On January 07 2013 03:00 BlueSpace wrote:Show nested quote +On January 07 2013 02:26 justiceknight wrote:On January 07 2013 01:57 Yagami wrote: I wonder what's the best way to build ad carries in season 3. What should be my thought process about what to buy in different situations.
I've doing BT/Zeal/IE/PD + LW and defensive item if i'm doing well or IE/PD if i fall behind and need to rush late game.
I've seen a lot of pros getting LW as third item and using statikk shiv and black cleaver a lot( i know BC really is good on MF, but what about other adcs like Ezreal?).
So what items do think are the best for ad carry in season 3 and in what situations? well SS is cheaper than PD and i am still figuring out which is better.For non-Triforce champs usually i go BT > PD/SS > (check if they have armor,if they dont then go IE) if they have armor then go LW > GA > 6th item. Black cleaver is only good for AOE skills [graves buckshot / MF bullet time] , u can consider BC for draven too since his ult and E deals AOE for immediate 4 stacks and Q all the way. For Corki i dont see any difference in his kit Triforce > BT > LW > GA > IE For ezreal theres too many different build for him, currently i am trying out the Iceborn gaunlet build which is so broken and able to kite forever. It is also good for teamfight since their bruiser and jungler cant get closer to ur teammates too. Heres the Iceborn gaunlet build i am using longsword 2 pot > lifesteal > sheen > Iceborn gaunlet > boots 2[AS boots or CD boots which ever u like] > BT > IE/LW > GA > 6th item. I was actually wondering if Corkis gatling gun triggers BC. Might even make sense for single DPS in this case, since you stack up much faster.
it does trigger BC but the other 3 skills doesnt do physical dmg so it doesnt combo well at all.
I'm now curious why we're seeing bc mf instead of bc corki.
Also some of these acronyms are ridiculous. SS could stand for Sight stone, spirit stone, static shiv, or missing in action.
On January 06 2013 19:31 OutlaW- wrote: So.. Does anyone who understands Mandarin want to translate that?
Chinese League is sick. So sick.
I can translate it for you once i get back from das gym.
I really like statik shiv for the fact that it builds out of avarice blade. Avarice on Ashe with her E passive means a lot more gold per cs. I honestly don't know when I should be getting Shiv and when I should be getting PD though, they seem quite similar except Shiv pushes better and PD does a bit more damage.
Don't know if anyone really cares, but I've done a quick and rough translation of Weixiao's video, up to his rune page explanation. I more or less translated his personal opinions on each mastery page, as he has 3 pre-set ones (21/9/0, 14/16/0, 14/3/3).
Source: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDkxNTQxNTUy.html. Someone posted this a few pages back as well.
Masteries + Show Spoiler + Since there’s no lifesteal masteries this season, I like 14/13/3, it gives both defense and offense, along with the mana regen on utility since all ADs use mana. In regards to the crit mastery, when it comes to ads such as Corki or Ezreal, a full 21/9/0 is not as useful since they don’t rely on critical damage as much. 21/9/0 is more suited for those that need the critical damage such as Varus and Vayne (I think he said one more but I don’t know who he was talking about). I also use a 14/16/0 mastery page for the Tenacious perk in the defensive tree.
The 14/13/3 page I find to be very useful for Ezreal, Corki, and Graves. Although I am forgoing a bit of offensive potential with only 14 points in the offensive tree, the defensive perks work very well with these 3 heroes, however when it comes to people that need to be doing huge critical damage (I think he lists Tristana, Varus, and Vayne) the 21/9/0 mastery is more suitable. If you're finding yourself mana starved, alter the 21/9/0 mastery into 21/6/3, with 3 points in Meditation. It is important to note that in the defensive style mastery (14/13/3 or 14/16/0) I always take Veteran’s Scars and Durability, and with the 16 in defensive, the Tenacious perk as well. I personally really like the 14/16/0 page.
Runes + Show Spoiler + First set of runes: 13 armor, 12 magic resist, 15 attack damage. ad quints, armor yellows, ad reds, mr blues. This is a very common and generic AD rune page, a lot of people use it, but as a word of caution, do not use this page with ADs that use a lot of mana. The lack of mana regen is very noticeable.
Second set of runes: 13 armor, 12 magic resist, 13 attack damage, 2% life steal. 2 ad quints, 1 lifesteal quint, armor yellows, ad reds, mr blues. It’s a slight modification of the above rune page, and I put one lifesteal quint in here to compensate for the lack of lifesteal mastery. I still find lifesteal to be an important and useful stat, and the effect is more noticeable if you’re paired with a nunu support.
Third set of runes: 13 armor, 5.4 magic resist, 4.9 mana/5, 15 ad. ad quints, armor yellows, ad reds, 5 mana regen/lvl blues, 4 mr blues. This is a page more specifically tailored for Ezreal, Corki, and Graves. So long as you don’t spam your skills too much in lane, the mana regen will be enough to keep your mana up.
As a side note, you might be wondering why I have no armor penetration runes. One of the primary reasons is that the top priority for an ADC in lane is to cs, which is why I have so many ad runes to help with that. A more subtle reason is that I don’t think armor penetration runes are worth it in comparison with its ad counterpart. This is largely due to the new way penetration is calculated.
An in depth look at Ezreal in S3 + Show Spoiler +I will usually use the 14/13/3 mastery page, with its balanced offensive and defensive stats, along with the mana regen. We’ll first look at the new S3 items. AD Items + Show Spoiler + First up is the vamp scepter. Although the price is cheaper as compared to S2, thprice tag is still a bit much to me. Some players also like to get BC on Ez, and they’re not comfortable with the lack of lifesteal. My take on this is that Bloodthirster is still superior to BC. If I were to get 2 BCs vs BT + Triforce, BT + Triforce gives more damage, more attack speed, and the damage is instant (by this he means that you need to hit people to stack BC before achieving maximum efficiency with the item).
