On September 01 2013 04:19 Diamond wrote:Show nested quote +On August 31 2013 23:09 Seuss wrote:Pre-pilot is a very apt term. That was very unpolished, and I hope the actual pilot shows a bit more investment. I do have a few questions and observations: - Did you have what you wanted to say written out beforehand?
- Did you do a run through of the show beforehand? Did you do multiple run throughs?
- You say you're planning on having two people on LoLCenter. Who are these two people?
- If you aren't talking, and are trying to rely on the sound from the clip itself to be interesting, you need the sound to be as loud as you were.
- You also need to not cut off the super excited casters when you come back in.
That's why I called it pre-pilot and noted in the Reddit thread all the things that have to be improved. It was meant to have NO level of polish. Yes Orb and idk Like I said in the Reddit thread, I know the sound levels were jacked up Agree I laughed when I heard "MonteCrisco"
So far I think it looks great, writing might need a little work but the concept is very good. My only suggestion is changing the name from LoLCenter, because I hate ESPN and Sportscenter.
So I've been playing adc a lot lately; trying to get better at it and I'm running into issue with teamfight positioning. As I understand it my job is to stay alive and deal consistent damage to whatever I can whilst staying out of range of any dangerous ap carries/bruisers. This may sometimes mean I am only able to apply damage to the enemy tank. But what happens when the enemy tank is a super tanky renekton/nasus and he forms this massive wall that I cannot ever get through to kill anything else. If my team spends all day peeling him for me they all end up dead; but if they don't he will catch me if I don't spend all day trying to kite him which nullifies my dps and my team dies anyway. I guess this kind of situation could indicate that the enemy team is stronger overall but is there anything I can do in this situation to be a better adc?
On September 01 2013 05:18 Lylat wrote:Show nested quote +On September 01 2013 04:54 Alaric wrote:On September 01 2013 04:38 Djin)ftw( wrote: Friends, tomorrow my dream might come true. I might make it into
Gold V. Thats right.
Gold V. I'll have to play my very best League of Legends. I'm excited! On a sunday? Welp, good luck, you'll need it. Lol, yeah probably not the best time, gl with kids and/or trolls.
When is a good time to do ranked? My friend usually does it mornings around 9-11am US east
Baa?21242 Posts
whenever you want, the "avoid ranked at certain hours cause kids/trolls" is a complete myth and is just one of many ways people use to justify their losses and push away responsibility
As a rule of thumb I never play ranked between friday evening and sunday evening. Outside of widespread EU holidays times I try to play before ~6 PM as much as I can since that's when most students (thus including kids) get back home. I've heard people say it's both more relaxed and more tryhard at night, no idea myself. You definitely notice when kids get back and swarm the server though, many more grievers and champ select rage.
Edit: The level of play during week-ends is significantly worse. One would say "You should win more since people are worse then, assuming you aren't above/below your current Elo in terms of skill", but it's not only about that. There's also a bunch more raging/grieving, and people start flaming/tilting more easily too (and whether you're good or bad when 3 people are flaming each other instead of playing you won't have a good game). It's just... not fun to play in these conditions? Sure I get worse opponents but I get way more annoying/pointless games too. Why play if I'm not enjoying it?
With all the pbs on EUW I'm seriously considering 100% stopping to play LoL. I haven't played in 2 weekd and don't even feel like playing anymore :/ Why play a game which will bug out one time out of 2.
On September 01 2013 05:52 Carnivorous Sheep wrote: whenever you want, the "avoid ranked at certain hours cause kids/trolls" is a complete myth and is just one of many ways people use to justify their losses and push away responsibility
While I generally agree with this sentiment, I'm someone who would play at like 3-4 am or later central time on NA fairly frequently. Sometimes you just get entire teams that don't speak English (Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, etc) and these games can be really painful (extremely difficult to communicate with them, and they're usually bad and/or have terrible ping). Also the later in the night you get, the more likely teams are to be extremely uneven simply because there's so few people playing that matchmaking doesn't have many options (this is a bigger deal when you're plat or above, not so much when you're silver).
That being said, I made pushes toward gold and then plat at these hours, so it tends to balance out over time. And it's not like games where your entire team speaks Chinese are common even at weird hours. Also you run into angry tryhards like me who have played their 20th game of the night and are close to going insane. So that's not good either.
I found the best times to play ranked to be between 11 am-2 pm and 5 pm-7 pm.
Tolkien don't quit man. Just take a break! =D
Alright, so from what it seems like Teemo just isn't a very strong contender once you get level 30 so I figure I should probably start learning another champion...
So far I have played Annie and Teemo (I prefer ranged characters) and enjoyed both of them. Did very well with annie but I suspect things would change at higher levels when I dont get that free kill at level 6. What other champions are good ranged characters?
Also, which support characters are usually good? And should I bother trying to play support at my level (14 now) since a lot of people seem to be bad at knowing when to engage and when to not?
On September 01 2013 05:52 Carnivorous Sheep wrote: whenever you want, the "avoid ranked at certain hours cause kids/trolls" is a complete myth and is just one of many ways people use to justify their losses and push away responsibility So true. Just like the "uh oh summer break started guess I'll have shit teams in ranked bcuz teenagers XDD"
I like to play ranked during the afternoon weekdays (12pm-5pm EST). To abuse dumb people. I'm a bad person.
