On September 20 2013 05:06 Slusher wrote: I don't suppose there is a way to check out a ruleset w/o buying the book?I can't really give any advice on the system otherwise. Wiki has an overview of the system. Not complete, obviously, but gives the jist of it. d20 system (and d20 only, no other dice), no HP but rather different types of combat, Hero Points are basically "fuck you I'm awesome" points.
Also gangplank.
I never envisioned League characters as being that strong, especially characters hoping to join the league. I'd rather not have the final say since I'm a noob at this but the power levels seem a bit off from what I imagine with Champions.
I also don't like the no hit point system as blow for blow duels are pretty relevant in League, but it says it has an adeptation for that.
Champion Name: Anhein, the Faded Demon
Homeland: ???
Champion Type: Shield Cleric
Background: Whispers abounded when a single, solitary man walked through Noxus. Despite the grimy streets, and the grimier people, the man was untouched as he continued to walk. Even the most dense of the thugs of the slums felt something unearthly was near, despite the man's appearance. He was a man with a cleanshaven, passive face, and a solemn walk. Despite being about only 30, he had the cares and aches of thousands of years etched into his features. He walked through Noxus with his slow, determined pace, and just kept on walking.
The truth is that Anhein was not always a man. Long ago, he had been a member of an ancient, venerable race known as Darkin. The race of demigods were beneficial to all creatures of Valoran, and were led by their holy leader/warrior, known as Justicar. Anhein was young then, but showed promise as he grew. Eventually, there came into power a Justicar known as Aatrox, who was as noble a warrior and a Darkin that could be found. Aatrox had earned the loyalty of Anhein through battles they fought together. But secretly, the corrupt Aatrox planted the seeds of evil within Anhein. And as Aatrox led the downfall of the Darkin, Anhein's twisted mind led him to commit countless acts of atrocity, leading to the virtual extermination of his own people. He, Aatrox, and four other followers Aatrox had corrupted were the only remaining Darkin.
One day, however, as Aatrox was terrorizing the world abroad, Anhein journeyed to the peak of Mount Gargantuan (thats actually what Riot calls it lol). There he found a sage, and Anhein immediately eliminated him. Before being stabbed by Anhein's blade, the monk whispered a few words. Nobody knows what he said, but it is known that Anhein screamed for three days and three nights, reliving the horrible xenocide he committed as the corruption was purged from his mind. Anhein, while purged, could not live with what he had done and committed suicide.
One month ago, a man woke up surrounded by ascetic monks. His body was mortal and frail. The memories, however, remained. Swearing never again to wield a blade, the monks of the peak taught him the ways of healing. The man, calling himself An, descended from the peaks of the mountain, the only plague in his mind the madness of the revenge he sought.
Wow that was way longer than it should've been. I was bored as hell today o.O
RPG player background: This isn't a JRPG wat do Time Zone/Availability: like 4:15 PM to 10:00 PM
The powerlevel system is there though. Power level 5 and lower is basically vanilla humans, 10 is starting to be "super", 15+ is Superman and Thor level "the story mandates that we nerf you so you don't win in 2 pages".
No HP threw me for a loop too, but it's kind of interesting. You have lethal and non-lethal damage, and then damage tables that say what the attack does to you, and then saves to see if you just ignore it. If it crushes you, you can burn Hero Points (earned by heroic deeds) to activate plot-power and remove the trident from your spine with no issue.
But like I said, I have no experience in it, so I'm still open to suggestions. The two already posted wouldn't really fit into a base D&D system (my most well-versed system), so I'm just looking at new stuff. Of the stuff I know, All Flesh is too "real-y", GURPS is too complex, and Pokemon Tabletop Adventures is too... well we could play Pokemon but I don't think that's the point of the game lol.
I mean, we could also potentially modify characters to fit a DnD play style if need be.
