On May 10 2013 04:35 Djin)ftw( wrote:Show nested quote +On May 10 2013 04:19 cLutZ wrote: Yi is gonna be reworked for the same reason they are thinking about changing Nunu. To be honest, Yi's kid sucks. They should reduce the dmg from alphastrike so this all-in build with dorans ring, no mr/armor whatsoever, into rabadon/lichbane loses its viability. While I have no problem with high risk/high reward styles of play, with Yi it is just too much imho. You cant really punish him, beacuse even as a melee, he can farm so well with alpha strike. And thus you just hope that he doesnt get a reset in team fights. Just retarded, like techies in Dota. And while it is kinda the same with blitz who is more or less uesless if he doesnt land a grab, at least its a skillshot. Fucking lowskill Yi players all the time, all-inning you with their bullshit full AP gambles. That being said, what happened to fizz with ignite/barrier and 30-0-0? Incarnati0n went to #1 EUW with >1000 league points, then he was gone and fizz is now at 47.xx%. Did I miss something? Yes. They patched it so it's not worth it to start red pot mid anymore, which was the core fizz strat.
I lost my teamwork badge when I got chat restrictions for raging too much
What a special 20kth post *>_>
Crimson red, Emerald green, Golden glow.
Shining bright, Rose petals, Violet scent.
Comforting warmth, Lingering doubts, Haunting fears.
Gentle breeze, Chilling cold, Crystal tears.
Sapphire Blue.
On May 10 2013 04:28 Alaric wrote: It's 'k, better give Trundle some trash lore because "he has no ties with other champions and his story is over" while Rammus sits in a corner, and Alistar, Nautilus, Maokai are far from the champions with the most ties to other characters (though Alistar/Maokai have some hooks, just unused atm). And don't even get me started on the Rengar vs Kha'Zix thing, good thing for Riot Kha'Zix is connected to the void because otherwise they'd be locked into their own little island too. Incremental changes, man, can't rewrite everything in one go. Alistar, Nautilus, Maokai, and Rammus will be part of the Frejlord soon.
On May 10 2013 06:37 Shikyo wrote: What a special 20kth post *>_>
Crimson red, Emerald green, Golden glow.
Shining bright, Rose petals, Violet scent.
Comforting warmth, Lingering doubts, Haunting fears.
Gentle breeze, Chilling cold, Crystal tears.
Sapphire Blue.
notbad.jpg scip has corrupted me so I keep thinking its a pokeman reference
WTF another manaless champion
He's as much a melee carry as Riven or Garen. He is a fighter, for sure.
I will assume his passive has some sort of cooldown?
Another champ for me to hate.
Straight outta Johto18973 Posts
On May 10 2013 07:42 Sufficiency wrote:He's as much a melee carry as Riven or Garen. He is a fighter, for sure. I will assume his passive has some sort of cooldown? It drains while out of combat so I assume there's no need for a CD. I think the idea is you chain heal-costing spells to keep coming back from the brink of death. It's actually a very clever mechanics in both design and theme.
This champion looks ridiculously strong. But so do a lot of champions so we'll have to wait and see for ourselves.
I'm not sure about the passive CD part if its supposed to "keep him alive".
Well, he's more of a carry in the sense that he does damage from autos, whereas Riven's damage comes from spells and passive procs and Garen... well, I personally wouldn't consider Garen a carry.
Again with lore, I miss the reflections or w/e. Why the fuck is a 100000 year old demon battlelord joining the League? (well, I guess its cuz he likes fighting, and League is the only place to fight). Either way,he and Panth are going to be best buddies.
On the note of Pantheon who seems the closest related champ (design-ish wise, AD caster-ish), I hope Riot figured him out better-- Panth falls off so hard after early/ midgame. This guy also seems really vulnerable to CC.
He kinda reminds me of a HoN hero. Forgot the name but it was some demon guy who had an identical second skill that could be toggled to heal or do bonus damage at cost of health except it was on every hit rather than every third hit.
Aatrox sounds pretty neat but I'm worried that his cool factor might be hurt by the fact that his W could potentially be so strong Riot may just tone it down to the point where it's very mediocre.
Why does riot insist that "health cost" champions, seem like there's a "cost" for abilities; when in reality it's actually just CD based champ.
On May 10 2013 07:44 MoonBear wrote:Show nested quote +On May 10 2013 07:42 Sufficiency wrote:He's as much a melee carry as Riven or Garen. He is a fighter, for sure. I will assume his passive has some sort of cooldown? It drains while out of combat so I assume there's no need for a CD. I think the idea is you chain heal-costing spells to keep coming back from the brink of death. It's actually a very clever mechanics in both design and theme.
So basically it works somewhat similarly to Mordekaiser's shield, except it only activates when you are about to die (and does so every time) and it is based on his health cost instead of damage dealt? That sounds so awkward... I guess his health costs are low enough that you can't build it up fast enough a second time after your first Blood Well activated.
On May 10 2013 07:49 wei2coolman wrote: Why does riot insist that "health cost" champions, seem like there's a "cost" for abilities; when in reality it's actually just CD based champ.
Mordekaiser says hi.
Straight outta Johto18973 Posts
On May 10 2013 07:49 wei2coolman wrote: Why does riot insist that "health cost" champions, seem like there's a "cost" for abilities; when in reality it's actually just CD based champ. Heath costs eventually become negligible as the game goes late. It mainly just punishes early. Hrm. How to fix....
On May 10 2013 07:51 MoonBear wrote:Show nested quote +On May 10 2013 07:49 wei2coolman wrote: Why does riot insist that "health cost" champions, seem like there's a "cost" for abilities; when in reality it's actually just CD based champ. Heath costs eventually become negligible as the game goes late. It mainly just punishes early. Hrm. How to fix....
% based
Or the skills would have to scale really badly into lategame, except that the fifth point in a spell (a la Syndra) would give it a massive power boost by increasing its AP ratio or its effect by a lot, at the cost of making it % based or take a ton of hp.
On May 10 2013 07:42 Sufficiency wrote:He's as much a melee carry as Riven or Garen. He is a fighter, for sure. I will assume his passive has some sort of cooldown?
how the fuck is garen anywhere close to a melee carry or anywhere close to riven (i guess they both have executish ults?)
On May 10 2013 07:51 ticklishmusic wrote:Show nested quote +On May 10 2013 07:51 MoonBear wrote:On May 10 2013 07:49 wei2coolman wrote: Why does riot insist that "health cost" champions, seem like there's a "cost" for abilities; when in reality it's actually just CD based champ. Heath costs eventually become negligible as the game goes late. It mainly just punishes early. Hrm. How to fix.... % based Or the skills would have to scale really badly into lategame, except that the fifth point in a spell (a la Syndra) would give it a massive power boost by increasing its AP ratio or its effect by a lot, at the cost of making it % based or take a ton of hp.
% based is REALLY awkward though - because the more health you have, the less effective (flat) health regeneration is.
ZAC doesn't really have this problem because his passive essentially refunds all of his health costs. But if you give % cost to, say, Mordekaiser, it will be doom to him.