Syndra feels really strong after my first custom game against bots (I know right <_<)
I like the 0 cast time stuff even more than I thought. The stun isn't that difficult at all to aim and feels super strong, I think only Ashe's is longer range.
6 orb ults don't seem that difficult either, 7 orb ones require a bit of planning but probably possible
eating flasks good for farming jungle camps as mid, a really small maximizing efficiency thing thats just cute to do also for healing up faster before leaving fountain
On January 06 2013 15:43 Shikyo wrote: Syndra feels really strong after my first custom game against bots (I know right <_<)
I like the 0 cast time stuff even more than I thought. The stun isn't that difficult at all to aim and feels super strong, I think only Ashe's is longer range.
6 orb ults don't seem that difficult either, 7 orb ones require a bit of planning but probably possible 6 orbs is a pretty big tell for your opponent tho, if you want to surprise him so he'll be less careful 5 is easy as pie but a bit weak.
The distance on her E can vary a bit, especially for the orbs: they only go to about the reach of the wave, they don't move a set distance so don't try to reach somebody with an orb far from you unless they're sitting on it.
Is 6 orbs a big tell? I think it should just be happening automatically with blue.
For 7 I find that you need to have around 40% cdr and just Q and grab the dark sphere with W and then do a QE W Q Q R combo.
Having huge mana problems though, need either a tear item or athenes
I'd say Athene's better, because it also gives MR (whether you want it or not, you'll have to expose yourself, especially to get a good E off) and CDR (cap that shit!) and chalice is effective immediately. Maybe Seraph's active is good enough defensively, I haven't really tested it tho.
I've found even with blue buff 6 orbs is pretty heavy on your mana, as in you can't really maintain it all the time, so if your opponent sees you stacking stuff like that he'll think you want to make something happen soon, at least that's what my games seemed to tell me. 7 orbs is pretty hard because even with max CDR the timing window is kinda short on the spheres duration, so if you commit your W to it before you're sure and they just run away you'll have to wait a bit before you can try again. It can be annoying against high mobility champs as they force you to get closer than Q range in anticipation of them trying to run away after the W, so you risk getting harassed. Of course if you pull it off you don't really mind anymore since your target should be dead.
Bischu showing why Kat is a bad pick against Zed: he just uses ult when she does.
Man I bought Zekes expecting it to still give AS instead gives AD, like wtf? I liked the AS better -_-.
On January 06 2013 15:19 Alaric wrote:Just saw an Elise tank the foutain for around 6 seconds. Turns out the fountain focuses the spiderlings first, giving her more time to do her stuff. Show nested quote +On January 06 2013 15:05 smOOthMayDie wrote: Has anyone tried the new manamune item on Ezreal?
I was thinking it might be good to get as a third item.
Something like, getting tear early on, getting BT, Iceborn, and then either before or after LW you build tear into Manamune (when tear is fully stacked) Since his Q will apply the damage from the manamune. Same thing: good for poking, not that good for dueling (because of all the gold you dumped into it and the fact that it doesn't scal with crit and ArPen/ArReduc, it's not as cost-effective as the classic build as you get more items). Also people build Gauntlet+Shiv to get even bigger poke for Ezreal. But it's more or less the same stuff: if you put in boots, BC, Shiv, Gauntlet for your poke, then add in LW to still do damage later, then BT because otherwise you've got 0 AD, then sure your poke is godlike but you don't have much when it comes to actual teamfights, so you need your team comp to account for that, and the enemy comp too (if they get somewhat ahead and you have to defend during sieges, you better pray they aren't good at diving because you won't be firing a lot of Qs before they get on your ass). Show nested quote +On January 06 2013 14:30 Mondeezy wrote: When playing assassins, how do you guys manage to dive your target in teamfights, specifically vs a team with good peels? Been practicing my Akali, I do great up until endgame where I usually get spam CC'd as I dive onto the carry and usually die, resulting in my team dying (since I'm usually the fed one). My favorite part of playing an assassin champ. <3 Positioning and timing: you flank them (so you appear later on their screen, avoid the incidental AoE, and don't have something like an Alistar to go through that'll mess your dash with a good ol' pulv) and you bide your time. It's so rewarding when you do it right! It gets way harder as the game drags on though, because you have to wait for the cc to be used, and unless they blow it all right at the start the damage your target outputs while you're waiting should only get higher and higher (think about leaving a Tristana unattended for 5 seconds in the midgame, then later as a 5 items AD carry). Show nested quote +On January 06 2013 14:28 SoulSever wrote:On January 06 2013 14:27 arb wrote:On January 06 2013 14:23 SoulSever wrote:On January 06 2013 14:20 arb wrote:On January 06 2013 14:17 SoulSever wrote: Is something unintended going on when you consume a flask in fountain? saw dan dinh do it on stream and it looked like he had 5 stacks after consuming in fountain... get slightly faster regen, it still caps at 3 tho really? I swear that on the buffs bar, he had a stack of 2 flask charges and another of 3 well the flask charges you can consume will be at 3(like when you walk out of the fountain) but you can have 3 active at one time. I'll take your word for it since I doubt something like this would go unnoticed for several weeks Works like that. Not really useful, you just get 300 HP and 120 mana out of it so you can leave the fountain earlier without missing anything as you arrive to lane.
