Looks like we're back to status quo. Hope more of you lurkers unburrow and talk with us. :3 If you have any issues or comments about the new design, feel free to PM Neo. |
On May 20 2013 09:42 sob3k wrote: LB doesn't even fall off, that notion is a relic of a time when everyone and their brother was just cramming as many AOE ults on a team as possible and that was dominant strategy. Now teams run a lot of single target and assassins are quite viable.
Leblanc has 4 damaging abilities with outstanding base damage and scaling. Her Q is 330base + .9 when procced, on a 6 second cd for gods sake, thats ridiculous. She also has the longest diving/pick potential in the game and a two second silence + two 2.2 second roots if you need utility in a teamfight. She actually has far less problems lategame than many other assassins because she has absolutely absurd mobility and escape, it's nearly impossible to protect a squishy from someone who can come in from 2000 range and execute her entire combo and blink out in less than a second.
LB's problem is her shitty waveclear.
No. LB falls off a LOT.
It's true that she has 4 damaging abilities and these abilities have good base + scaling. What is *also* true is that it is incredibly difficult to land all 4 abilities onto a desired target in a teamfight.
Her W's damage is almost entirely wasted, because she needs to use it as a gapcloser. Furthermore, her E, which is generally needed to proc her mimicked Q, is a linear collision skillshot so if I am playing support I will stand in front of my carry and there is nothing a LB can do to land her E.
On May 20 2013 12:12 onlywonderboy wrote:Show nested quote +On May 20 2013 11:58 Craton wrote: I really hope Nien doesn't go to Curse. I really like Nien, but there's no way in hell I'd support him there. Nien is one on my favorite players but conversely Curse is my favorite team so I would end up supporting Curse even harder lol Copp is solid enough that they don't really need to replace him imo. Nien may be a more skilled player (subjectively, of course), but I think Copp fits their team more. If anything they either need a new support or need to give Rhux more time to get acclimated, he didn't really wow me since his inclusion.
United States23745 Posts
On May 20 2013 12:16 Requizen wrote:Show nested quote +On May 20 2013 12:12 onlywonderboy wrote:On May 20 2013 11:58 Craton wrote: I really hope Nien doesn't go to Curse. I really like Nien, but there's no way in hell I'd support him there. Nien is one on my favorite players but conversely Curse is my favorite team so I would end up supporting Curse even harder lol Copp is solid enough that they don't really need to replace him imo. Nien may be a more skilled player (subjectively, of course), but I think Copp fits their team more. If anything they either need a new support or need to give Rhux more time to get acclimated, he didn't really wow me since his inclusion. I agree, I don't think they need to replace Cop at the moment but if they do replace him with Nien I'm not going to complain. Rhux needs more time before I pass judgement, how he plays during the very beginning of the Summer Split after a lot of practice time racked up as a Support will be crucial in my assessment of him.
I just had a revelation. Come next patch, Shaco is the only jungler in the game who will be capable of taking a small camp and a buff camp at level 1 simultaneously. I don't think this has any serious implications but it's something to note.
Maokai might be able to do it. Throw all the saplings at wolves while the laners start blue, walk over after your two second wolf clear and kill the thing.
Reignofgaming said that you still need one small camp to hit level 3, so it might be a big deal, Shaco and Maokai might be the only two who can still gank at 3 minutes.
I'm waiting to see it in action before too much theorycraft, though.
Maokai can only get 3 saplings down and a fourth ~3s later. With the health on wolves, I don't think he can take the big one quick enough to avoid getting to blue really really late.
Edit:: Another thought. Could shaco use only boxes with laner help to get say red and be on his way to blue? Hit level 3 and gank a lane while everyone's still level 1?
Something like: Lots of boxes at red, some boxes at wraiths, laners deal some damage to red and let boxes finish, shaco kills wraiths -> blue.
Even if you don't take the big one, it's still a win. You'll take less damage when you actually do kill the camp.
On May 20 2013 11:55 TheYango wrote:Show nested quote +On May 20 2013 11:49 sob3k wrote:How is this any different than just making a new account and then just purposely leaving or throwing games to keep your elo low? His MMR still rises for a while because it would take a while before he gets into his promo non promo win (going W-Promo LWL would keep him at 50% winrate, and if he's getting more than 1 non-promo game before his promotion, then his winrate would still be 50%+ meaning his MMR hadn't leveled out yet). I guess part of this is to see how long it takes before your MMR gets to that point, and if he's queueing into Silver's and Golds, the answer is probably "far too long".
The other big thing is that dodging doesn't change your MMR, just your lp. So he can keep dodging promos to have his MMR keep going up.
