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There, the jokes dead we can all go home.
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Canada5878 Posts
"huehuehuehue" + Show Spoiler + There, the jokes dead we can all go home. | ||
United States5718 Posts
On February 27 2013 18:17 jcc wrote: Show nested quote + On February 27 2013 16:40 Gahlo wrote: On February 27 2013 16:25 Shotcoder wrote: On February 27 2013 16:23 UniversalSnip wrote: what are you guys's thoughts on swift boots atm? On February 27 2013 16:19 Shotcoder wrote: On February 27 2013 16:13 Craton wrote: 200 CS with a 0 threat build. What exactly is the enemy team doing during all of this? Zero threat? You are completely fine because of your ult. Yes you dont have the same damage, but you're 800 gold behind? Is that really back breaking in a lane where you're main focus is farming? Dorans>Avarice>BF is completely viable and barely puts you behind if you play passive. you're going places man. Sorry I try to play differently and try and make shortcuts. It works and mathematically puts you ahead if you manage to keep even in cs. It's fine if you don't try it or anything. I'll just play my way. The issue with it is that Ashe doesn't have great laning. By going with an early Avarice Blade you're mistiming the optimal way to build the ADC stat trinity. If you are already hard pressed to stop somebody in a fight, how are you going to stop them from zoning you? The only reliable long distance farming Ashe can do is Volley, but that just pushes the wave farther from you, eats up mana, and has a long CD if you aren't making it a priority. I like Ashe(Basically only played her till level 17), I like cute builds(was playing AP Varus earlier today), but don't pretend CashAshe is good. Actually Cash Ashe is very good and thus far I've had a 100% win rate with it in every game, me being upper diamond 2 low diamond 1 currently. I also fielded it at a LAN. Ashe is assumed by the general community to have a weak laning phase. But the more I play her the more I feel that is false. Pair her win sona or zyra and you have a very strong lane with a devastating level 6. Every game I have gone WEWEWRWEWQEQQQ etc, doran's first, shove real hard level 1-3, abusing your LVL 1 dominance, and with that early shove shop fast at 800 gold. This doesn't put you behind lane trade wise because they either are still in lane or are backing too cuz you shoved fast. Q is unneeded due to double cc ults for optimum gank support. The average bonus gold I get is 900-1200 by 18-20 minutes without a TF on my team, it's about 1200-1600 with a TF. If you manage a kill or two you're astronomically ahead of the enemy adc. People doubt cash Ashe but I've beaten folks like maplestreet and others in lane and just farmed hard and had a whole item up on the enemy adc even though they had more kills or towers, early E max and early avarice is broke as fuck on Ashe. Also in regards to her trading ability, the most they'd have up on you during that avarice buy I'd a longsword or boots, which are both minimal. With sona or zyra cash Ashe is amazingly broken, and is only susceptible to heavy all in lanes, which then become free lanes when you both hit 6 and get free kills with jungler on command whenever you desire cuz all in lanes have to overextend to maintain lane control. To do this you also have to understand ashes power curves and how to appropriately abuse her range and auto W counter initiate harass. I completely agree about Ashe not having as weak laning as people perceive. I've always advocated that Volley is very strong and now that you mention it, I do think Q is actually skippable in favor of just pointing E. I've rarely felt that my kills were off Q's as much as just favorable trades from 1200 volley spams, crits and ults. Going to give your skill order a try myself. | ||
Germany1961 Posts
I'm so tired of this neverending story. | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
call order priority is retarded because everyone will just copy paste and spam chat asap it makes 0 sense people need to grow up and learn support | ||
Denmark2142 Posts
@Teut I will never learn that role! I don't have a single support game this season. | ||
Germany9118 Posts
Im pretty sure, if it really comes to it, riot would make a statement that ignoring the pick order would be a reportable offence. | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
On February 27 2013 20:55 EquilasH wrote: To be honest I very rarely see people who try to go by call order - maybe it happens more the lower Elo you play at, I dunno. It just never seemed like a real problem to me. @Teut I will never learn that role! I don't have a single support game this season. once you start getting last pick its gg | ||
Germany11340 Posts
