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United States12679 Posts
On September 02 2011 05:31 fasdaf wrote: Garen is significantly stronger than Irelia at lvl 1, which allows him to punish Irelia before she can get EW to trade effectively. Zzzzz....not if Irelia opens with tons of armor runes and defensive masteries, in which case Garen's lvl 1 burst won't necessarily win lane outright. Laning against Garen is like laning against Panth. You gotta anticipate it and counter it with armor runes, defensive masteries, and maybe cloth+5pot opening. The thing about Garen and Panth is that they really rely on dominating their lane in order to snowball into the mid and late game. If they come out even or behind in laning, they will underperform relative to other top solos. | ||
Marshall Islands3404 Posts
On September 02 2011 05:33 Ryuu314 wrote: Zzzzz....not if Irelia opens with tons of armor runes and defensive masteries, in which case Garen's lvl 1 burst won't necessarily win lane outright. Laning against Garen is like laning against Panth. You gotta anticipate it and counter it with armor runes, defensive masteries, and maybe cloth+5pot opening. The thing about Garen and Panth is that they really rely on dominating their lane in order to snowball into the mid and late game. If they come out even or behind in laning, they will underperform relative to other top solos. depends on how good you are at garen. Most are just FOTM riders that only know how to lane, but if you know how to teamfight with garen he's no less effective then any other bruiser... being able to make your ap carry or ad carry instantly vanish is never a bad thing to have on a team, especially when he doesn't have assassin type stats | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
On September 02 2011 05:31 fasdaf wrote: Garen is significantly stronger than Irelia at lvl 1, which allows him to punish Irelia before she can get EW to trade effectively. Irelias level 1 E prevents garen from getting his first Q off or if you took spin you're even worse off. Or irelia takes W at level 1 and just heals it all back at 10 hp per hit Garen isn't really that much of a bruiser. He has no real sustained damage he is more like an assassin, except he usually builds quite tanky because he has a hard time getting in range. A bruiser usually stays back somewhat until theres a safe time to go in and if a bruiser is alive at the end of the fight they usually clean up. Garen needs to do damage ASAP because after his first combo he has nothing to follow up so you want to eliminate 1 guy at the start of a fight. | ||
Sweden4641 Posts
On September 02 2011 05:19 Slayer91 wrote: Irelia just presses E stuns you and then waits for it to end before Q and raping you because it has like 20 second cooldown. Basically if Irelia stacks armour with huge armour rune set up garen has a lot of trouble. Didn't start doing it until I faced an irelia as lee sin where he went dorans ninja tabi trinity force and had like 130 armour but her true damage was like u mad? Then I started raping everyone doing the same thing. True damage is bullshit OP and riot nerfs everything except her W and passive which is what really makes her strong. LIke Q you should always avoid using in lane except to last hit because it costs so damn much mana. You can also use W if your AD isn't enough to last hit ranged creeps in 1 hit under tower and its cheaper than multiple Qs. Just use E and W conserveratively in lane and you won't need mana regen, and if you do you can spam them. Had an irelia vs me as nasus who said "armour quints?" in chat when he saw my lvl 1 armour then just spammed E to fuck up my last hitting because he couldn't really harass me lol. He still didn't run out of mana what a bastard. (I used to always hit irelias early when my lifesteal will regen me faster but that makes me think twice about it) I feel like irelia is the most ROBUST laner not necessarily the best. You are extremely hard to remove from lane, snowball hard if given an advantage, have great defensive tools in general and just never feel pressure to win the lane. You are the control and its up to the other guy to try to stop you farming but you can punish really hard as well. I really like irelias design the whole lifesteal tank think still kinda works with chaoxs old trinity fon GA shit and its extremely powerful once you realize its about avoiding damage at the right times by simpliyng running around since its so hard to crowd control and you have insane burst once they can't afford to focus you over carries. The 2 second stun is insanely long if they only get you to 40% or so before you get away and jump back in when its safe/you regen some. I used to play Irelia a lot, I quit once I got bored of her. She really is amazing when you play against people that don't know how to play against her. She is super snowbally and you basically play like hotshots all game. She is imo mediocre tier, like, Gragas, Akali. I just think Lee Sin, Cho, Brand are more versatile solo top. Trundle and Singed are her worst comps. On September 02 2011 05:41 Brees wrote: depends on how good you are at garen. Most are just FOTM riders that only know how to lane, but if you know how to teamfight with garen he's no less effective then any other bruiser... being able to make your ap carry or ad carry instantly vanish is never a bad thing to have on a team, especially when he doesn't have assassin type stats I don't think Garen is that good, unlike most top tier bruisers you can make as he has farely weak CC and is basically only good for his tankiness lategame. Soraka makes you useless as an anti carry. Garen has no mobility mid game. Hes the ultimate scrubstomper. | ||
United States12679 Posts
On September 02 2011 05:41 Brees wrote: depends on how good you are at garen. Most are just FOTM riders that only know how to lane, but if you know how to teamfight with garen he's no less effective then any other bruiser... being able to make your ap carry or ad carry instantly vanish is never a bad thing to have on a team, especially when he doesn't have assassin type stats Sad thing is most of teh FOTM riders at my elo (fake gold) still build him pure tank with funfire as their only damage item. It's a bit of a wtf lol | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
Still one of the best bruisers, not played for her laning strength rather her ability to farm decently well in any lane with correct preparation and then is one of the best teamfighting bruisers in the game. | ||
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United States11285 Posts
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Sweden4641 Posts
