On April 22 2014 16:07 IMoperator wrote: Would riot allow pros to use curse voice or other 3rd party programs in the LCS? If the answer to that is no, then all those programs should be banned nuff said.
So what about voice comms? They aren't build into the game, and it's not practical to use them on SoloQ most of the time. Ban voice comms in LCS! Or add voice chat to the LoL client.
On April 22 2014 16:07 IMoperator wrote: Would riot allow pros to use curse voice or other 3rd party programs in the LCS? If the answer to that is no, then all those programs should be banned nuff said.
So what about voice comms? They aren't build into the game, and it's not practical to use them on SoloQ most of the time. Ban voice comms in LCS! Or add voice chat to the LoL client.
except nothing's stopping people right now from using skype/teamspeak/ventrilo etc. to talk with teammates in solo queue. curse voice just made it easier. Why would you even mention this, you have to know i'm mostly talking about the timers and shit right?
On April 22 2014 16:01 dae wrote: Like I said before, forcing people to download 3rd party programs to be on even footing is retarded.
Doesn't matter how small, or how large of an advantage it is, if it gives an advantage in game it should be banned.
If it should be in game let riot do it.
Allowing Curse Voice is opening a Pandora's box that should be left closed.
Exactly. I'm not sure why there is a debate about this. It is an advantage even if small (and I wouldn't call having the exact ults timer down to the second a small advantage).
If you guys have played world of warcraft you should know that addons could give an extremely huge advantage but they were part of the game and anybody could download and adjust them to their preferences. Still, they were banned from pro play and at all the LAN tournaments players were forced to use the default UI (so most pros trained without addons online anyway).
Either Riot fully supports addons (like was done in WoW) or they ban them. The curse thing is just the beginning of what can be done, you could have ward timers, you could even show wards on the map when you see the enemy warding because hey we've seen that guy plant it here so we all know where it is and how long it lasts right ?
In my opinion RIot should ban all that shit and decide whether or not they want to implement part of it in the default UI (and imo again, they shouldn't), to me even checking your opponent runes/masteries on lolking is already cheating since you can't see it ingame. Riot did a nice job of not having pay to win in the game, let's not ruin it with silly 3rd party programs/websites.
On April 22 2014 17:27 739 wrote: BTW quick question, because I'm just a random Silver noob, I want to play Leblanc in solo queue but how do you exactly play her? I mean, I've never used smartcasts and how am I able to combo her properly? Like W>Q>R>E>DFG combo in a short period? Smartcasts only? How do they exactly work? Because using 4 skills + DFG manually seems too freaking hard :\
yeah you basically have to smartcast with her. standard combo is w to get in range, dfg-q-r-e to one shot and w back in time.
So how does smartcasts work? It means that I dont have to left click every single time with a spell on enemy champion? I just point it out with mouse and then just smash keyboard? Don't know if I'll get used to it :D
On April 22 2014 17:27 739 wrote: BTW quick question, because I'm just a random Silver noob, I want to play Leblanc in solo queue but how do you exactly play her? I mean, I've never used smartcasts and how am I able to combo her properly? Like W>Q>R>E>DFG combo in a short period? Smartcasts only? How do they exactly work? Because using 4 skills + DFG manually seems too freaking hard :\
yeah you basically have to smartcast with her. standard combo is w to get in range, dfg-q-r-e to one shot and w back in time.
So how does smartcasts work? It means that I dont have to left click every single time with a spell on enemy champion? I just point it out with mouse and then just smash keyboard? Don't know if I'll get used to it :D
yeah, you just basically hover it over where you want it to go and it'll do it. I would just switch to it, it can only help. At first it'll seem like it's a lot harder, but after a day or so of using it you'll be used to it and you'll wonder why you didn't switch sooner.
Edit: oh and also make sure you put on "show range indicators" or w/e, so you can see the spells range while holding down the skill (like with ahri's q for example, click once and it will bring up the range indicator of the spell, and then release the mouse button to actually use the spell), it really helps people know the ranges of their spells while smartcasting.
On April 22 2014 18:00 GolemMadness wrote: What's with the trend of champion avatars becoming floating heads? First Malphite, now Twitch. It just looks stupid.
Yeah I liked the old twitch . Oh well it seems like every time riot changes something I'm complaining :D.
On April 22 2014 17:27 739 wrote: BTW quick question, because I'm just a random Silver noob, I want to play Leblanc in solo queue but how do you exactly play her? I mean, I've never used smartcasts and how am I able to combo her properly? Like W>Q>R>E>DFG combo in a short period? Smartcasts only? How do they exactly work? Because using 4 skills + DFG manually seems too freaking hard :\
yeah you basically have to smartcast with her. standard combo is w to get in range, dfg-q-r-e to one shot and w back in time.
So how does smartcasts work? It means that I dont have to left click every single time with a spell on enemy champion? I just point it out with mouse and then just smash keyboard? Don't know if I'll get used to it :D
Two kinds of smartcast.