I find that I have the best games between 6 AM and about 3 PM on weekdays, but that's just me.
My games in this timeslot have noticeably gotten a LOT less toxic in the last week. They were really good before summer started, then became awful, and are now getting better again.
Thing is, "ranged" is super wide. Xerath and Cassiopeia are ranged mages for example, but don't have much in common (Xerath "snipes" your team by literring them with high MPen 1300 range orbital strikes in 3 seconds, while Cassiopeia spams 2 spells a second for amongst the highest single-target dps at only 700 range and needs to kite like mad as she explodes is you brush her., we'd need to know more about what you like in Annie or Teemo.
They usually do fine though (Annie rewards roaming a lot since her initiation combo is so strong when using Tibbers to stun multiple people, and Teemo is a very strong laner with a strong map control, splitpushing abilities, and his long-duration blind is killer to 1v1 autoattack-reliant squishies later in the game), it all depends on your mastery of the champion. Even bad match-ups are worth playing as they'll teach you more about the glaring weaknesses of the champion and overcoming them will let you defeat most people picking a champion because he "counters" yours while they don't know how to play him well.
Teemo is not too popular because he isn't the strongest teamfighter (he's not as bad as people will tell you, however he's not straightforward so he's less effective when people just run at each other as often happen at low level), and Annie's burst isn't the strongest in the game while her range is medium, so she can't snipe the enemy carry like, say, Ahri can, so she tends to fall off in the late game and it's up to you to make plays during the midgame when you're at her peak.
On September 01 2013 05:59 mr_tolkien wrote: With all the pbs on EUW I'm seriously considering 100% stopping to play LoL. I haven't played in 2 weekd and don't even feel like playing anymore :/ Why play a game which will bug out one time out of 2.
Yea I keep opening lol then closing it when I remember how broken servers are. I even played solo dota earlier which I never do :<. Dammit riot why do you have to forsake EU so hard
On September 01 2013 05:24 kainzero wrote:Show nested quote +On September 01 2013 04:19 Diamond wrote:On August 31 2013 23:09 Seuss wrote:Pre-pilot is a very apt term. That was very unpolished, and I hope the actual pilot shows a bit more investment. I do have a few questions and observations: - Did you have what you wanted to say written out beforehand?
- Did you do a run through of the show beforehand? Did you do multiple run throughs?
- You say you're planning on having two people on LoLCenter. Who are these two people?
- If you aren't talking, and are trying to rely on the sound from the clip itself to be interesting, you need the sound to be as loud as you were.
- You also need to not cut off the super excited casters when you come back in.
That's why I called it pre-pilot and noted in the Reddit thread all the things that have to be improved. It was meant to have NO level of polish. Yes Orb and idk Like I said in the Reddit thread, I know the sound levels were jacked up Agree I laughed when I heard "MonteCrisco" So far I think it looks great, writing might need a little work but the concept is very good. My only suggestion is changing the name from LoLCenter, because I hate ESPN and Sportscenter. I wish I had the time to help out with this.
On September 01 2013 06:15 TheRabidDeer wrote: Alright, so from what it seems like Teemo just isn't a very strong contender once you get level 30 so I figure I should probably start learning another champion...
So far I have played Annie and Teemo (I prefer ranged characters) and enjoyed both of them. Did very well with annie but I suspect things would change at higher levels when I dont get that free kill at level 6. What other champions are good ranged characters?
Also, which support characters are usually good? And should I bother trying to play support at my level (14 now) since a lot of people seem to be bad at knowing when to engage and when to not?
Just because you get to level 30 it doesn't mean you'll be rid of people to instakill at level 6, or kite into mushrooms. In the mid-range level of play, champions strength is less important than being comfortable with it. However, some ranged champs I think are nice: Lux, Orianna, Kayle, Kennen (though I hate facing him), Lissandra. Alistar is very good at the lowerish level of play, since people always pick multiple carries and he is one of the best peelers in the game, you can make it game simply by making your hardest carrying player unkillable. Don't underestimate mana on him in such situations (up to level ~15 I literally always went for flask+archangel's rush (flask was OP back then though)).
On September 01 2013 06:15 TheRabidDeer wrote: Alright, so from what it seems like Teemo just isn't a very strong contender once you get level 30 so I figure I should probably start learning another champion...
So far I have played Annie and Teemo (I prefer ranged characters) and enjoyed both of them. Did very well with annie but I suspect things would change at higher levels when I dont get that free kill at level 6. What other champions are good ranged characters?
Also, which support characters are usually good? And should I bother trying to play support at my level (14 now) since a lot of people seem to be bad at knowing when to engage and when to not?
Teemo isn't a weak champion at all. he just happens to have weak team fighting.
he's actually one of the stronger champions in league in a lot of metrics.
Lane phase, Split push and map control I'd give him an A in all 3
having a niche role =/= bad
Heaventime looks exactly like how I pictured him. He always used to play preworked sejuani and never raged back even when everyone shit on him. I thought Nydus would be cooler looking considering how he talks down to everyone and has kind of a girly voice.
I'm really surprised they let "NydusHerMain" play pro games without changing his name first.