On August 26 2013 02:35 Slusher wrote: I think I know where you are going with this but that's a little vague.
You acquire a company that has a culture and focus. That formula is successful, you don't come in like a bull in a China shop and make the worlds' greatest PC franchise into a consol game with a real money power purchasing scheme.
Similarly, you don't force riot to focus on cn when they are still trying to make lcs work out in the far more profitable na/EU.
On August 26 2013 02:22 RouaF wrote: Well the problem is not only the number of spots for each region but also the seeding, it doesn't make sense that the #1 NA/Garena goes directly to quarter finals but not the #1 EU. As for CLG/TSM/DIG they have players with huge ego which fans like so of course riot wants to protect them. Nobody cares about vulcun.
once again as has been said a 100 times before. EU doesnt get a bye because they finished last during All-stars.
Admittedly, I still think a bye is too big of an advantage for that.
Instead have a 16 team tournament where the night before the tournament you have an OSL-style group drawing. The "top 4" teams each are guaranteed to be in different groups, and each submit the 3 other teams they'd like in their groups. Ties are broken by the respective team, going in order from the highest ranked team in their region down to the lowest. If there's still a tie, it's decided by coinflip.
If they expended it to 16, NA and EU would get 4 anyway, Korea and China would get 3, and people would bitch anyway.
As long as Korea has 2 spots, it doesn't matter how many slots NA/EU gets.
On August 26 2013 00:23 Ketara wrote: I think scaling runes are dumb on supports because supports get levels the slowest on the team.
Scaling MR break even at I think level 9? Even if you do well you'll be level 9 when the enemy team is level 11.
I wouldn't use scaling MR unless the enemy lane is nearly 100% physical damage like Janna Cait or Janna Graves.
Also, what's the skill order for support Zyra? I am playing her for funsies and haven't done it in months.
EWQ for the first 3 levels then max R->-Q->E->W so then you actually deal damage.
E is a much better max then Q imo, the root duration is really strong. You can't really liberally spam Q on a support's mana pool too. Most Zyra's take Q first too, does more for you at level 1. E first if invade of course.
On August 26 2013 02:35 Slusher wrote: I think I know where you are going with this but that's a little vague.
You acquire a company that has a culture and focus. That formula is successful, you don't come in like a bull in a China shop and make the worlds' greatest PC franchise into a consol game with a real money power purchasing scheme.
Similarly, you don't force riot to focus on cn when they are still trying to make lcs work out in the far more profitable na/EU.
Not to derail, but I would be pretty shocked if the more unfortunate D3 decisions (which vary depending on who you talk to), came from outside of Blizz.
On August 26 2013 02:35 Slusher wrote: I think I know where you are going with this but that's a little vague.
You acquire a company that has a culture and focus. That formula is successful, you don't come in like a bull in a China shop and make the worlds' greatest PC franchise into a consol game with a real money power purchasing scheme.
Similarly, you don't force riot to focus on cn when they are still trying to make lcs work out in the far more profitable na/EU.
Asking for 3 teams for in China is not "focus" on China.
On August 26 2013 02:35 Slusher wrote: I think I know where you are going with this but that's a little vague.
You acquire a company that has a culture and focus. That formula is successful, you don't come in like a bull in a China shop and make the worlds' greatest PC franchise into a consol game with a real money power purchasing scheme.
Similarly, you don't force riot to focus on cn when they are still trying to make lcs work out in the far more profitable na/EU.
Not to derail, but I would be pretty shocked if the more unfortunate D3 decisions (which vary depending on who you talk to), came from outside of Blizz.
Possible, but the point I was making is that tecent shouldn't change much.
Also it's possible that the personnel attrition caused D3
On August 26 2013 00:23 Ketara wrote: I think scaling runes are dumb on supports because supports get levels the slowest on the team.
Scaling MR break even at I think level 9? Even if you do well you'll be level 9 when the enemy team is level 11.
I wouldn't use scaling MR unless the enemy lane is nearly 100% physical damage like Janna Cait or Janna Graves.
Also, what's the skill order for support Zyra? I am playing her for funsies and haven't done it in months.
EWQ for the first 3 levels then max R->-Q->E->W so then you actually deal damage.
Most of Zyra's damage output actually comes from the plants (and her own autos at early levels thanks to her range), which means that having the ability to raise them (CDR) is more important than the damage from her spells themselves (AP, abilities' levels).
The skillset of support Zyra is basically: Q: raises long-range plants, deals a bit of damage W: gives you CDR for more cc and more seeds, lets you sow seeds for more damage and bush control E: catch/disengage ability, cc, the one which makes you vulnerable when it's on cooldown, raises medium-range slowing plants R: super magical circle of "Stay away from me~" or deathtrap depending on how you use it.
