On August 11 2012 07:05 Slusher wrote: well that was fast revisionist history people saying TSM put up a fight against Blaze.
OGN premium service sick yet again, log into watch todays games, picture of the semi final match ups on the front page, I mean I expected this outcome but wtf.
I don't even know what to say about hotshot, like the only word that comes to mind for his maokai game is irrelevant. Yeah, what kind of "put up a fight" ends you with an 0-5. :/
0-6 realisitically. the re-game was over.
Top NA teams right now were just the first wave of solo queue superstars not the most talented. Same thing happened in NA Dota; EU/Russia will always be relevant. NA will always have plenty of skilled big-ego pubstompers/ricers, but will never have a dedicated 5-man team.
United States6657 Posts
Ugh, the place I usually dl the Korean VODs has a really shitty version up right now. I'm not sure if I want to upload this version on to youtube...
man reading chauster's AMA makes me kinda mad as a CLG fan. How do professionals even have these refuse to improve attitudes. If hotshot and jiji seriously can't see their mistakes they're better off stepping down.
On August 11 2012 17:09 zulu_nation8 wrote: man reading chauster's AMA makes me kinda mad as a CLG fan. How do professionals even have these refuse to improve attitudes. If hotshot and jiji seriously can't see their mistakes they're better off stepping down.
Where did you read this AMA?
United States47024 Posts
I love jiji to death. I've always been a CLG fan. But I honestly wish that Chauster/DL would find a new team. I agree with the post above that NA will likely get outpaced in the future by EU/KR/CN. But I think that at the very least what you see in Chauster/DL is at least two players who have the drive, ambition, and honestly personality type to work in a five man team.
I realize that CLG isn't gonna drop jiji or Hotshot anytime soon. Probably won't ever happen. And I also realize that Chau/DL leaving CLG is just as unlikely unless they get some kind of crazy offer from an established organization.
jiji has always been my favorite pro player. But I think even the most rabid of jiji fanboys have to accept facts. He isn't a pro level AP mid player anymore. Not saying he couldn't fit into other roles at the top. Not saying CLG should bench him or he should retire. But he should seriously consider playing a new role. What AP mid has evolved into doesn't fit his playstyle at all.
Thanks a lot for the posts answering my questions 1 or 2 pages before.
On August 11 2012 18:17 overt wrote:
But I honestly wish that Chauster/DL would find a new team. [...] But I think that at the very least what you see in Chauster/DL is at least two players who have the drive, ambition, and honestly personality type to work in a five man team.
I realize that CLG isn't gonna drop jiji or Hotshot anytime soon. Probably won't ever happen. And I also realize that Chau/DL leaving CLG is just as unlikely unless they get some kind of crazy offer from an established organization.
So much this. Exactly the words I couldn't find.
I'm a big Chauster fan because he can be so objective about everything including his own gameplay and doesn't suffer from the overconfidence bias almost every other pro gamer is blinded by (and because he can play almost everything so well). He also can be very expressive like he is right now after the loss.
And most important, he doesn't make a secret of what he thinks are the reasons for their poor performance at OGN. He said for months now that jiji can't hold his own in mid and that he considers it to be a miracle if he for some reason wins his lane in competitive 5x5.
He pointed out what HSGG does wrong in the jungle long time ago since he started it and that Voyboy needs to stop dying to predictable standard ganks because of unnecessary aggression shortly after he joined CLG.na.
And still the same shit happens over and over again, only constant element of CLG.na is their bot lane and if Chau + DL fail to carry there is not much hope left that anybody else is outstanding. The others look good if bot lane already wins the game, but if it doesn't, there is no noticeable "second" force you can rely on.
And while I catch Voyboy happily streaming few hours after the loss I can read between Chauster's answers in his AMA that he has enough for the day and is kinda fed up and disappointed.
LoL competitive scene is starting to look like dota - CN/RU(kr) > NA
On August 11 2012 21:58 Abenson wrote: LoL competitive scene is starting to look like dota - CN/RU(kr) > NA
And sc2 and well pretty much every competetive game where asia takes an interest in and the reason is the game for every single one.
