On May 06 2013 16:41 Sufficiency wrote: So. New Tomb Raider. 50% off until 10AM PST (in 9 hours) on Steam. I heard it was good.
Then I look at my Steam library and see all of these unplayed RPG games with great reviews I've bought during sales (e.g. Dragon Age, Assassin's Creed)...
Welp. Maybe I should just spend the money for more skins... Tomb raider is totally worth it
United States23745 Posts
On May 06 2013 16:41 Sufficiency wrote: So. New Tomb Raider. 50% off until 10AM PST (in 9 hours) on Steam. I heard it was good.
Then I look at my Steam library and see all of these unplayed RPG games with great reviews I've bought during sales (e.g. Dragon Age, Assassin's Creed)...
Welp. Maybe I should just spend the money for more skins... Steam Sales are the best/worst thing ever.
On May 06 2013 17:22 onlywonderboy wrote:Show nested quote +On May 06 2013 16:41 Sufficiency wrote: So. New Tomb Raider. 50% off until 10AM PST (in 9 hours) on Steam. I heard it was good.
Then I look at my Steam library and see all of these unplayed RPG games with great reviews I've bought during sales (e.g. Dragon Age, Assassin's Creed)...
Welp. Maybe I should just spend the money for more skins... Steam Sales are the best/worst thing ever.
Well, Tomb Raider or a Legendary skin..... HMMMM
United States23745 Posts
On May 06 2013 17:59 Sufficiency wrote:Show nested quote +On May 06 2013 17:22 onlywonderboy wrote:On May 06 2013 16:41 Sufficiency wrote: So. New Tomb Raider. 50% off until 10AM PST (in 9 hours) on Steam. I heard it was good.
Then I look at my Steam library and see all of these unplayed RPG games with great reviews I've bought during sales (e.g. Dragon Age, Assassin's Creed)...
Welp. Maybe I should just spend the money for more skins... Steam Sales are the best/worst thing ever. Well, Tomb Raider or a Legendary skin..... HMMMM I don't actually own any Legendary skins...although I've toyed with the idea of getting Battlecast Cho since I play him from time to time. Probably not enough to warrant the price though :p
On May 06 2013 15:49 MooMooMugi wrote: Why do all ezreals go for Spirit of the lizard elder now? It's so bad...
Cause they all want to feel like badasses, shooting off Q's that burn and kiting with slow from Iceborn Gauntlet rather than actually dealing damage.
it's not that bad. lots of high elo players seem to like it
anyone feel like the time you play greatly affects the players you end up playing with? by this i mean, when i play during the odd hours i can climb to diamond 2 super easily but when i play during peak hours, i can never manage to get a team that works out (that and people have shorter tempers during the prime hours it seems like).
On May 06 2013 18:08 Cheap0 wrote:Show nested quote +On May 06 2013 15:49 MooMooMugi wrote: Why do all ezreals go for Spirit of the lizard elder now? It's so bad... Cause they all want to feel like badasses, shooting off Q's that burn and kiting with slow from Iceborn Gauntlet rather than actually dealing damage. You'd be surprised by how much damage you deal..
Uh, I hope I don't get banned for this, but why is GP5/10 banned in the GD? If anyone could link me to a thread, because I actually had some questions on GP5 during laning, and I'm not sure if ill get banned. :/ Sorry
(pls dun ban me )
United States23745 Posts
On May 06 2013 18:21 nanospartan wrote:Uh, I hope I don't get banned for this, but why is GP5/10 banned in the GD? If anyone could link me to a thread, because I actually had some questions on GP5 during laning, and I'm not sure if ill get banned. :/ Sorry (pls dun ban me  ) It was a conversation that was talked to death in GD, but it has its own thread. The OP is a little out of date, but you can ask any questions in there.
On May 06 2013 10:50 sob3k wrote: welp, looks like lissandra has like a 41% winrate, I guess she's terrible "Why can't I just initiate every fight with EW then die before I ult? WHY DOESN'T MY TEAM FOLLOW UP MY AWESOME INITIATIONS?!"
Or something like that. Probably. Hue.
What's the deal with AP classes/exams? I google'd it quickly, but basically it is optional classes/exams you can take in high school that can, if high enough scores are obtained, grant you bonus credit when getting to college, allowing you to put it on your resume/application, and skip some classes?
On May 06 2013 18:35 Alaric wrote:Show nested quote +On May 06 2013 10:50 sob3k wrote: welp, looks like lissandra has like a 41% winrate, I guess she's terrible "Why can't I just initiate every fight with EW then die before I ult? WHY DOESN'T MY TEAM FOLLOW UP MY AWESOME INITIATIONS?!" Or something like that. Probably. Hue. What's the deal with AP classes/exams? I google'd it quickly, but basically it is optional classes/exams you can take in high school that can, if high enough scores are obtained, grant you bonus credit when getting to college, allowing you to put it on your resume/application, and skip some classes? Pretty much; but there's quite a bit of rules regarding how many units they're worth, or whether or not you can eliminate certain pre-reqs in college; depending on where you go.
So most Ivy league schools only give you credit if you get 4 or 5, and if it's a pre-req for your major, you probably can't skip those classes, so you just get "general credit"
All in all, they're worth it imo; Did like 3 AP exams, and IB diploma, pretty much made it so my junior and senior year of college I only had to take 3 classes a quarter, rather than the usual 4.
