On August 31 2011 09:53 Nikon wrote:Gotta love solo queue. Brand threatened to report me for picking smite Veigar as last pick, and as soon as the game started he said "Enjoy your free win" in all chat. Peaked at 973 ap (with Baron, elixir and Brand's WotA) that game. I could nuclear combo pretty much anyone, didn't even need R for the squishier champs. What does Brand do? Ask me to duo-queue with him. LOL. Real thread. Leona op cause he laned vs 2 people that don't know how to zone -.-;;; Starting level 2, they should be able to kill him pretty easily.
how does smite veigar work?
Rush tear and revolver. Never leave lane, get farmed to hell. Kill everyone. I'm low elo so this works.
8748 Posts
Marcou recognized me at the bar in Raleigh; I got his card. What should I do with this power? What can I do with this power?
Tell that cock to make an official replay function a priority. Not being able to scrub using LoL Replays is a pain in the ass.
Edit: TL shuns LoL; "terrible eSport, DotA2 all the way!"
WITH GREAT POWER COMES GREAT RESPONSIBILITY. Or something like that. IDK, maybe help push for a TL team to be picked up by TL?
Lanzoma and Navitar in an epic faceoff versus the gingerbrown on kobe's stream :D
EDIT: Ashe with GA, high elo build hahaha
8748 Posts
By the way, it's so sad I'm not gonna get gold haha. I was 1600 when I quit like last December, decayed down to 1400, got back to 1600, tilted/didn't care all the way down to 1400's (since no skin for silver), then they change the rating brackets, and now I have too much SC2 to play, can't play LoL much ahhh. I don't care much though, since I don't want to play J4 and everyone is gonna have the skin. Just sad !
On August 31 2011 10:30 Liquid`Tyler wrote: By the way, it's so sad I'm not gonna get gold haha. I was 1600 when I quit like last December, decayed down to 1400, got back to 1600, tilted/didn't care all the way down to 1400's (since no skin for silver), then they change the rating brackets, and now I have too much SC2 to play, can't play LoL much ahhh. I don't care much though, since I don't want to play J4 and everyone is gonna have the skin. Just sad !
so hard to be a sc2 pro-nerd-baller when you can't have a high elo rating in lol.
I'd rather maintain a shiny GM icon than get Gold in an often-laughed-at "eSport." Not that I agree with the criticism, but some of it rings true. What I'm tryin'a say is, no big d homez.
If it makes you feel any better I lost a motherfucking 5v3 yesterday. I'm fuckin' DONE.
But seriously tell that cock to get replays going.
On August 31 2011 10:29 mrgerry wrote: Lanzoma and Navitar in an epic faceoff versus the gingerbrown on kobe's stream :D
EDIT: Ashe with GA, high elo build hahaha
With both Mord and Ashe having one, I felt kinda out of place. Also, ginger / leblanc chasing me every fight was fun.
On August 31 2011 10:30 Liquid`Tyler wrote: By the way, it's so sad I'm not gonna get gold haha. I was 1600 when I quit like last December, decayed down to 1400, got back to 1600, tilted/didn't care all the way down to 1400's (since no skin for silver), then they change the rating brackets, and now I have too much SC2 to play, can't play LoL much ahhh. I don't care much though, since I don't want to play J4 and everyone is gonna have the skin. Just sad ! i would be surprised if somebody good weren't willing to smurf your account up
Who needs to smurf when you can just duo quo stomp on a winstreak npnp
8748 Posts
Yea if some really good player has a low elo account they could duo w/ me, then I have the time to win 5 games in a row. But I don't have time to solo it. I get so bad at games when I don't play them constantly... especially switching between SC2 and LoL, cuz the mouse speed and scroll speed and mechanics and things are slightly different (even when I adjust LoL to try to match my SC2 settings), so I get used to one and the other feels so foreign. Like misclicking a last hit for cs in LoL when I've just been casting perfect force fields and shit in SC2, pretty big joke haha. Don't have time to get used to LoL anymore!
random thought, but Leona seems to suffer more from being way too one dimensional rather than being weak.
like, as an initiator/CC bot, she does really well, and does it well even with no farm, but she can't do anything else. she can't do anything other than commit to the fight. no harass, no heals. so for anything other than an actual fight, she's not doing anything.
mumu is the same way, but solves it by being able to jungle pretty well, (as well as having a game changing ult)
iounno, i just want to play leona and not feel like I'm terribly gimp
I want to have a smurf account but the idea of restarting at lvl1 with no runes or champions is nauseating.
Tyler just play SC2 'murica just won lol tournament we need you to win sc tournies for us so I can vicariously claim that America is the bestest at everything (except like, anything)..
BTW disabled heroes + ranked being up = lulz.
thats y u get ppl to lvl smurfs for you
On August 31 2011 11:38 Kaneh wrote: random thought, but Leona seems to suffer more from being way too one dimensional rather than being weak.
like, as an initiator/CC bot, she does really well, and does it well even with no farm, but she can't do anything else. she can't do anything other than commit to the fight. no harass, no heals. so for anything other than an actual fight, she's not doing anything.
mumu is the same way, but solves it by being able to jungle pretty well, (as well as having a game changing ult)
iounno, i just want to play leona and not feel like I'm terribly gimp Her E-Q (plus W if you have it) combo is pretty good harass, I've found.
On August 31 2011 11:36 Liquid`Tyler wrote: Yea if some really good player has a low elo account they could duo w/ me, then I have the time to win 5 games in a row. But I don't have time to solo it. I get so bad at games when I don't play them constantly... especially switching between SC2 and LoL, cuz the mouse speed and scroll speed and mechanics and things are slightly different (even when I adjust LoL to try to match my SC2 settings), so I get used to one and the other feels so foreign. Like misclicking a last hit for cs in LoL when I've just been casting perfect force fields and shit in SC2, pretty big joke haha. Don't have time to get used to LoL anymore! Sounds like a job for SmurfGizmo
On August 31 2011 11:38 Kaneh wrote: random thought, but Leona seems to suffer more from being way too one dimensional rather than being weak.
like, as an initiator/CC bot, she does really well, and does it well even with no farm, but she can't do anything else. she can't do anything other than commit to the fight. no harass, no heals. so for anything other than an actual fight, she's not doing anything.
mumu is the same way, but solves it by being able to jungle pretty well, (as well as having a game changing ult)
iounno, i just want to play leona and not feel like I'm terribly gimp
duo her with another stunner like blitz or taric or something, will destroy your lane and you can rape your way across the entire map