On October 27 2011 03:31 TheYango wrote:Show nested quote +On October 27 2011 03:27 taLbuk wrote:On October 27 2011 03:26 TheYango wrote:On October 27 2011 03:07 Two_DoWn wrote: Terrible argument req. There are 2 types of tourney bans: shit that actually is op, and shit that is annoying but counterable. Talon is the later. Teams just ban him out so they dont need to worry about him. That makes him strong, but not op.
There are other ways to deal with talon as well. udyr with a fast oracles shits on talon in every fight. Same with renek or any tanky dps with some sort of silence or stun. It's not proof, but the fact that he won every game he was in despite being an early pick in most/all of those games is at least somewhat indicative of the fact that he's not 100% straightforward to counter. he was out for like what? 2 weeks than? people know how to deal with talon now (i.e rammus etc) but the real shit people should be scared about is xerath he came out during the beginning of the month packed with back to back tournaments, but now that they are over top players are putting effort into xerath he is scary as shit Two weeks? More like two months. Talon patch came out August 24. IEM NY happened the weekend of October 13.
oh for some reason i was thinking ghuanzhou, but the point still stands that people have figured him out and are beginning to counter him rather than ban, but alot of top teams still ban him vs certain teams like dignitas
People must be playing a different game than I am(and watching different pro events) to think Talon is anything but the best assassin in the game right now. I know appealing to authority isn't always right, but essentially every team that played Dignitas in recent times left Talon unbanned once, got totally abused by Scarra or Voy(both play him at a ridiculous level), then put him on permaban status. I'm fairly sure there was a game at either IPL or IEMNY where he started 0-3 and ended legendary, chunking the entire enemy team for 50%+ of their HP in one combo, while escaping alive.
If it were so easy to counter him he wouldn't be a top ban. He's not getting last picked in games where he is left unbanned either(a sign that he's a counterpickable/counterpick champ), he's autolock first pick status.
Talon's really strong. Why would anyone want to argue otherwise? Also I think "just build armor" isn't much of a counter. No one was claiming that Orianna wasn't broken because you can "just build MR."
On October 27 2011 03:32 taLbuk wrote: but the point still stands that people have figured him out and are beginning to counter him rather than ban, but alot of top teams still ban him vs certain teams like dignitas
How does that point still stand? When was that point ever made for it to be standing somehow? Nobody is fucking counterpicking him. The only play we've seen since IEM NY is the WCG shit, and he's still a ban/first pick champion. What the fuck is wrong with you people.
Top teams can counter-pick talon just fine, but the issue becomes that he's so versatile. If he goes unbanned and one team picks him early, now the other team has to design their whole pick strategy over the possibility that Talon could be in their lane, since he can pretty much go anywhere. Ultimately teams end up handicapped by the simple possibility that Talon could go anywhere, limiting their picks to champions that could survive against Talon.
Whether he's OP or not is a matter of opinion, but banning him makes perfect sense in the context of the matchup problems he creates.
Well, he's essentially physical Aoe burst damage that he WILL output in a teamfight if he isn't a complete moron. If that's what the team wants then that's exactly what they will get.
It's rare that "lots of instant AoE damage" is undesirable.
Assassin's(mainly akali) still do quite some damage without many items on squishies, 1 mistake in a teamfight and they can snowball back into the game that way despite losing their lane.
United States37500 Posts
What bothers me the most is this "Buy Chain Vest, win lane" idea as a counter to Talon. Yes, you won't die to Talon in your own lane but what's to stop him from farming? Rake make farming so incredibly easy for Talon unless you're a Garen who can Flash Silence, for example.
If you can't stop Talon from last hitting with W, what's to stop him from ganking your allies that don't have a Chain Vest as soon as he hits 6?
On October 27 2011 03:40 red_ wrote:Show nested quote +On October 27 2011 03:32 taLbuk wrote: but the point still stands that people have figured him out and are beginning to counter him rather than ban, but alot of top teams still ban him vs certain teams like dignitas
How does that point still stand? When was that point ever made for it to be standing somehow? Nobody is fucking counterpicking him. The only play we've seen since IEM NY is the WCG shit, and he's still a ban/first pick champion. What the fuck is wrong with you people.
can you type without sounding like a complete hothead?
