its going to get activated a bunch in teamfights and hard cc like that heh
[Patch 4.6] Twitch VU General Discussion - Page 21
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United States18466 Posts
its going to get activated a bunch in teamfights and hard cc like that heh | ||
4476 Posts
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Canada454 Posts
On April 23 2014 16:07 GolemMadness wrote: I don't understand why people always start yelling about how OP or useless a champion is going to be before even trying it out. It ALWAYS depends on the numbers. thresh? | ||
Canada11044 Posts
If he were squishy, would he still be a top support? What if his mana costs were raised a bunch and his mana pool reduced like Blitzcrank? Or if his cooldowns were raised? | ||
United States60033 Posts
On April 23 2014 16:26 IMoperator wrote: i really hope this curse voice thing gets banned by riot, or at least it goes public, i'm so sick of streamers advertising curse voice keys to get new subs. Was just at friend's place. He hard carried his team, the kayle on his team friended him and gave him beta key to curse voice. He didn't even know what it does. | ||
Denmark6522 Posts
On April 23 2014 16:25 FinestHour wrote: that passive is ridiculous as fuck its going to get activated a bunch in teamfights and hard cc like that heh It can only be procced once every 8 seconds on the same target though, and the only way he can apply it to someone from range is with his q, which is single target. You're going to have to make a choice between being on the frontlines, applying the stun to their frontline with autos, but being unable to use your defensive spells to protect your adc. Or peeling for the adc, but only getting to proc your stun on the one guy who dives past you. (And good getting 4 autos off to stun a zed/lb/fizz/randomassassin before they kill your adc.) I don't think his actual teamfighting will be very good, stunwise he just seems like a slightly worse version of annie if we ignore both their ultis. He can stun single targets with delay, once each every 8 seconds. She has an aoe stun up around about every 8s too, and deals a fair bit of damage. His real strength seems to lie in siegeing and initiation, but we'll see. Also anyone know if cdr will affect the 8s limit between stuns on the same target? I feel like these kind of target dependent timers tend not too, but you never know. | ||
Canada454 Posts
On April 23 2014 16:35 GolemMadness wrote: If he were squishy, would he still be a top support? What if his mana costs were raised a bunch and his mana pool reduced like Blitzcrank? Or if his cooldowns were raised? yes...? | ||
United States18466 Posts
On April 23 2014 16:44 killerdog wrote: It can only be procced once every 8 seconds on the same target though, and the only way he can apply it to someone from range is with his q, which is single target. You're going to have to make a choice between being on the frontlines, applying the stun to their frontline with autos, but being unable to use your defensive spells to protect your adc. Or peeling for the adc, but only getting to proc your stun on the one guy who dives past you. (And good getting 4 autos off to stun a zed/lb/fizz/randomassassin before they kill your adc.) I don't think his actual teamfighting will be very good, stunwise he just seems like a slightly worse version of annie if we ignore both their ultis. He can stun single targets with delay, once each every 8 seconds. She has an aoe stun up around about every 8s too, and deals a fair bit of damage. His real strength seems to lie in siegeing and initiation, but we'll see. Also anyone know if cdr will affect the 8s limit between stuns on the same target? I feel like these kind of target dependent timers tend not too, but you never know. he just drops q and ult from range, if he has to auto then do it once on anyone then immediately w back to ad and hit the assassin/diver, then your ad just hits him 3 times and another free stun and that guys dead too unless u can only have 1 person getting passive stacks at a time then w/e but this guys gonna be pretty good | ||
United States1186 Posts
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Canada11044 Posts
No, he obviously wouldn't be. | ||
Canada454 Posts
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Canada454 Posts
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Poland7525 Posts
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France45622 Posts
I still have trouble against him as Lulu contrary to what people say because her auto animation is so slow you can't leverage your range advantage, and his E passive will make him win trades (if he starts that). Can't go too aggressive either because of mana pool (you'll get oom before he's dead). I guess the goal is to just keep vision and play reactively. On April 23 2014 11:17 Kaneh wrote: no, but seriously, when is he actually good? i like your enthusiam for twitter sized bites, but what strengths does he have? what kind of teamcomp would he fit in where he's actually useful? which characters do as little effective damage as he does while being as immobile? A "full" combo at level 6 (Q or E to ensure the other and both parts from a single W, then his ult) does (160 + 75 + 70 + 500) 805 + 2.325 AP magic damage and (3*85) 240 true damage to your target (9 stacks), even with 42 MR that's still around 840 (600+240) + 1.5 AP final damage, enough to kill most champions. At some point Annie got nerfed, because her base damage was deemed too high. The famous "she doesn't scale that well, but when she hits 6 she can 100-0 you". Obviously if you expect Vel'Koz to be super mobile and have 3x AP single-target ratios and play like an assasin you're going to be disappointed, duh. With CDR he has pretty good kiting/brawling thanks to Q and E spam, his W and E are good zone control tools, Q can get people at weird angles and his ult just melts people from range; you use him like you would Lux, trying to funnel people toward a zone (dragon fights anyone? Or corridors in the jungle) and maintaining vision to prevent flanking, while he hangs in the back, enjoying his range. Issues I could see are that he's not that good at poking and he doesn't follow-up well on dives without exposing himself (for his E). So you get another poker on your team or you just play around objectives and rotating through the jungle. Just because he's not as retard-proof as Zed, Riven or Ahri doesn't mean he's utter shit. | ||
Australia3856 Posts
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Canada11044 Posts
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Bearded Elder29903 Posts
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United States1945 Posts
a champ with garbage damage, garbage cc, garbage harass, and garbage scaling seems way more "unfun" than dealing with toxic playstyles that riot nerfed out of existence. at least nautilus has some impactful crowd control to somewhat make up for not being able to kill anyone. being so reliant on your teammates or opponents to do anything at all seems like super aids in a solo queue environment and in competitive play i'm not seeing how he has any value at all in a lane swap or tower pushing situation. | ||
Canada11044 Posts
On April 23 2014 18:41 739 wrote: Strong against Yasuo? He shits on him pretty hard. I've played Yasuo vs Swain few days ago + Swain got babysitted by Wukong to be even more annoying crap. I remember I ended up laning with like 1-5 :\ I hope so. I hate Yasuo. Actually, I wonder if Karma would wreck him. That'd be pretty cool. | ||
Australia1825 Posts
After playing a bit with Vel'Koz, his ult is like Orianna's. If you nail it you will almost surely win. If you screw it, or in Vel's case get interrupted, you lose a tonne of power. Never have I melted chracters more than I have with that skill. There is nothing inherently wrong with him, he just doesn't fit in the mid lane meta right now. Plenty of champs are in that spot. I really like him actually. Also, league of knock ups continues. | ||
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