On May 06 2013 18:39 wei2coolman wrote:Show nested quote +On May 06 2013 18:35 Alaric wrote:On May 06 2013 10:50 sob3k wrote: welp, looks like lissandra has like a 41% winrate, I guess she's terrible "Why can't I just initiate every fight with EW then die before I ult? WHY DOESN'T MY TEAM FOLLOW UP MY AWESOME INITIATIONS?!" Or something like that. Probably. Hue. What's the deal with AP classes/exams? I google'd it quickly, but basically it is optional classes/exams you can take in high school that can, if high enough scores are obtained, grant you bonus credit when getting to college, allowing you to put it on your resume/application, and skip some classes? Pretty much; but there's quite a bit of rules regarding how many units they're worth, or whether or not you can eliminate certain pre-reqs in college; depending on where you go. So most Ivy league schools only give you credit if you get 4 or 5, and if it's a pre-req for your major, you probably can't skip those classes, so you just get "general credit" All in all, they're worth it imo; Did like 3 AP exams, and IB diploma, pretty much made it so my junior and senior year of college I only had to take 3 classes a quarter, rather than the usual 4.
My highschool sucked, funding issues made it so that when like 24 people registered for AP calc/chem/phys, they wouldn't make a class for it(25 was cutoff). Only available one was AP english, and that's useless for engineering. It's worth it if you can take it though, because IIRC it's like 1/10th the price to take an AP exam vs take a university equivalent course assuming you pass.
I know people who complain that their schedules are tight and unforgiving/hard while taking 3 courses, and then they freak out when they find out engineering students take 5-6 every semester until graduation. IIRC business students aren't even allowed to take as many credits as engineering students find standard(WTF I'm not even allowed to take that many courses). And then you have sadistic schedulers who do four finals in 4 days, starting late and ending with an 8:30am exam to maximize stress.
For AP classes, I really think it depends on what you take. Calculus AP I would never accept credit for if you're going into engineering. You need that knowledge, refresh that knowledge because it's used in 70% or more of your second year courses.
Best AP course I took was AP english though. Got a 5 on that, skipped first year english, got 89% in second year engineering writing and never have to touch it again.
Back to LoL though, lissandra's winrate probably goes up with ELO. At higher ratings, people know how to take advantage of the extreme amount of utility lissandra's W/R do and can follow up with much better effect.
On May 06 2013 19:15 Lmui wrote: For AP classes, I really think it depends on what you take. Calculus AP I would never accept credit for if you're going into engineering. You need that knowledge, refresh that knowledge because it's used in 70% or more of your second year courses.
Best AP course I took was AP english though. Got a 5 on that, skipped first year english, got 89% in second year engineering writing and never have to touch it again.
Back to LoL though, lissandra's winrate probably goes up with ELO. At higher ratings, people know how to take advantage of the extreme amount of utility lissandra's W/R do and can follow up with much better effect.
She's been seeing a pretty high pick/ban rate this week when I've watched the MRN guys stream, and looks plenty effective when picked.
Tried out lol during the weekend...is it worth trying to jungle without runes/masteries?
I'm level 9 or so now, havent really spent the ip points or put anything into the mastery tree. I tried to jungle lee sin with smite and..yeah it didnt go too well :D, when the guys from the lane helped out it was okay(weakened monsters and let me last hit...but doesnt that defeat the point of jungling? cause they will lose exp while helping out), but solo it was not.
On your first camp (blue golem or red lizard) it's standard to get a bit of help, because even with runes/masteries it significantly enhances your clear time (you can even often get enough help that you don't use smite on it, saving it to do the other buff right after), however without armour seals jungling can be pretty hard at low level. Since you're level 9, I'd advise putting all points in the mastery defense tree, taking bonus HP and reduced minion damage in the first tier, armour and reflected damage in the 2nd tier, and bonus HP in the 3rd tier. Once you get a few more points use them to finish filling up the +armour mastery, and it should already help a lot (runes aren't necessarily worth it depending on how you take it, before level 20. Tier2 runes are certainly not worth it considering how little they give compared to tier1, and how much more they cost in IP).
Straight outta Johto18973 Posts
No. It's very difficult to jungle without runes and masteries pre-lvl 20 (although they did nerf jungle damage but I haven't jungled pre-20 since then). At the same time, your impact as a jungler is going to be massively limited because you won't have a good feel for game flow, and at lower levels people are less able to play 1v2 lanes. I'd wait a bit before trying.
If you are absolutely dead set on jungling, try some of the super-sustain junglers like Warwick.
United States37500 Posts
You can lose with any teamcomp in ARAM if people are bad enough.... 3-4 tanky initiators and 1-2 pokey DPS seems to be a very dominant meta right now though. All poke teams are actually pretty poor if you play people who know how to dodge and initiate at not flat out retarded times.
On May 06 2013 16:41 Sufficiency wrote: So. New Tomb Raider. 50% off until 10AM PST (in 9 hours) on Steam. I heard it was good.
Then I look at my Steam library and see all of these unplayed RPG games with great reviews I've bought during sales (e.g. Dragon Age, Assassin's Creed)...
Welp. Maybe I should just spend the money for more skins... It's a great game. People complain about it being Uncharted: Girl Version, but they forget why Uncharted exists.