I had a lot of fun writing my lore, and just as much fun reading the other two that have been posted thus far.
well like the dudes explanation makes sense, in a comic book people take hits like crazy, but act like nothing happened pretty much until the deciding blow.
But you think of Duels in league of legends, and trading abilitys until someone runs out of health is a pretty big part of it, it does say the book contains a conversion if you want to go with HP though, so it could work, I just think HP in the context of LOL is really important
On September 20 2013 05:33 Slusher wrote: well like the dudes explanation makes sense, in a comic book people take hits like crazy, but act like nothing happened pretty much until the deciding blow.
But you think of Duels in league of legends, and trading abilitys until someone runs out of health is a pretty big part of it, it does say the book contains a conversion if you want to go with HP though, so it could work, I just think HP in the context of LOL is really important Well, the campaign is not going to be in the Rift, and Champion v Champion (or pre-Champion as far as the players are concerned) will be limited to big fights, so standard encounters won't be like 2 champs slugging it out in lane or teamfights.
That's what I'm envisioning right now, anyway, but may change later on.
United States840 Posts
I'd be real interested in this if there is room left. I'll take a back seat to anyone else interested though, due to my sporadic scheduling issues.
United States15536 Posts
Name: Carreth, the Wrath of Ionia
Info: Male, Human, 25
Homeland: Ionia, Post-exile: wandering near the isles
Champion Type: Staff-wielder, Mage, Support (buff/debuff)
Background: An ardent defender of his home and people whose destructive methods forced him into exile.
In a land of enlightenment are born blessed children. Like so many on the Ionian Isles, Carreth possessed a great intelligence and wisdom from an early age. Yet, unlike his peers, Carreth was utterly devoted to the island, his ever-favored home and the realm of his family. Completing his early education at the top of his class, Carreth graduated not to diplomacy or swordsmanship, but instead became an acolyte of Karma, the Enlightened One, a student of the arts of wisdom and spiritual strength. He excelled in these studies and was the pride of his parents and village.
Until the invasion came.
The Noxian invasion of Ionia ravaged both Carreth's home and people. Though countless citizens, including many of his former peers, joined the battle against the Noxian army and Zaun mercenaries, he was forbidden to join the fray. Despite his many protests, his masters, Karma included, insisted his training and safety was too valuable and forbade him from participating in the defense of his home. Stricken by the guilt of watching Ionia and its people burn and incensed by the implications of his useless, Carreth did the only thing he could: he trained as hard as possible so that he too would be able to fight alongside his people.
Except he supplemented his training with an art of his own. Born of out hatred for those who would slaughter everyone he loved, Carreth's magicks took on forms never before known to Ionia. Out of his meditation on rage and the perversion of Karma's teachings, Carreth created a subtle sorcery. A sorcery of suggestion and compulsion. Of doubt, misery, and fear. Of nightmares and psychosis. When he finally was allowed upon the field of battle, Carreth was not a vessel of enlightenment but a harbinger of loathing and vengeance.
All of his fellow soldiers were horrified by the carnage Carreth wrought on the fields of battle. Full squadrons of Noxian soldiers halted in their paces before drawing their swords and disemboweling themselves, all without knowing why. Others turned on their comrades with hunger in their eyes, tearing at each other until they were bloodied bits staining the Ionian countryside. Still more lay down into a sleep from which they could not wake, despite their screams for mercy. When the company was vanquished, Carreth turned joyously to his allies and was confused as to why they looked back with horror and revulsion.
As peaceful as they were, the Ionian Elders could not bring themselves to put a precious child of their home to death. Instead, they conferred upon Carreth a more devastating punishment, or so he believed: banishment. Ruled unfit to walk the hallowed grounds of the island of enlightenment, Karma and the rest of the Elders exiled Carreth to the four winds, commanding him never to return to his homeland. Grieving and betrayed, Carreth departed from his beloved home in sorrow, devastated that he would never again view its beauty.
