[Patch 3.15] Yasuo General Discussion - Page 84
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Mozambique16569 Posts
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United States8519 Posts
On December 22 2013 18:01 Shikyo wrote: WW is better in sustained fights. On December 22 2013 21:02 Shikyo wrote: It also isn't reasonable to expect to hit every cleaver unless you're like, 1v1ing with a Warwick(and WW wins that fight with no contest by the way, Mundo has to pop ult and run away). Tell me, how does 1 doran's ring WW beat Mundo in a 1v1? At any stage of the game? I have no idea what you're arguing either. Figure out your own claims, most of them are nonsense. My definition of core is broad- core does not mean rush. I don't know what else you'd get after SV/Sunfire/Randuin's, games drag out long enough Warmogs meets my criteria of "fairly core." | ||
England6749 Posts
and on the subject of warmogs i think a lot of people prefer boots SF SV randiuns liandrys and then either a thornmail or banshees last. but thats just my own opinion/experience. | ||
Czech Republic11293 Posts
On December 22 2013 15:45 GTPGlitch wrote: What's the general best way to play jungle Vi? I'm trying to learn new junglers and i've been going jungle fist->mobi boots->botrk->things, but i don't really know the right way to build her ^^; The way I play jungle Vi is high damage Lizard Elder+Brutalizer, then decide whether I want to build even more dmg, maybe LW or finish BC, or go for tankiness with boots2, Randuins or Banshees/Spirit Visage. | ||
United States15536 Posts
On December 23 2013 00:46 Scip wrote: The way I play jungle Vi is high damage Lizard Elder+Brutalizer, then decide whether I want to build even more dmg, maybe LW or finish BC, or go for tankiness with boots2, Randuins or Banshees/Spirit Visage. In contrast, I go full dive-tank survival, meaning Golem, Mobos, Locket, Sunfire, SV, Randuins. If I'm ahead I start Triforce instead of Locket, starting with Phage and going for the other components if the snowball continues. | ||
United Kingdom50293 Posts
On December 23 2013 00:46 Scip wrote: The way I play jungle Vi is high damage Lizard Elder+Brutalizer, then decide whether I want to build even more dmg, maybe LW or finish BC, or go for tankiness with boots2, Randuins or Banshees/Spirit Visage. Damage vi is hilarious snowballing do you ever get triforce though. On December 23 2013 00:47 AsmodeusXI wrote: In contrast, I go full dive-tank survival, meaning Golem, Mobos, Locket, Sunfire, SV, Randuins. If I'm ahead I start Triforce instead of Locket, starting with Phage and going for the other components if the snowball continues. Generally I have a simple rule with vi, if I have taken the majority of the killls go sotl and play snowbally as hell damage vi, if it's mostly assists or haven't had enough successful ganks go tank. | ||
Lord Tolkien
United States12083 Posts
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Pootie too good!4331 Posts
grudgematch or you're pussies. | ||
United Kingdom50293 Posts
On December 23 2013 01:05 Lord Tolkien wrote: After such a long furlough after Worlds, BotA+Promos has been a pretty enlightening gauge for the state of various NA pro/amateur teams. Still have to see how C9 vs. Fnatic plays out (and I suppose Crs vs CoG, but that should be lopsided), but I'm fairly excited for the Coke Zero Challenger League, at the very least. COG vs crs could be good due to zamphira's massive improvement and cog's bizarre ability to come up ridiculously clutch. Granted it seems far more likely we'll just see the mediocre 6-20 in NACL cog but if clutch cog happens it could be close (Though cris vs quas at top may make it hard) | ||
Canada12016 Posts
On December 23 2013 01:07 JonGalt wrote: shikyo vs zer0, ww vs mundo grudgematch or you're pussies. Wei2coolman got banned so Shikyo didn't have to. | ||
Pitcairn19291 Posts
On December 23 2013 01:07 JonGalt wrote: shikyo vs zer0, ww vs mundo grudgematch or you're pussies. You mean 1v1 SHOWDOWN | ||
Pootie too good!4331 Posts
oh shit yeah. I forgot about that. third world problems etc. there really is no excuse now. ps how does this work? 100 cs/first blood/ first tower? | ||
United States60033 Posts
On December 22 2013 19:25 Shikyo wrote: Bruiser that was. Yi was pretty popular back when he was balanced(soon after remake), then they gutted him. I think Warwick top is a sleeper OP actually. His only issue is no waveclear. His earlygame is fine. No, I'm talking about the days when you could literally go IE, PD, BT, LW, on him, with just like a Warmogs or GA to finish off his build, and was legitly viable. | ||