Executioner’s calling as of S3 gives critical chance and ad. In S2 the item was actually very good, but now with no lifesteal, and the increased price, I foresee no reason to get this item.
BF sword is 100 gold cheaper, and ad itemization is cheaper in general in S3.
The new doran’s blade is not as good as the old one I feel, and I can’t justify getting more than one in S3, since it delays your core items as well.
AS items + Show Spoiler + Sword of the Divine is actually quite a powerful item. With BT and BC, if you were to 1v1 someone, you’ll almost certainly win with the active on the item. High enough ad also makes this item devastating. I have not used the item much in ranked, however the stats are pretty nice.
Statikk Shiv is more or less a cheaper version of PD, but the passive is what really makes the item. Much like S2’s Ionic Spark, the item will passively proc a chain lightning when attacking, and the good thing is the passive lightning can crit. It’s a good harass tool when csing as the lightning can arc off to enemy heroes. It’s a good item overall.
I have not found a particular use for Runaan’s Hurricane as of now, maybe when Kog has W up, but I’m not familiar with what kind of AD on-hit effects work off of Runaan’s. It’s a so-so item for me.
PD is only a shadow of its former self now, and the biggest reason for this is the movement speed. The ms increase provided by PD is the exact same as Zeal, which is unacceptable in my eyes. The PD ms increase should at least be 8% or 10%. The passive to ignore unit collision is negligible as well.
Zephyr’s stats are crazy in my opinion, and I think if the ad increase were to switch to crit chance, this would be an overpowered item. However as of now, the lack of crit makes it unappealing to ads. I personally like the item but it’s usefulness is debatable.
Crit Items + Show Spoiler + Triforce has worse stats and higher price as compared to S2, that’s all I’ll say on the matter. All the other crit items stayed pretty much the same in this department.
Misc + Show Spoiler + An odd item in all of this is the Mercurial Scepter. It’s almost an AD’s 5th damage item. In S2 you would obviously get quicksilver sash or GA for self protection. However now with the scepter, it adds 60 damage and 45 mr, with an improved version of the quicksilver active. It’s quite a powerful item.
I haven’t really used Blade of the Ruined King so I’ll not comment on it.
6 Item Ezreal + Show Spoiler + A lot of people have been curious about what is a full build for S3 ad carries, and I’ll explain some of my thoughts on the matter.
Boots: Berserker greaves is still standard, but the tier 3 enchantment should be either Alacrity or Furor. Homeguard is good but not all that useful on ADs.
The other 4 items will have to be BT, IE, TF, LW. The question is what the last item will be.
Black Cleaver is a popular item now, but I think it’s a much more suited item for assassins and bruisers, not ADCs. As an AD you’ll need to auto people a lot, and the lack of attack speed on black cleaver makes it a tough sell. If you really like it, it can be your 6th item. I would also recommend mercurial scepter (Editor’s note: he does not mention GA on Ezreal).
Closing Thoughts + Show Spoiler + I want to stress the importance of thinking for yourself. When I play ranked nowadays, I see a lot of ADs mindlessly getting BC, and I find that to be unfit behaviour. I don't find BC to be that powerful an item, and I'd like to see other AD players experiment, so we can all learn from each other.
On January 07 2013 03:17 Nos- wrote:Don't know if anyone really cares, but I've done a quick and rough translation of Weixiao's video, up to his rune page explanation. I more or less translated his personal opinions on each mastery page, as he has 3 pre-set ones (21/9/0, 14/16/0, 14/3/3). Masteries: + Show Spoiler + Since there’s no lifesteal masteries this season, I like 14/13/3, it gives both defense and offense, along with the mana regen on utility since all ADs use mana. In regards to the crit mastery, when it comes to ads such as Corki or Ezreal, a full 21/9/0 is not as useful since they don’t rely on critical damage as much. 21/9/0 is more suited for those that need the critical damage such as Varus and Vayne (I think he said one more but I don’t know who he was talking about). I also use a 14/16/0 mastery page for the Tenacious perk in the defensive tree.
The 14/13/3 page I find to be very useful for Ezreal, Corki, and Graves. Although I am forgoing a bit of offensive potential with only 14 points in the offensive tree, the defensive perks work very well with these 3 heroes, however when it comes to people that need to be doing huge critical damage (I think he lists Tristana, Varus, and Vayne) the 21/9/0 mastery is more suitable. If you're finding yourself mana starved, alter the 21/9/0 mastery into 21/6/3, with 3 points in Meditation. It is important to note that in the defensive style mastery (14/13/3 or 14/16/0) I always take Veteran’s Scars and Durability, and with the 16 in defensive, the Tenacious perk as well. I personally really like the 14/16/0 page.
Runes + Show Spoiler + First set of runes: 13 armor, 12 magic resist, 15 attack damage. ad quints, armor yellows, ad reds, mr blues. This is a very common and generic AD rune page, a lot of people use it, but as a word of caution, do not use this page with ADs that use a lot of mana. The lack of mana regen is very noticeable.
Second set of runes: 13 armor, 12 magic resist, 13 attack damage, 2% life steal. 2 ad quints, 1 lifesteal quint, armor yellows, ad reds, mr blues. It’s a slight modification of the above rune page, and I put one lifesteal quint in here to compensate for the lack of lifesteal mastery. I still find lifesteal to be an important and useful stat, and the effect is more noticeable if you’re paired with a nunu support.
Third set of runes: 13 armor, 5.4 magic resist, 4.9 mana/5, 15 ad. ad quints, armor yellows, ad reds, 5 mana regen/lvl blues, 4 mr blues. This is a page more specifically tailored for Ezreal, Corki, and Graves. So long as you don’t spam your skills too much in lane, the mana regen will be enough to keep your mana up.
