For Glory, Fame, and Honor!
Not all champions are heroes of their homelands, handpicked by the Grand Summoners to fight in the League. Some are warriors, spellcasters, or tricksters with a variety of pasts, who come to the League to find glory and respect. Others disdain their past, knowing nothing but battle and simply seek worthy opponents on the Fields of Justice.
Wherever they may come from, many travel from all over Valoran to the steps of the Institute of War, ready to compete with one another to gain attention and earn a spot on the exclusive roster of champions. However, few are chosen, and often dozens or more will be turned away in the course of a year with none offered the much-desired honor.
So it is, even now. You have trekked from lands near and far to show your skills, and stand, waiting to hear if your name will be called, to step into the Reflecting Chamber and have the Summoners read your mind.
But first, tell me about yourself. This won’t be starting immediately, so take some time! Think about your character, who they are, where they come from, their aspirations, and anything else. I’d be accepting of all levels of PnP backgrounds, from basement-dwelling neckbeards to newbs.
I’m considering D&D 3.5/4/Next or Mutants and Masterminds right now, let me know if you have any input in systems.
I’d basically be using lore from LoL (with slight modifications if necessary), so check out the wiki for ideas and questions.
This is more or less to gauge interest in this sort of thing, since there was talk of it in OTG. Also, even if you don’t want to play/don’t have time to play/live in a silly timezone, there was interest in streaming it like a Rollplay, so you can always cheer us on that way!
DON’T just fill this out immediately, take some time and think! No one likes characters thrown together haphazardly, but I’m just putting this here for the time being~
+ Show Spoiler [application thingy] + Champion Name: <name here>
Champion Info: <Gender/Race/Age/etc>
Homeland: <can be a city-state, or just a general area of Valoran>
Champion Type: <doesn’t need to be a fully built character, just a general warrior/rogue/caster/healer/etc archetype>
Background: <Brief character background, can be left blank if you want to think about it some more>
RPG player background: <how long you’ve been playing, or if you’re new>
Time Zone/Availability: <In which we try to make schedules line up for people>
Also this is just brainstorming stuff so it might change and it might just end up flopping completely, but hey I’m bored.
Interested parties: + Show Spoiler +Soniv Slushypoo Ghandi OdinOfPergo? Asmo ComaDose Wave but he's lazy as fuck
I'm not sure where you're going with this or how/when you plan on making this work but I'm defs interested.
nvm read it.
I'd do it, could be funzies. I'm a super noob btw
United States15536 Posts
into it
Someone has to play Teemo's brother, and I'll watch/read that thing 100%.
You setting this up and reading the OT thread reminds me of how I've had to come up with role junk for my LoL Mafia game to fit within the parameters of mafia, and it's not always easy to make them interesting and not completely batshit OP.
(Also I'm going to keep plugging LoL Mafia until the post goes up a few months from now; it's going to be a fucking blast. Soniv is plaayyyying!!!)
I'm going to guess Teemo is already reserved for you req?
Well if I'm DMing then all existing champions are reserved for me bwahahhahaha
+ Show Spoiler +
I already have a spot reserved for this!!!!!
FWIW, I really enjoy my friend group of 6-8 players, but it really does get too hectic/hard for DMs (we have 2 DMs working together) and it makes things between individual player turns take a while.
I would suggest limiting it to 4 players.
As for game version, I've only ever played Next, but I've been keeping up with Rollplay (I forget what version Neal is running it in). I'm down for whatever, to be honest, as long as it's fun and engaging.
I'll fill out my character shit shortly.
Never been a huge roleplayer, but this seems like an interesting idea, actually. Good luck with it!
On September 20 2013 02:18 jcarlsoniv wrote: I would suggest limiting it to 4 players.
This ^ 4-5 is a maximum, it's a number not always easy to handle even playing at the same table. Can't imagine more than that using the internet.
Sounds awesome. Wish I was active enough to be one of the 4/5.
4-5 sounds fair. I know we have a good community here, so I'd hate for people to feel excluded, but yeah for a DM any more than that can get overwhelming and often times people can feel neglected in lieu of other characters.
That said, even if you're not one of the players you can still participate! I'm planning on taking input from people, and if we have a stream going you can go and boo your favorite posters while they try to survive my dastardly traps and encounters.
+ Show Spoiler +
Champion Name: Axel "The Leader of the Pack."
Champion Info: Male
Homeland: Outskirts of Piltover
Champion Type: Axel is the Leader of the Vandal's biker gang, so he would be a motorcycle riding champion (lol) mabye he'd have like a pop-a-weelie move, and a move where he hits you with a bike chain a la road rash. mainly the theme is leader of a biker gang.
Background: Axel is a no good thug from the outskirts of Piltover, his mother died at a young age so he grew up with his father alone, it was a tough life for Axel as his dad would be at "work" until late hours in the night and Axel found himself raising himself, One night when his father was out late, Axel felt incredibly hungry, he didn't have any money really but he knew he had to eat something, he embarked out on the street looking in windows of houses and stores until he saw exactly what he was looking for. In a small home at the end of the ally he saw an open window leading into the kitchen, Axel snuck inside went over to the counter and started snatching up all the fruit he could hold into his hands when he heard a noise behind him. He thought he was caught, he turned around slowly prepared to explain himself when he saw a petite little girl, a size he was suprised she had even been able to climb through the window on her own, she had a look of terror on her face having been spotted, but Axel put a finger to his lips as to signal to stay quiet. He handed her the fruit then opened up the grabed some drinks out of the hextech cooler and jumped out the window. He then helped her down and they snuck into the next ally over to partake in their spoils.
