On December 18 2012 06:28 spellsy wrote: hey I made a support-fiddlesticks guide on lolking and i wonder waht you TL guys think cause you guys are some of the few people who would actually read the whole thing lol
On December 18 2012 11:19 jalstar wrote: Got to level 26 and played my first game with people with ranked (silver in this case) borders. Since they were both on my team we won pretty easily.
*Borders don't show on the enemy team*
I've always been curious about this, sometimes i can see the unranked border on some of the enemy team and other times i cant, is it a graphical bug?
im 99% sure they show opposing team borders on normal only
On December 18 2012 11:19 jalstar wrote: Got to level 26 and played my first game with people with ranked (silver in this case) borders. Since they were both on my team we won pretty easily.
*Borders don't show on the enemy team*
I've always been curious about this, sometimes i can see the unranked border on some of the enemy team and other times i cant, is it a graphical bug?
im 99% sure they show opposing team borders on normal only
if anyone wants to watch me play ranked around 1700~ elo @ twitch.tv/smoothmaydie and give me some pointers and what not, please do so! Trying to improve everything about my play to raise elo. x.x;;
Hey TL! Thoughts about Blade of the Ruined King? I haven't seen it often (sometimes rushed on like Varus or Kog, they often end up behind and get squashed later; once on a Warwick but he started way behind then from some ks on high bounty champ he got fed so it didn't show at all how it was related to his build), and I find it pretty hard to stick a value on it, because of the %current hp nature of its on-hit. Is it more than a physical on-hit equivalent to BT? Have some champs shown some promise with it?
It scales best with ArPen and AS, but except for the situational and short ghostblade active, nothing provides those stats, which means a build doing good use of BotRK would require most item slots on offensive stuff (it, ghostblade and/or BC or maybe LW, a (big) source of AS, boots already take 4-5 slots), which would limit it to ranged champions. In that case it simply isn't worth it in most cases because crit builds will outdamage it. Maybe stuff like Varus/Cait could try to use it to abuse hurricane's huge AS and get a big amount of sustain from the on-hit not being reduced for secondary targets, but even then I don't see it as optimal.
On December 18 2012 13:56 Alaric wrote: Hey TL! Thoughts about Blade of the Ruined King? I haven't seen it often (sometimes rushed on like Varus or Kog, they often end up behind and get squashed later; once on a Warwick but he started way behind then from some ks on high bounty champ he got fed so it didn't show at all how it was related to his build), and I find it pretty hard to stick a value on it, because of the %current hp nature of its on-hit. Is it more than a physical on-hit equivalent to BT? Have some champs shown some promise with it?
It scales best with ArPen and AS, but except for the situational and short ghostblade active, nothing provides those stats, which means a build doing good use of BotRK would require most item slots on offensive stuff (it, ghostblade and/or BC or maybe LW, a (big) source of AS, boots already take 4-5 slots), which would limit it to ranged champions. In that case it simply isn't worth it in most cases because crit builds will outdamage it. Maybe stuff like Varus/Cait could try to use it to abuse hurricane's huge AS and get a big amount of sustain from the on-hit not being reduced for secondary targets, but even then I don't see it as optimal.
It's all about that, Mallet Hurricane BoTRK Teemo tbh.
Dyrus bootless on Singed 21 minutes in. Ult and rylai too strong.
He's getting destroyed through rylai/mercs/banshee/guise by the enemy Ahri who only has DFG/sorcs/voi staff/liandry/NLR. Ahri's base damage is just so absurd, with the MPen changes and the new DFG she does so much damage I expected her to have at least deathcap+zhonya or something on top of the DFG. o_o
On December 18 2012 11:19 jalstar wrote: Got to level 26 and played my first game with people with ranked (silver in this case) borders. Since they were both on my team we won pretty easily.
*Borders don't show on the enemy team*
I've always been curious about this, sometimes i can see the unranked border on some of the enemy team and other times i cant, is it a graphical bug?
im 99% sure they show opposing team borders on normal only
I am 100% sure they don't.
Players on the enemy team have a slightly different border if they have an honor ribbon, that's probably where the confusion is coming from
On December 18 2012 11:19 jalstar wrote: Got to level 26 and played my first game with people with ranked (silver in this case) borders. Since they were both on my team we won pretty easily.
*Borders don't show on the enemy team*
I've always been curious about this, sometimes i can see the unranked border on some of the enemy team and other times i cant, is it a graphical bug?
im 99% sure they show opposing team borders on normal only
ranked and normals it's hidden. custom games it's not.