Yeah, I was referring to endgame. For example, I was like 17-5-7 on Akali one game, they had nunu, udyr, Ezreal, taric, and lee sin. Midgame I was dominating, but once it got 30min into the game I would jump on Ez and lee+nunu would spam peel me. I would end up drawing their focus since I was the most fed, and dying. Then we'd end up losing the team fight due to lack of damage
late night solo queue, first pick = 2400, second pick = 1950
Looked through reddit's post on WE and the link below is where Wx talks about runes/masteries and items for S3.
Here are some rune pages that were mentioned AD Reds and Quints/Armour Yellows/ MR Blues AD Reds and 2x Quints/Armour Yellows/ MR Blues + Lifesteal Quint AD Reds and Quints/Armour Yellows/ 5 MP5/lvl Blues + 4 MR Blues
I also saw this one before... AD reds and quints/Armour Yellows/ MP5/lvl Blues (This one was not in the guide but I saw GodJJ's stream and he mentioned Wx used it and he made a page for himself)
Just thought I'd post this for anyone who wants to play around with it.
I played with masteries too (rarely, AD's by far my worst role and if I can get by in lane my teamfighting's atrocious) and I had a lot of fun with a 17-13 page and dshield start (or bought at first back). Reducing incoming autoattack damage by 11 total on top of the early armor+HP+regen makes early trades so absurdly efficient, as long as it's not something like Cait with boots abusing her range lead on you you get to farm pretty calmly without much interference once you traded once or twice and your opponent noted how much more he loses than you (despite it being the most efficient at those low levels, and losing power then). Prob works best against no-sustain lanes.
So.. Does anyone who understands Mandarin want to translate that?
Chinese League is sick. So sick.
On January 06 2013 19:09 Alaric wrote: I played with masteries too (rarely, AD's by far my worst role and if I can get by in lane my teamfighting's atrocious) and I had a lot of fun with a 17-13 page and dshield start (or bought at first back). Reducing incoming autoattack damage by 11 total on top of the early armor+HP+regen makes early trades so absurdly efficient, as long as it's not something like Cait with boots abusing her range lead on you you get to farm pretty calmly without much interference once you traded once or twice and your opponent noted how much more he loses than you (despite it being the most efficient at those low levels, and losing power then). Prob works best against no-sustain lanes.
Just get your support to get dorans shield and the - damage minions, play sona, and draw aggro. Win lane guaranteed. Go 0/13/17 or whatever. You can wait in base for 20 gold for a ward after starting dorans. -11 damage is a lot at level 1 l0l.
I feel like in 2008 when I saw ehome and lgd play dota. This is unreal.
United States47024 Posts
On January 06 2013 19:51 OutlaW- wrote: I feel like in 2008 when I saw ehome and lgd play dota. This is unreal. You mean 2010? LGD didn't sponsor FTD until after they won SMM 2009.
