On November 09 2012 00:53 thenexusp wrote:Show nested quote +Subsequently, since the new version gives more MP5 it would require Meki Pendant instead of Faerie Charm. Nah, elisa's miracle has always given very high mp5 from purely upgrading a faerie charm (3mp5 -> 8mp5 -> 20mp/5) That just shows how often I get the item.
Just played a game on my 1400 smurf just to play Xerath. This guy is a real fucking monster after he gets items. But until he gets like 200+ ap waveclearing is a bitch. especially against players/champs that wont let you walk up to AA the creeps (I played against an Ori, she would QW me if I tried to do it like that). and that's only the caster minions. With someone like Ahri I only need something like 80ap and level 9 to waveclear the casters.
His W is also a bitch to use cause of the long windups. He's super fun to teamfight with though, instantly burst down any champ on the team with 3 500 damage hard to miss AoE nukes while having like, fuckin 60% mpen or something crazy like that.
Edit: The reason I made this post was to offer my insight on why Xerath is never seen. I'm not sure if the mpen changes will lift him from obscurity.
Actually with these changes I may play Chinese characters exclusively. Wukong needs a Qitian Dasheng skin (how do you translate that to english?) - something like this this. J4 and Xin Zhao are already getting Romance of 3 Kingdom skins. Sona already has a harp skin so she doesn't need a Red Mansion skin, but who cares about that book anyway.
EDIT: to wave clear as xerath, you keep the lane cleared and Q twice as they come in a straight line. Your cd will come up in time.
On November 09 2012 01:00 Sandster wrote: EDIT: to wave clear as xerath, you keep the lane cleared and Q twice as they come in a straight line. Your cd will come up in time.
>< why didn't I think of that.
Also Xerah doesn't even need to dive. Or come close. Blue side, you're doing dragon, enemy team shows up? It's 0K, bait them into the pit, unleash your combo from you jungle thanks to W. One lane lost their outer tower? Ward, push them to their inner while the jungler is elsewhere, walk up the corridor next to the tower and 100-0 them.
Lux has more range on her ult but Xerath just annihilates stuff with full combo from outside vision. 
Something often invoked about why he isn't played much is his underwhelming animations (even scorched earth Xerath couldn't pick up interest) and his lack of character.
Edit: about armor reduction, how does it work, does it - reduce total armor (so if a buff is applied after the reduction, its bonus will be reduced too) or - reduce total armor at the time of casting (hence Wukong Qs Leona, she then activates her shield, she'll get the full bonus)?
Quick tips about Jax vs Yorick? Early vamp+MR, play passive until 6, then trade right before his ghouls disappear so he won't have his passive bonuses? Nvm he was bad but my team somehow gave him kills and I got camped so it didn't matter.
Doesn't Yorick do mostly physical damage? Wouldn't rushing tabi + vamp be a lot better?
On November 09 2012 01:41 Dusty wrote: Doesn't Yorick do mostly physical damage? Wouldn't rushing tabi + vamp be a lot better? Yorick's W and E do magic damage. The E is one of those weird abilities that deals magic damage but has a pure AD ratio
On November 09 2012 00:49 Xacez wrote:Show nested quote +On November 09 2012 00:28 Alaric wrote:...isn't 10hp/sec LESS health than the item it builds out of? I know it's probably to compensate the fact that Heal is now a little more spammable and, you know, it doesn't take an item slot but, really? Would that extra 5 really break it? Xypherous: Well, it certainly does imply that some things will change. My bet on a philo nerf. Would also mean a nerf to Regrowth Pendant since it gives the 15 HP5. Or, they will change the item needed to Rejuvenation Bead. Subsequently, since the new version gives more MP5 it would require Meki Pendant instead of Faerie Charm. Meki Pendant (390g) + Rejuvenation bead (250g) + 160g = Philosopher's Stone (800g) Food for thought.
A lot of basic items/stats are getting recosted in the item rework. It's too early to even call it a nerf. I wouldn't even count on both pendant and bead existing in S3.