As a side note, you might be wondering why I have no armor penetration runes. One of the primary reasons is that the top priority for an ADC in lane is to cs, which is why I have so many ad runes to help with that. A more subtle reason is that I don’t think armor penetration runes are worth it in comparison with its ad counterpart. This is largely due to the new penetration calculation algorithm.
Edit: I'll keep on translating if you guys are interested.
do you have the source for this?
On January 07 2013 03:39 justiceknight wrote:Show nested quote +On January 07 2013 03:17 Nos- wrote:Don't know if anyone really cares, but I've done a quick and rough translation of Weixiao's video, up to his rune page explanation. I more or less translated his personal opinions on each mastery page, as he has 3 pre-set ones (21/9/0, 14/16/0, 14/3/3). Masteries: + Show Spoiler + Since there’s no lifesteal masteries this season, I like 14/13/3, it gives both defense and offense, along with the mana regen on utility since all ADs use mana. In regards to the crit mastery, when it comes to ads such as Corki or Ezreal, a full 21/9/0 is not as useful since they don’t rely on critical damage as much. 21/9/0 is more suited for those that need the critical damage such as Varus and Vayne (I think he said one more but I don’t know who he was talking about). I also use a 14/16/0 mastery page for the Tenacious perk in the defensive tree.
The 14/13/3 page I find to be very useful for Ezreal, Corki, and Graves. Although I am forgoing a bit of offensive potential with only 14 points in the offensive tree, the defensive perks work very well with these 3 heroes, however when it comes to people that need to be doing huge critical damage (I think he lists Tristana, Varus, and Vayne) the 21/9/0 mastery is more suitable. If you're finding yourself mana starved, alter the 21/9/0 mastery into 21/6/3, with 3 points in Meditation. It is important to note that in the defensive style mastery (14/13/3 or 14/16/0) I always take Veteran’s Scars and Durability, and with the 16 in defensive, the Tenacious perk as well. I personally really like the 14/16/0 page.
Runes + Show Spoiler + First set of runes: 13 armor, 12 magic resist, 15 attack damage. ad quints, armor yellows, ad reds, mr blues. This is a very common and generic AD rune page, a lot of people use it, but as a word of caution, do not use this page with ADs that use a lot of mana. The lack of mana regen is very noticeable.
Second set of runes: 13 armor, 12 magic resist, 13 attack damage, 2% life steal. 2 ad quints, 1 lifesteal quint, armor yellows, ad reds, mr blues. It’s a slight modification of the above rune page, and I put one lifesteal quint in here to compensate for the lack of lifesteal mastery. I still find lifesteal to be an important and useful stat, and the effect is more noticeable if you’re paired with a nunu support.
Third set of runes: 13 armor, 5.4 magic resist, 4.9 mana/5, 15 ad. ad quints, armor yellows, ad reds, 5 mana regen/lvl blues, 4 mr blues. This is a page more specifically tailored for Ezreal, Corki, and Graves. So long as you don’t spam your skills too much in lane, the mana regen will be enough to keep your mana up.
As a side note, you might be wondering why I have no armor penetration runes. One of the primary reasons is that the top priority for an ADC in lane is to cs, which is why I have so many ad runes to help with that. A more subtle reason is that I don’t think armor penetration runes are worth it in comparison with its ad counterpart. This is largely due to the new penetration calculation algorithm.
Edit: I'll keep on translating if you guys are interested. do you have the source for this? Yeah I edited my previous post to have the original video.
On January 07 2013 03:42 Nos- wrote:Show nested quote +On January 07 2013 03:39 justiceknight wrote:On January 07 2013 03:17 Nos- wrote:Don't know if anyone really cares, but I've done a quick and rough translation of Weixiao's video, up to his rune page explanation. I more or less translated his personal opinions on each mastery page, as he has 3 pre-set ones (21/9/0, 14/16/0, 14/3/3). Masteries: + Show Spoiler + Since there’s no lifesteal masteries this season, I like 14/13/3, it gives both defense and offense, along with the mana regen on utility since all ADs use mana. In regards to the crit mastery, when it comes to ads such as Corki or Ezreal, a full 21/9/0 is not as useful since they don’t rely on critical damage as much. 21/9/0 is more suited for those that need the critical damage such as Varus and Vayne (I think he said one more but I don’t know who he was talking about). I also use a 14/16/0 mastery page for the Tenacious perk in the defensive tree.
The 14/13/3 page I find to be very useful for Ezreal, Corki, and Graves. Although I am forgoing a bit of offensive potential with only 14 points in the offensive tree, the defensive perks work very well with these 3 heroes, however when it comes to people that need to be doing huge critical damage (I think he lists Tristana, Varus, and Vayne) the 21/9/0 mastery is more suitable. If you're finding yourself mana starved, alter the 21/9/0 mastery into 21/6/3, with 3 points in Meditation. It is important to note that in the defensive style mastery (14/13/3 or 14/16/0) I always take Veteran’s Scars and Durability, and with the 16 in defensive, the Tenacious perk as well. I personally really like the 14/16/0 page.
Runes + Show Spoiler + First set of runes: 13 armor, 12 magic resist, 15 attack damage. ad quints, armor yellows, ad reds, mr blues. This is a very common and generic AD rune page, a lot of people use it, but as a word of caution, do not use this page with ADs that use a lot of mana. The lack of mana regen is very noticeable.
Second set of runes: 13 armor, 12 magic resist, 13 attack damage, 2% life steal. 2 ad quints, 1 lifesteal quint, armor yellows, ad reds, mr blues. It’s a slight modification of the above rune page, and I put one lifesteal quint in here to compensate for the lack of lifesteal mastery. I still find lifesteal to be an important and useful stat, and the effect is more noticeable if you’re paired with a nunu support.
