[Patch Preseason Balance Update 1] GD - Page 94
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Vietnam10817 Posts
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United States9965 Posts
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United States484 Posts
On December 20 2012 17:24 BlasiuS wrote: She has huge bonus AD scaling, and her passive scales with health, and she has troubles sticking to a target, so I build health + AD + cc: Her passive scales just as much with resistances as it does with her HP. | ||
United States1945 Posts
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Dandel Ion
Austria17960 Posts
On December 20 2012 19:24 chalice wrote: i've never played with ezreal, but im guessing his Q is like 10x more intuitive and easy to use than the tiny range, pain in the ass that phosphorous bomb is Both are pretty easy to hit. pbomb: Use right after autoattacking him, guaranteed hit. (range is longer than AA, so even if he walks back) mystic shot: use while the opponent autoattacks, guaranteed hit. The reason I personally rather play Ez is that his escape with arcane shift is far more reliable than valkyrie. With valk you sometimes need baller timing, with ez you just E away, ezpz | ||
Bulgaria18893 Posts
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United States392 Posts
On December 20 2012 17:24 BlasiuS wrote: Vi thoughts (I played her top lane): She does lots of damage, but it's somewhat hard to initiate with Q, since to get the full range you give the opponent TONS of time to run away. Now obviously most of the people I played against didn't know her at all, so I was able to land most of my Qs, but as people learn her I doubt this will keep happening. She does huge damage with a full combo, which is Q -> auto -> E (reset)-> auto -> E (reset)-> auto -> ult -> auto (-> ignite) even with only dorans. However I've found that during most of the game, I have extreme trouble sticking to people once I Q. It's only a short knockup, plus the animation on her E is pretty slow; if I'm behind on movement speed, they can get away pretty easily after one E. Itemization: She has huge bonus AD scaling, and her passive scales with health, and she has troubles sticking to a target, so I build health + AD + cc: BC + mallet + BotRK. BC + mallet are core on her, they are probably the two best health + AD items for her, and mallet helps with her sticking power issues. After that, situational depending on teamcomp/game flow. Warmog's is good for general tank, mercurial scimitar if they have lots of cc, atma's for armor, Maw for MR, GA if I'm fed. I don't like CDR on her, since her W is a passive, and her E has a cooldown of 1 second, so CDR would only help her Q and ult. I also don't think AS is needed due to Q, same for armor pen. I think BC is plenty armor pen for her. Haven't tried crit on her, but seems mostly useless since you don't build lots of crit/AS, and you'll be too squishy if you do. Have read that people are going Tri-Force + warmog's, but I tried that one game and couldn't stick to anyone worth a damn. Always start doran's, due to giving health + AD. I've been doing doran x2 -> boots -> some combination of brutalizer/phage/bilgewater W is a passive, but I was under the impression that CDR worked on her E counter, as in the more CDR she has the faster she generates charges of E. For this reason, I really appreciate CDR on Vi. Bruta/Kindle->SV/Glacial gets you to 40% pretty cleanly, and gets Vi a good mix of health, MR, and armor, making her into a pretty solid tank. I typically build the Glacial into an Iceborn Gauntlet, and with E it makes for some pretty easy sticking. Being tanky enough to ult into teamfights and not get insta-bursted down is pretty significant for her, imo. And the mixed resists and health is great for her passive, considering how it scales with both. Core: Bruta, Kindle, Glacial For starts, I haven't really gotten around to figuring out what's good; Doran's is probably solid for being aggressive early, but depending on the lane I could also see flask, charm, and pots. Masteries-wise I've been running 9/21/0, and I've been skilling Q-W-E-Q-Q-R. R>Q>E>W. The reduced CD on Q is really big. Getting the dash down to a 5.2sec CD is pretty solid. Max CDR also gets E charge reload time to 5.2 seconds as well. With good spacing, you can have the Gauntlet proc up for pretty much forever in teamfights. | ||
1171 Posts
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Sweden6375 Posts
On December 20 2012 21:13 Cubu wrote: i got a free corki, i.e, it just became available to play today, not a gift from another player and not on the free champion rotation. Is this a glitch or is this what riot usually gives to people once they achieve a certain amounts of wins, games or whatever? Doubtfull. Corki was on a sale recently, why would one buy him if you just get him for free for no reason? You probably just missed that someone gifted him to you. | ||
France8650 Posts
I prefer letting someone else engage and get tanky, and just ult during the team fight to pick out carry. On December 20 2012 11:43 Parnage wrote: The terrors to befall the people on your team now.. In more Vi related news.. I honestly don't know how I'd want to skill up Vi for jungle, thoughts? E first should be better for jungle but again if you don't max Q first you will have no mobility whatsoever (yeah one dash every 18 s...) so I'm still maxing Q. | ||
France12578 Posts
On December 20 2012 18:08 overt wrote: I think Ez E versus Corki W is really the biggest advantage you get with Ez. Come late game Corki R is much better poke than Ez Q. Corki's burst is higher, he's gonna do a ton more damage in late game fights, and his biggest problem is just that valk can be fucked up by the enemy team. But in lane if a jungler is coming to gank and you don't get it messed up Valkyrie is way better than Essence Flux just because of the huge range it covers. I also just really like Corki and am sick of seeing Ez all the time when I think that Corki is definitely 100% better than Ezreal now that Ez W is nerfed. People just don't like managing mana on their ADC (which is understandable). There''s thing that will never change. Corki vs Ezreal is like the ultimate carry comparaison since 2 years already. | ||
