On May 05 2013 13:33 cLutZ wrote: God, Solo lane Janna is so hilarious. Once you get a certain amount of AP pushing is so easy.
She's also great with a lichbane.
edit: Source - Aram pentakill with ap janna hhehehehe
Blitz vs Blitz would be pretty hilarious
Or Draven vs Draven. Catch each other's axes huehue
Lee vs Lee prob best. Make them start at level 2 so they can have both dash and kick, you'd see some plays.
On May 05 2013 13:32 templar rage wrote: I like what Wickd and Soaz did for their All-Star 1v1. 3 bans and blind pick. Maybe limit the champion pool in a tournament in some way. Kinda coinflippy though depending on the size of the champ pool.
Agree with this. I hate watching mirror matchups anyway.
As for most boring lane, it'd definitely be taric. Double stuns all day
On May 05 2013 06:42 dukethegold wrote: The commentators on stream 2 give me ear cancer. Fortunately I can just mute them -__- Are you sure? Stream 2 commentators are the most bearable for me. I almost cut myself after listening to stream one's for qtpie, though..
Also, this tournament does and doesn't prove who the best riven NA is. Obviously it doesn't factor 5v5 teamfighting, playing bad match ups, playing good match ups, etc. but it does prove who understands Riven the most.
It proves who understands Riven the most when playing against another Riven*
This is one of the most useless tournaments to be honest.
If you lose to a Riven, your understanding (and execution) of Riven is obviously worse than your opponent's. It's the closest measure of skill that we can have. If you think that the tournament is useless, nobody is forcing you to watch or comment on it. Stop being so cynical.
I don't think that makes any sense to be honest. The closest measure of skill is how they do against everyone, not against themselves. No matter who wins this, MegaZero will still be best riven NA for me no contest. The winner can be Best Riven vs Riven No Team Interferences And No Need To Plan For The Rest Of The Game all he wants.
it seems silly, but its basically everything you do in LoL. everything at work when you usually do is at work here-- keeping track of cooldowns and summoners to abuse your opponent, knowing how your skills interact with your enemies, etc. It's kind of cool to just cheer for players you like or don't like) in a silly kind of competition. You can also see there's some skill differential among the players too.
How can Megazero call himself the best riven in NA if he loses to somebody else in a matchup that is 100% Riven? You beat me at Riven vs Riven, a skillbased match up that where the only thing that's important is how good a Riven you are, but I'm better than you. I think Mega is the best Riven in NA, too, but if he doesn't win the tournament then he won't be. He will still be a better top laner which will help him be succesful outside the laning phase etc., but he will be worse at Riven specifically.
For the same reason that a TvT specialist isn't the best Terran in the world if he sucks against Zerg and Protoss and the person he beats is 1000x better at them but is worse at TvT.
For the same reason that in SSBM even though I cannot play Fox vs Fox and lose to much weaker players I still beat other characters much better than the Foxes I would lose to and the Fox I lose to against in Fox vs Fox isn't a better Fox player than me because he is better in a single matchup..
The best TvT player understands Terran the best. He might not understand how to beat Zerg or Protoss, but he really understands Terran, he knows everything there is to Terran. I call him the best "Terran" in the world. He is not the best Terran player in the world, but he is the best at Terran.
Greatly differing views. I'll leave it at that.
MMA had amazing TvZ, good TvT and terrible TvP, yet for several months he was the consensus best Terran in the world.
On May 05 2013 12:16 cLutZ wrote: With the Best Riven tournament going on, I want to ask:
What would be the most boring "Best XXX" champion mirror matchup tournament.
My early submission would be Alistar. Garen Vs. Garen would be fucking awful. Both Q, run at eachother, silence eachother, and most likely run away and wait for Q cooldown.
On May 05 2013 14:26 Shikyo wrote: It proves who understands Riven the most when playing against another Riven*
This is one of the most useless tournaments to be honest. Riven has a very dynamic kit that allows for immense variation, what better way to test that dynamism against and equally dynamic opponent?
I agree with Shikyo*
I believe that's the first time this statement has been made on these forums, I think I feel dirty.
On May 05 2013 15:12 red_ wrote: I agree with Shikyo*
I believe that's the first time this statement has been made on these forums, I think I feel dirty.
Naw it's probably happened before. As I said in some other thread, it's not about what he argues for/against, it's how he presents his arguments that cause the issue. Wording/phrasing #1
On May 05 2013 14:14 TheYango wrote: The first two have the potential to be quite luck based just lucking into bad matchups. Some combination of the 3rd and 4th are probably the most fair, with mirrors being used to address the imbalance of 2nd pick in 1v1 draft pick. ban + blind pick is good combo.
Yeah, 1v1s are obviously pretty meaningless, but as with Wickd vs Soaz for All-stars, the important thing is the publicity and hype.
it's surprising how may people just dont look at what items you build. built tanknivia, still got focused. its pretty stupid what happens when you try to kill someone with 3 RoA and double lives.