[Patch 3.15] Yasuo General Discussion - Page 14
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United States3106 Posts
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United States7572 Posts
-W - Aegis of Zeonia Now can be cast on enemy minions and jungle monsters This was included in the minor changes and bugfixes, but it actually isn't minor at all, it impacts literally every aspect of Pantheon's gameplay and is a HUGE buff. For those of you who saw it and went "oh he can jump walls now, cool", here is a overview of why this is a massive change for him. 1. Panth now has an escape skill. In lane and in the jungle he can now plan out and use a minon or monster behind him to leap back to safety when in the past he had nothing. Not only does this 600 range leap now move him to safety, it also shields him as he runs away. 2. He can jump jungle walls to escape or engage. Interesting applications include Ulting in on a fight in the jungle on the opposite side of a buff camp wall, then immediately jumping the wall to the camp, getting in his AOE and repositioning him to safety while tricking enemies who waited for him to land. Pantheon now has juke potential. 3. He now has a true non-allin gap closer. In lane or chasing he can use W to leap to a closer minion to his enemy, allowing him to chase though minion waves or close the gap to get into a final crit-spear range. A low enemy with a minon in spear range of them can be closed on and killed instantly from 1500 range with a flash/W to minon/spear combo. His threat zone where he could potential spear you has now effectively doubled in lane. A panth last hitting melee creeps can now easily leap to the ranged ones and land a spear even on ranged champs hanging far back. 4. He now has an anti-harass skill in lane. Since it refreshes his shield, pantheon can now negate incoming auto harass by simply W-ing a nearby lane creep whenever he has the mana, without allining or putting himself in danger. Later in the game in a siege situation he can do the same, and W's flat cost of 55 allows him to do it almost unlimitedly later on. 5. Pantheon now has an anti-skillshot skill in lane. Incoming blitz hook? Morg binding? Pantheon can now spend 50 mana and W to a lane creep to dodge it lake a vayne tumble with 600 range. This can also double function as a gap closer: Brand W's you, you leap to the ranged creeps to dodge it and then land a spear on him. 6. Pantheon is now even stronger at turret diving. You can now dive an enemy, kill them, and use a W to a lane minion to leap back out of turret range once they are dead. Or simply W a creep after the kill to negate the last turret shot that would finish you, when previously you would die like a bitch with no valid target. 7. Pantheon jungle. The ability to W monsters gives his jungle a huge buff. a. You get more damage for faster clear b. You get to stun the camp to reduce damage you take clearing c. You get to refresh your shield on the camp, further reducing damage taken. (Each W essentially negates 2 attacks by a buff This change literally has a massive impact on EVERY single aspect of Pantheon's gameplay. It completely refreshes the entire champ. I'm interested to see if this pushes him into a perhaps tourney viable state with the huge skill element and capability it introduces. | ||
United States3130 Posts
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United States8519 Posts
On December 14 2013 08:50 AsnSensation wrote: To Be Determined is now known as Determined Gaming. very creative. No false advertising here, no sir. | ||
United States3106 Posts
On December 14 2013 09:13 wussleeQ wrote: yasuo seems like a really really stupid jungler He is. Honestly wouldn't recommend it. I feel his best spots are top or mid. | ||
United States3130 Posts
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Germany9118 Posts
He also can spam his skills at jungle camps and not care about mana. | ||
United States3106 Posts
On December 14 2013 09:18 wussleeQ wrote: i meant it as he would be a pretty good one lol. his clear is pretty strong and he can jump over walls to clear fast not that his laning would be bad or anything The issue is you need the right team comp for him to jungle. His E isn't actually that far of a range to let him jump over it, and his clear is fast but he needs a ton of pots to survive. And you basically have to get a successful kill in every gank to get enough money to build actual items, as the jungle items aren't that good on him. Maybe Golem is ok because he REALLY wants tenacity passive as he is useless if he gets hard CCed. But you normally need to build tanky out of jungle along with top laner to be useful for team fights, Maybe when a team comp is designed based around Yasuo jungle it could be better, but for random pug yolo Q games I wouldn't recommend it 95% of the time. | ||
United States60033 Posts
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Lord Tolkien
United States12083 Posts
On December 14 2013 08:50 AsnSensation wrote: To Be Determined is now known as Determined Gaming. very creative. Arthelon pls, why you bait us On December 14 2013 08:23 FakeSteve[TPR] wrote: also Riven totally killed his master This can only end in one of two ways: sex or death. inc rule 34s | ||
Canada12499 Posts
edit: this is based on a bot game, his clears are super fast and he's mobile as hell with the q over wall to aggro creep -> e combo | ||
United Kingdom1014 Posts