Her name was Vi, she was a tiny little thing, surprisingly they were actually the same age, only instead of one parent she had no parents, Axel felt an immediate connection to Vi and they became great friends, eventually they started the Vandals together and began a life in crime, as she got older Vi was no longer such a small girl and the callers came, but Axel was as over protective brother as you have ever met. A lot of the other gang members would joke that Axel just wanted to have Vi to himself, and that might have been true, Axel didn't know how he would run the Vandals if she ever left, until that day came.
As you may have heard the vandals set up a gig to steal some gems being mined but it all went bad, the explosive cask Gragas had set up to break into the area where they store the Gems suffered from what he explained later was Latent Amber Germination and detonated before reaching the planned location. The cave started to collapse all around them trapping some workes nearby. Axel didn't want any of his men to get arrested or hurt so he gathered them up and got them out as fast as he could, only to find Vi straggling behind. He tried to talk her out of staying, he knew the location of this mine was too close to Piltover proper, and the legendary Sheriff would be there soon. But Vi insisted, and Axel left, he felt at the time that tending to the wounds of the other gang members more important but he has since regretted this choice. He could have instructed his lieutenant Vladimir to begin treating the hurt members, he could have Trusted Brand to set up the hideout, but as per usual, he wanted to take care of it himself.
Vi went on to make a deal with Caitlyn joining her in taking down crime, as such she severed all ties to Axel and they haven't spoken since that day. Now he seeks to join in the League of Legends, the one way he figures, Vi won't be able to ignore him any longer.
RPG player background: I played a Marvel based tabletop game for one campaign, thats it.  Time Zone/Availability: Central, I work mostly monday-friday (early)mornings so I can't stay up suuuper late, but 10-11 isn't a big deal if it's not 5 days a week. Even 12 is cool if it's once a week. I occasionally work sat mornings also but I just fuck myself on sleep in those situations anyway lol.
Champion Name: Paranox, the Hand of Change
Champion Info: Male, Mid 20s Techno-Human Hybrid
Homeland: Zaun
Champion Type: Warrior/Fighter
Growing up in Zaun, Paranox was always of a smaller stature. He came to be very engrossed in learning, but always found himself bullied by those with a physical advantage. This all changed when he went to the College of Techmaturgy. He met a brilliant scientist named Viktor, and they immediately became close, sharing ideas through many nights in the lab.
Eventually, Paranox had joined the team that ended up creating Blitzcrank (headed by Viktor). Viktor was devastated when his team's intellectual property was stolen by Professor Stanwick. Paranox, being Viktor's right hand, was there to see the breakdown, and when Viktor went into seclusion, Paranox went with him.
In secret, Viktor and Paranox vowed revenge on the society that had forsaken personal innovation. During this time, the contempt that Paranox felt from all those years of bullying bubbled to the surface. No longer would Paranox be too weak. Together, he and Viktor would create a strength through intellect that no one could challenge.
One morning, Viktor laid a pair of preliminary blueprints in front of Paranox. He looked at his colleague and said "Viktor...this will be a glorious evolution."
"Indeed, friend. If the world can change us, then we can change the world." Viktor replied.
It began with basic augments - changes to reflexes and basic strength for Paranox, mental augments for Viktor. This quickly lead to more innovation and a greater desire for strength.
Eventually, Paranox developed what he hoped would be his core power - the ability to adapt the tools around him to do his physical bidding. He wished to never feel the helplessness he grew so familiar with in his youth. He would be able to use his surroundings, as well as his physical augments, to hone brute force.
The day came for the installation of his power core. Paranox watched his coworker preparing for the procedure. Viktor looked at Paranox, said "Steel can fix all your flaws." and then...blackness.
Paranox woke up to lights in the lab, but Viktor was nowhere to be found. It was not long before Paranox had learned that he fell into a coma, and in his mental absence, Viktor had joined the League of Legends to weed out the flaws of Valoran. Through testing, Paranox realized that his core installation was successful, but it would take time before it could be fully utilized.
Now, Paranox hopes to join his former colleague, his friend, and bring more cause to The Glorious Evolution.
RPG player background: Have played DnD Next fairly sporadically. Follow Rollplay. Understand the general flow of how the game works/how to play.
Time Zone/Availability: Beast Coast - availability is somewhat dependent on others. Fairly flexible after work days, but I struggle planning things further than 1 week out. It's sort of a first come, first serve basis with plans.
Whenever this ends up happening, I will be streaming it. So if there's anyone who is artistically/graphically inclined and would like to do something similar to what JP has for Rollplay, that would be cool (but not necessary).
Due to the nature of having a variety of champions with different backgrounds, abilities, and, well, eras, I don't know if a standard d20 system like D&D or Pathfinder would be that useful in character creation and balance.
I'm currently looking at the previously mentioned Mutants and Masterminds, which is a Superhero-based system that builds around powers rather than classes. It seems pretty decent, but I'm not experienced in it and am open to other suggestions if you had something in mind. I think of what I've seen it most closely fits to what we're trying to accomplish, that is, a multitude of different archetypes that play well together.
United States15536 Posts
Damn I want to reserve a space until I get time to come back from work and write this but that's meannnnnnnnnnnnn
If you're interested, post that you are. I mean, I know it would suck to have like 30 people say they want to play and then pare it down, but at the same time I don't want no one to sign up haha. Also time zones have to work for stuff, so there's that.
I don't suppose there is a way to check out a ruleset w/o buying the book?I can't really give any advice on the system otherwise.