team keeps farming. Being able to type "17:45 drag" isn't a skill, but typing "17:45 drag" and being able TO REMEMBER the timer or re-check it 5 mins later to remind your team IS a skill. Anyone can type a timer, but how many people really remember it and take advantage of the timer? I have people go "12:34 TB" all the time but how many times do they actually recall at 12 mins, buy a ward and go straight to their blue to get it as it re-spawns? Almost no one. The in-game timers only show up when you press tab. You still have to remember to check it. This. Pressing TAB gives you a lot of information, but people generally only look for a specific information. By pressing Tab, the information of the Zed just reaches level 6, or Ahri just got the Zhonya are available, but if I don't think, don't look for it, I won't see it. Same case here, if you don't remember to look for baron timer, you will not look for it. General communication is still required, somebody still has to say "baron in 30", to remind teammate about it. If anything, instead of typing "baron in 30", "baron 2341", now you only need to say "baron" or ping assistance in baron pit, and your teammates will be reminded and press tab to check the actual time.
n!faculty look like they have no idea how to play out their composition. Trying to duel Skarner as Irelia when he's much richer... and building BotRK as a 3rd item when Skarner prob has 200+ armour at this point. Like, she won't ever kill him, and she's not even a good pusher or towerkiller. Either shove and run, using your TP, or try teamfighting (4v4 if you can't deal with the Skarner) but don't try this wtf.
Woah wtf. I queue for a ranked game, and after the Kass/Yasuo/Vi + Braum/LB/Panth bans, first picks are Rammus for us and Ashe for them. The first was weird, but the two of them... have I entered the twilight zone. @_@
lol they fixed bug and rumble winrate sky rocketed from 46% to 53.5% with astonishing 1% pickrate no idea why hes never popular
Very hard to play properly.
United Kingdom50293 Posts
On June 25 2014 02:46 Alaric wrote: n!faculty look like they have no idea how to play out their composition. Trying to duel Skarner as Irelia when he's much richer... and building BotRK as a 3rd item when Skarner prob has 200+ armour at this point. Like, she won't ever kill him, and she's not even a good pusher or towerkiller. Either shove and run, using your TP, or try teamfighting (4v4 if you can't deal with the Skarner) but don't try this wtf.
Woah wtf. I queue for a ranked game, and after the Kass/Yasuo/Vi + Braum/LB/Panth bans, first picks are Rammus for us and Ashe for them. The first was weird, but the two of them... have I entered the twilight zone. @_@ I entered a ranked game where they banned lucian/caitlyn/jinx and first picked J4. It ended up working as I picked ezreal and facetanked 50 morgana bindings. It was that match that made me realise that my ADC had been reduced to a filthy lucian picker and now I'm jungling again.
dunno i find rumble pretty straight forward anyway how do u explain popularity of champions like yasuo,lee, leblanc etc who all are pretty hard to play yet are way more popular
Final line-up was Rammus, Lux Jax, Tristana Karma vs Ashe Orianna, Morgana Skarner, GP. Though GP was smurfing, and Morgana probably (200 normal wins, unranked s3, and in placements) too, and he told me this account was "for fun", so that may explain at least his oddball pick.
Rammus seemed to do really fine (although Skarner seemed bad, he chased me way past the creep wave after Rammus ganked to kill GP, so Rammus just turned around and I got a 2nd kill and red buff), I should have taken the time to ask him about his playstyle post-game. Rammus always feel pretty slow and not strong enough at level 3-4 to me. :/ Maybe it's just that since he has no burst and only minimal cc at this point he wants lanes that will fight over stay passive, and maybe have some cc of their own to hit during the taunt. GP and I fought a bunch at first, Orianna didn't ward her wraiths and Lux could root her during the taunt, and bot Ashe kept pushing against Tristana so despite the Black Shield it left her open.