On February 27 2013 20:55 EquilasH wrote: To be honest I very rarely see people who try to go by call order - maybe it happens more the lower Elo you play at, I dunno. It just never seemed like a real problem to me. @Teut I will never learn that role! I don't have a single support game this season. Same experience. Pretty often, if people ask nicely, they get to play what they want. And if they don't get it, they usually accept it and/or say that they will be horrible at the role they are forced into, but still play it. I honestly can't remember the last time i met one of those "MID OR FEED" guys so many people appear to happen upon all the time. | ||
Germany1961 Posts
On February 27 2013 20:55 LaNague wrote: pick order is what counts, i will not let the newcomers ruin draft pick with their "MID OR FEED" spam. Im pretty sure, if it really comes to it, riot would make a statement that ignoring the pick order would be a reportable offence. I am not so sure. This thread here has like 60 red replies, which indicate the opposite. Also reply from Pendragon. | ||
Denmark2142 Posts
On February 27 2013 20:58 Slayer91 wrote: Show nested quote + On February 27 2013 20:55 EquilasH wrote: To be honest I very rarely see people who try to go by call order - maybe it happens more the lower Elo you play at, I dunno. It just never seemed like a real problem to me. @Teut I will never learn that role! I don't have a single support game this season. once you start getting last pick its gg Then I dodge... 3 LP is nothing and you can just log back in and instaqueue. Edit: Also I actually get mid/top/AD a surprising amount of the time when I'm 4th or 5th pick. Just ask nicely. | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
wait there no queue time penalty? nvm then that shits gotta be a sick winrate boost | ||
Denmark2142 Posts
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Germany1961 Posts
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Germany9118 Posts
On February 27 2013 21:00 Argoth. wrote: Show nested quote + On February 27 2013 20:55 LaNague wrote: pick order is what counts, i will not let the newcomers ruin draft pick with their "MID OR FEED" spam. Im pretty sure, if it really comes to it, riot would make a statement that ignoring the pick order would be a reportable offence. I am not so sure. This thread here has like 60 red replies, which indicate the opposite. Also reply from Pendragon. acually, 50 responses in that thread are from a bronze league animation guy, so they can be ignored. Morello comes in at the end and says ranked is about picking to win (and that means the higher MMR guy gets priority on his role). In the pndragon thread, he says that just spamming "mid" and always picking mid no matter what, is being a jerk and "refusing to communicate". | ||
Germany1850 Posts
As for the ad-carry debate, my duo-partner yesterday got a pentakill at around 20 minute mark, catapulting him to 7/0/2. Ad-carries still do reasonable amounts of damage, you just can't be near any initiation anymore. And someone asked why MF got out of favour lately. If she is, it's likely because once autoattacked, she has no speed and no repositional skill to get her out of jarvan ult, away from xin etc. | ||
United States8298 Posts
Get what you want as 5th pick pretty often, but yes, sometimes you have to man up and support. | ||
Netherlands4730 Posts
On February 27 2013 23:02 Broetchenholer wrote: And someone asked why MF got out of favour lately. If she is, it's likely because once autoattacked, she has no speed and no repositional skill to get her out of jarvan ult, away from xin etc. You dont pick MF when you get engaged on, only in an engageheavy team yourself. | ||
United States8298 Posts
On February 27 2013 23:02 Broetchenholer wrote: This Griftrix guy is the most rage-inducing troll i have seen in a long time. It's like your dad being mad at you cause you came home with a black eye. Asking you why you started a fight and why you did not be just nice to the other person. And when you tell him, that they were picking on you and did it unprovoked, he just says that there are always 2 persons needed for a fight... As for the ad-carry debate, my duo-partner yesterday got a pentakill at around 20 minute mark, catapulting him to 7/0/2. Ad-carries still do reasonable amounts of damage, you just can't be near any initiation anymore. And someone asked why MF got out of favour lately. If she is, it's likely because once autoattacked, she has no speed and no repositional skill to get her out of jarvan ult, away from xin etc. Honestly, no he isn't, and your analogy is shit. This isn't somebody punching you on the playground. This is people being stubborn in champ select, to which you do NOT have to be stubborn back. If somebody is like I ONLY PLAY MID then you can back down from your damn mid position and play something else, and not have a ragefest going on. Ragefests lose games and make the rest of your team hate both people involved. Just because you're higher in the pick order than him doesn't make you right and him wrong. Just because you asked "I'd like mid please" before he said anything, and he typed in allcaps doesn't make you right and him wrong, either. Riot's rule is "Don't be a dick" and if they went either direction on 'respect picking order' or 'respect calling order' then people would use that as a platform to... be a giant dick because RIOT SAYS RESPECT [PICK/CALL] ORDER. | ||
