In regards to the the whole counterplay talk and rengar being discussed. I'm curious on your guys opinion on ryze. I just find him to be a very dominating pick top lane. While he does have counterplay (If you count staying in the bushes to get levels and losing lots of cs till it gets to your turret healthy counter play)
His very kit in regards to it's click abilities make it so he can't miss any abilities he uses. So he can chunk you hard all game. And the scariest part about it is that he's a beast late game as well so it isn't solved by just out scaling him. He just seems too strong right now in my opinion.
Ryze's counterplay is team play and calling your jungler to dive him. Hes not OP because he has high skillcap so either 1. Low elo : Ryze fucks up his combo, positioning etc but also the enemy jungler doesnt know how to react to ryze 2. High elo: Ryze strong in 1v1 but enemy jungler will dive/camp him. In either scenarios he has potential to be great or crap thats why imo he's perfectly balanced
yup hes one of the most snowbally tops in the game. If your jungler doesnt know to gank him then glhf. just killing ryze once sets him at a massive disadvantage assuming the top gets the kill and not the jungler. you can even turn the jax/ryze MU into a shit show if jax gets ahead
what is with people now claiming twitch's early game is amazing? I play adc at diamond 2 level, and have never had a problem with twitch. just don't let him stack his passive on you, like wtf. Do short trades against him and he sucks. Now riot themselves are claiming he's a lane bully. Like seriously?
On May 28 2014 13:59 ParadeofMadness wrote: Best Ryze combo: W--E--Q--R
I'm curious by what you mean by best. If you want more dmg starting with q seems better
I was being sarcastic..., thats one of the worst combos you can do on Ryze. the R does nothing... The hard thing about Ryze is precisely there is no 'best' combo that applies for all situations. It varies by level, cdr and whether you need to peel / maximum dps/ cc and who you are facing. Mastering ryze is quite difficult, not only in terms of memory of the most applicable combo but also having the mechanics to not fuck up a single spell in the rotation.
On May 28 2014 13:59 ParadeofMadness wrote: Best Ryze combo: W--E--Q--R
I'm curious by what you mean by best. If you want more dmg starting with q seems better
I was being sarcastic..., thats one of the worst combos you can do on Ryze. the R does nothing... The hard thing about Ryze is precisely there is no 'best' combo that applies for all situations. It varies by level, cdr and whether you need to peel / maximum dps/ cc and who you are facing. Mastering ryze is quite difficult, not only in terms of memory of the most applicable combo but also having the mechanics to not fuck up a single spell in the rotation.
That ole sarcasm on the internet ploy. It doesn't translate well with typing xD.
Eh I have been picking him up cause my ranked team want's me too. I get what you mean about the combos. But as long as you zone early and consistently with Q the combo's aren't as important. Good to know that jungler help is needed tho for the most part.
On May 28 2014 13:54 ShaLLoW[baY] wrote: What is the ideal Ryze combo that low elo fucks up?
I don't play much ryze anymore and never was that good at him, so take this with a grain of salt
Ryze has one mechanical complication: All of his abilities have significant enough back side cast times. This can result in enemies leaving his range for the next ability (especially if you Q-W from just in range. The solution to this is to animation cancel the back swing. Properly animation canceling all of his abilities is very important to ensuring you stay in range to do damage and continue your combo's
Ryze has one theoretical complication: The optimal ability combo changes as your CDR changes, and your CDR will be changing a lot (at least until level 9) because you purchase a lot of CDR and because your item timing doesn't have a lot of big CDR items but rather a bunch of small ones. (unless you're first backing Frozen Heart).
In low ELO the biggest thing that people do poorly is "mash". That is, they're used to champions where they can just press all of the buttons and while Ryze can work like that he isn't utilized best that way. The most basic early level all-in combo is IIRC Q-W-Auto-Q-E-Auto-Q(E or W first depending on range/enemy running etc). The auto's after the second ability is just enough time to bring Q back up again and using Q means that the next ability brings it back that much faster. If the CD on your Q is around or below 3 seconds, this maximizes the effect of your passive relative to something like Q-W-E-Q so long as the engagement isn't going to be over.
Once you get your ultimate there will be times when you want to temper the AoE burst of your ultimate (which makes E damage amazing) with the extra ability reset.
So at 40% CDR, you can, iirc Q-W-auto-Q-E-Auto-Q-R-Auto-Q-W-Auto-Q-E-Auto-Q with almost no delay. The extra Q interlude basically gives your W and E an extra -1 second CD per cast which doesn't exist if you just use your abilities.
Or you can R-Q-W-E-Q but be done for 3.5 seconds until Q comes back up again, and another 1.9 seconds before your W comes up again. (So then you W-Q-E)
And these aren't even scratching the surface of looking at optimal combo interactions or the effects of various CDR levels on those combos. But all of them depend on you not mashing and being smart about how you drop your abilities. Two things which are sorely lacking in lower ELO
I am sure someone who is better at ryze can correct me on the details of which combo's are most efficient and in which situation
On May 28 2014 13:57 IMoperator wrote: what is with people now claiming twitch's early game is amazing? I play adc at diamond 2 level, and have never had a problem with twitch. just don't let him stack his passive on you, like wtf. Do short trades against him and he sucks. Now riot themselves are claiming he's a lane bully. Like seriously?
Auto-W-Auto ->4 stack expunge is pretty potent, especially if you're able to get a couple extra ticks of the 4 stack poison. Not much you can do about that if he comes in stealthed unless you see him stealth up.
Certainly his level 1 and 2 aren't that strong because he doesn't have a good way to start and Auto-W-Auto trade but his two, assuming he can get that first Auto-W off is still pretty strong due to the true damage and power of expunge
Okay, so I've been having what I can only think of to describe it as a bug lately. I know it's not shitty(relative) latency because it's not any higher than my usual ping. I know it isn't poor frame rate because it happens even when I'm at 30+fps. I'm having an issue with this weird input lag where the game will take sometimes up to 2-3 seconds to register actions. It isn't map or game mode related because it seems to come and go on a whim for no reason what-so-ever. Is anybody else having an issue with this?
Yesterday I hate a really retarded bug. I was playing Ziggs mid vs Ezreal and when I've casted ult on him, skill was launched and animation disappeared and CD went off and my ult never appeared on the map, no1 took damage and nothing happened....
On May 28 2014 16:00 739 wrote: Yesterday I hate a really retarded bug. I was playing Ziggs mid vs Ezreal and when I've casted ult on him, skill was launched and animation disappeared and CD went off and my ult never appeared on the map, no1 took damage and nothing happened....
Was it a cross map ult? There might have been a yasuo or braum in between
On May 28 2014 16:00 739 wrote: Yesterday I hate a really retarded bug. I was playing Ziggs mid vs Ezreal and when I've casted ult on him, skill was launched and animation disappeared and CD went off and my ult never appeared on the map, no1 took damage and nothing happened....
Was it a cross map ult? There might have been a yasuo or braum in between
Nope, Ezreal was standing in front of me, in a range of ~600-700. And there was no Yasuo/Braum in this game. Also can they block Ziggs ult ?
So for the more experienced irelia players here can someone explain the zephyr build, I wanted to try it but didn't feel comfortable without my botrk. Why is tri > zephyr better than tri > botrk now?