[Patch 3.07: Nerf Everything Not Nami] General Discussion…
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Looks like we're back to status quo. Hope more of you lurkers unburrow and talk with us. :3 If you have any issues or comments about the new design, feel free to PM Neo. | ||
United States19573 Posts
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Canada3353 Posts
Basically, I don't see how Soraka is actually bad or mediocre. Maybe she has to be picked more carefully, but that doesn't mean that she's weak. | ||
Canada23833 Posts
On May 27 2013 08:29 Lord Tolkien wrote: It can be (absolutely meh for high phys teams, while potentially abusive for high magic teams). All depends on stacking Q debuffs. Ignite also matters less nowadays for her W considering it's there for the armor steroid (which again means it's either great versus something like Zed where you can negate his all AD combo, or useless versus, say, a Fizz). But Q debuffs stacks too slowly.... like WAYYYYY too slowly. | ||
Canada23833 Posts
On May 27 2013 08:36 Dark_Chill wrote: Soraka should actually be rising in popularity considering strong AD assassins are around. I think Soraka is just a lot more situational than other supports. Her only cc is silence, meaning that her gank assist will be weaker than other supports. Her damage is incredibly sub par, having to rely on her AD to do the damages. If the opponent isn't thresh, I can definitely see her working well in lane with ADs who can handle themselves well, something like Cait maybe. Though you also need to find someone who can use mana aggressively. Not sure if Cait fits it too well, but MF sure does. Basically, I don't see how Soraka is actually bad or mediocre. Maybe she has to be picked more carefully, but that doesn't mean that she's weak. Just play Taric/Janna vs AD assassins. | ||
United States10467 Posts
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United States9006 Posts
I can kind of understand Chauster going to support. He wasn't that great at jungle and personally I think his support is better than Aphro. Nien top seems weird but I'm sure the guy is talented enough to make it work. I don't understand why they would put jiji into the jungle though. A guy who is infamous for being too passive in mid and rarely roaming gets put into a jungle position? Seems weird. I'll still support CLG if they do something like that. But damn. Just seems kind of out of left field unless Hotshot really wants to retire. | ||
Lord Tolkien
United States12083 Posts
On May 27 2013 08:37 Sufficiency wrote: But Q debuffs stacks too slowly.... like WAYYYYY too slowly. CDR helps immensely (2.5s to 1.5s). 2 stacks are enough to equal an Abyssal in value, and it gets better as time goes on. On May 27 2013 08:38 Sufficiency wrote: Just play Taric/Janna vs AD assassins. But they don't synergize well with high magic damage teams, and Taric stun so nerfed bahhhhh. With Soraka you can just W+E to negate the assassin's burst and leave em in the middle of your team to focus. But those two are generally better in more situations, yes. | ||
United States17233 Posts
Soraka gets dunked by any kind of really aggressive lane. | ||
United States19143 Posts
On May 27 2013 08:37 Sufficiency wrote: But Q debuffs stacks too slowly.... like WAYYYYY too slowly. blame Scarra and Sai. | ||
United States13738 Posts
On May 27 2013 08:35 cLutZ wrote: Also, how is she an anti-melle support specialist? Like explain why I would pick Soraka vs. Melle Supports instead of lulu, Janna, or thresh? Janna can't poke as well thresh opens himself up to a response from the melle support, and lulu is a more complex champ with a weaker shield (armor is better then flat hp and soraka gives flat hp that can be kept forever unlike a shield) finds herself on the wrong foot in allins in lane as well as not having the sustained damage soraka does (soraka doesn't need to turn and auto attack with her q and it instantly attacks all enemies around her instead of just picking one to damage). | ||
Lord Tolkien
United States12083 Posts
The Lulu/Soraka solos+magic damage jungle/bot lane, ugh. | ||
Sweden480 Posts
On May 27 2013 08:40 overt wrote: So apparently both RobertXLee and Nyjacky have heard rumors about the role swaps on CLG. I can kind of understand Chauster going to support. He wasn't that great at jungle and personally I think his support is better than Aphro. Nien top seems weird but I'm sure the guy is talented enough to make it work. I don't understand why they would put jiji into the jungle though. A guy who is infamous for being too passive in mid and rarely roaming gets put into a jungle position? Seems weird. I'll still support CLG if they do something like that. But damn. Just seems kind of out of left field unless Hotshot really wants to retire. Do you have a source/link for this? Would love to read more about it. | ||