On May 20 2013 13:24 rackdude wrote:Show nested quote +On May 20 2013 11:55 TheYango wrote:On May 20 2013 11:49 sob3k wrote:How is this any different than just making a new account and then just purposely leaving or throwing games to keep your elo low? His MMR still rises for a while because it would take a while before he gets into his promo non promo win (going W-Promo LWL would keep him at 50% winrate, and if he's getting more than 1 non-promo game before his promotion, then his winrate would still be 50%+ meaning his MMR hadn't leveled out yet). I guess part of this is to see how long it takes before your MMR gets to that point, and if he's queueing into Silver's and Golds, the answer is probably "far too long". The other big thing is that dodging doesn't change your MMR, just your lp. So he can keep dodging promos to have his MMR keep going up.
Doesn't it just match you based on MMR anyway? So it doesn't matter if he's in bronze league, he's not playing against bronze players.
ya, if his mmr reachs let's say plat, he will play with other plats, but his profile will still say bronze league and it would be pretty hilarious imo, imagine the rage of some1 getting him in his team and lolnexusing him "WTF MATCHMAKING SUX, WHY DO I GET MATCHED WITH BRONZE SCRUBS GG FF AT 20"
Czech Republic11293 Posts
On May 20 2013 10:27 TheYango wrote: It's not so much a matter of power, more than the fact that Zed/Kha'zix are just sort of good at everything.
Good ganking, solo killing, teamfighting, poke, sieging, lategame. There's not anything that stands out as explicit counterplay from a big-picture game plan perspective other than "play better than them" because their kits are simply well-rounded. Even if you nerf them, it doesn't make them more interesting in this regard. Zed is not good at teamfighting. I mean he's better than (tank) Nidalee, but really most middle laners are better. His main strenght is that he's the best splitpusher in the game. Zed's poke is also not very spectacular.
To above, yes Maokai will not be able to do 2 camps at once. Big wolf has too much HP.
The "issue" with the changes is the fact that small camps spawning at 1:40 made invades more costly, it's going to be interesting to see how lvl1 will play out after the changes, but I expect everyone to go full retard invades.
On May 20 2013 13:49 ItsFunToLose wrote:Show nested quote +On May 20 2013 13:24 rackdude wrote:On May 20 2013 11:55 TheYango wrote:On May 20 2013 11:49 sob3k wrote:How is this any different than just making a new account and then just purposely leaving or throwing games to keep your elo low? His MMR still rises for a while because it would take a while before he gets into his promo non promo win (going W-Promo LWL would keep him at 50% winrate, and if he's getting more than 1 non-promo game before his promotion, then his winrate would still be 50%+ meaning his MMR hadn't leveled out yet). I guess part of this is to see how long it takes before your MMR gets to that point, and if he's queueing into Silver's and Golds, the answer is probably "far too long". The other big thing is that dodging doesn't change your MMR, just your lp. So he can keep dodging promos to have his MMR keep going up. Doesn't it just match you based on MMR anyway? So it doesn't matter if he's in bronze league, he's not playing against bronze players.
Yea the whole point is he thinks being with gold players while in bronze 5 is funny.
United States23745 Posts
On May 20 2013 14:03 cLutZ wrote:Show nested quote +On May 20 2013 13:49 ItsFunToLose wrote:On May 20 2013 13:24 rackdude wrote:On May 20 2013 11:55 TheYango wrote:On May 20 2013 11:49 sob3k wrote:How is this any different than just making a new account and then just purposely leaving or throwing games to keep your elo low? His MMR still rises for a while because it would take a while before he gets into his promo non promo win (going W-Promo LWL would keep him at 50% winrate, and if he's getting more than 1 non-promo game before his promotion, then his winrate would still be 50%+ meaning his MMR hadn't leveled out yet). I guess part of this is to see how long it takes before your MMR gets to that point, and if he's queueing into Silver's and Golds, the answer is probably "far too long". The other big thing is that dodging doesn't change your MMR, just your lp. So he can keep dodging promos to have his MMR keep going up. Doesn't it just match you based on MMR anyway? So it doesn't matter if he's in bronze league, he's not playing against bronze players. Yea the whole point is he thinks being with gold players while in bronze 5 is funny. He's just trolling the system but really there's no harm done.