20% cd off from an item gunna be broken as hell unless they lower Heal/Clarity ratios by a lot
Yeah I tried to go for vamp scepter+NMM+pots, and since he went for tabi+HoG instead of tear I could beat him, but our jungler came and pushed the lane for nothing so he was able to freeze the lane to his tower such that I couldn't kill him even tho he was oom pre-6, and he got a cs advantage because of the huge wave that killed the enemy minions next to his tower. Then I could duel him easily but their Amumu got fed off out botlane and went for double dring build so by the time he came to camp me post-6 I couldn't do anything but be zoned, and I wouldn't have enough MR if I ever fought. Bot+jungle lost horribly so they surrendered at 20.
The annoying part is that you have to build MR in lane, but then he does mostly physical damage during sustained trades, so the MR isn't as useful.
Whenever I play vs Olaf, I end up getting dunked on pretty hard. But whenever I play Olaf, I'm always really low on mana and I only get ahead because they engaged at a stupid time so I get off lots of free damage. If they come to trade I have to retaliate with both E and axes or else I lose the trade and axes are so mana heavy T_T
Does this mean that whenever I'm playing vs an Olaf and I lose horribly its just because I am terrible
u prolly take that shit right in the ass and dont fight back olaf is a bully and what do u do vs bullies? u fight them back if he gets E off on you for free ya u gonna lose lane badly but if u cant outtrade him then you're gonna get stomped pretty badly in the end olaf shits on many people but he shits on people especially hard if they dont know how to play against him(abuse him when he Es you, his other kit is fairly weak damage wise compared to other people)
On November 09 2012 02:10 OutlaW- wrote: u prolly take that shit right in the ass and dont fight back olaf is a bully and what do u do vs bullies? u fight them back if he gets E off on you for free ya u gonna lose lane badly but if u cant outtrade him then you're gonna get stomped pretty badly in the end olaf shits on many people but he shits on people especially hard if they dont know how to play against him(abuse him when he Es you, his other kit is fairly weak damage wise compared to other people) What I get from your insight is that Olaf is poesy incarnate.
On November 09 2012 02:14 WhiteDog wrote:Show nested quote +On November 09 2012 02:10 OutlaW- wrote: u prolly take that shit right in the ass and dont fight back olaf is a bully and what do u do vs bullies? u fight them back if he gets E off on you for free ya u gonna lose lane badly but if u cant outtrade him then you're gonna get stomped pretty badly in the end olaf shits on many people but he shits on people especially hard if they dont know how to play against him(abuse him when he Es you, his other kit is fairly weak damage wise compared to other people) What I get from your insight is that Olaf is poesy incarnate.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/5GoKu.png) yes
On November 09 2012 00:01 Requizen wrote:Show nested quote +On November 08 2012 23:54 WaveofShadow wrote:Wowowowow. THIS is interesting. http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?p=31182511#post31182511Xypherous really shakes things up in LoL, not always for the better, but at least he's trying to make a big difference. Makes for a very interesting investment item, though I'm not sure how useful it's REALLY going to be because in order for the regen to be useful you have to get it real early, and the 'aid' passive isn't great at all. Early game item not slot effective? Make it absorb into the champion. I kind of like it. If they buff Heal or CV to the point where people start taking them again, it might be a really worthwhile investment on support champs. As he points out later in the thread, it opens up slots for consumables later in the game, so you won't worry as much about the "support with items but no wards", rare as it is. It may actually be pretty cost effective if it still builds out of Philo. If you get Philo quickly (assists from early kills or your AD allows you to farm a bit), it pays itself off probably far before you hit 14, then you buy Miracle and let it disappear late game so you have another slot for aura/wards. Edit: this: Some dude: Show nested quote +Now that i think of it... what's to prevent people from demanding supports just get these disapearing items, boots, and then just telling them to fill up on wards? Xyph: Show nested quote +People kind of do that now already - so first, you have to solve the ward problem somehow.
I'll.. talk about that later. I should probably sleep or something. Night guys Ward changes inc?