On December 18 2012 13:56 Alaric wrote: Hey TL! Thoughts about Blade of the Ruined King? I haven't seen it often (sometimes rushed on like Varus or Kog, they often end up behind and get squashed later; once on a Warwick but he started way behind then from some ks on high bounty champ he got fed so it didn't show at all how it was related to his build), and I find it pretty hard to stick a value on it, because of the %current hp nature of its on-hit. Is it more than a physical on-hit equivalent to BT? Have some champs shown some promise with it?
It scales best with ArPen and AS, but except for the situational and short ghostblade active, nothing provides those stats, which means a build doing good use of BotRK would require most item slots on offensive stuff (it, ghostblade and/or BC or maybe LW, a (big) source of AS, boots already take 4-5 slots), which would limit it to ranged champions. In that case it simply isn't worth it in most cases because crit builds will outdamage it. Maybe stuff like Varus/Cait could try to use it to abuse hurricane's huge AS and get a big amount of sustain from the on-hit not being reduced for secondary targets, but even then I don't see it as optimal.
IMO it's got too much going on to be very good. It fills the same role as the old bloodrazor, sort of a one-item DPS machine, and while its better, it still costs too much while offering too little of everything. The active isn't strong because it's split into heal/chase/burst, the % isn't strong enough to be a one item solution to tanky things, 40 AD is pathetic, especially compared to BT, and that 10% lifesteal doesnt' really help if you have no AD.
if they streamlined the item and shifted values around it might work better. change the 10% lifesteal into more lifesteal from proc, switch the AD into some AS. iuonno. I've only really tested it on fiora, GP, WW, cait. and every single time it was underwhelming.
I'm sort of surprised at how high ahri is O__O. Sitting right behind leblanc in terms of burst... Wow.
Makes sense why DFG first seems so damn strong on her.
Also, lol @TF, lowest burst in the midlane since W does almost no base damage if you pick a gold...
Ahri's ult is no joke, although you gotta make sure so utilize all 3 rushes on her ult to make the most of her damage.
Edit: Also on topic of this list, I always knew Akali's burst was high, but didn't think it was that high. God I hate laning against here lol, all that burst and the damn shroud for jukes. She is my kryptonite.
I just wanted you guys to know that AD Rammus is hilarious against bots. Have a friend grab Taric, rush SotD. You have Rammus E + Taric W for Armor Reduction and Rammus W + Taric W + Taric R to act as AD steroids for Rammus. You will instantly melt anything.
On December 18 2012 14:59 MooMooMugi wrote: Mfw AP Ezreal's level6 burst is 2nd highest in the game lol
Prob assuming he lands ult right in your face before it hits any minions and he lands all 3 of his skillshots, I believe it. surprised Kat does as much dmg as Vlad, that seems weird for lvl6.
On December 18 2012 14:59 MooMooMugi wrote: Mfw AP Ezreal's level6 burst is 2nd highest in the game lol
Prob assuming he lands ult right in your face before it hits any minions and he lands all 3 of his skillshots, I believe it. surprised Kat does as much dmg as Vlad, that seems weird for lvl6.
because it makes bad assumptions. annie does way more, but he doesn't include the guaranteed bear auto or bear aura. or swain, who's torment increases damage from auto and ignite, which aren't counted. or Zyra's goddam plants, which easily add another ~200 to her combo.
again, it makes bad blanket assumptions instead of looking at each character case by case.
Read. He assumes people only hit for 1s, which is why Annie, Viktor, Swain, Brand, Ryze, Zyra, Karthus, Fiddle are so low for example. On the other hand he assumes Syndra hits all of her shit and has 5 spheres up, which is unrealistic because of the amount of setup it requires (read: more than forcing your target to step on more than 2 Ziggs mines, or proc Lux's passive thrice). 7 Also he states stuff like all 3 Akali dashes but Diana only ults once. I dunno about Ahri, she can only ult once in that 1s window he chose but if you have to add two other ult charges to her combo... damn.
On December 18 2012 15:06 Seuss wrote: I just wanted you guys to know that AD Rammus is hilarious against bots. Have a friend grab Taric, rush SotD. You have Rammus E + Taric W for Armor Reduction and Rammus W + Taric W + Taric R to act as AD steroids for Rammus. You will instantly melt anything.
Was about to say that Taric doesn't have the aura after he casted W, but turns out he still does, he only loses his own steroid. Interesting.