Third set of runes: 13 armor, 5.4 magic resist, 4.9 mana/5, 15 ad. ad quints, armor yellows, ad reds, 5 mana regen/lvl blues, 4 mr blues. This is a page more specifically tailored for Ezreal, Corki, and Graves. So long as you don’t spam your skills too much in lane, the mana regen will be enough to keep your mana up.
As a side note, you might be wondering why I have no armor penetration runes. One of the primary reasons is that the top priority for an ADC in lane is to cs, which is why I have so many ad runes to help with that. A more subtle reason is that I don’t think armor penetration runes are worth it in comparison with its ad counterpart. This is largely due to the new penetration calculation algorithm.
Edit: I'll keep on translating if you guys are interested. do you have the source for this? Yeah I edited my previous post to have the original video.
Does it say anything about what summoner spells he's using majority of the time? And what points is he doing exactly for the 14/13/3 rune page? Something like: + Show Spoiler + ? Or is he putting a point into Summoners resolve and running heal/cleanse/barrier, and then putting 4/4 into the attack speed one instead of 3/4 with ignite mastery
Also, does he say when he uses the 14/16 mastery page over the 14/13/3 one?
On January 07 2013 03:03 justiceknight wrote:Show nested quote +On January 07 2013 03:00 BlueSpace wrote:On January 07 2013 02:26 justiceknight wrote:On January 07 2013 01:57 Yagami wrote: I wonder what's the best way to build ad carries in season 3. What should be my thought process about what to buy in different situations.
I've doing BT/Zeal/IE/PD + LW and defensive item if i'm doing well or IE/PD if i fall behind and need to rush late game.
I've seen a lot of pros getting LW as third item and using statikk shiv and black cleaver a lot( i know BC really is good on MF, but what about other adcs like Ezreal?).
So what items do think are the best for ad carry in season 3 and in what situations? well SS is cheaper than PD and i am still figuring out which is better.For non-Triforce champs usually i go BT > PD/SS > (check if they have armor,if they dont then go IE) if they have armor then go LW > GA > 6th item. Black cleaver is only good for AOE skills [graves buckshot / MF bullet time] , u can consider BC for draven too since his ult and E deals AOE for immediate 4 stacks and Q all the way. For Corki i dont see any difference in his kit Triforce > BT > LW > GA > IE For ezreal theres too many different build for him, currently i am trying out the Iceborn gaunlet build which is so broken and able to kite forever. It is also good for teamfight since their bruiser and jungler cant get closer to ur teammates too. Heres the Iceborn gaunlet build i am using longsword 2 pot > lifesteal > sheen > Iceborn gaunlet > boots 2[AS boots or CD boots which ever u like] > BT > IE/LW > GA > 6th item. I was actually wondering if Corkis gatling gun triggers BC. Might even make sense for single DPS in this case, since you stack up much faster. it does trigger BC but the other 3 skills doesnt do physical dmg so it doesnt combo well at all. True but you can autoattack while it is ticking and it does damage every 0.5 seconds. So you will be fully stacked when your second autoattack hits most likely. Sounds quite strong on paper.
+ Show Spoiler +On January 07 2013 03:17 Nos- wrote:Don't know if anyone really cares, but I've done a quick and rough translation of Weixiao's video, up to his rune page explanation. I more or less translated his personal opinions on each mastery page, as he has 3 pre-set ones (21/9/0, 14/16/0, 14/3/3). Source: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDkxNTQxNTUy.html. Someone posted this a few pages back as well. Masteries + Show Spoiler + Since there’s no lifesteal masteries this season, I like 14/13/3, it gives both defense and offense, along with the mana regen on utility since all ADs use mana. In regards to the crit mastery, when it comes to ads such as Corki or Ezreal, a full 21/9/0 is not as useful since they don’t rely on critical damage as much. 21/9/0 is more suited for those that need the critical damage such as Varus and Vayne (I think he said one more but I don’t know who he was talking about). I also use a 14/16/0 mastery page for the Tenacious perk in the defensive tree.
The 14/13/3 page I find to be very useful for Ezreal, Corki, and Graves. Although I am forgoing a bit of offensive potential with only 14 points in the offensive tree, the defensive perks work very well with these 3 heroes, however when it comes to people that need to be doing huge critical damage (I think he lists Tristana, Varus, and Vayne) the 21/9/0 mastery is more suitable. If you're finding yourself mana starved, alter the 21/9/0 mastery into 21/6/3, with 3 points in Meditation. It is important to note that in the defensive style mastery (14/13/3 or 14/16/0) I always take Veteran’s Scars and Durability, and with the 16 in defensive, the Tenacious perk as well. I personally really like the 14/16/0 page.
Runes + Show Spoiler + First set of runes: 13 armor, 12 magic resist, 15 attack damage. ad quints, armor yellows, ad reds, mr blues. This is a very common and generic AD rune page, a lot of people use it, but as a word of caution, do not use this page with ADs that use a lot of mana. The lack of mana regen is very noticeable.
Second set of runes: 13 armor, 12 magic resist, 13 attack damage, 2% life steal. 2 ad quints, 1 lifesteal quint, armor yellows, ad reds, mr blues. It’s a slight modification of the above rune page, and I put one lifesteal quint in here to compensate for the lack of lifesteal mastery. I still find lifesteal to be an important and useful stat, and the effect is more noticeable if you’re paired with a nunu support.
Third set of runes: 13 armor, 5.4 magic resist, 4.9 mana/5, 15 ad. ad quints, armor yellows, ad reds, 5 mana regen/lvl blues, 4 mr blues. This is a page more specifically tailored for Ezreal, Corki, and Graves. So long as you don’t spam your skills too much in lane, the mana regen will be enough to keep your mana up.
