When I'm teaching a new player how to play this is what I do.
A - We play against bots first
B - We go do a duo lane and I play Leona, and I just sort of sit there. I let them play whatever they want but I try to gently guide them away from high mechanical skillcap champions.
C - I tell them to only buy recommended items and not even read what they do, and just focus on their characters skills and what they do, while I use Leona to prevent the bots from winning fights.
D - I tell them to play the same champion for at least 5 or 6 games so they get comfortable with one character and how the game works before I even talk about things like items or summoner spells.
when I was leveling I got absolutely rolled by an Urgot mid, mostly because I didn't understand how lock on worked. after that the rest of my time leveling I made sure to play each free champion (back then it was only like 6) at least 2 games every week, it helped me so much.
I also picked up Riven around this time to learn how to deal with range when you have none. both of these things I feel like helped me immensely to learn the game.
I actually wouldn't like more than 3 bans unless we shortened the amount of time given to think about each ban or allowed people to quickly ban everyone in one go. The wait time needed to get a game started is too damn high.
A year and a half ago, Max E was on all the Blitz guides. The reasoning was that it let you use E twice in one fight. Q is rarely ever used twice, or at least much more rarely than E. In this scenario the burst damage was in E's favor given the auto reset. Nowadays, even with no changes, people have moved to max Q for the higher initial burst and Q cooldown. I'd say both still have their strengths, as long as you're aware of what they are, you should try both and see which is better for you.
On August 31 2013 16:50 57 Corvette wrote: Well it seems I am currently on a derp streak, so I am gonna take a break from ranked and try to learn some new champions. I got Karma in an ARAM and enjoyed playing her, plus I should probably learn one of the new-meta junglers like Zac or Nasus or even more top laners like Rumble or Elise.
Nasus jungle is a pretty good place to start- super duper easy if you're already good at other junglers. Adding him to my repertoire definitely helped me hit plat, just because it rounded out my jungling pool pretty well and I started playing him a lot.
On September 01 2013 02:14 Ketara wrote: When I'm teaching a new player how to play this is what I do.
A - We play against bots first
B - We go do a duo lane and I play Leona, and I just sort of sit there. I let them play whatever they want but I try to gently guide them away from high mechanical skillcap champions.
C - I tell them to only buy recommended items and not even read what they do, and just focus on their characters skills and what they do, while I use Leona to prevent the bots from winning fights.
D - I tell them to play the same champion for at least 5 or 6 games so they get comfortable with one character and how the game works before I even talk about things like items or summoner spells.
This pretty much my approach too. I use Sona though. Heals and deeps too good.
United States47024 Posts
On September 01 2013 02:24 obesechicken13 wrote: I actually wouldn't like more than 3 bans unless we shortened the amount of time given to think about each ban or allowed people to quickly ban everyone in one go. The wait time needed to get a game started is too damn high.
A year and a half ago, Max E was on all the Blitz guides. The reasoning was that it let you use E twice in one fight. Q is rarely ever used twice, or at least much more rarely than E. In this scenario the burst damage was in E's favor given the auto reset. Nowadays, even with no changes, people have moved to max Q for the higher initial burst and Q cooldown. I'd say both still have their strengths, as long as you're aware of what they are, you should try both and see which is better for you. Max E is strong to have in fights, but lane exchanges tend not to play out in a way where you get a 2nd E.
It was also borne out of Blitz being played in double melee duo lanes in NA during S1 (where the high survivability and mediocre damage tends to lead to long enough exchanges for E max to be worthwhile), and people didn't adjust their playstyles.
Zed is stupid; i don't think a champion should be able to 100->0 anything with just a cutlass.
The problem with Zed is what else does he do?
On September 01 2013 01:14 TheYango wrote:Sort of late to this, but: Show nested quote +On August 31 2013 13:31 TheRabidDeer wrote:+ Show Spoiler + /rantmode
I am fairly new to LoL (level 13) and I played with one of the most frustrating teams ever. I like playing as Teemo (he is quick, can escape, can do damage and grants a lot of map vision) and it was like nothing I did was ever right. Team is something like Akali, Lucian, Rammus, Teemo, and Yi. Lucian tells me I am support (first I had ever heard of this, but whatever) and to not cs. I am like "ok whatever", so I harass the Ashe in our lane (she is solo) using Q for a while. Eventually I get her low enough that I Q then incinerate and the tower barely kills me (and Ashe dies too). Lucian somehow dives and dies to the tower shortly after. I dont even know wtf happened there.
After that happens and I get back I decide we should probably push a little so I hit each creep once so that Lucian can still last hit. Lucian tells me to stop cs and I am like "wtf im not". Anyway, so I stop hitting creep at all. I am basically just there absorbing exp. Then I hit level 6 and start shrooming, we are bot so I get the bushes, the river, then I head towards mid to get that shroomed and he starts calling me a noob and to get back down there.
