On February 28 2013 01:56 jcc wrote:Show nested quote +On February 27 2013 16:38 iCanada wrote:On February 27 2013 13:59 Sermokala wrote:On February 27 2013 13:48 Zooper31 wrote:On February 27 2013 13:43 zodde wrote:On February 27 2013 13:25 Sermokala wrote:On February 27 2013 13:19 zodde wrote:On February 27 2013 13:13 Sermokala wrote: Its not even akali or rengar anymore. Any of the new super gapcloser junglers or god forbid hecarim or garen come out of the woodwork the second your out of position and you know that you're already fucked and gona die. Garen is so good at this. Midgame, an ADCs barely scratch garen, but he kills them in like 4 seconds. Hate that guy. His W is getting nerfed though, so i guess that will help. I've decided to just go stright bortk omen whenever I see garen in games. not too much longer until bortk gives as too for a good 1 item power curve. Gotta try that. Anyone knows when the botrk change is supposed to go live? The 5% change is live now. It's fully buffed atm. He's refering to the 30%as that bortk has on the pbe right now and should be going in the next patch on the 28th when maintinence was annouced today. Not sure on the change as patch notes arnt out yet ofc. Adcs now have a really weak mid game for a strong early and late game. So champs are being picked up that have a super charged mid game to throw off the adc. Garen vi hec j4 still can't touch a 6 item adc tho. Nasus on the other hand makes a 6 item AD worthless. Wither make them move so slow, do no damages. Just manage to get your team to stall till 40 minute mark you win erry game. Be a 5k HP 200/200 resistances freak who makes their AD useless and has a Q that does like +800 damage. In addition, gets AoE 5% per second Hp burn (which also gives him increased AD) on his ult. Nasus R so strong in League of Warmogs, even if you just sticking to one tank for one second you prolly going to hit the max AD bonus from his R, if you running at their AD you probably going to get like +500 AD with everyone trying to peel you. You can win 45 minute games where other team like 10-15k gold ahead. On February 27 2013 16:19 Shotcoder wrote:On February 27 2013 16:13 Craton wrote: 200 CS with a 0 threat build. What exactly is the enemy team doing during all of this? Zero threat? You are completely fine because of your ult. Yes you dont have the same damage, but you're 800 gold behind? Is that really back breaking in a lane where you're main focus is farming? Dorans>Avarice>BF is completely viable and barely puts you behind if you play passive. How you going to stop a Taric, Thresh, Alistar, Lulu, Lux, Nautilus, Blitz, Sona, Leona or Zyra from just poking your balls off / just hard engaging on you? You can't use arrow every trade... Its not like you can expect your jungler to pressure bottom that hard either because bottom ridiculously hard to gank always 2+ wards down there unless one just expire. I don't buy it, think you just get totally crushed by any competent bot lane if you rush Avarice while having no trading ability. Only Support I could see not just totally zoning you is like Soraka, but no one plays Soraka anymore. Ok, you're making alot of incorrect assumptions here and seem to not be very comfortable with Ashe's playstyle in general. You ask how to deal with hard initiating supports in lane, and i'm guessing that this leaks into later on in the game into "How do you deal with hard initiating jungler ganks? Or hard initating bruisers in team fights?" - None of this matters to Cash Ashe because it is IRRELEVANT to what items you get. That initial 800 gold into avarice changes none of those dynamics, if anything it makes them easier to deal with because you can peak faster and kill those bruisers faster before they hit dangerous peaks. Now, i also described the scenario on WHAT TO DO to appropriately get away with this build in a way that the enemy adc, nothing short of super blue golems lvl 2 all in, can do to stop. I'll set my conditions on when i MOST OFTEN pick Cash Ashe and the scenarios she excels in for GUARENTEED advantages. 1) - You are blue side. Not because of golems, but because it allows you to abuse your lvl 1 crit / W by harassing the blue. 2) - First request Sona support, and if you cant get sona get Zyra, and worst case scenario get janna. Why? Sona allows you to start dorans safely, provides the strongest lvl 1 in bot lane in conjunction with your crit / w, and allows you to TOGETHER rush to their blue, "60" second ward their banana bush, then green ward their blue. You can force their jungler to a) Back cuz he gets low from your harass b) the enemy bot lane to get REAL low from defending your harass, c) steal blue cuz hes trying to smiteless and you hit it over wall, or d) he has to smite and mid has to waste time in conjunction with their bot to stall your harass. 