As a side note, you might be wondering why I have no armor penetration runes. One of the primary reasons is that the top priority for an ADC in lane is to cs, which is why I have so many ad runes to help with that. A more subtle reason is that I don’t think armor penetration runes are worth it in comparison with its ad counterpart. This is largely due to the new way penetration is calculated.
An in depth look at Ezreal in S3 + Show Spoiler +I will usually use the 14/13/3 mastery page, with its balanced offensive and defensive stats, along with the mana regen. We’ll first look at the new S3 items. AD Items + Show Spoiler + First up is the vamp scepter. Although the price is cheaper as compared to S2, thprice tag is still a bit much to me. Some players also like to get BC on Ez, and they’re not comfortable with the lack of lifesteal. My take on this is that Bloodthirster is still superior to BC. If I were to get 2 BCs vs BT + Triforce, BT + Triforce gives more damage, more attack speed, and the damage is instant (by this he means that you need to hit people to stack BC before achieving maximum efficiency with the item).
Executioner’s calling as of S3 gives critical chance and ad. In S2 the item was actually very good, but now with no lifesteal, and the increased price, I foresee no reason to get this item.
BF sword is 100 gold cheaper, and ad itemization is cheaper in general in S3.
The new doran’s blade is not as good as the old one I feel, and I can’t justify getting more than one in S3, since it delays your core items as well.
AS items + Show Spoiler + Sword of the Divine is actually quite a powerful item. With BT and BC, if you were to 1v1 someone, you’ll almost certainly win with the active on the item. High enough ad also makes this item devastating. I have not used the item much in ranked, however the stats are pretty nice.
Statikk Shiv is more or less a cheaper version of PD, but the passive is what really makes the item. Much like S2’s Ionic Spark, the item will passively proc a chain lightning when attacking, and the good thing is the passive lightning can crit. It’s a good harass tool when csing as the lightning can arc off to enemy heroes. It’s a good item overall.
I have not found a particular use for Runaan’s Hurricane as of now, maybe when Kog has W up, but I’m not familiar with what kind of AD on-hit effects work off of Runaan’s. It’s a so-so item for me.
PD is only a shadow of its former self now, and the biggest reason for this is the movement speed. The ms increase provided by PD is the exact same as Zeal, which is unacceptable in my eyes. The PD ms increase should at least be 8% or 10%. The passive to ignore unit collision is negligible as well.
Zephyr’s stats are crazy in my opinion, and I think if the ad increase were to switch to crit chance, this would be an overpowered item. However as of now, the lack of crit makes it unappealing to ads. I personally like the item but it’s usefulness is debatable.
Crit Items + Show Spoiler + Triforce has worse stats and higher price as compared to S2, that’s all I’ll say on the matter. All the other crit items stayed pretty much the same in this department.
Misc + Show Spoiler + An odd item in all of this is the Mercurial Scepter. It’s almost an AD’s 5th damage item. In S2 you would obviously get quicksilver sash or GA for self protection. However now with the scepter, it adds 60 damage and 45 mr, with an improved version of the quicksilver active. It’s quite a powerful item.
I haven’t really used Blade of the Ruined King so I’ll not comment on it.
6 Item Ezreal + Show Spoiler + A lot of people have been curious about what is a full build for S3 ad carries, and I’ll explain some of my thoughts on the matter.
Boots: Berserker greaves is still standard, but the tier 3 enchantment should be either Alacrity or Furor. Homeguard is good but not all that useful on ADs.
The other 4 items will have to be BT, IE, TF, LW. The question is what the last item will be.
Black Cleaver is a popular item now, but I think it’s a much more suited item for assassins and bruisers, not ADCs. As an AD you’ll need to auto people a lot, and the lack of attack speed on black cleaver makes it a tough sell. If you really like it, it can be your 6th item. I would also recommend mercurial scepter (Editor’s note: he does not mention GA on Ezreal).
Closing Thoughts + Show Spoiler + I want to stress the importance of thinking for yourself. When I play ranked nowadays, I see a lot of ADs mindlessly getting BC, and I find that to be unfit behaviour. I don't find BC to be that powerful an item, and I'd like to see other AD players experiment, so we can all learn from each other.
The translation is finished, hopefully I did a decent job of it. To smOOthMayDie: Weixiao shows all of the pages he talks about, but if you tell me the site you used to get the mastery page I can probably just edit it in. He uses the 14/13/3 page on ADs that need some mana regen (Ez, Corki, Graves are the ones he stressed), and 14/16/0 is just a generally sound and balanced ad mastery page that combines offense and defense.
I think its interesting that he still prefers to get TF over Iceborn.
As for the mastery page, I just did it in my client and used the snipping tool that comes with Windows 7 to cut it out of my screen, uploaded it to imgur, and posted it here.
On January 07 2013 03:53 smOOthMayDie wrote:Show nested quote +On January 07 2013 03:42 Nos- wrote:On January 07 2013 03:39 justiceknight wrote:On January 07 2013 03:17 Nos- wrote:Don't know if anyone really cares, but I've done a quick and rough translation of Weixiao's video, up to his rune page explanation. I more or less translated his personal opinions on each mastery page, as he has 3 pre-set ones (21/9/0, 14/16/0, 14/3/3). Masteries: + Show Spoiler + Since there’s no lifesteal masteries this season, I like 14/13/3, it gives both defense and offense, along with the mana regen on utility since all ADs use mana. In regards to the crit mastery, when it comes to ads such as Corki or Ezreal, a full 21/9/0 is not as useful since they don’t rely on critical damage as much. 21/9/0 is more suited for those that need the critical damage such as Varus and Vayne (I think he said one more but I don’t know who he was talking about). I also use a 14/16/0 mastery page for the Tenacious perk in the defensive tree.