Anyway, game goes on and we start to fall behind barely and Lucian immediately calls a surrender vote (which obviously doesnt pass). Game goes on longer, its still close. Lucian calls another surrender vote, it fails, he afks for like 5 minutes. We still hold on. We end up getting the ace with them in our base, but they have a lot of creep killing our top and bot tower so I shroom and clean them up as fast as I can, meanwhile the team is split on what to do. So we have 2 at roshan and 2 pushing towards their base (which made no sense, by the time they reached the base they had respawned), and me heading towards roshan. 2 at their base obviously die doing almost nothing, we get neither roshan nor anything else.
This happens like 3 more times before we finally lose. Chat afterwards has 1 guy saying to report basically our entire team and calling me a noob etc.
I finished something like 6-11-16
Anyway, have any of you experienced players ever heard of a support teemo? Should I have been killing creeps? Did I do anything particularly wrong?
I would show the replay but my lolrecorder was ancient so it looks like the replay is corrupt.
Just as a note related to this, I really hate how much the idea of things like role assignment pervade low level LoL. It's really useless for games at that level, and is actually arguably detrimental to the learning experience for a new player. If you were teaching elementary school kids his first few games of Basketball, you wouldn't suddenly go assigning positions to them within their first few games, because that shit makes no fucking sense. Positions are meaningless without a deep enough understanding of how the game is actually supposed to play for them to actually be useful. If you're forcing players to take up roles before they're ready, you're just adding an even greater burden of knowledge to a game that's already confusing as hell for people to learn the first time. I don't even know how people started getting games where you're forced to play support at level 13. The only thing I can conclude from that is that either people are fucking awful at teaching their friends how to play the game and are forcing roles on them at like level 5, or that the early levels of the game are infested with smurfs who force this on other people. The funny thing about basketball is that people STILL don't understand positions. (See: Skip Bayless on Point Guards/Russell Westbrook.)
I think I've learned the most about "the meta" is when I play the conventional role and I get a strange lane back in return, and then you learn why meta is good (and when you lose, you learn the weaknesses of it).
Still, regardless of meta or being forced roles, a lot of people just need raw experience and games under their belt. When you start playing Go, they say you need to lose your first 100 games as quickly as possible in order to start understanding how the game works, wouldn't be surprised if that's true for LoL.
On September 01 2013 02:42 Slusher wrote: The problem with Zed is what else does he do? In solo q that's enough in alot of cases Considering how often one person Carrys a team from snowballing a lane.
On September 01 2013 03:00 IamPryda wrote:Show nested quote +On September 01 2013 02:42 Slusher wrote: The problem with Zed is what else does he do? In solo q that's enough in alot of cases Considering how often one person Carrys a team from snowballing a lane.
not my point. the problem with Zed currently is he 100-0s armorless champions with an incredibly small item threshold, sometimes it seems a bit strong, take that away, lets say he does 66% damage to an armorless champion with ult combo and bruta/cutlass, what does he bring to the table exactly at that point?
personally I feel like there are enough champions that do well in lane that he isn't a huge problem, he's top tier no doubt about it, but he's not an uncounterable god like pre-tear nerf Jayce 18 min into the game.
On September 01 2013 02:14 Ketara wrote: When I'm teaching a new player how to play this is what I do.
A - We play against bots first
B - We go do a duo lane and I play Leona, and I just sort of sit there. I let them play whatever they want but I try to gently guide them away from high mechanical skillcap champions.
C - I tell them to only buy recommended items and not even read what they do, and just focus on their characters skills and what they do, while I use Leona to prevent the bots from winning fights.
D - I tell them to play the same champion for at least 5 or 6 games so they get comfortable with one character and how the game works before I even talk about things like items or summoner spells. When I introduce the game to friend I tell them to just play every free week champion and ask me if they have questions. I don't play with them, I remember the whole learning wtf everything does experience as one of the best! I think manually inflating newcommers MMR is a really bad idea, it puts them in the smurf zone where you have numerous smurfs in your games and that sux if you don't know anything about the game.
And I agree with yango about sending ppl to hell when they want tryhard comps before level 30. adc have no clue what last hit means at this point, 2 people csing is better than one, less wasted gold. Even jungle is not mandatory imo, go 2 top, he will feed, it will be glorious. Try to do different stuff every game, play different champions, build different items, feed, carry, flame your team, trashtalk the enemy. Don't bother learning about the efficient way of playing the game before you get to 30, you simply don't have the knowledge to understand why it's efficient and will just make you a blind follower of the masses.
I actually wouldn't like more than 3 bans unless we shortened the amount of time given to think about each ban or allowed people to quickly ban everyone in one go. The wait time needed to get a game started is too damn high.
it does take forever to get into a draft pick game
On September 01 2013 03:12 UniversalSnip wrote:Show nested quote +I actually wouldn't like more than 3 bans unless we shortened the amount of time given to think about each ban or allowed people to quickly ban everyone in one go. The wait time needed to get a game started is too damn high. it does take forever to get into a draft pick game
in season 2 when there wasn't even a visual penalty (LP) for dodging it was awful, you could literally spend 30-45 mins of drafting before you got a game, not counting que time.
