Just played Olaf, didn't feel too annoyed by the W change actually, but that's because when I missed it during laning it was a misplay on my part, and getting Locket + snagging a blue or two by killing carriers in fights did help my CDR. Q on the other hand makes it pretty much impossible to chase in lane from a landed long-range Q, as in you can still run after the guy but he'll reach his tower way before you catch him. Chaining Qs from point-blank and mid-range still working pretty well. Not sure I noticed the ult change (I laned against a Jarvan and I'm not used to that lane to tell if I did more/less damage than usual).
On February 01 2013 22:05 OutlaW- wrote: Shaco nerfed for no reason, though. And Ezreal, who's already a tier 2 pick AT BEST gets nerfed even more. I guess Riot doesn't want heroes with responsibility. Blitz now only has mana for 2 hooks. Then without regen he's at 0. Lee nerfs, Shaco nerfs, Blitz nerfs, Ezreal nerfs. Every hero that does well with skill gets nerfed. yes im mad.
The blitzcrank nerf is probably because you wouldn't get punished for trying to grab and fail. RIOT just wants to make it more rewarding for people that actually lands the hooks instead of a support being able to single-handily win a lane by pressuring with his hook constantly.
Which you can equate to "People didn't punish Blitz enough for a missed grab". Dunno, it's like "Nerf Veigar's W, OP in lane!". Nope, you just have to punish while it's down.
Well, no matter what people say, it's way easier to improve in any other game than lol, mainly because it is a team game. It's not about skill, but there are a lot more than skill that is taken in consideration when you play lol. I was lvl 45 WC3, high master in SC2 in a few month, just watching replay, asking myself how to play better etc. It's something you just can't do in LoL, which explains in a way the frustration towards the game and the rating system, not to mention the lenght of average games, twice the lenght of a sc2 game.
Asking yourself how to play better is a pretty good way to improve. It's the only one I used and it worked like a charm, coming from high master SC2 background in a few months too :p Watching replays is something I might need to do, because some timings are becoming pretty specific and stuff, but I am generally too lazy to do it atm. Definitely not required to become good, but definitely one way of becoming good.
I don't think it's easier/harder to improve in LoL than in any other game. It's a bit different, not too much, but a little bit. Depending on what you are used to it can be harder or easier methinks.
FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU- Cho'Gath Kayle Zed in the enemy team, how can you know who's going mid/top/jungle? Mindfuck draft. :[ I thought I'd seen the worst but they did that one good. Our Graves Taric respectively took Exhaust and Barrier but it's probably more forgetting to swap than a real mindfuck though.
i think the most important skill for high elo is correctly judging a situation.
back when i was good in age of empires 2, i could tell who would win a fight by looking at the armies for two seconds. But somehow i often cant do that in league. I always know how i am supposed to fight a champion 1v1 and when it is a good time to engage/enemy made a mistake, but somehow i often dont know how it would end.
This is the main difference i notice between me and really good players, they always know and thus can trade or allin at appropriate times.
^^^^^^ @Sponkz Shaco was one of the most 5 banned champions high elo I am pretty sure. Not necessarily because he's an awesome champions, but because Perfects, Hulberto and 1 more guy whose name I am forgetting are absolute beasts with him.
Maybe more people play him too but these are the 3 I met, and my rating is 0.1/5 would not meet again
On February 01 2013 22:51 Scip wrote: ^^^^^^ @Sponkz Shaco was one of the most 5 banned champions high elo I am pretty sure. Not necessarily because he's an awesome champions, but because Perfects, Hulberto and 1 more guy whose name I am forgetting are absolute beasts with him.
Maybe more people play him too but these are the 3 I met, and my rating is 0.1/5 would not meet again
partyt1me Just because there are a few high level awesome dudes who learn a champion by playing hundreds and thousands of games of him and are able to dominate games doesn't mean he warrants a nerf. I would reverse this and say that every champion should be like this.
On February 01 2013 17:47 OutlaW- wrote: I wish ARAM had a competitive queue. Tryhard ARAMs can be very fun (blind pick). There are many straight up broken characters but both sides can pick them so it'd be pretty interesting :|
Jayce, Nidalee, and Yi on both teams every game sure would be fun
On February 01 2013 17:47 OutlaW- wrote: I wish ARAM had a competitive queue. Tryhard ARAMs can be very fun (blind pick). There are many straight up broken characters but both sides can pick them so it'd be pretty interesting :|
Jayce, Nidalee, and Yi on both teams every game sure would be fun
Jayce+Nidalee don't work perfectly with Yi. You could build a Yi centric team that relies on acing 5 for 0 every time cooldowns are up or a poke sustain comp that would whittle down the enemy and slowly pushing turrets.