I really dislike the 3-level thing. Make it "hold for 10 minutes" instead plz.
On November 09 2012 02:52 Sufficiency wrote:Show nested quote +On November 09 2012 00:01 Requizen wrote:On November 08 2012 23:54 WaveofShadow wrote:Wowowowow. THIS is interesting. http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?p=31182511#post31182511Xypherous really shakes things up in LoL, not always for the better, but at least he's trying to make a big difference. Makes for a very interesting investment item, though I'm not sure how useful it's REALLY going to be because in order for the regen to be useful you have to get it real early, and the 'aid' passive isn't great at all. Early game item not slot effective? Make it absorb into the champion. I kind of like it. If they buff Heal or CV to the point where people start taking them again, it might be a really worthwhile investment on support champs. As he points out later in the thread, it opens up slots for consumables later in the game, so you won't worry as much about the "support with items but no wards", rare as it is. It may actually be pretty cost effective if it still builds out of Philo. If you get Philo quickly (assists from early kills or your AD allows you to farm a bit), it pays itself off probably far before you hit 14, then you buy Miracle and let it disappear late game so you have another slot for aura/wards. Edit: this: Some dude: Now that i think of it... what's to prevent people from demanding supports just get these disapearing items, boots, and then just telling them to fill up on wards? Xyph: People kind of do that now already - so first, you have to solve the ward problem somehow.
I'll.. talk about that later. I should probably sleep or something. Night guys Ward changes inc? I really dislike the 3-level thing. Make it "hold for 10 minutes" instead plz. I think the idea was to prevent people from getting it in the end game and just waiting the time limit for a free item, but regen stats are really wasted later on, so it's kind of moot.
Level is kind of interesting too, in that if you decide to get it on a solo laner (a top who lets philo pay itself off but still wants some mana regen, like maybe Nunu), it gets "absorbed" much faster than it would for the duo lane support.
On November 09 2012 02:52 Sufficiency wrote:Show nested quote +On November 09 2012 00:01 Requizen wrote:On November 08 2012 23:54 WaveofShadow wrote:Wowowowow. THIS is interesting. http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?p=31182511#post31182511Xypherous really shakes things up in LoL, not always for the better, but at least he's trying to make a big difference. Makes for a very interesting investment item, though I'm not sure how useful it's REALLY going to be because in order for the regen to be useful you have to get it real early, and the 'aid' passive isn't great at all. Early game item not slot effective? Make it absorb into the champion. I kind of like it. If they buff Heal or CV to the point where people start taking them again, it might be a really worthwhile investment on support champs. As he points out later in the thread, it opens up slots for consumables later in the game, so you won't worry as much about the "support with items but no wards", rare as it is. It may actually be pretty cost effective if it still builds out of Philo. If you get Philo quickly (assists from early kills or your AD allows you to farm a bit), it pays itself off probably far before you hit 14, then you buy Miracle and let it disappear late game so you have another slot for aura/wards. Edit: this: Some dude: Now that i think of it... what's to prevent people from demanding supports just get these disapearing items, boots, and then just telling them to fill up on wards? Xyph: People kind of do that now already - so first, you have to solve the ward problem somehow.
I'll.. talk about that later. I should probably sleep or something. Night guys Ward changes inc? I really dislike the 3-level thing. Make it "hold for 10 minutes" instead plz. The fact that it absorbs into champion is fucking full retard. When is riot going to understand, some times strong cost efficiency can out weigh slot efficiency.
Agreed. I can just see now them freaking out because Irelia starts running heal and builds an elisia, while supports can't get the thing to turn because by the time they build the elisia, they're level 11 and they don't even get to 14 by the time it matters.
On November 09 2012 03:10 sylverfyre wrote: Agreed. I can just see now them freaking out because Irelia starts running heal and builds an elisia, while supports can't get the thing to turn because by the time they build the elisia, they're level 11 and they don't even get to 14 by the time it matters.
I think what you meant to say is that zombie Karthus will rush this for maximum zombie rushes.