On December 14 2013 09:13 sob3k wrote: Ok, this latest patch changed Pantheon -W - Aegis of Zeonia Now can be cast on enemy minions and jungle monsters This was included in the minor changes and bugfixes, but it actually isn't minor at all, it impacts literally every aspect of Pantheon's gameplay and is a HUGE buff. For those of you who saw it and went "oh he can jump walls now, cool", here is a overview of why this is a massive change for him. 1. Panth now has an escape skill. In lane and in the jungle he can now plan out and use a minon or monster behind him to leap back to safety when in the past he had nothing. Not only does this 600 range leap now move him to safety, it also shields him as he runs away. 2. He can jump jungle walls to escape or engage. Interesting applications include Ulting in on a fight in the jungle on the opposite side of a buff camp wall, then immediately jumping the wall to the camp, getting in his AOE and repositioning him to safety while tricking enemies who waited for him to land. Pantheon now has juke potential. 3. He now has a true non-allin gap closer. In lane or chasing he can use W to leap to a closer minion to his enemy, allowing him to chase though minion waves or close the gap to get into a final crit-spear range. A low enemy with a minon in spear range of them can be closed on and killed instantly from 1500 range with a flash/W to minon/spear combo. His threat zone where he could potential spear you has now effectively doubled in lane. A panth last hitting melee creeps can now easily leap to the ranged ones and land a spear even on ranged champs hanging far back. 4. He now has an anti-harass skill in lane. Since it refreshes his shield, pantheon can now negate incoming auto harass by simply W-ing a nearby lane creep whenever he has the mana, without allining or putting himself in danger. Later in the game in a siege situation he can do the same, and W's flat cost of 55 allows him to do it almost unlimitedly later on. 5. Pantheon now has an anti-skillshot skill in lane. Incoming blitz hook? Morg binding? Pantheon can now spend 50 mana and W to a lane creep to dodge it lake a vayne tumble with 600 range. This can also double function as a gap closer: Brand W's you, you leap to the ranged creeps to dodge it and then land a spear on him. 6. Pantheon is now even stronger at turret diving. You can now dive an enemy, kill them, and use a W to a lane minion to leap back out of turret range once they are dead. Or simply W a creep after the kill to negate the last turret shot that would finish you, when previously you would die like a bitch with no valid target. 7. Pantheon jungle. The ability to W monsters gives his jungle a huge buff. a. You get more damage for faster clear b. You get to stun the camp to reduce damage you take clearing c. You get to refresh your shield on the camp, further reducing damage taken. (Each W essentially negates 2 attacks by a buff This change literally has a massive impact on EVERY single aspect of Pantheon's gameplay. It completely refreshes the entire champ. I'm interested to see if this pushes him into a perhaps tourney viable state with the huge skill element and capability it introduces. Yeah it's a wonderful buff for him. Being able to create distance or dodge cc also gives him time to grand skyfall out of outrageous situations. Brings him in line with new champs though. Just being able to target champions with your movement spell is something you cant really imagine Yasuo or Aatrox being saddled with. | ||
Canada3353 Posts
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57 Corvette
Canada5941 Posts
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Germany9118 Posts
On December 14 2013 08:39 lega wrote: I do feel Botrk +Shiv is an overkill on attack speed, especially since he also use greaves. His Q is already an AA reset iirc, and you have to use a bunch of Q's during your combo. Just try a normal game with vamp->TF->hydra build. I do feel the TF timing is pretty strong. My eq burst is insanely damaging and I can basically duel any one on the map. Though that game turns into a stomp so this might not be correct, I do believe if you go TF build to play him as an AD caster, you don't have get one more AS item. I will probably finish IE as the 3rd item and then go GA. It is already 50% AS +70% crit chance with two AA reset. his Q cooldown goes down with attackspeed. But i dont know if shiv+botrk caps it. But in general, attackspeed isnt wasted. | ||
Canada12499 Posts
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United States3106 Posts
On December 14 2013 10:51 ShaLLoW[baY] wrote: I think that shiv + bork + greaves caps it It caps with shiv + BotRK + Greaves. Played him top lane, did ok, went 5 - 6 - 0 in normals, with most of the deaths from the enemy mid roaming top to gank me. It's just my opinion, but he's probably only viable in mid lane. The biggest issues I see with him are this: 1. His all-in potential is VERY telegraphed. You need to stack your Q twice to get the whirlwind on the next Q attack, and the tornado itself is pretty easy to dodge. The E dash is fine for building damage or using it for the E-Q knockup but again, you need to be in range for it to be good, and the dash range is pretty short, so most ranged mid laners can stay out of it unless you do a E minion leap onto E-Q-R combo. 2. The fact his E dash requires a target to dash to means that when he dives, he's not getting out easy unless he has something to E away from. If it was a, "E: Dash X distance, dmg. first enemy you hit and said target is immune to E dmg. for next 10 seconds with E CD reset to 0.1s, otherwise normal CD of 10s" then he'd be much better of an all-in person, or at least is a person who can deal damage with a quick E-Q-AA-E away and be pretty safe. 3. He's very squishy, even with his passive shield. And the lack of defensive items he can get that benefit him (it's basically only Zephyr and maybe Wits' End or Atmas, maybe GA). With all of the above stated, if he ever snowballs he will literally 1v5 an entire team. The amount of damage he does with several key items (mainly Shiv + IE) is insane, and if you can get multiple champs knocked up for his R they're basically dead. | ||
United States8298 Posts
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United States35091 Posts
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Canada290 Posts
On December 14 2013 10:35 LaNague wrote: his Q cooldown goes down with attackspeed. But i dont know if shiv+botrk caps it. But in general, attackspeed isnt wasted. According to wiki, the cd of Q is capped at 114% bonus attack speed. Yasuo gets 68% attack speed at level 18. So you only need 46% bonus attack speed in total from runes/masteries/items to reach maximum CDR. TF+greaves is 50% AS. You also get 5% AS from mastery and probably more from AS reds. Meanwhile, BotrK+Shiv is already 80% AS.... | ||
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