They were part of a Razer/PAX promotion thingy, the codes each give 1 crit damage per level mark and 1 movement speed quint.
They are both tier 3 and apparently usable before level 20.
this is the na forum thread about the whole thing, the first 50 or so pages consist of whine because it initially didn't work.
This is the form you fill out for razer to get the codes, not sure if it still works as it was rumored to be limited supply.
United States37500 Posts
On August 27 2011 09:13 freelander wrote:for move speed and crit dmg quints
amagad freebie runes!
wtb crit chance instead of crit dmg
Yeah, I redeemed the codes you posted since the form wasn't working for me and I haven't received any e-mails yet. :x
United States37500 Posts
On August 27 2011 09:17 Jiroz wrote:They were part of a Razer/PAX promotion thingy, the codes each give 1 crit damage per level mark and 1 movement speed quint. They are both tier 3 and apparently usable before level 20. http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=1154803 this is the na forum thread about the whole thing, the first 50 or so pages consist of whine because it initially didn't work. http://www.razerzone.com/pax/league-of-legends This is the form you fill out for razer to get the codes, not sure if it still works as it was rumored to be limited supply.
So did you fill out the form 3x for the three codes?
On August 27 2011 09:18 NeoIllusions wrote:So did you fill out the form 3x for the three codes?
Yes, on three different emails.
Thx Jiroz, used on EUNA. I'll post mine when it comes for ppl on EUW and NA.
Which one gives the movespeed quint? The other ones are pretty useless ^_^
On August 27 2011 09:41 Blitzkrieg0 wrote: Which one gives the movespeed quint? The other ones are pretty useless ^_^
I'm pretty sure that they all give one of each rune.
Awww the NA ones already used, wanted my smurf to be superfast =[[
turns out if you claim you've been on a 11-game winning streak then they give you mid no matter what =D
On August 27 2011 10:01 redtooth wrote: turns out if you claim you've been on a 11-game winning streak then they give you mid no matter what =D
lol i will try that one
you can also be like "hi I'm leveling this smurf, I have 75% winrate on [CHAMPION X], I'd like to take mid"
apparently Justin Wong likes TF
I ended up refreshing the thread about the free runes on the NA forums for like 30 minutes straight just now and managed to grab myself three codes. :D
my friend said he got 9 codes, time to beg
Jesus christ, I've been playing Zilean for like 2 days now, great champ in every way....but fuck me NOBODY KNOWS WHAT HIS ULT IS....
I'd say I waste half my ults on people who are like oneshot who then frantically flash and blow every escape skill they have trying to get out and squandering the ult....most frustrating thing ever.
so i played during the times of red-pot pantheon mid. and i played during the times of ezreal's glitched q. and i played during the times of veigar's 5second stun. and i played during the times of heimer's turret-damaging grenades. and i played during the times of super-gold-card AP TF.
but never. ever. ever. have i experienced something as gay as soraka mid.
Holy crap, it is so hard to lane against Talon as ap champions, he can poke just as hard as you and his burst does 900 damage at level 6 O.o
If anyone needs a person to play with.. I'm in the TL teamspeak LoL lobby room Or shelkelp ingame
Straight outta Johto18973 Posts
It's been a while since I did one of these. I have a be a bit more careful about what I say. Everything in this post should be treated as a rumour and not fact. Can't guarantee accuracy.
- Dominion release next patch should be pretty obvious. QA hard at work on getting it all ready. That's why no bug fixes this patch. Or next patch most likely either.
- No ranked Dominion on release.
- Obs and Replays wanted to be Dominion Patch, but not sure if they can be done in time.
- Obs will be Custom Games only at first. Delay is currently 1-2 min, but still tbc. No Obs on Ranked/Normals because of some tech issues. Like, imagine all 15k HSGG viewers trying to obs his game. Yeah. Server would die. Lol.
- Pause function feasible to implement.
- 3 bans in ranked would only take a few lines of code.
- Riot Business Development been in Asia this month a lot. Taiwan servers are the first of a lot more. Maybe even by end of this year.
- Mac and Linux Client in the pipes somewhere. But it's a side project thing. 2012 maybe.
- Item based balancing (aka Dominion style) real possibility for SR. Oracles Extract seems interesting.
- Yordles in the firing line.
- Will be able to rebind the V Ping hotkey soon.
- Expect the unexpected.
Also, Dominion Patch will likely bring about a lot of bugs. If there are any pattern of bugs that emerge, please post your logs in the TL Tech Thread so I can pass them on to Riot for analysis and any bugs can be fixed quickly for you guys. 
Also hi lurkers from Riot.