3) That you know how to appropriately control lane flow and after the lvl 1 stuff you come to lane (ideally ahead in hp), SHOVE IT HARD, and non stop shove until you hit about 800 -1200 gold, immediately back, buy avarice and maybe longsword or a few pots. you can get away with this cuz you harassed the fuck out of the jungler and KNOW he cant punish for 3-4 minutes. And almost no enemy bot lane can deal with that kind of shove with a dorans start ashe + sona or zyra in the first 3 levels unless they want to risk an all in where the likelihood of your jungler being there is MUCH higher than theirs. 4) On return of buying your avarice, you again shove fast 2-3 waves, then shop and you can equalize what items they bought. They started dorans too and bought vamp? Ok, you bought dorans, avarice, shoved, shopped, buy longsword. THE TRADE VALUE IS EQUAL in atk damage, he only has the 10% lifesteal, which means nothing to you cuz you have sona and want SELECTIVE burst trades with W, + Sona Q and autos. Not extended trades or allins. 5) Ashe and Sona both have HUGE range, learn to kite, learn to harass CORRECTLY, learn to disengage. 6) Supports like taric are actually VERY easy to deal with. He's sort of a joke support after a certain elo, very easy to push out of lane if the enemy adc has long range and the enemy support is ranged. Also leona / blitz supports are predictable. Blitz support is also very squishy. Dont get grabbed, and if he runs up to you to punch you fucking just attack him, he is squishy, he will either die, back, or the trade will be equal deaths. Which favors you cuz you have a CONSTANT larger income. 7) Ashe isn't the best "herp derp" pick this adc whenever you want. Much like Vayne, Kog, I put Ashe in the hyper carry category. She has no ingrained escape, so if you are 4th pick and they ALREADY have J4, Leona, Ahri, etc then you chose your fate. That is a scenario you'd want a safer adc like ezreal, trist, sivir, etc. BUT, if you pick ashe against a good comp, OR you get so much money so fast and your team KNOWS how to play with an ashe (cuz its very different than playin with a graves or ezreal), you can still easily win and still be ahead. Typical build order btw would be: Dorans --> first 800 fast buy avarice --> longsword ---> BF or pickaxe (depending on how soon you gotta back) ---> vamp --> Beserks ---> Shiv ---> BotRK or LW, etc etc.
I think Ashe Sona is the worst lane possible. Once you are caught you are screwed.
On February 28 2013 02:09 Alaric wrote:You spoke of Sivir as a safe AD, because of spellshield + her passive that helps with kiting too I guess, despite her low range and lak of dash. Can I ask what are your thoughts are her? She's probably my favourite AD Carry but I feel she is outshone in every one of her aspects (sieging, pushing, kiting... jack of all trades, master of none, except in terms of pre-6 burst), she's hard to pick early because of how long-range carries can abuse hers, and she relies on heavily snowballing early because as time passes Graves becomes better in burst, Cait in sieging/pushing, Ashe in kiting, and several in raw damage and poking (and even both).
In a team comp that is VERY dive heavy with reliance on spells that catch (Ahri, Leona, TF, Vi, Hecarim, etc) Sivir is an amazingly good pick as her spellshield alleviates that initial CC, and her passive + her ult allows for REALLY good positioning and counter initiate. The biggest issue with sivir is her low range in lane. Her low range in teamfights means NOTHING as your ult + passive make up for it. Never pick sivir early, only do it if you can see their bot lane. If they have kogmaw / Cait / Varus / Ashe, I would highly advise not choosing sivir. Also if they pick sona or lulu early, it CAN be rough (tho you can fix this by picking an all in support and just raping their squishy support).
Sivir has some of the highest teamfight dps due to an Auto Attack reset with bonus damage that also hits multiple people, the strongest Q nuke of any ADC, her ultimate (which gives atk speed, crazy valuable stat), and her E. People dont pick her because NA has tempered its ad carries into being little bitches that only pick safe picks and have no idea how to adjust their picks to team comps (enemy or allied). Europe and Asia has much more varied adc picks.