Edit: my support is a filthy Lulu bully, I haven't played Leona in so long I'd probably fuck up, especially against all the popular Morgana and Thresh anyway. T_T And I don't feel like playing Sona, I'd have to relearn how to play safe since she's so squishy, and promos is a bad time to pick up Nami or something (still suck too much at Thresh, and while Braum fits my aggro style he's permabanned and I've got little experience on him).
United Kingdom50293 Posts
Next EU LCS on 4.10, yorick and skarner are freed. Shen is still dead AND WE WILL HAVE A WEEK OF LCS WITHOUT NID
Why is skarner allowed but not nid? Also what's the shen bug that's causing him to be disabled in pro play?
United Kingdom50293 Posts
On June 25 2014 04:05 wei2coolman wrote: Why is skarner allowed but not nid? Also what's the shen bug that's causing him to be disabled in pro play? I believe they haven't completely fixed cancelling the ult by spamming taunt.
On June 25 2014 04:07 Fusilero wrote:Show nested quote +On June 25 2014 04:05 wei2coolman wrote: Why is skarner allowed but not nid? Also what's the shen bug that's causing him to be disabled in pro play? I believe they haven't completely fixed cancelling the ult by spamming taunt. How hard can this be to fix?
United Kingdom50293 Posts
On June 25 2014 04:11 wei2coolman wrote:Show nested quote +On June 25 2014 04:07 Fusilero wrote:On June 25 2014 04:05 wei2coolman wrote: Why is skarner allowed but not nid? Also what's the shen bug that's causing him to be disabled in pro play? I believe they haven't completely fixed cancelling the ult by spamming taunt. How hard can this be to fix? Remember, these are the guys that literally broke rumble's flamespitter just by having him be on purple side.
On June 25 2014 04:12 Fusilero wrote:Show nested quote +On June 25 2014 04:11 wei2coolman wrote:On June 25 2014 04:07 Fusilero wrote:On June 25 2014 04:05 wei2coolman wrote: Why is skarner allowed but not nid? Also what's the shen bug that's causing him to be disabled in pro play? I believe they haven't completely fixed cancelling the ult by spamming taunt. How hard can this be to fix? Remember, these are the guys that literally broke rumble's flamespitter just by having him be on purple side. This true. Also thresh being an astronaut when hit by trundle pillar.
On June 24 2014 17:00 Ryuu314 wrote:Show nested quote +On June 24 2014 16:36 Goumindong wrote:On June 24 2014 16:13 Ryuu314 wrote:On June 24 2014 15:56 turdburgler wrote:On June 24 2014 15:18 Goumindong wrote:On June 24 2014 14:13 wei2coolman wrote: Anyone find it funny that these item changes are trying to make late game better for ADC's? Maybe should just revert changes to ADC's that they did into S3, rather than trying all these awkward item changes. ShieldThirster and shit. Maybe. I definitely think that the BT change isn't particularly good for ADs because the primary tradeoff between BT and IE was the 1-2 item versus the 3 item timing and the resulting dichotomy between ability and auto attack AD's. At the very least i liked the concept that you could choose between playing the early game and the lategame on some champions, and that other champions were pushed into the early game due to their build priorities. But now the best AD item to get first is IE or BotRK. Both of these items are for auto attack carries (though of different types) and so the non-AA based carries will fall into one of two camps "Strong enough to buy IE first and wreck the traditional IE first carries" or "worthless" I mean, how do you play Graves(not that Graves was amazingly strong before the patch) now? What conceptual item could you buy first? BotRK? Why wouldn't you play Vayne or Twitch or X where X is any other champion? Draven? MF? Varus? Lucian and Corki can at least get Triforce, but buying IE or BotRK first on those champions makes me feel like they should be playing a different champion. ratio carries tend to be more bursty. if you go cutlass in to IE its not that big a setback since lifesteal in lane is still important and cutlass still adds to your burst. wat. how does cutlass add to your burst? it only gives 25 AD and the active is pithy. It's only 100 magic damage with only 500 range. Compare that to 4.9 BT, which you can expect to add over 100 extra physical damage to your burst if you're playing more ability-oriented ADs like Graves. If you're not rushing Bork, you're better off going straight Dblade(s)->IE and praying for a lucky crit as part of your "burst." Be fair. BotRK has 8% current health and 10% max health on the active. The number of attacks you can get off in your burst also matter. Re: IE->GB->LW only problem i have with this is the lack of MS and the problem with "what do you do if you really need the consistent AS" Turd was saying to go Cutlass into IE, which is what I was criticizing. Bork rush is still great on AD carries that can use it.
