On May 18 2013 10:20 onlywonderboy wrote: We need some Monte math on this to see how much more gold you can get out of the Jungle with these changes.
You called.
The short answer is 12.8% more gold and 20% more experience when you're cycling through small camps (if you can clear them as they spawn). In quantitative terms, 30.4 extra gold per minute and 92.6 more experience.
The math isn't difficult, you're just clearing 1.2 times per minute instead of once, so it's a 20% increase to the gold and experience gained from farming small camps. Passive gold gains are also a part of your gold income, but aren't affected, hence why the gold % is less than 20%.
The interesting part is where this puts jungling relative to laning. Laning, with perfect last-hitting, nets 333 gold per minute and 591.25 experience per minute. Jungling, with perfect clear times, will net 302.4 gold per minute and 555.6 experience per minute. It's extremely close, but these are both limited scenarios. The laner never recalls, misses a CS, or is zoned, and the jungler clears at maximum speed, never rests, and ignores buffs.
Junglers who stick with the current meta will basically see very little difference (today's junglers rarely get to clear more than two camps at a time, and clearing both buff camps will still give level 3) but the opportunity cost of ganking (if you can clear quickly) will effectively go up. I'll also note that this puts jungle gold scaling at a round 3x that of lane scaling (provided again that you're constantly clearing camps).
There are obviously huge caveats here, so I'm hesitant to draw any conclusions before I get to test it on the PBE, but I'm guessing that with the extra boost from the buff camps it will be fairly easy for fast junglers to keep pace and even surpass solo lanes in gold and levels, provided they prioritize the jungle and themselves over their lanes.
Can anyone here explain why Darius is never jungled? His laning is very strong yes, but this is no reason not to run him in the jungle and has several advantages in allowing a different top more conducive to your comp and more building freedom due to not having to counterbuild your opponent.
Darius has several attributes that make him very strong in the jungle.
1. Good jungle speed and safety which gets very fast in later clears. 2. Outstanding dueling and chasing speed from passive makes counterjungling him incredibly dangerous. 3. Extremely strong ganks with heavy damage, speed steroid, powerful slow, and 550 range aoe displacement. 4. Extremely strong base damage and scaling allows him to build tanky and do scary damage. Even if far behind is always a major threat with ult.
I've run him several times and he seems to me an extraordinarily powerful jungle pick, especially with the spirit stone items. He just does everything amazingly and his ganks are actually some of the scariest i've ever seen. If you build mobi boots and use them to close on people he gets his speed boost which makes him unescapable and does massive damage. His pull and slow are absurdly strong in a ganking situation. His only disadvantage I can see is his passive DOT can steal buffs from mid if you arent careful. Darius is also such a strong laner with only a few decent counterpicks that you can select him early and then counter his counterpick by running him jungle and picking another top who crushes them.
On May 18 2013 19:48 sob3k wrote: Can anyone here explain why Darius is never jungled? His laning is very strong yes, but this is no reason not to run him in the jungle and has several advantages in allowing a different top more conducive to your comp and more building freedom due to not having to counterbuild your opponent.
Darius has several attributes that make him very strong in the jungle.
1. Good jungle speed and safety which gets very fast in later clears. 2. Outstanding dueling and chasing speed from passive makes counterjungling him incredibly dangerous. 3. Extremely strong ganks with heavy damage, speed steroid, powerful slow, and 550 range aoe displacement. 4. Extremely strong base damage and scaling allows him to build tanky and do scary damage. Even if far behind is always a major threat with ult.
I've run him several times and he seems to me an extraordinarily powerful jungle pick, especially with the spirit stone items. He just does everything amazingly and his ganks are actually some of the scariest i've ever seen. If you build mobi boots and use them to close on people he gets his speed boost which makes him unescapable and does massive damage. His pull and slow are absurdly strong in a ganking situation. His only disadvantage I can see is his passive DOT can steal buffs from mid if you arent careful.
I've decided to just start over. From a watching and breaking down standpoint, I pretty much got it, but my mechanics and in-time game decisions need to be reworked completely. I jumped into ranked too soon, did average (5-5) and then just wasn't good enough to carry in low divisions and have fallen to a place where I'm not going to get better. Time to work up correctly.
On May 18 2013 20:07 Fionn wrote: I've decided to just start over. From a watching and breaking down standpoint, I pretty much got it, but my mechanics and in-time game decisions need to be reworked completely. I jumped into ranked too soon, did average (5-5) and then just wasn't good enough to carry in low divisions and have fallen to a place where I'm not going to get better. Time to work up correctly.
On May 18 2013 20:07 Fionn wrote: I've decided to just start over. From a watching and breaking down standpoint, I pretty much got it, but my mechanics and in-time game decisions need to be reworked completely. I jumped into ranked too soon, did average (5-5) and then just wasn't good enough to carry in low divisions and have fallen to a place where I'm not going to get better. Time to work up correctly.
What does that even mean?
Maybe if you read you would understand. He feels like he is not improving in ranked and want to start over.
On May 18 2013 20:07 Fionn wrote: I've decided to just start over. From a watching and breaking down standpoint, I pretty much got it, but my mechanics and in-time game decisions need to be reworked completely. I jumped into ranked too soon, did average (5-5) and then just wasn't good enough to carry in low divisions and have fallen to a place where I'm not going to get better. Time to work up correctly.
What does that even mean?
Maybe if you read you would understand. He feels like he is not improving in ranked and want to start over.