On September 01 2013 01:14 TheYango wrote:Sort of late to this, but: Show nested quote +On August 31 2013 13:31 TheRabidDeer wrote:+ Show Spoiler + /rantmode
I am fairly new to LoL (level 13) and I played with one of the most frustrating teams ever. I like playing as Teemo (he is quick, can escape, can do damage and grants a lot of map vision) and it was like nothing I did was ever right. Team is something like Akali, Lucian, Rammus, Teemo, and Yi. Lucian tells me I am support (first I had ever heard of this, but whatever) and to not cs. I am like "ok whatever", so I harass the Ashe in our lane (she is solo) using Q for a while. Eventually I get her low enough that I Q then incinerate and the tower barely kills me (and Ashe dies too). Lucian somehow dives and dies to the tower shortly after. I dont even know wtf happened there.
After that happens and I get back I decide we should probably push a little so I hit each creep once so that Lucian can still last hit. Lucian tells me to stop cs and I am like "wtf im not". Anyway, so I stop hitting creep at all. I am basically just there absorbing exp. Then I hit level 6 and start shrooming, we are bot so I get the bushes, the river, then I head towards mid to get that shroomed and he starts calling me a noob and to get back down there.
Anyway, game goes on and we start to fall behind barely and Lucian immediately calls a surrender vote (which obviously doesnt pass). Game goes on longer, its still close. Lucian calls another surrender vote, it fails, he afks for like 5 minutes. We still hold on. We end up getting the ace with them in our base, but they have a lot of creep killing our top and bot tower so I shroom and clean them up as fast as I can, meanwhile the team is split on what to do. So we have 2 at roshan and 2 pushing towards their base (which made no sense, by the time they reached the base they had respawned), and me heading towards roshan. 2 at their base obviously die doing almost nothing, we get neither roshan nor anything else.
This happens like 3 more times before we finally lose. Chat afterwards has 1 guy saying to report basically our entire team and calling me a noob etc.
I finished something like 6-11-16
Anyway, have any of you experienced players ever heard of a support teemo? Should I have been killing creeps? Did I do anything particularly wrong?
I would show the replay but my lolrecorder was ancient so it looks like the replay is corrupt.
Just as a note related to this, I really hate how much the idea of things like role assignment pervade low level LoL. It's really useless for games at that level, and is actually arguably detrimental to the learning experience for a new player. If you were teaching elementary school kids his first few games of Basketball, you wouldn't suddenly go assigning positions to them within their first few games, because that shit makes no fucking sense. Positions are meaningless without a deep enough understanding of how the game is actually supposed to play for them to actually be useful. If you're forcing players to take up roles before they're ready, you're just adding an even greater burden of knowledge to a game that's already confusing as hell for people to learn the first time. I don't even know how people started getting games where you're forced to play support at level 13. The only thing I can conclude from that is that either people are fucking awful at teaching their friends how to play the game and are forcing roles on them at like level 5, or that the early levels of the game are infested with smurfs who force this on other people.
I level'd as the manly taric with a friend who was lvl 30, from like lvl 7 to lvl 30 playing 0 CS. Honestly he only told me where to ward during laning phase (not why or when) and that's all i learned from him (besides picking up gp/10....HoG YEAH). It was interesting for me because i felt like i was doing nothing and he was teaching me nothing. It didn't take me long to start moving with him and slowly grasp zoning and lane management, cause i mean like, what else was i doing lol.
Im sure it depends on each person but what im getting at is that i find that learning lane management overall (minion wave, slow/hard pushing, trading, zoning, etc.) is a ton more natural for me since i learned all of that without anyone holding my hand, probably in part because of the way i picked up the game.
United States47024 Posts
The most important thing above all else from levels 1-20 is having enough fun with the game to keep playing it. "Learning" is strictly secondary to this.
A LOT of people don't like playing support, this is why support ends up as such an underplayed/undesired role in many cases. Which means that it makes zero sense to teach people the game making them play the role that many people consider the least fun.
what is the "correct" amount of consumables to buy in a solo lane? i'm finally starting to get decent at a couple mid champs but i think i'm relying on consumables too much as a crutch. i generally start 3pots+flask and on every back i buy 2 more pots. i think i probably spend nearly 1.5k each game between flask, pots, red/bluepots, and wards. should i be investing that into real items? should i just always buy more (or less) consumables than my lane opponent? is it champ specific?
anyone here looking to help a guy do his placements? i main support so i wont carry [lulu/sona/janna]
i had a cait one game that build zerk boots, pd, shiv and no ad at all. the blue ez vs us had his iceborn... you dont even want to know how bad that game went.
im currently 2/2 in placement at the moment, but i want to get up and move into gold for the skin/elise but also become a better player.
imo Flask is only a good item if it lets you stop buying pots altogether after your first base. (heavy opinion obviously)
I think flask is a really underrated item and more people should be getting it, but that's just me.
Potions are so good, and flask is so cost efficient.