United States8298 Posts
On February 27 2013 16:07 Shotcoder wrote: Show nested quote + On February 27 2013 15:28 cLutZ wrote: On February 27 2013 14:58 Parnage wrote: Tristana is the solution to AD carry woes. I am terrible at adc, but even I can get out of dive heavy guys with tristana. Hmmm. WEWQ R>W>Q>E? On February 27 2013 15:01 Shotcoder wrote: Should just play cash ashe. I wish. why wish when you can? Seriously rushing Avarice blade on her is so retarded when you max e first. If you skip Shiv for PD and you get 180-200 CS at the 25-28 minute mark. You end up with an extra 2k+ gold which pays for the blade and gives you extra for another BF or starting your LW. And it doesnt matter if you lose lane early, you come back so fast because of the passive gold it's like you werent behind in the first place. The math is +7 gold per minion with full E and avarice. That a 1/3 ranged creep every CS. That's not even including the fact you might have a TF on your team. We played against a plat-level "cash ashe" recently - rushed avarice blade, maxed E. She lost lane so badly that it wasn't even funny. Against silver~gold level players. You NEED to level volley or you can't trade properly due to a ridiculously long cooldown on your only trade-worthy ability. I can see hawkshot second, but at that point, you're starting to see teamfights, and IDK about you, but those slows are what keep me alive in teamfights. I really like ashe against MF + Melee support, actually. I didn't do so well in lane (downright lost lane) but I could have played it better (and my support said they could play better in lane too.) Out of lane, I landed an arrow on MF more than once either when she tried to ult or just when she didn't have the whole team in front of her. (A few times a teammate would take the arrow for her, or I'd miss, or she'd flash the arrow, but whatever. You have to take the shot.) I was able to "good enough" kite a fed Diana and a less-fed-but-still-scary Lee Sin and I NEVER let Skarner close enough to grab me (though I had to flash away twice) My score went from 3-6 to 10-6, basically once I had IE and zeal and levels in my slow I stopped dying entirely. I can't imagine giving up some of that slowing power, I feel like I'd just be giving up the only thing that keeps me alive. | ||
Brazil5775 Posts
On February 27 2013 23:09 sylverfyre wrote: Show nested quote + On February 27 2013 23:02 Broetchenholer wrote: This Griftrix guy is the most rage-inducing troll i have seen in a long time. It's like your dad being mad at you cause you came home with a black eye. Asking you why you started a fight and why you did not be just nice to the other person. And when you tell him, that they were picking on you and did it unprovoked, he just says that there are always 2 persons needed for a fight... As for the ad-carry debate, my duo-partner yesterday got a pentakill at around 20 minute mark, catapulting him to 7/0/2. Ad-carries still do reasonable amounts of damage, you just can't be near any initiation anymore. And someone asked why MF got out of favour lately. If she is, it's likely because once autoattacked, she has no speed and no repositional skill to get her out of jarvan ult, away from xin etc. Honestly, no he isn't, and your analogy is shit. This isn't somebody punching you on the playground. This is people being stubborn in champ select, to which you do NOT have to be stubborn back. If somebody is like I ONLY PLAY MID then you can back down from your damn mid position and play something else, and not have a ragefest going on. Ragefests lose games and make the rest of your team hate both people involved. Just because you're higher in the pick order than him doesn't make you right and him wrong. Just because you asked "I'd like mid please" before he said anything, and he typed in allcaps doesn't make you right and him wrong, either. Riot's rule is "Don't be a dick" and if they went either direction on 'respect picking order' or 'respect calling order' then people would use that as a platform to... be a giant dick because RIOT SAYS RESPECT [PICK/CALL] ORDER. Or, if you pick first and the other guy has already presented himself as uncooperative (MID OR FEED), you can just pick mid first and keep a positive atitude if he also picks mid, while trying your best to make something good out of the situation (2v1). This way, you make sure that, if it ever goes to the tribunal (it has a chance to), it'll be pretty clear he's being the dick and not you. | ||
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