United States3482 Posts
On December 23 2013 01:46 JonGalt wrote: oh shit yeah. I forgot about that. third world problems etc. there really is no excuse now. ps how does this work? 100 cs/first blood/ first tower? Yup. | ||
United States3482 Posts
Some games you might need the extra resists first but not always. It was also popular in the EU promo series when mundo got through. Never seen it in na tho. | ||
France45622 Posts
On December 22 2013 21:04 turdburgler wrote: nasus's wave clear is horrible but he is still viable. half warwicks lane problems would be solved if he ran teleport. im not saying he would be a big time pick with teleport, but the logical reasons for getting teleport are all things warwick wants. Spirit fire clears better than pre-buff Tormented Soil. Nasus has an almost free aa-reset in Q. What. On December 23 2013 00:46 Scip wrote: The way I play jungle Vi is high damage Lizard Elder+Brutalizer, then decide whether I want to build even more dmg, maybe LW or finish BC, or go for tankiness with boots2, Randuins or Banshees/Spirit Visage. Do you just spam ganks/camp lanes once you're 3? Na, knowing you you probably farm your ass off till 6 never ganking unless free kill, then you gank mid for garanteed kill with ult, and try snowballing and making picks everywhere to prevent the enemy team from grouping? I don't exactly see your build being able to initiate in a teamfight when midgame rolls by. | ||
Czech Republic11293 Posts
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United States19573 Posts
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United States12679 Posts
On December 22 2013 23:00 krndandaman wrote: wat nasus' wave clear is good. the main reason nasus jungler got popular last season was because of his waveclear against fast push. also, why is WW's lategame considered amazing? I thought the usefulness of his ult goes down as the game progresses. does he have good scaling stats or something? WW's lategame is considered amazing because he's virtually unkillable due to his insane healing from Q. He also does a ton of damage with just his passive, Q, and maybe a Wit's. The usefulness of his ult gets better as the game progresses imo, as catching people out with it becomes more and more likely to just straight up end the game. On top of that, WW suffers from the problem in that early game when he ults into an enemy team, it's risky since he can just get blown up. Late game that's not as big an issue so it's essentially a 700 range gapcloser and stun that's unaffected by tenacity. It also forces the enemy squishies to spend 1.5k gold on a QSS (cleanse doesn't remove suppressions). On December 23 2013 04:08 cLutZ wrote: Why exactly is Mundo vs. Warwick important? The important part is WW/Mundo vs. Rengar/Renekton/Riven/Shyvana. FFS. Imo, WW v. Mundo is irrelevant. Mundo is a better pick than WW since they both kinda do the same thing late (unkillable tanks via healing that do mad sustained damage), except Mundo has a better early game (no mana problems, naturally tanky at level 6+ even with minimal items, ranged poke/farming). On December 22 2013 20:12 zer0das wrote: lots of math on WW and Mundo's dps I agree with you that the two's dps is arguably equal and can possibly be in favor of Mundo since Mundo has a way of sticking to his target. However, you can't ignore the fact that WW's Hunter's Call is a teamwide buff. It gives 40% attack speed to your whole team (technically it's aoe but with 1250 range it's virtually team-wide), which greatly increases your team's dps. On top of that, it's also somewhat hard to escape from a losing teamfight against WW as long as WW lives due to bloodscent letting WW chase low hp targets down np. In a lategame scenario, both Mundo and WW do virtually the same thing - unkillable sources of significant damage. Mundo sticks to his target via cleavers and ignores cc, while WW provides pick potential and forces a 1.5k QSS investment from the enemy's carries+hunter's call buff. Regardless, I do agree that Mundo is a superior pick because WW simply has too many issues early game to really be worth it. | ||
Carnivorous Sheep
Baa?21242 Posts
ok rip weird book thing icon, we had a good 3 years | ||
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