United States19573 Posts
On May 27 2013 08:48 Sermokala wrote: Janna can't poke as well thresh opens himself up to a response from the melle support, and lulu is a more complex champ with a weaker shield (armor is better then flat hp and soraka gives flat hp that can be kept forever unlike a shield) finds herself on the wrong foot in allins in lane as well as not having the sustained damage soraka does (soraka doesn't need to turn and auto attack with her q and it instantly attacks all enemies around her instead of just picking one to damage). I'm fairly sure Leona/Draven or Taric/Graves would cream themselves if you pick Soraka. | ||
China26351 Posts
Pick stats are rarely indicative of champion strength. I'm aware Soraka is rarely picked and the meta thinks she's bad. But she's not bad or good in the way most people think. Given a relatively even AD matchup, you can absolutely pick her into any poke and little to no sustain support. You will be weaker very early on, but will eventually outsustain and win the lane after Lv5, and if you can control creep wave. You cannot pick her into strong all in lanes, doesn't mean it's a sure loss but definitely very difficult. If the enemy knows what they're doing your AD won't be able to CS with a low range AD. Her utility outside of team fight is severely under-appreciated. She can straight up shut down a lot of combo reliant mids who need to dive in to do damage. I think her current state is a lot like Janna was a few months ago when people stopped playing her due to "weak" laning and ignored her utility when she had been as strong the entire time Thresh/Elise are popular. Something I noticed in the past month that supports my perspective about meta. When Nautilus was trash tier, no one ever said, he's bad because his base armor is low. His shield CD was indeed a bit too high, but that only hurt his clear slightly which has never been his strength. It took a decent but not big buff for people to rediscover his strengths, which had always been the same but people thought they didn't "outweigh" his weaknesses. The meta can be right or wrong meaning indicative or misrepresenting champion strength, but it's only ever a good/bad value judgement. Problems arise when people try to arrive at the same conclusions the meta dictate, but using the wrong reasoning. In reality experience disagrees with the meta way more often than not at any casual, non tourney level including solo queue, but people try too often to be politically correct. | ||
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Canada1404 Posts
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United States33802 Posts
This is double relevant in this thread, I managed to get both Pokemon and LoL in one post. | ||
United States19573 Posts
On May 27 2013 09:18 Requizen wrote: Doing a Nuzlocke run of all 5 Pokemon gens, gonna name all my 'mon after League champs :3 Already have Nautilus the Squirtle, Tristana the Ratata, and Swain the Pidgey. This is double relevant in this thread, I managed to get both Pokemon and LoL in one post. Wost PKMN player ever. 1. Picks Squirtle 2. Catches a Rattata (The EXP gain from killing on your main is much more useful) 3. Catches a Pidgey (Ditto) Also, clearly Spearow is the crow. Pidgey is Fiddle, at Best | ||
United States15536 Posts
On May 27 2013 09:18 Requizen wrote: Doing a Nuzlocke run of all 5 Pokemon gens, gonna name all my 'mon after League champs :3 Already have Nautilus the Squirtle, Tristana the Ratata, and Swain the Pidgey. This is double relevant in this thread, I managed to get both Pokemon and LoL in one post. Viridian Forest Kennen pick up pls. Get the luckiest. | ||
Canada450 Posts
On May 27 2013 09:21 cLutZ wrote: Wost PKMN player ever. 1. Picks Squirtle 2. Catches a Rattata (The EXP gain from killing on your main is much more useful) 3. Catches a Pidgey (Ditto) Also, clearly Spearow is the crow. Pidgey is Fiddle, at Best Nuzlocke man. You have to catch stuff so you don't lose your game to hax. Like missing a Rage on a 1% chance with Charmeleon and watching it miss for 15 minutes as it slowly gets killed by a pokemon 10 levels below it... Also Raticate is a boss. Hyper Fang OP Riot please nerf. | ||
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