"the point" was referring to my reply to theyango
yes talon is good, and especially ban worthy vs teams who have masters of him like dignitas (like i said), but there are decent counters out there which players have shown to be effective
On October 27 2011 03:43 NeoIllusions wrote: What bothers me the most is this "Buy Chain Vest, win lane" idea as a counter to Talon. Yes, you won't die to Talon in your own lane but what's to stop him from farming? Rake make farming so incredibly easy for Talon unless you're a Garen who can Flash Silence, for example.
If you can't stop Talon from last hitting with W, what's to stop him from ganking your allies that don't have a Chain Vest as soon as he hits 6? It's pretty dumb anyways just because you have a Chain vest doesn't mean 100% guaranteed he won't kill you again. While you just spent 700g on an armor item that doesn't necessarily fit with your champ he just spent 1000g on an item to rape you and your buddies harder
On October 27 2011 03:43 NeoIllusions wrote: What bothers me the most is this "Buy Chain Vest, win lane" idea as a counter to Talon. Yes, you won't die to Talon in your own lane but what's to stop him from farming? Rake make farming so incredibly easy for Talon unless you're a Garen who can Flash Silence, for example.
If you can't stop Talon from last hitting with W, what's to stop him from ganking your allies that don't have a Chain Vest as soon as he hits 6? That's because a lot of time people use the argument "don't let them get kills early and they're worthless".
United States37500 Posts
People need to learn that "kills != farm" and "solid farm > kills" then. :<
On October 27 2011 03:28 gtrsrs wrote: so i think wit's end needs a slight nerf i buy it on every champion i jungle with and i think it's retardedly strong makes tanky dps tankier and do more dps for essentially no cost
recurve = 1050 (+40% AS) null = 400 (+24 MR) recipe = 550 (+6 MR, +42 magic damage on hit, +20 MR after 4 hits)
even with 0 stacks i feel like the damage is well worth the combine cost, but with full stacks this item is stupidly efficient. 50 MR and 40% as with a BF sword included? O_o Yeah, it's pretty nasty right now. I've been thinking about this item a lot and how it fits a lot of champions who were already retartedly strong without it. It's preeeetty mean.
I've been wondering how good it is on Shaco. Currently, I'm running Zerker Greaves, Lantern, Triforce on him, according to a recent guide on solomid, but in theory, the on-hit should be HOLYMOLYNASTY with his Ult and the attackspeed should free up the boots slot for Mercs (srs) or Mobility Boots (trololo)
On October 27 2011 03:43 NeoIllusions wrote: What bothers me the most is this "Buy Chain Vest, win lane" idea as a counter to Talon. Yes, you won't die to Talon in your own lane but what's to stop him from farming? Rake make farming so incredibly easy for Talon unless you're a Garen who can Flash Silence, for example.
If you can't stop Talon from last hitting with W, what's to stop him from ganking your allies that don't have a Chain Vest as soon as he hits 6? Talon has zero sustain in his kit, low hp and mediocre resistances. If he cannot trade positively, he cannot stay in the lane. His only method of trading besides ewq is to throw w and hope you get hit, which will only be the case if you over extend. So? You push him out of the lane like anybody else that's melee and can't make proper trades, by pushing into creeps and forcing him to rake you instead of to rice.
The alternative is just to smash the lane into his tower if you're running a hero that can obliterate a lane because it leaves you very open to go gank other lanes/take drag/push the tower. If he's forced to rake and hit the ranged creeps, he loses all of them to the tower.
On October 27 2011 03:52 NeoIllusions wrote: People need to learn that "kills != farm" and "solid farm > kills" then. :<
xcept that most ppl have no idea how to farm and the majority of their gold income comes from kills, thus does the misconception occur
i've always used 2 terms for how stacked a champ is, fed = lots of gold from champ kills, farmed = lots of gold from cs/objectives
On October 27 2011 03:31 spinesheath wrote:Show nested quote +On October 27 2011 03:28 gtrsrs wrote: so i think wit's end needs a slight nerf i buy it on every champion i jungle with and i think it's retardedly strong makes tanky dps tankier and do more dps for essentially no cost
recurve = 1050 (+40% AS) null = 400 (+24 MR) recipe = 550 (+6 MR, +42 magic damage on hit, +20 MR after 4 hits)
even with 0 stacks i feel like the damage is well worth the combine cost, but with full stacks this item is stupidly efficient. 50 MR and 40% as with a BF sword included? O_o Yes, Wit's End is extremely good. I thought everyone knew that at least for 2 months now. You also have to consider that it is a midrange dead end item so it's ok if it's more efficient than base items or big items. It's just a bit too much though, especially with magic damage being the biggest threat during midgame these days.
