On April 03 2014 13:03 caelym wrote: MF's change is kind of underwhelming (if not just straight up bad), right? Her 1v1 got nerfed, and her late game ult scaling doesn't seem that much better. If the q change works out to be more predictable then her laning will get a LOT stronger. The second hit of double up is massive and on a short cd. She should have a really easy time hitting people behind creeps. Additionally her w gives her essentially 6 to 30% more raw AD so some of her scaling numbers might look low but everything applies her w so she benefits from split damage while stacking ad.
Her late game ult scaling gets a lot better if you get a lot of hits in because the .06 ad magic damage stacking from impure shots adds another 1.8 total AD scaling onto her ult which is "hidden".
Yeah I don't really understand MF very well but the numbers look like an across the board buff to everything to me.
This is probably a really generalized/dumb question, but would it be smart to buy the scaling armor/MR runes for my tanks/bruisers, but keep using the flats on my squishy champs I run (AP Mids/Assassins/ADC)?
Not sure if I'm going to take advantage of the rune sales besides maybe Mana scaling for my Ryze page.
With her Q cooldown being so low, triforce should be good on her now yeah?
Bearded Elder29903 Posts
R - Collateral Damage Collision Bonus Attack Damage ratio 1.4 ⇒ 1.5 Explosion Damage 140/250/360 (+1.2 bonus attack damage) ⇒ 200/280/360 (+1.2 bonus attack damage)
On April 03 2014 13:40 krndandaman wrote:Show nested quote +On April 03 2014 13:20 canikizu wrote: Caitlyn in URF is so fun. The amount of cc she has can outplay anybody pretty easy.
would ap caitlyn actually be viable in this mode then? dat trap and net scaling edit: im gonna try it right now. I pulled off ap ashe so anything is possible
Bearded Elder29903 Posts
And if it comes to Gragas, someone call Shushei and tell him Gragas top is viable again.
On April 03 2014 14:52 739 wrote: R - Collateral Damage Collision Bonus Attack Damage ratio 1.4 ⇒ 1.5 Explosion Damage 140/250/360 (+1.2 bonus attack damage) ⇒ 200/280/360 (+1.2 bonus attack damage)
Still no execute on the R, so it's not enough.
I mean, it's a step in the right direction, but we're not there yet.
Bearded Elder29903 Posts
I mean I'm happy that they're still thinking about Graves. Small buff it is but still Also the mana cost for Quickdraw change is a small step in the right direction.
On April 03 2014 15:33 Kinie wrote:Show nested quote +On April 03 2014 14:52 739 wrote: R - Collateral Damage Collision Bonus Attack Damage ratio 1.4 ⇒ 1.5 Explosion Damage 140/250/360 (+1.2 bonus attack damage) ⇒ 200/280/360 (+1.2 bonus attack damage)
YESSSSSSSSSS YESSSSSSSSSSS YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Still no execute on the R, so it's not enough. I mean, it's a step in the right direction, but we're not there yet. It's the first buff of any kind that Graves has had since he was released, I'd call this a LEAP in the right direction.
On April 03 2014 13:32 chalice wrote: glacial shroud seems like a joke, nobody buys frozen heart as it is and now they want you to pay 950g for 20 armor?
The point is to get the CDR. It'll be good on Nasus, since you can now back at 950 gold.
Speaking of which, if you now run flat CDR quints and glyphs on Nasus, you can start with 20% CDR.
On April 03 2014 14:34 arb wrote: With her Q cooldown being so low, triforce should be good on her now yeah? Maybe?
She doesn't really need much AS because of her w. She only gets triforce on the first part of her q. She gets more out of AD due to W. But on the other hand she has AP ratios in her e and Ult and can almost perfectly abuse triforces proc. scales well with cdr (which makes triforce profs easier to get off with her q).
I am thinking one of two non standard* builds may be good
1) sorc boots + stack bloodthirsters plus a LW. It's cheap, a lot of your damage is magic and the bonus damage keeps you relevant even in the late game. At 500 AD your ult will do about 1000 physical and 900 magic across multiple targets which might be worth giving up the crit.
2) sorc boots, brutalizer, triforce, cleaver, stack BT
* standard being BT LW IE -> stack IE.
This patch is going to be huge and its right before LCS playoffs XD
On April 03 2014 16:19 MooMooMugi wrote: This patch is going to be huge and its right before LCS playoffs XD
When do the playoffs start?
On April 03 2014 10:24 Ryuu314 wrote:Show nested quote +On April 03 2014 09:39 Sufficiency wrote: I analyzed 200k URF games from the last two days. It seems that with URF, blue side wins 54.1% of the time. This is slightly smaller than the usual 55% blue side win rate on ranked games. However, on URF:
1. While there are bans, the picks are blind, so there isn't really any issue with pick order. 2. Jungler is basically non-existent. 3. Dragon/baron fights are fairly minimal.
So, I think whatever is causing the blue side imbalance, it is more likely to be a combination of the following:
A. Viewing angle. Perhaps when you are on the bottom, hitting skillshots is easier. B. Riot messed up their match making algorithm. IIRC, someone on reddit also analyzed this a while back, except they also looked at aram games and noticed a similar winrate discrepancy (blue side favored significantly). I'm inclined to think it's something to do with Riot's matchmaking algorithm. Riot said a long time ago that blue side is supposed to have higher combined MMR in order to counterbalance the supposed map advantage of purple side. I think what is happening is that the map imbalance doesn't really play a huge role in games, while the mmr differential is skewing games. I really don't buy the whole viewing angle thing. Personally, I don't find myself missing any more skillshots from purple side than blue side. Purple has the highest Elo, not blue side.
No pantheon changes, makes me think a "rework" is incoming...
I'm also completely confused on the rengar ultimate, what the hell does alerted mean?
On April 03 2014 16:20 GolemMadness wrote:Show nested quote +On April 03 2014 16:19 MooMooMugi wrote: This patch is going to be huge and its right before LCS playoffs XD When do the playoffs start? Not exactly sure but within 1-2 months I'm guessing? Just basing my statement off Reginald's tweet
I do not post in here much anymore but I have come to weep and whine over the Gragas changes. He's been my favorite champ for about a year and a half or so now and I only picked him up after Ryze got butchered.
Hopefully the rework isn't too severe, but everything I can see seems like he'll just be another generic shitty bruiser with mana constraints.
Well hopefully he'll still be viable mid or top. It would suck if they basically took a role away rather than tweaking his gameplay. Same with Lulu.
They might both be strong midlaners, but if you tweak them so hard they lose their mid lane power, you've just reduced your mid champ pool without giving anything back.