The Champions Feedback ThreadGeneral Warning: Do not caster bash in this thread. If there's something specific you don't like about OGN's casting, use the Feedback thread above for constructive criticism. Otherwise, don't comment about it. ~ Neo, 30.03.12, 20:25 KST |
On April 20 2012 20:08 Fionn wrote: Did I just see a HandsomeNerd patch on one of the teams or am I just seeing things? Yea I noticed it too, looks like the casting archon is branching out.
How many fucking adverts...
its is a tv channel thats why all the adverts. And yellow is an awesome fellah
On April 20 2012 20:11 Fionn wrote: Oh hey, Xenics Storm is sponsored by Tastosis. Not that big of a shock seeing as it is Yellow's team.
I'm a noob to LoL, but from that first game, it looked like Storm was miles ahead skill wise. Xenics is a pretty good team with some strong old-timers such as ManyReason while MKZ is a mid-tier team that managed to get into the Quaterfinals thanks to a weak group more than having skill.
No, WW is picked to counter Shen in lane, not to jungle!
bans: storm. Kassadin nidalee ahri mkz. Anivia lulu kennen picks: storm. Shen olaf sivir janna cassiOPeia mkz. Urgot alistar jarman warwick morgana
Xenics Bans: Kassadin, HotShotNidaleeGeeGee, Nyaaahri MKZ Bans: Anivia, LuluSquirrel!, Kennen
Xenics Picks: SHEN; Olaf Sivir; CasiOPeia Janna MKZ Picks: Urgot Alistar; Jarmander Warwick; Morgana
if MKZ can land their aoe and not die early on... Moonbear <3
Oh but Shen is going to jungle himself... and WW's basically screwed against Olaf now.
Ooh, Jarman gank top, fails once, just loop around and come back and First Blood! Should help WW a lot although not sure it instawins lane for him.
Jarvan ganks Olaf with his lane pushed up. Using slow and using his jump to catch his flash. First blood to MKZ Jungler
J4 ganks got. Flash to avoid the counter-torunado, but his EQ gets countered by Sivir spellshield. No dice.
Morgana lane gank tower dive before Olaf hits 6 and he dies, but Cassi and Shen at Blue come and kill Morgana in return. That was really good of MKZ despite the death. Surprisingly only 10 cs behind.
Bad fight bot, Shen ult in and bye bye Urgot.
Olaf gets flash ulted by Morg from the brush and then tower dove for a kill. Olaf flash still down and not 6 and dies, Shen and Cass come in and pick off Morg as they retreat.
MKZ Urgot dies shortly after to Storm's bot lane.
Nice Jarman dunking on Cass!
Jarvan fulls off a crazy flash -> flag grab -> ult to kill a low Cass as she backs off after a close trade with Morg.
Morgana and Cassi almost kill each other mid. Cassi backs off but Jarmander Flash+EQ to towerdive and ults onto her in range of second tower. Shen comes from his jungle but WW runs through the towers too to peel Shen off. Lolwut. Dragon for MKZ.
Olaf fights WW. Shen ult in, tower dive, dead WW.
WW gets dived by an ulting Olaf with a Shen ult on him, real terror.