On February 28 2013 02:15 Sufficiency wrote:Show nested quote +On February 28 2013 01:56 jcc wrote:On February 27 2013 16:38 iCanada wrote:On February 27 2013 13:59 Sermokala wrote:On February 27 2013 13:48 Zooper31 wrote:On February 27 2013 13:43 zodde wrote:On February 27 2013 13:25 Sermokala wrote:On February 27 2013 13:19 zodde wrote:On February 27 2013 13:13 Sermokala wrote: Its not even akali or rengar anymore. Any of the new super gapcloser junglers or god forbid hecarim or garen come out of the woodwork the second your out of position and you know that you're already fucked and gona die. Garen is so good at this. Midgame, an ADCs barely scratch garen, but he kills them in like 4 seconds. Hate that guy. His W is getting nerfed though, so i guess that will help. I've decided to just go stright bortk omen whenever I see garen in games. not too much longer until bortk gives as too for a good 1 item power curve. Gotta try that. Anyone knows when the botrk change is supposed to go live? The 5% change is live now. It's fully buffed atm. He's refering to the 30%as that bortk has on the pbe right now and should be going in the next patch on the 28th when maintinence was annouced today. Not sure on the change as patch notes arnt out yet ofc. Adcs now have a really weak mid game for a strong early and late game. So champs are being picked up that have a super charged mid game to throw off the adc. Garen vi hec j4 still can't touch a 6 item adc tho. Nasus on the other hand makes a 6 item AD worthless. Wither make them move so slow, do no damages. Just manage to get your team to stall till 40 minute mark you win erry game. Be a 5k HP 200/200 resistances freak who makes their AD useless and has a Q that does like +800 damage. In addition, gets AoE 5% per second Hp burn (which also gives him increased AD) on his ult. Nasus R so strong in League of Warmogs, even if you just sticking to one tank for one second you prolly going to hit the max AD bonus from his R, if you running at their AD you probably going to get like +500 AD with everyone trying to peel you. You can win 45 minute games where other team like 10-15k gold ahead. On February 27 2013 16:19 Shotcoder wrote:On February 27 2013 16:13 Craton wrote: 200 CS with a 0 threat build. What exactly is the enemy team doing during all of this? Zero threat? You are completely fine because of your ult. Yes you dont have the same damage, but you're 800 gold behind? Is that really back breaking in a lane where you're main focus is farming? Dorans>Avarice>BF is completely viable and barely puts you behind if you play passive. How you going to stop a Taric, Thresh, Alistar, Lulu, Lux, Nautilus, Blitz, Sona, Leona or Zyra from just poking your balls off / just hard engaging on you? You can't use arrow every trade... Its not like you can expect your jungler to pressure bottom that hard either because bottom ridiculously hard to gank always 2+ wards down there unless one just expire. I don't buy it, think you just get totally crushed by any competent bot lane if you rush Avarice while having no trading ability. Only Support I could see not just totally zoning you is like Soraka, but no one plays Soraka anymore. Ok, you're making alot of incorrect assumptions here and seem to not be very comfortable with Ashe's playstyle in general. You ask how to deal with hard initiating supports in lane, and i'm guessing that this leaks into later on in the game into "How do you deal with hard initiating jungler ganks? Or hard initating bruisers in team fights?" - None of this matters to Cash Ashe because it is IRRELEVANT to what items you get. That initial 800 gold into avarice changes none of those dynamics, if anything it makes them easier to deal with because you can peak faster and kill those bruisers faster before they hit dangerous peaks. Now, i also described the scenario on WHAT TO DO to appropriately get away with this build in a way that the enemy adc, nothing short of super blue golems lvl 2 all in, can do to stop. I'll set my conditions on when i MOST OFTEN pick Cash Ashe and the scenarios she excels in for GUARENTEED advantages. 1) - You are blue side. Not because of golems, but because it allows you to abuse your lvl 1 crit / W by harassing the blue. 2) - First request Sona support, and if you cant get sona get Zyra, and worst case scenario get janna. Why? Sona allows you to start dorans safely, provides the strongest lvl 1 in bot lane in conjunction with your crit / w, and allows you to TOGETHER rush to their blue, "60" second ward their banana bush, then green ward their blue. You can force their jungler to a) Back cuz he gets low from your harass b) the enemy bot lane to get REAL low from defending your harass, c) steal blue cuz hes trying to smiteless and you hit it over wall, or d) he has to smite and mid has to waste time in conjunction with their bot to stall your harass. 