The thing is, you build Wit's End on tanky dps champs that rely on AS, whose builds are typically (Wriggles), Merc Threads, Wit's End, (Aegis), major defensive item or two, Triforce. On these guys, the Wit's End + Triforce combo is absolutely insane, and outside of the occasional Wit's End+Atmog build will not go for another damage item. The one replacement for Wit's End is Bloodrazor, and that's a situational item that you would build as your 7th item anyway. The only other time I can see Wit's End getting outdated is if you have Boots, Wit's End, Triforce, Randuin/FH/GA, and need a slot to finish your Warmog+Atma+FoN combo 60 minutes into the game, or if you ever want to get a Bloodthirst.
You almost never build Wit's End on carries anyway, so it being obsolete on those champs is moot. It's a niche item but an incredibly good one at that. Imagine phoenix Udyr or WW without it.
I can see a pretty good case for wit's end > QSS or BV on AD carries in some games ,_,
QSS on ad carries is bought for the active, mres is just a secondary, don't see wit's end replacing it.
On October 27 2011 03:46 taLbuk wrote:Show nested quote +On October 27 2011 03:40 red_ wrote:On October 27 2011 03:32 taLbuk wrote: but the point still stands that people have figured him out and are beginning to counter him rather than ban, but alot of top teams still ban him vs certain teams like dignitas
How does that point still stand? When was that point ever made for it to be standing somehow? Nobody is fucking counterpicking him. The only play we've seen since IEM NY is the WCG shit, and he's still a ban/first pick champion. What the fuck is wrong with you people. can you type without sounding like a complete hothead? "the point" was referring to my reply to theyango yes talon is good, and especially ban worthy vs teams who have masters of him like dignitas (like i said), but there are decent counters out there which players have shown to be effective
I'm glad that I sounded hot headed with the above post, because I am indeed pretty floored at the idea of people as retarded as you existing.
Once again you have circled the logic tree to come back to 'he can be countered' and yet, there he is, being banned or winning in every game of a major professional tourney.
You keep throwing it out there that 'he can be countered' as if that statement alone proves itself. We have offered the statistical evidence and the authoritative opinions of the professional LoL community, you have offered us 'he can be countered because he can be countered because cloth armor chain mail."(Paraphrasing, in case you missed it).
For reference, the tone of this post is "confused" as in, how is it possible to keep making a point of not making a point.
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On October 27 2011 04:00 L wrote:Show nested quote +On October 27 2011 03:43 NeoIllusions wrote: What bothers me the most is this "Buy Chain Vest, win lane" idea as a counter to Talon. Yes, you won't die to Talon in your own lane but what's to stop him from farming? Rake make farming so incredibly easy for Talon unless you're a Garen who can Flash Silence, for example.
If you can't stop Talon from last hitting with W, what's to stop him from ganking your allies that don't have a Chain Vest as soon as he hits 6? Talon has zero sustain in his kit, low hp and mediocre resistances. If he cannot trade positively, he cannot stay in the lane. His only method of trading besides ewq is to throw w and hope you get hit, which will only be the case if you over extend. So? You push him out of the lane like anybody else that's melee and can't make proper trades, by pushing into creeps and forcing him to rake you instead of to rice. The alternative is just to smash the lane into his tower if you're running a hero that can obliterate a lane because it leaves you very open to go gank other lanes/take drag/push the tower. If he's forced to rake and hit the ranged creeps, he loses all of them to the tower.
Talon clears lanes with rake pretty fast. To a point where there aren't many APs who can clear the lane quickly enough to where he loses out on a ton of CS. And just like Orianna once he gets a few levels he has this cute little zone where if you go into it he will jump on you and do a bajillion damage to you while you're silenced.
I mean, sure, if you pick like Morgana or Malzahar you can just outpush him and don't even have to really bother with buying a bunch of armor but for every other AP carry he's a nightmare to lane against.