If he can improve to get even higher mmr, like plat or something while still dodging his placement matches, he may be able to get the world record of most divisions jump at once the day he finally gets bored of dodging
United States47024 Posts
On May 20 2013 13:49 ItsFunToLose wrote:Show nested quote +On May 20 2013 13:24 rackdude wrote:On May 20 2013 11:55 TheYango wrote:On May 20 2013 11:49 sob3k wrote:How is this any different than just making a new account and then just purposely leaving or throwing games to keep your elo low? His MMR still rises for a while because it would take a while before he gets into his promo non promo win (going W-Promo LWL would keep him at 50% winrate, and if he's getting more than 1 non-promo game before his promotion, then his winrate would still be 50%+ meaning his MMR hadn't leveled out yet). I guess part of this is to see how long it takes before your MMR gets to that point, and if he's queueing into Silver's and Golds, the answer is probably "far too long". The other big thing is that dodging doesn't change your MMR, just your lp. So he can keep dodging promos to have his MMR keep going up. Doesn't it just match you based on MMR anyway? So it doesn't matter if he's in bronze league, he's not playing against bronze players. That's sort of the point. He's still getting matched according to his MMR, just the fact that the Silver/Gold players he's running into are freaking out because they don't know how he got there/don't know how the system works.
On May 20 2013 14:03 cLutZ wrote:Show nested quote +On May 20 2013 13:49 ItsFunToLose wrote:On May 20 2013 13:24 rackdude wrote:On May 20 2013 11:55 TheYango wrote:On May 20 2013 11:49 sob3k wrote:How is this any different than just making a new account and then just purposely leaving or throwing games to keep your elo low? His MMR still rises for a while because it would take a while before he gets into his promo non promo win (going W-Promo LWL would keep him at 50% winrate, and if he's getting more than 1 non-promo game before his promotion, then his winrate would still be 50%+ meaning his MMR hadn't leveled out yet). I guess part of this is to see how long it takes before your MMR gets to that point, and if he's queueing into Silver's and Golds, the answer is probably "far too long". The other big thing is that dodging doesn't change your MMR, just your lp. So he can keep dodging promos to have his MMR keep going up. Doesn't it just match you based on MMR anyway? So it doesn't matter if he's in bronze league, he's not playing against bronze players. Yea the whole point is he thinks being with gold players while in bronze 5 is funny. Well that and the fact that they wouldn't have such funny reactions if they actually understood how the system works.
On May 20 2013 14:17 TheYango wrote:Show nested quote +On May 20 2013 13:49 ItsFunToLose wrote:On May 20 2013 13:24 rackdude wrote:On May 20 2013 11:55 TheYango wrote:On May 20 2013 11:49 sob3k wrote:How is this any different than just making a new account and then just purposely leaving or throwing games to keep your elo low? His MMR still rises for a while because it would take a while before he gets into his promo non promo win (going W-Promo LWL would keep him at 50% winrate, and if he's getting more than 1 non-promo game before his promotion, then his winrate would still be 50%+ meaning his MMR hadn't leveled out yet). I guess part of this is to see how long it takes before your MMR gets to that point, and if he's queueing into Silver's and Golds, the answer is probably "far too long". The other big thing is that dodging doesn't change your MMR, just your lp. So he can keep dodging promos to have his MMR keep going up. Doesn't it just match you based on MMR anyway? So it doesn't matter if he's in bronze league, he's not playing against bronze players. That's sort of the point. He's still getting matched according to his MMR, just the fact that the Silver/Gold players he's running into are freaking out because they don't know how he got there/don't know how the system works. Show nested quote +On May 20 2013 14:03 cLutZ wrote:On May 20 2013 13:49 ItsFunToLose wrote:On May 20 2013 13:24 rackdude wrote:On May 20 2013 11:55 TheYango wrote:On May 20 2013 11:49 sob3k wrote:How is this any different than just making a new account and then just purposely leaving or throwing games to keep your elo low? His MMR still rises for a while because it would take a while before he gets into his promo non promo win (going W-Promo LWL would keep him at 50% winrate, and if he's getting more than 1 non-promo game before his promotion, then his winrate would still be 50%+ meaning his MMR hadn't leveled out yet). I guess part of this is to see how long it takes before your MMR gets to that point, and if he's queueing into Silver's and Golds, the answer is probably "far too long". The other big thing is that dodging doesn't change your MMR, just your lp. So he can keep dodging promos to have his MMR keep going up. Doesn't it just match you based on MMR anyway? So it doesn't matter if he's in bronze league, he's not playing against bronze players. Yea the whole point is he thinks being with gold players while in bronze 5 is funny. Well that and the fact that they wouldn't have such funny reactions if they actually understood how the system works. He'd still get a smirk out of me.
I thought the reactions of people who took the time to LoLking him were the best xD
On May 20 2013 15:29 LeeDawg wrote: i just got promoted!!! gz now you suck a tiny bit less