3) That you know how to appropriately control lane flow and after the lvl 1 stuff you come to lane (ideally ahead in hp), SHOVE IT HARD, and non stop shove until you hit about 800 -1200 gold, immediately back, buy avarice and maybe longsword or a few pots. you can get away with this cuz you harassed the fuck out of the jungler and KNOW he cant punish for 3-4 minutes. And almost no enemy bot lane can deal with that kind of shove with a dorans start ashe + sona or zyra in the first 3 levels unless they want to risk an all in where the likelihood of your jungler being there is MUCH higher than theirs. 4) On return of buying your avarice, you again shove fast 2-3 waves, then shop and you can equalize what items they bought. They started dorans too and bought vamp? Ok, you bought dorans, avarice, shoved, shopped, buy longsword. THE TRADE VALUE IS EQUAL in atk damage, he only has the 10% lifesteal, which means nothing to you cuz you have sona and want SELECTIVE burst trades with W, + Sona Q and autos. Not extended trades or allins. 5) Ashe and Sona both have HUGE range, learn to kite, learn to harass CORRECTLY, learn to disengage. 6) Supports like taric are actually VERY easy to deal with. He's sort of a joke support after a certain elo, very easy to push out of lane if the enemy adc has long range and the enemy support is ranged. Also leona / blitz supports are predictable. Blitz support is also very squishy. Dont get grabbed, and if he runs up to you to punch you fucking just attack him, he is squishy, he will either die, back, or the trade will be equal deaths. Which favors you cuz you have a CONSTANT larger income. 7) Ashe isn't the best "herp derp" pick this adc whenever you want. Much like Vayne, Kog, I put Ashe in the hyper carry category. She has no ingrained escape, so if you are 4th pick and they ALREADY have J4, Leona, Ahri, etc then you chose your fate. That is a scenario you'd want a safer adc like ezreal, trist, sivir, etc. BUT, if you pick ashe against a good comp, OR you get so much money so fast and your team KNOWS how to play with an ashe (cuz its very different than playin with a graves or ezreal), you can still easily win and still be ahead. Typical build order btw would be: Dorans --> first 800 fast buy avarice --> longsword ---> BF or pickaxe (depending on how soon you gotta back) ---> vamp --> Beserks ---> Shiv ---> BotRK or LW, etc etc. I think Ashe Sona is the worst lane possible. Once you are caught you are screwed.
Ashe Sona is one of the strongest lanes dps wise, and define "getting caught". Because you honestly, with your range and good wards you should NEVER get "caught". Also, post 6, if you get caught, you just counter initiate with double stuns. Ashe Sona also has the amazing perk of saying "Hey Jungler, come by our lane every 75 seconds for free kills" due to their amazing gank assist with ults and their high dps.
You are also ignoring the STRATEGY in the lane pick. You gain huge lane control through the level 1 harass at blue and your strong lvl 1. You shove early so the enemy lane CANT engage, then you play safe until 6. Post 6 you are the scariest bot lane alive aside from like a real lucky graves/draven and a taric.
On February 28 2013 02:13 JonGalt wrote:Show nested quote +On February 27 2013 19:53 Chrispy wrote:Brazilian Support Kayle gets killed at level 2 "huehuehuehue" + Show Spoiler +There, the jokes dead we can all go home. But but but... I wanna play too! Support Kayle gets killed by Limp Bizkit. "Wow, I didn't expect Fred Durst." Show nested quote +On February 28 2013 00:56 TheKefka wrote: man,reading GD some times makes me wanna take a nap You clearly weren't seeing the Kayle support jokes. On topic, I really like the idea of Cash Ashe and I feel like she could be really good in the League of Divers (I am talking about competitive and using Cash or standard). I know she doesn't have an escape, but she can kite for days. Use ult as counter-engage and just Q/W for days. Would this work, or would Hec/Vi/J4/Xin still just get in your face. I know it's hard to stop Hec and Vi, but you can still flash ult into q away. I also feel like Trist with W and R should see more in competitive with all the divers.
Ive had my Cash Ashe work against a team with J4, xin, and Syndra. Tho that was also organized team play and our team comp had Sejuani, Sona, TF, and Cho, so the peel was disgusting.
Getting caught as ashe/sona is as basic as "Taric stunned me" You have to be SO careful not to get caught, I'm not sure why you're nitpicking on the "definition of caught" -.- Sona is squishy and ashe lacks mobility (she makes up in other departments, don't get me wrong I still like Ashe.) If you play it well then you can harass them down, but poor play will have one or both of you get 100-0'd.
I don't see the level 1 crit impact things as much as I'd like, helping the jungler or taking small golems completely steps on it.
I'd like to think that I can do all the roles pretty nicely (except mid but I havn't played mid in ranked yet) so I'm always willing to work it out with the team. Pick order trumps everything and anyone whos dick enough to not respect that is a dick.