As Chauster explains CLG.NA doesnt want to improve (the majority anyway) any succes they had has been because of individual skill triumphing. Yet as the rest of the world keeps improving both personaly and as a team they get left behind.
IMO Voy is a fucking beast top laner, he didn't play that well yesterday but played really well in the groups before that.
I love jiji as well but man he has fallen off so much :/ . It sucks but CLG will never bench him I think, him and HSGG are too close. I'm prepared to give HSGG a few more months in jungle before I judge him properly (And tbh he impressed me a lot at MLG and the earlier pool play games against MVP/IM).
CLGs bot lane is probably close to the best in the world, but I think Froggen and Alex Ich have shown how ridiculously good it is for a team to have a dominant AP.
I know the casters seemed surprised, but the other team picking Morg top into Jax basically let Voyboy farm up late game Jax for free, so you can ignore that game for "playing like a beast"
Its really a sad thing for CLG.na and I can kind of relate myself to their actual situation. When playing with friends alot, you can get into the mentality that you think you are at a certain level. But that can actually prevent you from improving since you blame more your teammates for the loss, instead of seeing what YOU can do to improve.
Solo Q practice is another big problem with it. Your just not going to find the level of Froggen/Alex ect in even a tenth of your games leading you to think your a lot better then you actualy are.
On August 11 2012 22:13 schmutttt wrote: I love jiji as well but man he has fallen off so much :/ . It sucks but CLG will never bench him I think, him and HSGG are too close. I'm prepared to give HSGG a few more months in jungle before I judge him properly (And tbh he impressed me a lot at MLG and the earlier pool play games against MVP/IM).
When Chauster went to support and jiji went back to AP mid it was done because jiji's team fighting and positioning in fights is a lot stronger than Chau's. In fact, his team fight strength is still just as good as anyone else in most of the top teams imo. But that doesn't mean shit when you're under farmed and you haven't had as much of an impact as your opponent during the first twenty minutes. CLG believed that it would be easier for jiji to fix his lane phase problems than it would've been for Chau to learn team fighting/positioning better. Which is a fair assessment I think. However jiji has shown that he's either unwilling or unable to re-learn lane phase and early/mid game as an AP carry. The role has evolved and jiji cannot seem to adapt to it.
I don't blame them for not benching him. He's been with the team since the beginning and he's probably the most chill and cool guy in professional LoL. Frequently anytime CLG gets into a fight it's jiji who steps up and tells them to shut the hell up and just play. In that regard he's probably still invaluable to the team and if he improved his early game and lane phase he'd be irreplaceable on CLG. I just don't know if he can do it. He definitely needs the most work of anyone else on CLG though and as a huge fan of his I hope he can improve but I sincerely doubt his chances.
On August 11 2012 22:13 schmutttt wrote: IMO Voy is a fucking beast top laner, he didn't play that well yesterday but played really well in the groups before that.
I love jiji as well but man he has fallen off so much :/ . It sucks but CLG will never bench him I think, him and HSGG are too close. I'm prepared to give HSGG a few more months in jungle before I judge him properly (And tbh he impressed me a lot at MLG and the earlier pool play games against MVP/IM).
CLGs bot lane is probably close to the best in the world, but I think Froggen and Alex Ich have shown how ridiculously good it is for a team to have a dominant AP.
Of course Voyboy is a beasttoplaner otherwise he wouldnt have been recruited into clg.na but sometimes his relentless aggression is not appropriate and you fall victim for really standard ganks which has been the case in game 1 for example where ue just died 2 times and Jax owned him 1v1 out of lane np. sometimes u just gotta sit back and farm as best as you can.
JiJi so disappointing atm
It's noteworthy how much praise (relative to his personality) Chauster gives Crumbzz vs criticism directed at Voyboy. It's pretty obvious how badly VB's playstyle fits with the team.
Something about Korean teams doing really well vs Foreigner teams makes me really happy inside, especially when you're surrounded by friends who are FOB with eSports and can't stop talking about "OMG CLG/TSM BEST TEAMS IN THE WORLD, UNSTOPPABLE!"
I can't be alone in this, or am I?