You're right. I got the year wrong. I meant 2009, SMM specifically.
oh wait this ain't the dota subforum
On January 06 2013 14:37 dae wrote:Show nested quote +On January 06 2013 14:31 ChaoSbringer wrote:On January 06 2013 14:28 SoulSever wrote:On January 06 2013 14:27 arb wrote:On January 06 2013 14:23 SoulSever wrote:On January 06 2013 14:20 arb wrote:On January 06 2013 14:17 SoulSever wrote: Is something unintended going on when you consume a flask in fountain? saw dan dinh do it on stream and it looked like he had 5 stacks after consuming in fountain... get slightly faster regen, it still caps at 3 tho really? I swear that on the buffs bar, he had a stack of 2 flask charges and another of 3 well the flask charges you can consume will be at 3(like when you walk out of the fountain) but you can have 3 active at one time. I'll take your word for it since I doubt something like this would go unnoticed for several weeks It was showing the 3 stacks of active flasks (like how if you drink multiple health/mana potions numbers appear telling you how many are stacked) and the number of available charges. Personally I've noticed if you use flask charges, then recall, then use more, you can stack it past 3 charges, and it lasts a really long time. Not that useful though. Also, how do you avoid 10 min que times when leveling a second account due to like 66% winrate? (as lvl 12 being put with 9 other people lvl 20+ is really really annoying due to runes) I noticed it used to stack to 5 at once, but last patch they ninja patched to being able to only have 3 stacks
I wonder what's the best way to build ad carries in season 3. What should be my thought process about what to buy in different situations.
I've doing BT/Zeal/IE/PD + LW and defensive item if i'm doing well or IE/PD if i fall behind and need to rush late game.
I've seen a lot of pros getting LW as third item and using statikk shiv and black cleaver a lot( i know BC really is good on MF, but what about other adcs like Ezreal?).
So what items do think are the best for ad carry in season 3 and in what situations?
On January 07 2013 01:57 Yagami wrote: I wonder what's the best way to build ad carries in season 3. What should be my thought process about what to buy in different situations.
I've doing BT/Zeal/IE/PD + LW and defensive item if i'm doing well or IE/PD if i fall behind and need to rush late game.
I've seen a lot of pros getting LW as third item and using statikk shiv and black cleaver a lot( i know BC really is good on MF, but what about other adcs like Ezreal?).
So what items do think are the best for ad carry in season 3 and in what situations?
well SS is cheaper than PD and i am still figuring out which is better.For non-Triforce champs usually i go BT > PD/SS > (check if they have armor,if they dont then go IE) if they have armor then go LW > GA > 6th item. Black cleaver is only good for AOE skills [graves buckshot / MF bullet time] , u can consider BC for draven too since his ult and E deals AOE for immediate 4 stacks and Q all the way.
For Corki i dont see any difference in his kit Triforce > BT > LW > GA > IE For ezreal theres too many different build for him, currently i am trying out the Iceborn gaunlet build which is so broken and able to kite forever. It is also good for teamfight since their bruiser and jungler cant get closer to ur teammates too. Heres the Iceborn gaunlet build i am using
longsword 2 pot > lifesteal > sheen > Iceborn gaunlet > boots 2[AS boots or CD boots which ever u like] > BT > IE/LW > GA > 6th item.
On January 07 2013 02:26 justiceknight wrote:Show nested quote +On January 07 2013 01:57 Yagami wrote: I wonder what's the best way to build ad carries in season 3. What should be my thought process about what to buy in different situations.
I've doing BT/Zeal/IE/PD + LW and defensive item if i'm doing well or IE/PD if i fall behind and need to rush late game.
I've seen a lot of pros getting LW as third item and using statikk shiv and black cleaver a lot( i know BC really is good on MF, but what about other adcs like Ezreal?).
So what items do think are the best for ad carry in season 3 and in what situations? well SS is cheaper than PD and i am still figuring out which is better.For non-Triforce champs usually i go BT > PD/SS > (check if they have armor,if they dont then go IE) if they have armor then go LW > GA > 6th item. Black cleaver is only good for AOE skills [graves buckshot / MF bullet time] , u can consider BC for draven too since his ult and E deals AOE for immediate 4 stacks and Q all the way. For Corki i dont see any difference in his kit Triforce > BT > LW > GA > IE For ezreal theres too many different build for him, currently i am trying out the Iceborn gaunlet build which is so broken and able to kite forever. It is also good for teamfight since their bruiser and jungler cant get closer to ur teammates too. Heres the Iceborn gaunlet build i am using longsword 2 pot > lifesteal > sheen > Iceborn gaunlet > boots 2[AS boots or CD boots which ever u like] > BT > IE/LW > GA > 6th item. I was actually wondering if Corkis gatling gun triggers BC. Might even make sense for single DPS in this case, since you stack up much faster.
PS: Just checked, in principle it should since it is physical damage and not magical.