Ashe/sona is a really wicked level 1 with 100% crit volly comboing with a sona aa power cord aa. can win you the lane right there I had in one game.
On February 28 2013 02:21 sylverfyre wrote: Getting caught as ashe/sona is as basic as "Taric stunned me"
I'm about to give a stupid answer because this, honestly, is a silly statement. If you die by this, then you just don't know how to play against a taric.
Where was your pre-harass? Where was your zoning on taric? How was the lane positioned? How many creeps did you have? You were supposed to be shoving, how are you just letting him walk up to you unpunished? Why not just counter dps on the enemy adc, his stun means nothing if the enemy adc is pressured. etc etc
Taric has specific counter plays just like any other character. If you cannot deal with it yet, read guides, watch high level adcs that do know how to deal with him and learn. When i face tarics i typically think free win. Its enemy zyras, lulu, or sona that worry me more than anything.
I'm aware, but at the same time, it's definitely unforgiving when you pick a squishy support with no low-level peel and only damage to zone with a low-base-stat ADC with no jumps. Played right, you zone the shit out of them or harass them out of lane. Mistakes when zoning, and you get 100-0'd.
I feel a bit safer with Lulu. You still have a lot of the poking power, but Lulu can rescue you from a bad engagement better than Sona can, at the cost of a heal.
On February 28 2013 02:21 sylverfyre wrote: Getting caught as ashe/sona is as basic as "Taric stunned me" You have to be SO careful not to get caught, I'm not sure why you're nitpicking on the "definition of caught" -.- Sona is squishy and ashe lacks mobility (she makes up in other departments, don't get me wrong I still like Ashe.) If you play it well then you can harass them down, but poor play will have one or both of you get 100-0'd.
I don't see the level 1 crit impact things as much as I'd like, helping the jungler or taking small golems completely steps on it.
Id really like you to read my large post with my 7 steps before making any more arguments, because you skipped over the key strategy that i posted on how Ashe Sona sets a huge pressure tempo on the enemy. You dont crit golems, you dont assist the jungler (your blue side, and your jungler would ideally start blue). You harass them at their blue, and NO BOT LANE IMAGINABLE can contest an ashe sona at lvl 1.
On February 28 2013 02:27 sylverfyre wrote: I'm aware, but at the same time, it's definitely unforgiving when you pick a squishy support with no low-level peel and only damage to zone with a low-base-stat ADC with no jumps. Played right, you zone the shit out of them or harass them out of lane. Mistakes when zoning, and you get 100-0'd.
Thats the risk you have to take, and its where skill comes in. If you lost then likely it wouldn't have mattered what ADC you were or what build you went because you didn't know how the lane match up or how to control the lane anyway. Every strategy that isn't super status quo has some risk reward. But follow my steps, i guarentee at least some little positive gain. This strat has no real downsides.
I'm sorry, I actually missed your big post. It's a lot more well thought out of a game plan than "Ashe Sona is good"
I still maintain that it's unforgiving for mistakes, especially with the relatively low fight potential once you've comitted to the avarice blade.
I like it a lot though. Is there a reason you don't like Lulu with this though (you mentioned several other supports as alternatives)? Maybe I overrate lulu, but Glitterlance and pix damage feel downright bonkers earlygame, and Lulu shuts down counter-allins (which you probably want to avoid?) so hard.
Lulu doesn't bring sustain. As a result it isn't safe for Ashe to start Doran's Blade.
I'm surprised by how much you value Sivir's damage through her ult, since she only gets 30 to 60% AS, while most other AS-based steroids provide more, albeit for a shorter period. During the early game you have the downside of an ultimate's cooldown, but I guess it doesn't matter as you mostly use W and Q to harass so you only rely on AS when you're all-in, but then the midgame rolls around. You have a 10s 45% AS buff at level 11, while Ezreal has up to 50%, possibly permanent, Graves has 40-50% (if you take a second level of W at 8) for 4s which is weaker (he'll get to 70% by level 16 though), Varus is weaker with a conditional up to 40% after one assist, Tristana has 45-60% depending on how you managed your levels for 7s, Kog has a permanent 30%, Twitch has 50-60% for 5s.
I can definitely see it benefiting a team with champs like Cho, Vi or Irelia, but as far as personal gains go, isn't she pretty much middle of the pack in terms of dps amongst AD carries unless the fight is still up in the air after the usual steroids are over and her ult is still up and running?