The 14/13/3 page I find to be very useful for Ezreal, Corki, and Graves. Although I am forgoing a bit of offensive potential with only 14 points in the offensive tree, the defensive perks work very well with these 3 heroes, however when it comes to people that need to be doing huge critical damage (I think he lists Tristana, Varus, and Vayne) the 21/9/0 mastery is more suitable. If you're finding yourself mana starved, alter the 21/9/0 mastery into 21/6/3, with 3 points in Meditation. It is important to note that in the defensive style mastery (14/13/3 or 14/16/0) I always take Veteran’s Scars and Durability, and with the 16 in defensive, the Tenacious perk as well. I personally really like the 14/16/0 page.
Runes + Show Spoiler + First set of runes: 13 armor, 12 magic resist, 15 attack damage. ad quints, armor yellows, ad reds, mr blues. This is a very common and generic AD rune page, a lot of people use it, but as a word of caution, do not use this page with ADs that use a lot of mana. The lack of mana regen is very noticeable.
Second set of runes: 13 armor, 12 magic resist, 13 attack damage, 2% life steal. 2 ad quints, 1 lifesteal quint, armor yellows, ad reds, mr blues. It’s a slight modification of the above rune page, and I put one lifesteal quint in here to compensate for the lack of lifesteal mastery. I still find lifesteal to be an important and useful stat, and the effect is more noticeable if you’re paired with a nunu support.
Third set of runes: 13 armor, 5.4 magic resist, 4.9 mana/5, 15 ad. ad quints, armor yellows, ad reds, 5 mana regen/lvl blues, 4 mr blues. This is a page more specifically tailored for Ezreal, Corki, and Graves. So long as you don’t spam your skills too much in lane, the mana regen will be enough to keep your mana up.
As a side note, you might be wondering why I have no armor penetration runes. One of the primary reasons is that the top priority for an ADC in lane is to cs, which is why I have so many ad runes to help with that. A more subtle reason is that I don’t think armor penetration runes are worth it in comparison with its ad counterpart. This is largely due to the new penetration calculation algorithm.
Edit: I'll keep on translating if you guys are interested. do you have the source for this? Yeah I edited my previous post to have the original video. Does it say anything about what summoner spells he's using majority of the time? And what points is he doing exactly for the 14/13/3 rune page? Something like: + Show Spoiler + ? Or is he putting a point into Summoners resolve and running heal/cleanse/barrier, and then putting 4/4 into the attack speed one instead of 3/4 with ignite mastery From what I see on the video (that is fucking long to load) it looks more like this : http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/mastery-tree-planner#&tree1=1-3-0-0-4-0-0-3-1-0-0-2-0-0-0-0-0-0&tree2=0-0-4-0-3-0-0-2-2-1-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0&tree3=0-0-3-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0&v=2
On January 07 2013 04:34 -Zoda- wrote:Show nested quote +On January 07 2013 03:53 smOOthMayDie wrote:On January 07 2013 03:42 Nos- wrote:On January 07 2013 03:39 justiceknight wrote:On January 07 2013 03:17 Nos- wrote:Don't know if anyone really cares, but I've done a quick and rough translation of Weixiao's video, up to his rune page explanation. I more or less translated his personal opinions on each mastery page, as he has 3 pre-set ones (21/9/0, 14/16/0, 14/3/3). Masteries: + Show Spoiler + Since there’s no lifesteal masteries this season, I like 14/13/3, it gives both defense and offense, along with the mana regen on utility since all ADs use mana. In regards to the crit mastery, when it comes to ads such as Corki or Ezreal, a full 21/9/0 is not as useful since they don’t rely on critical damage as much. 21/9/0 is more suited for those that need the critical damage such as Varus and Vayne (I think he said one more but I don’t know who he was talking about). I also use a 14/16/0 mastery page for the Tenacious perk in the defensive tree.
The 14/13/3 page I find to be very useful for Ezreal, Corki, and Graves. Although I am forgoing a bit of offensive potential with only 14 points in the offensive tree, the defensive perks work very well with these 3 heroes, however when it comes to people that need to be doing huge critical damage (I think he lists Tristana, Varus, and Vayne) the 21/9/0 mastery is more suitable. If you're finding yourself mana starved, alter the 21/9/0 mastery into 21/6/3, with 3 points in Meditation. It is important to note that in the defensive style mastery (14/13/3 or 14/16/0) I always take Veteran’s Scars and Durability, and with the 16 in defensive, the Tenacious perk as well. I personally really like the 14/16/0 page.
Runes + Show Spoiler + First set of runes: 13 armor, 12 magic resist, 15 attack damage. ad quints, armor yellows, ad reds, mr blues. This is a very common and generic AD rune page, a lot of people use it, but as a word of caution, do not use this page with ADs that use a lot of mana. The lack of mana regen is very noticeable.
Second set of runes: 13 armor, 12 magic resist, 13 attack damage, 2% life steal. 2 ad quints, 1 lifesteal quint, armor yellows, ad reds, mr blues. It’s a slight modification of the above rune page, and I put one lifesteal quint in here to compensate for the lack of lifesteal mastery. I still find lifesteal to be an important and useful stat, and the effect is more noticeable if you’re paired with a nunu support.
Third set of runes: 13 armor, 5.4 magic resist, 4.9 mana/5, 15 ad. ad quints, armor yellows, ad reds, 5 mana regen/lvl blues, 4 mr blues. This is a page more specifically tailored for Ezreal, Corki, and Graves. So long as you don’t spam your skills too much in lane, the mana regen will be enough to keep your mana up.
As a side note, you might be wondering why I have no armor penetration runes. One of the primary reasons is that the top priority for an ADC in lane is to cs, which is why I have so many ad runes to help with that. A more subtle reason is that I don’t think armor penetration runes are worth it in comparison with its ad counterpart. This is largely due to the new penetration calculation algorithm.