Germany1849 Posts
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United States4423 Posts
On December 20 2012 21:57 Broetchenholer wrote: I think i made the huge mistake of spending 6300 IP on Varus to increase my AD-Roster. Have been playing him in blind picks with friends and the guy feels pretty crappy. My usual carries are Tristana/Sivir/Vayne and i don't see where Varus could ever fit in. He has decent harass but relies too much on hitting autos for it. His range is good but having to be so offensive feels really unsafe for me. The time you spend harassing is just too long for my taste. As Trist, i harass with e+ Auto, as sivir, i harass with Q + Auto + W combo, as Vayne, if you ever harass, it's a single q. Varus needs to do 3 autos and a skillshot to really out-harass anyone. Sure, if you are really good about landing Qs, you might not need blight stacks, but that's not my thing. If you are able to hit all your stuff, your harass is really good, but that would only happen if your support can zone really hard for you. And the lack of an escape skill hurts as well, if you have to be in your creeps all the time to take advantage of the kit. So, as a lane-bully, he feels too exposed, as a lategame-carry he is bad except for his ult and his midgame is good i guess. Has anyone found a niche where to play him? Play him like twitch. Trade autos, then Boom you win the trade. Lategame play him like ashe. | ||
United States9706 Posts
On December 20 2012 21:57 Broetchenholer wrote: I think i made the huge mistake of spending 6300 IP on Varus to increase my AD-Roster. Have been playing him in blind picks with friends and the guy feels pretty crappy. My usual carries are Tristana/Sivir/Vayne and i don't see where Varus could ever fit in. He has decent harass but relies too much on hitting autos for it. His range is good but having to be so offensive feels really unsafe for me. The time you spend harassing is just too long for my taste. As Trist, i harass with e+ Auto, as sivir, i harass with Q + Auto + W combo, as Vayne, if you ever harass, it's a single q. Varus needs to do 3 autos and a skillshot to really out-harass anyone. Sure, if you are really good about landing Qs, you might not need blight stacks, but that's not my thing. If you are able to hit all your stuff, your harass is really good, but that would only happen if your support can zone really hard for you. And the lack of an escape skill hurts as well, if you have to be in your creeps all the time to take advantage of the kit. So, as a lane-bully, he feels too exposed, as a lategame-carry he is bad except for his ult and his midgame is good i guess. Has anyone found a niche where to play him? Tristana Sivir and Vayne have almost nothing in common rofl. I guess at level one they're all 550 or below but other than that... Tristana's laning has pretty much always been bursting someone down, sivir can't trade autos with enemy ads at all unless their support is useless, and vayne only gains the upper hand in trades when she abuses bad positioning. Varus is good in lane. You're playing him wrong. Try maxing E instead of Q, and don't be afraid of popping W early on one or two stacks when someone's disengaging. His lack of escape isn't a problem if you have two of the three: Good kiting Good peels No enemy gapclosers His ult and to an extent his e means that melees without actual gapclosers that aren't ms buffs absolutely cannot touch you. | ||
Germany1849 Posts
![]() Maxing E seems like a good idea. Admittedly, i had really bad supports with me in those games, but still, he didn't seem strong cause so vulerable. | ||
1171 Posts
On December 20 2012 21:24 Tobberoth wrote: Doubtfull. Corki was on a sale recently, why would one buy him if you just get him for free for no reason? You probably just missed that someone gifted him to you. yeah it was weird. But then i read a notice on the front page about free ufo corki skin if lol wins 2012 korea's most popular game award with a disclaimer saying that people who do not have corki will get it for free. So i guess it was riot afterall. | ||
Czech Republic11293 Posts
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United States3726 Posts
On December 19 2012 14:39 Vei wrote: How can I get better at last-hitting? It seems like such a trivial mechanic, yet people like Doubelift are doubling my CS basically. ![]() Just paying really really close attention? Doesn't it seem like sometimes minions re-target new minions very strangely? (Not that this is anywhere near the cause of most of missed cs) What Yango said. There's a great guide laying around here somewhere on the mechanics of it, but you should keep in mind that any time spent NOT getting gold, you're slowly falling behind. I watched Doublelift's Cait once, and the stuff he did to boost cs was unreal. For example, he'd just gone top to save top tower, then had to rotate to bot lane. On the way, he cleared every jungle camp. His mechanics were so smooth, using net to jump over walls, only doing the minimum damage required to get kills, that he essentially lost 0 time clearing jungle on the way. For example, he'd net over from mid to wraiths, use the aoe, then only stutterstep enough to kill the wraiths as they reached max leash range. It wasn't just stuttering on cd, but running as much as possible and shooting as little as possible. Great stuff. But the best advice for boosting CS is to always, always be thinking about it, even in mid and lategame. | ||
United States33802 Posts
Thank God, maybe I'll actually be able to pick Volibear without feeling like I'm screwing my team over. | ||
United States5348 Posts
On December 20 2012 23:02 Cubu wrote: yeah it was weird. But then i read a notice on the front page about free ufo corki skin if lol wins 2012 korea's most popular game award with a disclaimer saying that people who do not have corki will get it for free. So i guess it was riot afterall. fuck, they did that again? Now i can't be all hipster with my ufo corki..... | ||
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