You can play with indicators, where pressing the key down causes the aiming thingy to appear, just like pressing a button does with normal casting, then releasing the button acts as the "left click" and casts the ability. This lets you still be able to aim skillshots, and judge ranges easily, but is a fair bit slower then pure smartcasting, and sometimes if you try and do a really fast combo it bugs out if you press a button before you released the previous button, and spells get missed. (This has screwed me over on kata so many times >.>) But it can be helpful as training wheels if you're really struggling with actual smartcast.
Pure smartcast is just the second the button gets depressed, the spell casts. Lets you do combos super fast, leblancs all in just becomes wqre, which you can really easily pres in less then half a second. You need to know your ranges really well though.
Also one specific issue i had on lb when i was still learning her was I would w, then try and q, but would still be slightly out of q range. The q doesn't cast then as i'm out of range, and then I hit r, which just jumps me forward again because the last spell I cast was w. I'm now on top of them, confusedly e then jump back to my w and run away in embarassment :p Some other champs have annoying accidents with smartcast too, like trying to q-e with syndra, but your cursor is slightly out of range for the q, so you just e the air and look like an idiot. Skills which need dragging along the ground (victor laser, rumble ult) shouldn't be smartcast either.
The setup i use is q w e r all smartcast, then i have normal cast on shift+q, shift+w, shift + e and shift+r. So if i need to aim a careful nidalee spear, or check the range on something or anything, i can just shift + button. I also have t set to "smart cast e on self" because so many champions have a heal or shield on e, and it's pretty useful to be able to reflexsively heal/shield yourself.
Oh, and it's useful to have a few of your item slots be smart cast too. I have the first three slots smartcasted by 1-3, then trinket on 4, and the last three slots normal casted by 5-7. Lets me have wards and pinks on normal cast so i don't misplace them, but I can still have things like dfg be smartcasted, which really helps with the burst combos a lot of mages need to do. (I also have shift+1-3 make the slots normal cast, same as skills.)
And damn, just by reading this it seems pretty hard for me, I guess I'll just create some Bot game to check how exactly does smartcasting work (especially on LB) and I guess I'll try it in ranked game, later on
I think jungle buff timers are fine tbh, drake / baron / blue etc. But it should definitely be included in the client and not some 3rd party program.
Ult timers are fucking LOL what. Nobody times that shit. As a silver player, i can somewhat judge when i know someone has an ult or not, but time it exactly? thats a bit of a joke and im sure even diamond players cant do that level of calculation in a split-second if at all.
I time stuff like Shen ult, TF ult (I would if I remembered its cd), Karthus/Soraka/Nocturne ult, and some others (like Pantheon's) approximately. When someone roams from my lane without ult (or roamed to mine and used it there) I signal it in chat. Whenever someone used a "big ult" on me and it's about time for it to be back up (like getting ganked by WW or Nocturne and we see him in the river a bit later) I'll say he's got it. I also tend to make estimations of when the enemy jungler gets 6 based on what level he is when he shows up and buff timers.
It's not that useful, tbh. Mostly because your teammates don't read the chat then get baited and squashed anyway. But I guess at least I'm not the one it happens to.
Approximately is the word for it though. You'll see an ult go off and be like, "2 mins" "3 mins" in your mind (or type it, as you do?) but you'll never be like, TF ult level 2 150s CD, 20% CDR + 5% CDR masteries - 111.5S CD. TF ult 14:06.
(I have no idea if TF's ult is 2 mins, so fu its an example.)
You can get a rough guesstimate of when a champs ult is up or not, that shit is game-sense and knowledge and distinguishes good from bad but nobody ever has that shit down to the exact time and directly in front of them.
League is a game of imperfect information and it should remain that way. Being able to have exact information like this is completely derogatory IMO. It reminds me of competitive halo teams with their coaches shouting out wep/item respawns. Quake players never had that shit? It was all part of the game.
With it, you'll never have to make a judgement call, you'll never be able to surprise someone, you'll never get that split-second cooldown that allows you to win a fight because they'll ALWAYS see it coming.
On April 22 2014 19:25 Omnishroud wrote: Approximately is the word for it though. You'll see an ult go off and be like, "2 mins" "3 mins" in your mind (or type it, as you do?) but you'll never be like, TF ult level 2 150s CD, 20% CDR + 5% CDR masteries - 111.5S CD. TF ult 14:06.
(I have no idea if TF's ult is 2 mins, so fu its an example.)
You can get a rough guesstimate of when a champs ult is up or not, that shit is game-sense and knowledge and distinguishes good from bad but nobody ever has that shit down to the exact time and directly in front of them.
League is a game of imperfect information and it should remain that way. Being able to have exact information like this is completely derogatory IMO. It reminds me of competitive halo teams with their coaches shouting out wep/item respawns. Quake players never had that shit? It was all part of the game.
With it, you'll never have to make a judgement call, you'll never be able to surprise someone, you'll never get that split-second cooldown that allows you to win a fight because they'll ALWAYS see it coming.
Wheres the fun in that?
It's showing ALLIED cooldowns. It's just an improvement over the shitty green dot.