I just remembered that her bounces do not crit, so I guess there's that more in favour of BT over IE when you get to teamfight as her (I probably play her wrong, but I don't teamfight much: I tend to get a lead in laning phase, then every time I force the enemy back or they roam after losing their tower, I use my ult to rush a tower/drake and then gtfo, using the global gold lead to later roll a teamfight or two and force a surrender. Since I don't care about crits on towers or minions BT's better independantly of Q's scaling. But I'm playing at a pretty low level and I'm picky with when I play her 'cause Cait makes me weep.).
On February 28 2013 02:56 Alaric wrote: I'm surprised by how much you value Sivir's damage through her ult, since she only gets 30 to 60% AS, while most other AS-based steroids provide more, albeit for a shorter period. During the early game you have the downside of an ultimate's cooldown, but I guess it doesn't matter as you mostly use W and Q to harass so you only rely on AS when you're all-in, but then the midgame rolls around. You have a 10s 45% AS buff at level 11, while Ezreal has up to 50%, possibly permanent, Graves has 40-50% (if you take a second level of W at 8) for 4s which is weaker (he'll get to 70% by level 16 though), Varus is weaker with a conditional up to 40% after one assist, Tristana has 45-60% depending on how you managed your levels for 7s, Kog has a permanent 30%, Twitch has 50-60% for 5s.
I can definitely see it benefiting a team with champs like Cho, Vi or Irelia, but as far as personal gains go, isn't she pretty much middle of the pack in terms of dps amongst AD carries unless the fight is still up in the air after the usual steroids are over and her ult is still up and running?
I just remembered that her bounces do not crit, so I guess there's that more in favour of BT over IE when you get to teamfight as her.
True her Atk speed steroid isnt as big as like trist, graves, etc. But its aoe, and gives huge MS for strong kiting and positioning. And its easier to actually do kite damage cuz of the atk speed. Also people dont value her W, her main source of bonus dps, because its an auto reset on like a 3 second cooldown. The bounces dont crit, BUT, the initial W hit CAN crit.
in my opinion the weakest lane is janna/kog or janna/vayne take your pick. either one gets completely zoned by like level 2 by any decent lane
On February 28 2013 03:10 VayneAuthority wrote: in my opinion the weakest lane is janna/kog or janna/vayne take your pick. either one gets completely zoned by like level 2 by any decent lane
Weakest lane is Vayne Nunu or Sivir nunu. Low range, no nukes
On February 28 2013 03:11 jcc wrote:Show nested quote +On February 28 2013 03:10 VayneAuthority wrote: in my opinion the weakest lane is janna/kog or janna/vayne take your pick. either one gets completely zoned by like level 2 by any decent lane Weakest lane is Vayne Nunu or Sivir nunu. Low range, no nukes
no lane can be the weakest with sivir, she is too strong early. You would have to seriously misplay to lose as sivir/nunu to vayne/janna.
On February 28 2013 03:15 VayneAuthority wrote:Show nested quote +On February 28 2013 03:11 jcc wrote:On February 28 2013 03:10 VayneAuthority wrote: in my opinion the weakest lane is janna/kog or janna/vayne take your pick. either one gets completely zoned by like level 2 by any decent lane Weakest lane is Vayne Nunu or Sivir nunu. Low range, no nukes no lane can be the weakest with sivir, she is too strong early. You would have to seriously misplay to lose as sivir/nunu to vayne/janna.
She has 500 range and high mana costs, nunu offers her nothing because her aa range is so low and he doesnt supply hard cc to land her skillshot easily
only a sith deals in absolutes
ive stomped lanes with janna vayne when my vayne requested janna and i never play janna it all depends on lane match ups
On February 28 2013 03:18 jcc wrote:Show nested quote +On February 28 2013 03:15 VayneAuthority wrote:On February 28 2013 03:11 jcc wrote:On February 28 2013 03:10 VayneAuthority wrote: in my opinion the weakest lane is janna/kog or janna/vayne take your pick. either one gets completely zoned by like level 2 by any decent lane Weakest lane is Vayne Nunu or Sivir nunu. Low range, no nukes no lane can be the weakest with sivir, she is too strong early. You would have to seriously misplay to lose as sivir/nunu to vayne/janna. She has 500 range and high mana costs, nunu offers her nothing because her aa range is so low and he doesnt supply hard cc to land her skillshot easily
I know that she is one of my mains. Zero chance I would ever lose in that lane to vayne/janna. Nunu maxes iceball and I max ricochet and she isnt getting anywhere near creeps ever.