On February 01 2013 17:47 OutlaW- wrote: I wish ARAM had a competitive queue. Tryhard ARAMs can be very fun (blind pick). There are many straight up broken characters but both sides can pick them so it'd be pretty interesting :|
Jayce, Nidalee, and Yi on both teams every game sure would be fun
all team poke champions is not a clever pick on the new map with so much ambient gold. Its only good for demoralizing the enemy :D
Riot has been targetnerfing what I buy. I bought Evelynn? Nerfed. Shen? Nerfed. Cho? Nerfed. Don't buy Hecarim because I bought it. Next patch, he's gonzo.
On February 01 2013 23:03 Djagulingu wrote: Riot has been targetnerfing what I buy. I bought Evelynn? Nerfed. Shen? Nerfed. Cho? Nerfed. Don't buy Hecarim because I bought it. Next patch, he's gonzo.
It works pretty well for chess, and chess players play significantly less games than LoL players do. So it should really have been just fine as a relative ranking system.
The other key thing about chess is there's only one role. There are a number of skills involved, but you practice all of them every game. It's not just the team aspect, but the fact that unless you're extremely adamant or well known you don't always get to practice the same role.
Plus on top of all that you have champion picks, item builds, and other factors that make LoL a much more variable game than Chess. It doesn't make Elo worthless, it just makes it harder to say what it's measuring.
Kind of. Its not quite right to say its harder to say what its measuring
Since the measure still converges to what we are looking for it means its exactly as easy to say what its measuring. Its just that, since it takes longer to converge our measure is initially less accurate (the accuracy of the final guess depends more on how much you're willing to let ratings change and is based more on that parameter than the convergence)
In English. Games with more players provide less information about the skill of an individual player so when we initially attempt to develop a order of players it takes longer to do so, once we have gotten there however, there isn't a difference in the accuracy between a 5 person team game or a 1 person team game.
Most of the variation that we see in ELO comes from the fact that we want our order to be able to update when people get better(or worse) and since we don't know whether or not a win or loss was random or because you had actually gotten worse we have to treat if its providing new information to what your skill is.
What this means is that it is a function of all rating systems that final accuracy is determined by the speed of convergence which is limited by the information contained in the game and a user determined parameter for how much we want to allow ratings to move.
IIRC, for games in which we only have information on who won and who lost the Elo heuristic is efficient (I.E. in order to make a system which converged faster you would have to reduce the amount of skill movement you allow)
I think what you are trying to say is that we know what elo is measursing, the effect an individual's presence has on the outcome of a match?
The main problem with elo is the same problem that any reasonably accurate or better rating system will always have: most people suck, will not get better, and are in denial about this fact. Don't get me wrong, elo itself has flaws and it was lazy/wrong of riot to utilize it in this capacity and after deciding to use it, they could have done a much better job in implementation. But these flaws are subtle and do not have very much to do with people who swear that they are "stuck in elo hell" and try to come up with rationalization after rationalization for why the system is broken, not their skills.
No, Elo is a composite of hundreds of the effects that a person had on hundreds of matches. Since this can be so variable it is not very good at predicting the future effect of a player on a game. Its like predicting the weather, the more variables you throw in, the harder any set prediction on the outcome if you only know one variable (the player being measured).
On February 01 2013 22:51 Scip wrote: ^^^^^^ @Sponkz Shaco was one of the most 5 banned champions high elo I am pretty sure. Not necessarily because he's an awesome champions, but because Perfects, Hulberto and 1 more guy whose name I am forgetting are absolute beasts with him.
Maybe more people play him too but these are the 3 I met, and my rating is 0.1/5 would not meet again
partyt1me Just because there are a few high level awesome dudes who learn a champion by playing hundreds and thousands of games of him and are able to dominate games doesn't mean he warrants a nerf. I would reverse this and say that every champion should be like this.
Nah, partyt1me is too low to meet me ;D At first I thought Háydal (Haydál?) but then I remembered that he plays a ranged AD, not jungle. So idk, but I've definitely had 1 other shaco player own me
All the people who click on that link and see SC2 and DotA on the front page and no idea where to find LoL.
I click the link and it brings me to the sub forum.
Also fuck you reddit!
Wow they fixed it. Neo you are on top of things! So it said 'writers from TL...' Do you guys actively communicate with a lot of Riot members aside from the connections we know about? ('Cause that's pretty awesome.)
Edit: And I can see from what our EU buddies have been telling us that indeed I was right and the Division names are absolutely bat fucking shit retarded.
All the people who click on that link and see SC2 and DotA on the front page and no idea where to find LoL.
I click the link and it brings me to the sub forum.
Also fuck you reddit!
Wow they fixed it. Neo you are on top of things! So it said 'writers from TL...' Do you guys actively communicate with a lot of Riot members aside from the connections we know about? ('Cause that's pretty awesome.)
Edit: And I can see from what our EU buddies have been telling us that indeed I was right and the Division names are absolutely bat fucking shit retarded.
AP Soraka is pretty dumb on ARAMs too. But you're supposed to do crazy stuff on ARAMs so blind picking it wouldn't appeal to me personally. AP Ashe is suffering btw