I wrote this on a different forum regarding AD itemization and want some feedback on it
+ Show Spoiler + So there is not an easy answer to this; carries are now stratified into four camps a) Auto Attack Burst carries b) Ability Burst Carries c) Auto Attack Carries d) Triforce Carries with some overlap
I would probably classify the stratification like this
AA burst carries all have some sort of AD scaling and burst damage on their auto attacks. So we are looking at: Ashe and Draven with Lucian, Jinx, and Cait marginal from least most. AA burst carries can get IE first but may not want to. Ashe is the quintessential AA burst carry due to her auto-crit (AA, W with IE gives 3.5 AD in an instant).
Ability burst carries have no auto attack centered burst damage or only minimal bonus damage. Graves, Miss Fortune, Varus and Sivir are the quintessential ability burst carries with Jinx, Draven, and Lucian being marginal. Ability burst carries can, and i know this is going to sound crazy. Stack random AD items. Your core will be IE, Ghostblade, Last Whisper but the way you want to get there will be BF, Pickaxe, Brutalizer, finish IE/Ghostblade/Whisper like whatever you have the slots for maaaan. Finish off with BT, Scimitar, a red pot, and baron for roughly 500 AD, 40% crit, and 40% AS only when you need it.
Auto attack carries don't have AD scaling burst and so build BotRK. Tristana, Twitch, Vayne, Kog'Maw are your core AA carries. Lucian can do this as well because his passive procs BotRK twice. Ezreal can do this as well because his Q procs BotRK. Varus can probably go BotRK first too, as can Cait but they give up their early ability damage to do so
Triforce carries you already know. Ezreal, Lucian, Corki. Lesser known is Kog'Maw (If Kog spaces out his ult, Q and E well he can get 5 triforce procs on a perfect 2 second spacing before having to increase the damage on his ult). Almost universally you will get BotRK second after Triforce and then Whisper and IE hope you've won the game by then. Frankly i like also like Triforce on Vayne better than PD as well since its really easy to proc with your Q and since it has AS, move speed, and HP on it. But that is probably a second item.
On June 24 2014 18:15 Ryuu314 wrote: There's no longer any reason to not build Brutalizer into Ghostblade on AD carries since Ghostblade isn't melee-focused anymore. It also scales reasonably well since flat armor pen is always somewhat relevant, plus the active is amazing. 6 seconds of 40% attack speed plus a mini ghost is fantastic for AD carries..
There absolutely is. Armor pen is valuable, but not that valuable. Ghostblade is 1830 gold worth of "now" stats minus the passive (before the active which adds 1200 gold worth of attack speed and 1000+ gold worth of move speed) for 2700 gold
If you build ghostblade and you're in an extended fight where you only get to use the active for a small period of it, you've spent 2700 gold for 1830 gold. In terms of raw combat stat damage you're only at 3030 with the active (not counting the passive. Basically for 2500 gold you can get the same stats plus a chain vest which puts you at +20 armor compared to the guy with the ghostblade.
Unless you're using everything and skirmishing with the active in fights that don't last much longer than the active Ghostblade, even considering the penetration, is still pretty inefficient. Its good on ability focused AD's like MF and Graves because they will spend less time needing the raw attack speed than someone like Ashe would and they similarly get more out of the CD, Pen, and AD. But Ghostblade should not be a "core on everyone" item. Its too gold and slot inefficient without the active. And many champions do not have the ability set to weave the active around.