You gain some damage from leveling Q with the +40 base and the reduced cooldown, but since you won't have the mana pool to spam it anyway, reducing the cd of your seeds (and of your ult and more importantly E) lets you do the whole combo (WWQ or EWWQ or just dropping seeds then casting when the enemy walks near) more often, which increases your damage without costing more mana.
E first is a no-brainer because you get a 130% cc duration increase off of it.
NA 3, EU 3, KR 3, CN 2, SEA 2. 13 slots so far. Have 2 international wildcards, and finally, have a wildcard tournament with the 4th/3rd place team in all the main regions. 16 man tournament filled out, with none of the slots given on a stupid all-star match.
But Riot likes their awkward 12 team tournament for whatever fucking reason.
I think the allstar winners giving their team an extra slot is kind of cool to be honest.
The allstar tournament was cool, and it giving the extra slot gives the region a reason to band together and try to win it. It's good hype.
The top 4 in allstars getting to bypass the group stages however seems really awkward. Seems like a huge advantage for something that was supposed to (mostly) be for funsies.
Also your brackets leave out the Hong Kong region, Amui. And South America! Poor Mordekaiser huehuehue
On August 26 2013 04:20 Ketara wrote: I think the allstar winners giving their team an extra slot is kind of cool to be honest.
The allstar tournament was cool, and it giving the extra slot gives the region a reason to band together and try to win it. It's good hype.
The top 4 in allstars getting to bypass the group stages however seems really awkward. Seems like a huge advantage for something that was supposed to (mostly) be for funsies.
Also your brackets leave out the Hong Kong region, Amui. And South America! Poor Mordekaiser huehuehue
someone just dodged because I picked Quinn top into Riven, I'm not crazy right this seems really good for me. (just starting to pick up Quinn don't know her match ups yet)
On August 26 2013 04:48 Slusher wrote: I thought that was Redbeard's title?
someone just dodged because I picked Quinn top into Riven, I'm not crazy right this seems really good for me. (just starting to pick up Quinn don't know her match ups yet)
That seems a bit risky to me, Riven has so many gapclosers and deals damage even when blinded. I don't have a clue about Quinn though, it's probably manageable.
On August 26 2013 00:23 Ketara wrote: I think scaling runes are dumb on supports because supports get levels the slowest on the team.
Scaling MR break even at I think level 9? Even if you do well you'll be level 9 when the enemy team is level 11.
I wouldn't use scaling MR unless the enemy lane is nearly 100% physical damage like Janna Cait or Janna Graves.
Also, what's the skill order for support Zyra? I am playing her for funsies and haven't done it in months.
EWQ for the first 3 levels then max R->-Q->E->W so then you actually deal damage.
Most of Zyra's damage output actually comes from the plants (and her own autos at early levels thanks to her range), which means that having the ability to raise them (CDR) is more important than the damage from her spells themselves (AP, abilities' levels).
The skillset of support Zyra is basically: Q: raises long-range plants, deals a bit of damage W: gives you CDR for more cc and more seeds, lets you sow seeds for more damage and bush control E: catch/disengage ability, cc, the one which makes you vulnerable when it's on cooldown, raises medium-range slowing plants R: super magical circle of "Stay away from me~" or deathtrap depending on how you use it.
You gain some damage from leveling Q with the +40 base and the reduced cooldown, but since you won't have the mana pool to spam it anyway, reducing the cd of your seeds (and of your ult and more importantly E) lets you do the whole combo (WWQ or EWWQ or just dropping seeds then casting when the enemy walks near) more often, which increases your damage without costing more mana.
E first is a no-brainer because you get a 130% cc duration increase off of it.
I have seen a few players start qweqq --> max e, then max w. I think how you rune her and to a lesser extent the lane matchup influences skill order.
On August 26 2013 04:48 Slusher wrote: I thought that was Redbeard's title?
someone just dodged because I picked Quinn top into Riven, I'm not crazy right this seems really good for me. (just starting to pick up Quinn don't know her match ups yet)
with quinn, anything is possible. You just have to believe.
On August 26 2013 04:48 Slusher wrote: I thought that was Redbeard's title?
someone just dodged because I picked Quinn top into Riven, I'm not crazy right this seems really good for me. (just starting to pick up Quinn don't know her match ups yet)
That seems a bit risky to me, Riven has so many gapclosers and deals damage even when blinded. I don't have a clue about Quinn though, it's probably manageable.
Yeah Riven might have to much gap closers for Vault to be able to keep you safe. Just theory tho never played the matchup