Abandoned as he felt, Carreth could never truly forsake his home. Though he never passed its borders, Carreth wandered near and far, snuffing out the lights of those that he believed were threats to the great island. Eventually, Carreth came to a realization. If he could join the League of Legends, not only would his efforts best serve Ionia, but the glory he could earn may even be enough to earn him a pardon and a return to his family and people. Dark magicks stronger than ever, Carreth lusts after League induction to get closer to his home than he has been in years.
... and cull more Noxian swine in the process.
+ Show Spoiler [Concept art] +![[image loading]](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/b/b4/Raistlin.png) + ![[image loading]](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/5/50/HellblazerCVR189.jpg/250px-HellblazerCVR189.jpg)
A zealous heart with an impure power leads to madness. - Karma, on the sentencing of Carreth
RPG Player: DnD, some Exalted, a homebrew Pokemon D&D for the last year.5 or so.
Time Zone/Availability: Central; Have work from 9-5 on weekdays, No Wednesday nights, something weekend afternoons might be best for me
Champion Name: Slip, the crafty thief
Champion Info: Male Human Age 22
Homeland: Piltover, Slums
Champion Type: Crafter/Rogue. + Show Spoiler [theory craft mechanics] + +2 dex -2 con values int for craft arms/ammunition and devalues strength because uses range tech weapon. Very reliant on personalized starting weapon, the Scrap Cannon, and is more inclined to purchase upgrades over replacements. (see power like in Mutants and Masterminds, his weapon grows with him kinda thing is possible) Feat and champion abilities like standard archer + standard rogue. Champion skills can include: - Sneak attack: huehuehue
- Budget ammo: At level 1 Slip can fire any small object out of the Scrap Cannon. non-ammunition deals 1d4+dex but objects that have an affect on impact still occur.
- Crafty Ammunition: Takes time to create special bullets for extra magic elemental or physical damage.
- Shoot and Run: At level * Slip can take a charge action without ending in melee range and may make a full attack with the Scrap Cannon at any time during the charge.
- Rapid Reload At level * can reload and fire twice as a full round attack action.
- Spray Fire At level * can load 2 items and fire them both with some aoe rules. Increases to 3 items at level *
Background: A Neutral good stealthy tinker from the slums of piltover.
Being small made life hard on the streets and Slip learned to run faster to stay safe. His hard life led him to become very good at remaining unseen. And as he aged he used his stealth and speed for theft to provide for his mother and younger sister.
Scavenging in piltover will turn up a lot of hextech scraps which, as slip discovered, can be quite valuable with a little fixing up. Originally Slip was satisfied fixing up scraps and reselling them for enough money to get by, but seeing the going price of new technology led him to entrepreneur into the realm of hextech invention. And he seemed to have a nack for it. After "borrowing" significant expensive techmaturgy and hextech textbooks from the Yordle Academy of Science & Progress and years spending late nights studying and tinkering, Slips practical hexmechanical engineering abilities were unparalleled on the streets and he could fit in with even the most advanced students of Heimerdinger's classes.
He remained living in the slums selling and giving his practical appliances in his community and to his friends and neighbors. His more creative inventions he used himself to assist in his night time "resource procurement" missions. Eventually he combined all his most useful gadgets for this purpose into an armguard combined with a classic touchscreen and a miniature barrel from a H-28G Evolution Turret which he affectionally calls the Scrap Cannon. With creative projectiles Slip prefers to use non lethal force in his night to night activities while remaining well equipped to dish out damage to serious threats.
Slip has heard of Axel and Vi growing up and maybe even idolized them until Vi's changed sides of the law and slip began to think about the good and evil sides of being unlawful differently. He doesn't obey the law but he strives to improve his community foremost and has no vendetta against the wealthy. Despite being respected for the improvement in life he has brought to his community he remains mostly alone seeking not to befriend anyone but to make it big on by himself.
