[Patch 4.8] RIP Pantheon General Discussion - Page 20
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Canada23833 Posts
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United States37500 Posts
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Canada23833 Posts
On May 25 2014 14:08 NeoIllusions wrote: Tentatively 2 AM PDT. PDT? Gah. I can't stay up for another 4 hours... off to bed I go I guess. | ||
United States1961 Posts
On May 25 2014 12:08 RagequitBM wrote: The problem with learning how to play with Caitlyn for me at least was that she's really really easy to lane with. So when I switched to another adc I had huge laning issues, while teamfighting was pretty good. In my opinion, she's easy to play with but I think if you don't abuse her range, it'll feel like she's very weak, especially for new players. I'd recommend Graves or Lucian for beginners because they are all around strong while being easy to play. | ||
Bearded Elder29903 Posts
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United States13742 Posts
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Canada2270 Posts
On May 25 2014 14:34 K3Nyy wrote: In my opinion, she's easy to play with but I think if you don't abuse her range, it'll feel like she's very weak, especially for new players. I'd recommend Graves or Lucian for beginners because they are all around strong while being easy to play. Her range is one thing, but I also think her early game burst is insaaaane. Headshot - E- Q is bonkers 1 - 6, then adding your ult after 6, and you're basically a leblanc. Unless they have Braum then he does his shield thing and your ult does nothing. | ||
Canada10660 Posts
Pantheon really needs a buff to his ult. Its borderline useless right now. He is still my favorite champ, and I'll play him regrdless, but its so noticable its reidiculous. Even if you ult behind someone in lane they can still get away pretty reliably. Either his ult needs to channel much faster, or the slow on it needs to be waaaay better. Every game I've played with him since the change I feel like I miss out on like 3 kills + towers scenarios. Its kind of silly. | ||
United States3359 Posts
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China26351 Posts
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United States2566 Posts
On May 25 2014 15:21 Dusty wrote: Why is my friend telling me that Riot released bots into ranked games to see how they would do? Was there a post recently about this on Reddit or something? I'm gonna go ahead and guess that it's because your friend is real gullible | ||
Mozambique16569 Posts
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United States6994 Posts
On May 25 2014 15:21 Dusty wrote: Why is my friend telling me that Riot released bots into ranked games to see how they would do? Was there a post recently about this on Reddit or something? Lol first time I'm hearing about this ![]() | ||
2602 Posts
While it would be a little bit of a stretch, I think it is possible that he is making half a million dollar this year. How old was he again? 17? Edit: And now imagine TOO... Dude gets easily 50-100% more viewers than NB, and has been doing the subscription thing for years already. Certainly has way more than 6k. Now that OddOne is a professional streamer again, I think he could go for the million over 12 months... | ||
Mozambique16569 Posts
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Canada11044 Posts
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Netherlands4122 Posts
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Canada11044 Posts
They all tell him to go do baron to have a smite off and he does and misses it. Looooool. | ||
United Kingdom50293 Posts
On May 25 2014 17:02 Fildun wrote: Is EUW down or did I just get drophacked? My match just finished and I didn't encounter any lag issues, I already see a post on reddit about lag in the new queue so maybe there's some EUW issues On May 25 2014 16:54 krndandaman wrote: NB def over 17 years old. he's in college. I'm guessing 20/21. do streamers really get all of the $5 from subscriptions? if so thats ridiculous how much money they make. streamers are ballin. Loads of streamers comment that they make more from streaming than they would LCS, I remember wings talking about how he's better off streaming than playing LCS. | ||
United States17713 Posts
On May 25 2014 16:56 GolemMadness wrote: They get $2.50 per subscriber. Still pretty crazy, though. I think Nightblue's like 19. it actually depends on their level of partnership with Twitch. the first few groups of partners get $2.50. some of the newer waves are tiered based on viewers and ad rates, capping at $2.50. it really depends on what tier he is at, but i believe the floor is $1.00 /mo per sub. also keep in mind that many people sub for only one month, so they pay their 5 dollars and then click to not renew the sub for next month, kind of as a method of donation, or so they can resub next month to get their name to show up on stream again. so nightblue may have 6k subs this month but next month he could easily have 3-4k without any drop in viewers. EDIT: LoL streamers are popular enough on twitch that the majority of the popular ones probably are at the full rate. | ||
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