On June 24 2014 22:15 Slusher wrote: if you don't filter for division all high skillcap champions who the pros play will have fairly low winrates because of Bronze. Leblanc couldn't break 45% whilst being undisputed top 3 mid (probly top 1) I've already seen Yasuo headed down this trail next, but at least he has right click late game so it won't skew him as badly.
LeBlanc had a 45% win rate in Diamond before she was nerfed. The only people who were playing LeBlanc well enough to warrant nerfs were professionals.
On June 25 2014 00:37 TheYango wrote:Show nested quote +On June 25 2014 00:21 asymptotech wrote: And the argument as to 'why not keep track of summoner spells/ultimates then' is an extremely easy one: This would give away information that you should not be privy to (regardless of what lolnexus, etc actually provides). If there is a level one fight and the support uses ex/flash, the timers on those cooldowns immediately tells you up to 8 points of their spec. There is also a HUGE difference in game knowledge in "what is the base cooldown on Talon's ult at level 11" vs "what is 5/6/7 minutes" Then it still begs the question from yesterday about why couldn't you be shown the location and duration of wards that you saw get placed. Or ally ulti CDs, for that matter (which was really what got people worked up about Curse Voice, not buff timers).
So long as the information is not generated by a third party program i don't think it matters much. I got worked up about the timers on curse voice, not because the timers were bad, but because one person having timers and other people not is an advantage that should accrue without in game work
If riot wants to give everyone every timer (including wards) then that isn't that bad. I mean it will definitely give an advantage to players who are poor at judging when ults are going to be up (or whatever else is timed). It definitely will change how the game is played.
But everyone would have it and it would be at least fair
Sad Robot Mummy global laugh was a pretty good one too.
On June 25 2014 05:02 Goumindong wrote: There absolutely is. Armor pen is valuable, but not that valuable. Ghostblade is 1830 gold worth of "now" stats minus the passive (before the active which adds 1200 gold worth of attack speed and 1000+ gold worth of move speed) for 2700 gold
If you build ghostblade and you're in an extended fight where you only get to use the active for a small period of it, you've spent 2700 gold for 1830 gold. In terms of raw combat stat damage you're only at 3030 with the active (not counting the passive. Basically for 2500 gold you can get the same stats plus a chain vest which puts you at +20 armor compared to the guy with the ghostblade.
Unless you're using everything and skirmishing with the active in fights that don't last much longer than the active Ghostblade, even considering the penetration, is still pretty inefficient. Its good on ability focused AD's like MF and Graves because they will spend less time needing the raw attack speed than someone like Ashe would and they similarly get more out of the CD, Pen, and AD. But Ghostblade should not be a "core on everyone" item. Its too gold and slot inefficient without the active. And many champions do not have the ability set to weave the active around.
I don't think you included armor pen in the gold efficiency calculation. Ignoring gold efficiency for a second, armor pen is really strong. It's effect is multiplicative on all your AD so if you have 100 AD, but your opponent's armor is 50, then ghostblade lowers that to 30. So you do 15% more damage with all your autos and your spells with AD ratios are a bit more than 15% stronger. The equivalent AD for autos would be 115 AD.
Back in S2 I remember some people cheesing with brutalizer first bot lane. Armor pen marks were more powerful back then. And the offense tree had a flat armor penetration I think. In addition brutalizer gave 15 armor pen, not 10. I think it was literally possible to have your lane opponent at 0 armor in bot lane if they didn't get armor yellows. A lot of people these days don't seem to have armor yellows.
But yeah, ghostblade sucks when you can't make use of the active eg. in little pokes.
Also, the wiki says ghostblade passively provides 2147 gold worth of stats. Not 1830. (not counting armor pen).
Actually a lot of champs like twitch/vayne/lucian/draven do really well with a ghostblade as a 2-nd item.Been seeing it quite a bit.