Slip has begun feeling restless as of late and feels that with his hybrid of skills he could be contributing much more significantly to the shape of the world around him. Coming from a poor slum with no advantages he sees the Institute of War as one of his only chances to break out of being a low town nobody. + Show Spoiler [concept drawing] +
RPG player background: Medium beard, main level dweller. A few pathfinder, 3, 3.5, 4th, and fallout games.
Time Zone/Availability: 7pm EST onward monday to friday weekends kinda first come first serve. + Show Spoiler [Disclaimer] + I will gladly give up my spot if it means a more significant community member gets an opportunity to play on stream etc. I really shouldn't commit to playing in this anyway since I'm so busy but it looks like too much fucking fun. hopefully there will be more games in the future to cater to all the interest.
On September 20 2013 05:54 AsmodeusXI wrote: Name: Carreth
Info: Male, Human, 25
Homeland: Ionia
Champion Type: Staff-wielder, Mage, Support (buff/debuff)
Background: [will fill soon]
RPG Player: DnD, some Exalted, a homebrew Pokemon D&D for the last year.5 or so.
Time Zone/Availability: Central; Have work from 9-5 on weekdays, No Wednesday nights, something weekend afternoons might be best for me
WOW look at this guy
so lazy
I feel like grabbing a couple hours on a weekend may be easier for some people as opposed to trying to squeeze in after work because of timezones. But I'm sure we can figure things out once we actually have a roster and an idea of what's going on.
Just wanna say that I had a blast writing my lore, I might write a much larger one later
United States15536 Posts
On September 20 2013 05:56 jcarlsoniv wrote:Show nested quote +On September 20 2013 05:54 AsmodeusXI wrote: Name: Carreth
Info: Male, Human, 25
Homeland: Ionia
Champion Type: Staff-wielder, Mage, Support (buff/debuff)
Background: [will fill soon]
RPG Player: DnD, some Exalted, a homebrew Pokemon D&D for the last year.5 or so.
Time Zone/Availability: Central; Have work from 9-5 on weekdays, No Wednesday nights, something weekend afternoons might be best for me
WOW look at this guy so lazy I feel like grabbing a couple hours on a weekend may be easier for some people as opposed to trying to squeeze in after work because of timezones. But I'm sure we can figure things out once we actually have a roster and an idea of what's going on.
Bite me I'm at work doing work.
United States840 Posts
Bite me I'm at work doing work. 
What?! Actually working at work is over-rated. You're only suppose to LOOK like you're doing stuff! Common man! Get with it!
On September 20 2013 06:07 GhandiEAGLE wrote: Just wanna say that I had a blast writing my lore, I might write a much larger one later I had a blast reading your (and everyone else's) lore you should write more
I'm too lazy to write myself a character n shit. Soniv, do it for me kthx.
Also Req I feel like this will be far more fun to watch (if this gets streamed) if you have someone who has no idea how the fuck DnD really works (ie me), and watch the hilarity ensue.
Can I have a spot reserved but if it's shitty timing for me I'll just back out and give it to someone else, rather than try and force 4 or so other people to conform to me?
Edit: Ghandi you can write my lore too. Shadow isles for me or something. Something badass/evil-y.
Pff I ain't doin shit for you Wave.
And I will stream it, even if production levels are shit-tier
Throw that bitch in a word processor and I challenge anyone you work with to actually know it's not work lol.
my lore actually changed a lot as I wrote it, the original heroine was not Vi, but after reading her lore it fit too well.
United States15536 Posts
On September 20 2013 06:17 Slusher wrote: Throw that bitch in a word processor and I challenge anyone you work with to actually know it's not work lol.
my lore actually changed a lot as I wrote it, the original heroine was not Vi, but after reading her lore it fit too well.
I'm a programmer. Word processors are the anti-work. huehuehue
I assume you have dual monitors.
Have work up on both, but in the most discrete corner, have notepad open. That's what I did. Cuz I got literally 0 work done today.