Edit: I'll keep on translating if you guys are interested. do you have the source for this? Yeah I edited my previous post to have the original video. Does it say anything about what summoner spells he's using majority of the time? And what points is he doing exactly for the 14/13/3 rune page? Something like: + Show Spoiler + ? Or is he putting a point into Summoners resolve and running heal/cleanse/barrier, and then putting 4/4 into the attack speed one instead of 3/4 with ignite mastery From what I see on the video (that is fucking long to load) it looks more like this : http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/mastery-tree-planner#&tree1=1-3-0-0-4-0-0-3-1-0-0-2-0-0-0-0-0-0&tree2=0-0-4-0-3-0-0-2-2-1-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0&tree3=0-0-3-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0&v=2 Won't work, you only have 7 points in the first 2 defensive tiers.
On January 07 2013 03:14 YouGotNothin wrote: I really like statik shiv for the fact that it builds out of avarice blade. Avarice on Ashe with her E passive means a lot more gold per cs. I honestly don't know when I should be getting Shiv and when I should be getting PD though, they seem quite similar except Shiv pushes better and PD does a bit more damage. I don't really like the build-up for this tho: I don't want to buy an early avarice while the opposing AD will be 800 gold ahead of you at that point and 10% crit won't do much in trades (nor to help pushing/cs-ing), and once I have my BF item I'd rather have the zeal first (I feel that the %MS is the most important stat for you at that point, so you can kite those that will dive you, and reposition), which means I won't be sitting on the avarice blade for long.
On January 06 2013 19:45 Slayer91 wrote:Show nested quote +On January 06 2013 19:09 Alaric wrote: I played with masteries too (rarely, AD's by far my worst role and if I can get by in lane my teamfighting's atrocious) and I had a lot of fun with a 17-13 page and dshield start (or bought at first back). Reducing incoming autoattack damage by 11 total on top of the early armor+HP+regen makes early trades so absurdly efficient, as long as it's not something like Cait with boots abusing her range lead on you you get to farm pretty calmly without much interference once you traded once or twice and your opponent noted how much more he loses than you (despite it being the most efficient at those low levels, and losing power then). Prob works best against no-sustain lanes. Just get your support to get dorans shield and the - damage minions, play sona, and draw aggro. Win lane guaranteed. Go 0/13/17 or whatever. You can wait in base for 20 gold for a ward after starting dorans. -11 damage is a lot at level 1 l0l. Which minions damage reduction? Tough skin only works on monsters now, and unyielding/block/doran's passive only works on champions' autoattacks.
On January 07 2013 02:26 justiceknight wrote:Show nested quote +On January 07 2013 01:57 Yagami wrote: I wonder what's the best way to build ad carries in season 3. What should be my thought process about what to buy in different situations.
I've doing BT/Zeal/IE/PD + LW and defensive item if i'm doing well or IE/PD if i fall behind and need to rush late game.
I've seen a lot of pros getting LW as third item and using statikk shiv and black cleaver a lot( i know BC really is good on MF, but what about other adcs like Ezreal?).
So what items do think are the best for ad carry in season 3 and in what situations? well SS is cheaper than PD and i am still figuring out which is better.For non-Triforce champs usually i go BT > PD/SS > (check if they have armor,if they dont then go IE) if they have armor then go LW > GA > 6th item. Black cleaver is only good for AOE skills [graves buckshot / MF bullet time] , u can consider BC for draven too since his ult and E deals AOE for immediate 4 stacks and Q all the way. For Corki i dont see any difference in his kit Triforce > BT > LW > GA > IE For ezreal theres too many different build for him, currently i am trying out the Iceborn gaunlet build which is so broken and able to kite forever. It is also good for teamfight since their bruiser and jungler cant get closer to ur teammates too. Heres the Iceborn gaunlet build i am using longsword 2 pot > lifesteal > sheen > Iceborn gaunlet > boots 2[AS boots or CD boots which ever u like] > BT > IE/LW > GA > 6th item. For 3000, you'll have 50 AD, 10 ArPen, 250 health, 10% cdr, and 25% Armor Reduction once stacked on your targets. For 2135, you have 40 AD and 35% ArPen via LW. I'd say the LW has better cost-effectiveness, and considering that you're the primary damage source for your team after awhile (and that stuff like bruta+sheen Ezreal fell out of favor in s2 because it gave you a godlike laning phase for aggro but put you hugely behind an IE user if you didn't came way ahead, meaning you still favor late game scaling on carries) you should be building selfishly. Chances are, with most "standard" comps, either you all get to focus a squishy so the BC's passive won't increase dps that much, or you fight their divers while yours go on the enemy team, with the peeler champions doing mostly magical damage and thus not benefiting much from the Armor Reduction.
If you build BC + another BF item, you'll lack AS. If you have BC+PD/Shiv, you'll either lack lifesteal (accessible for only 800, though) or the crit and passive from IE, so you're hurting your scaling just so you can do some more damage to armored targets after hitting them several times (which scales with AS unless you have spells to stack it faster).
BC seems like a jungler or bruiser item to me, so long as the wielder has AoE at his disposal, or a burst caster lategame item, rather than a burst AD caster early item or an AD carry item at all.
Nyjacky playing like he's misaya or something, completely carrying curse.
Also what's with voyboys weird top katarina builds? I keep seeing him buying sunfire capes and warmogs, very odd...........
On January 07 2013 04:28 smOOthMayDie wrote: I think its interesting that he still prefers to get TF over Iceborn.
As for the mastery page, I just did it in my client and used the snipping tool that comes with Windows 7 to cut it out of my screen, uploaded it to imgur, and posted it here. It's worth noting that Weixiao regards AS as a very valuable stat. He repeatedly states that the lack of attack speed on BC makes it kind of worthless to him. I assume the same principal works for IBG. He also never even mentioned it as an item worth getting on Ezreal.