On September 02 2011 05:48 Slayer91 wrote: Except irelia shits on lee sin and chogath after like level 7 or so. Brand is a skill shot war so I won't comment on that. Not enough experience with singed. Trundle is really weak in teamfights so it doesn't matter if his lane is a bit better. Still one of the best bruisers, not played for her laning strength rather her ability to farm decently well in any lane with correct preparation and then is one of the best teamfighting bruisers in the game. The thing about Trundle is he makes Irelia really easy to kill lategame with denied farm and ulti. The thing about Lee Sin and Chogath is not that they beat Irelia in a lane its that they do not get denied in any 1v1 top. Cho can still farm, so can Lee Sin with Wriggles. You can not counter pick either of them. | ||
United States3977 Posts
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Finland33997 Posts
On September 02 2011 05:33 Ryuu314 wrote: Zzzzz....not if Irelia opens with tons of armor runes and defensive masteries, in which case Garen's lvl 1 burst won't necessarily win lane outright. Nah the lvl 1 is too strong, attack Q attack is like 300 dmg even if she has full armor runes. Irelia can win after lvl 5 or so though if she somehow stays even with Garen until then | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
On September 02 2011 05:55 Eppa! wrote: The thing about Trundle is he makes Irelia really easy to kill lategame with denied farm and ulti. The thing about Lee Sin and Chogath is not that they beat Irelia in a lane its that they do not get denied in any 1v1 top. Cho can still farm, so can Lee Sin with Wriggles. You can not counter pick either of them. Irelia is basically the same. You can deny chogath and lee sin by the secret technique of go fucking kill them when they try to get to creeps once you are ahead. You can deny irelia in the same way its just about being stronger. Also, you can go warmogs builds or QSS builds against trundle. I don't think trundle can seriously deny irelia although he probably can win a 1v1 she can still farm and tower and with ulti just like chogath with his QW, irelias QW is great for farming/regening. Garen Q at level one is 1.5X AD + 30 I believe so it will do like 70-80 damage to irelia you ridiculously exaggerate shikyo. If you have nearly 70 armour and 5 pots at level one he can't do that much to you. Like say you have 80 damage with dorans blade you're still doing 150 base damage and if you get an extra auto hit in I suppose thats 230 then reduce that to like 150ish cause of armour and you just pushed the lane by hitting twice and activated her stun so she can retaliate somewhat for some of that damage. | ||
Germany9118 Posts
On September 02 2011 05:23 MoonBear wrote: Oh, my bad hahahahaha. It's about the economic theory of signalling. Getting into a top university and graduating with honours does not necessarily mean you are smart (although it helps). What it does instead is show that you are willing to work hard or have the ability to perform at a level where you get things done to a certain specification and jump hoops the right way. This is in essence a form of signalling. It doesn't necessarily show employers you're clever. It shows them you get stuff (or other 4 letter words beginning with 's') done and you do it to the level that's being asked for. That is what your degree is actually worth (unless you do something technical like medicine). Getting a good degree from a top university is basically saying "Not only am I willing to push myself to meet the specification a top university wanted, I am also able to keep up the effort once I have achieved something". That is what an employer sees when they read your CV. ok, oh well for me personally it makes no difference where i do my math degree, its the same rules everywhere and when i have it, i have proven to work harder than 95% of all students. i dont see why i would need pay quadruple rent in munich when i can do it near my home :D. so anyways, whats up with no new champion sneakpreview thingy ![]() | ||
Sweden4641 Posts
On September 02 2011 06:04 Slayer91 wrote: Irelia is basically the same. You can deny chogath and lee sin by the secret technique of go fucking kill them when they try to get to creeps once you are ahead. You can deny irelia in the same way its just about being stronger. Also, you can go warmogs builds or QSS builds against trundle. I don't think trundle can seriously deny irelia although he probably can win a 1v1 she can still farm and tower and with ulti just like chogath with his QW, irelias QW is great for farming/regening. Garen Q at level one is 1.5X AD + 30 I believe so it will do like 70-80 damage to irelia you ridiculously exaggerate shikyo. If you have nearly 70 armour and 5 pots at level one he can't do that much to you. Trundle is a pretty strong solo top you should really try him, it makes like 0 sense but it really works amazingly. | ||
United States13274 Posts
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Ireland23335 Posts
LIke you can probably bait trundles mana out with hisW and E and then irelia stuns and runs away. Trundles hp is unharassable but his mana pool is another thing. Wickd played a LOT solo top trundle and solo mid trundle and I saw rainman do it once but they both abandonned it. I saw them win lanes but not dominate, and do poorly in midgame. I tend to play more people who do well later than early game dominators, so I only use him sparingly as a jungler when he's a good choice and others are banned/picked. | ||
United States2294 Posts
lol it's all because Q and E got nerfed, players had to resort using W. smh | ||
Germany9118 Posts
On September 02 2011 06:14 broz0rs wrote: Irelia meta is so weird. One patch she was known as THE bursty tanky-dps champion, a patch later she's now THE "forever in lane" sustain champ. lol it's all because Q and E got nerfed, players had to resort using W. smh her kit is just so weird, half ap, half ad, half skills burst, half skills for autoattacking yi-style. its a wonder that she works at all, all hail the triforce :D | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
The burst comes from her deceptively large base damage all skills spammed combined with sheen proccing off ever transcendent blade. Her sustained dps is high as well if you build attack speed on her, or atmogs, she's quite flexible. She is strong because her kit has everything an offensive bruiser needs. A gap closer, a reliable CC (the short range helps a LOT), sustained damage steriod, high damage and anti CC. This means you can effectively build whatever you want without heavily relying on items. | ||
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