On August 28 2013 07:13 Ryuu314 wrote: Again, I'm not saying jungle Zac is terrible. I'm just saying there's basically no point in playing Zac in the jungle when he's so strong solo lane and there are plenty of great options for jungle.
You shouldn't be comparing zac jungle with zac top. You have to compare um in their respective role. Zac jungle is pretty good, he has the lee sin property of being able to engage ganks from angles most other junglers can't.
When they announced that there would be a victorious skin, I had initially thought that they were going to do a victorious skin for all the champions. Then I found out it was Elise only and I was like "Phew, crisis averted".
On August 28 2013 07:41 qanik wrote: So Tier means nothing when it comes to season rewards? Because I'm pretty sure the difference between D5 and D1 is larger than Silver to plat, and they will get the same borders. I donno if I should be happy that I don't have to tryhard in yoloqueue for the rest of the season or sad that there will be "high elo" borders everywhere.
Bronze V is wood league, High Bronze I is the equivalent of low Gold in SC2. Silver V is low Gold, high Silver I is the equivalent of low SC2 Diamond.
The more I play Lucian, the more I convinced that BT>PD/SS>whatever need is best build on him.
Getting BT imo does much much more for his early game than BotRK does. 100 AD gives Lucians' Q an additional 160 damage and an additional 50 damage on every passive enhanced auto which is huge. Hives him a lot more survivability than BotRK does because of the how well Lifesteal and big AD scales with his passive. Only way BotRK is better is if for some reason early game their tanks have an absolutely ridiculous amount of eHP. One combo (all skills weaved with autos) does significantly more damage with BT and takes about the same amount of time to do.
I also think that Triforce is pretty strong. Gives you a better mid game with having Triforce instead of BT+Zeal, but I think Lucian's mid game pretty ridiculous anyway, and giving him Trinity is kind of hindering later on when you competing with AD's with significantly better team-fights like MF, Twitch, Kog, Vayne, Trist or Cait. I think because of his power curve I think it much smarter to build strong multiplicative slot effective items (IE, BT, LW, PD, [insert defensive item of choice]) than to grab Trinity because once you hit the three or four item stage you really need that multiplicative damage to compete and having money stuck in Mana and AP and getting less bang for buck on AD, AS, and Crit really hurts.
Everyone keeps telling me that Lucian has a really poor lategame, but I honestly dont think its particularily bad. He probably the best kiting AD in the game aside from Ashe, and his Steroid is actually pretty comparable to most AD's. He also has atleast two (one initially, and then another after he press R... which if you not utilizing E reset you doing it wrong cuz ult sucks at teamfights) free cleanse/dashes due to his ultimate which is rather strong. He is in fact the only AD with one in the first place, unless you count Sivir's Spellshield, but thats not the same at all since it is premeditated and they can just not CC you.
I like Lucian, I think he is strong. Perhaps a touch too strong, I dunno. I think a lot of Lucians forget they playing AD carries come mid game because of how big they are and they don't play like AD carries.
On August 28 2013 07:19 RouaF wrote: Rofl, gold is considered among "the highest ranks of competitive play" I had forgotten how casual-focused this game is.
Isn't Gold still top 5%?
Where would top 0.5% be placed?
In NA gold is like top 13%. Early in the season it was hovering around top 10%. So it is nice to see that it is slowing rising.
On August 28 2013 07:19 RouaF wrote: Rofl, gold is considered among "the highest ranks of competitive play" I had forgotten how casual-focused this game is.
Isn't Gold still top 5%?
Where would top 0.5% be placed?
In NA gold is like top 13%. Early in the season it was hovering around top 10%. So it is nice to see that it is slowing rising.
Not really. Just means that people get to gold and can't drop out. So eventually a lot of people who are high silver get a streak, and then go up to gold, and then get stuck there. Happens in every league.
Yes, I very much dislike this whole can't be demoted crap, getting so many people that go "lol I'm plat 5, I can't ever be demoted, I'm gonna be a fucking troll every game derrr!!"
On August 28 2013 07:19 RouaF wrote: Rofl, gold is considered among "the highest ranks of competitive play" I had forgotten how casual-focused this game is.
Isnt gold and up the top 20%?
Wouldnt call it "highest ranks of competetive play" but giving rewards to the top 20% seems reasonable.
I like Lucian, I think he is strong. Perhaps a touch too strong,
Ive been thinking about this lately.
Ive been doing really well with him, and Im trying to figure out why. I've played him more then any other adc this season so I probably am inherently better with him, I also consistently get better scores with him then I do any other adc. Is it because he is op or because I just have played him a lot?
I don't think he feels op to play. Like playing yi, I would 1v4 easy, it seemed a bit much. With Lucian I have to pay attention to positioning, and kite, but if i do that I end up carrying with a good score. I've had games with vayne where I got fed and nothing could stop me for the rest of the game...I don't think lucian is anywhere near that power level.
I think part of it is people just dont know how to play against him.