On January 07 2013 04:36 Alaric wrote:Show nested quote +On January 07 2013 03:14 YouGotNothin wrote: I really like statik shiv for the fact that it builds out of avarice blade. Avarice on Ashe with her E passive means a lot more gold per cs. I honestly don't know when I should be getting Shiv and when I should be getting PD though, they seem quite similar except Shiv pushes better and PD does a bit more damage. I don't really like the build-up for this tho: I don't want to buy an early avarice while the opposing AD will be 800 gold ahead of you at that point and 10% crit won't do much in trades (nor to help pushing/cs-ing), and once I have my BF item I'd rather have the zeal first (I feel that the %MS is the most important stat for you at that point, so you can kite those that will dive you, and reposition), which means I won't be sitting on the avarice blade for long. Show nested quote +On January 06 2013 19:45 Slayer91 wrote:On January 06 2013 19:09 Alaric wrote: I played with masteries too (rarely, AD's by far my worst role and if I can get by in lane my teamfighting's atrocious) and I had a lot of fun with a 17-13 page and dshield start (or bought at first back). Reducing incoming autoattack damage by 11 total on top of the early armor+HP+regen makes early trades so absurdly efficient, as long as it's not something like Cait with boots abusing her range lead on you you get to farm pretty calmly without much interference once you traded once or twice and your opponent noted how much more he loses than you (despite it being the most efficient at those low levels, and losing power then). Prob works best against no-sustain lanes. Just get your support to get dorans shield and the - damage minions, play sona, and draw aggro. Win lane guaranteed. Go 0/13/17 or whatever. You can wait in base for 20 gold for a ward after starting dorans. -11 damage is a lot at level 1 l0l. Which minions damage reduction? Tough skin only works on monsters now, and unyielding/block/doran's passive only works on champions' autoattacks. Show nested quote +On January 07 2013 02:26 justiceknight wrote:On January 07 2013 01:57 Yagami wrote: I wonder what's the best way to build ad carries in season 3. What should be my thought process about what to buy in different situations.
I've doing BT/Zeal/IE/PD + LW and defensive item if i'm doing well or IE/PD if i fall behind and need to rush late game.
I've seen a lot of pros getting LW as third item and using statikk shiv and black cleaver a lot( i know BC really is good on MF, but what about other adcs like Ezreal?).
So what items do think are the best for ad carry in season 3 and in what situations? well SS is cheaper than PD and i am still figuring out which is better.For non-Triforce champs usually i go BT > PD/SS > (check if they have armor,if they dont then go IE) if they have armor then go LW > GA > 6th item. Black cleaver is only good for AOE skills [graves buckshot / MF bullet time] , u can consider BC for draven too since his ult and E deals AOE for immediate 4 stacks and Q all the way. For Corki i dont see any difference in his kit Triforce > BT > LW > GA > IE For ezreal theres too many different build for him, currently i am trying out the Iceborn gaunlet build which is so broken and able to kite forever. It is also good for teamfight since their bruiser and jungler cant get closer to ur teammates too. Heres the Iceborn gaunlet build i am using longsword 2 pot > lifesteal > sheen > Iceborn gaunlet > boots 2[AS boots or CD boots which ever u like] > BT > IE/LW > GA > 6th item. For 3000, you'll have 50 AD, 10 ArPen, 250 health, 10% cdr, and 25% Armor Reduction once stacked on your targets. For 2135, you have 40 AD and 35% ArPen via LW. I'd say the LW has better cost-effectiveness, and considering that you're the primary damage source for your team after awhile (and that stuff like bruta+sheen Ezreal fell out of favor in s2 because it gave you a godlike laning phase for aggro but put you hugely behind an IE user if you didn't came way ahead, meaning you still favor late game scaling on carries) you should be building selfishly. Chances are, with most "standard" comps, either you all get to focus a squishy so the BC's passive won't increase dps that much, or you fight their divers while yours go on the enemy team, with the peeler champions doing mostly magical damage and thus not benefiting much from the Armor Reduction. If you build BC + another BF item, you'll lack AS. If you have BC+PD/Shiv, you'll either lack lifesteal (accessible for only 800, though) or the crit and passive from IE, so you're hurting your scaling just so you can do some more damage to armored targets after hitting them several times (which scales with AS unless you have spells to stack it faster). BC seems like a jungler or bruiser item to me, so long as the wielder has AoE at his disposal, or a burst caster lategame item, rather than a burst AD caster early item or an AD carry item at all.
i meant the -champ damage, but getting both is a good idea on sona
On January 07 2013 04:44 Nos- wrote:Show nested quote +On January 07 2013 04:28 smOOthMayDie wrote: I think its interesting that he still prefers to get TF over Iceborn.
As for the mastery page, I just did it in my client and used the snipping tool that comes with Windows 7 to cut it out of my screen, uploaded it to imgur, and posted it here. It's worth noting that Weixiao regards AS as a very valuable stat. He repeatedly states that the lack of attack speed on BC makes it kind of worthless to him. I assume the same principal works for IBG. He also never even mentioned it as an item worth getting on Ezreal. No, the difference is Weixiao is the best ADC in the world. His mechanical skill to kite enemies is only rivaled by Doublelift. He doesn't fucking need IBG. His skilllevel is his version of IBG.
A bit off topic from the current discussion, but I have a fairly important question to ask. This is TL, so I expect people to have already researched this, but if noone here knows the answer I'll ask the SC2 general - What's the best posture (chair height, distance from body to table, position of mouse) in order not to get carpal tunnel? I think I've been straining my wrists too hard recently.
Soooo Shiv+BT is now the standard adc early build?
OutlaW-: I've noticed that I need support for my arms (a chair with armrests), plus I have my wrist lying on the edge of my desk. This makes the strain on my wrist pretty much negligible whilst maintaining a decent amount of control. It's all very personal in what will work for you though.