Xin would be random, but I think Jax is really really strong right now and it's just about impossible to lose a game that lasts longer than 40mins if you have a decent Jax in your team. His earlygame also is pretty strong if you know how to animation cancel W.
that was regarding the last patches. remove xin dmg even though he isnt played that much, nerf jax ratios, next patch rebuff jax ratios.
Tears of the Goddess, Manamune and Archangel's Staff now display your unique bonus mana in their tooltips.
Buff of the year, all years.
The Garen changes are perplexing. Used to have to decide whether to dump more into courage or not, now there's not much reason to until later except in a few specific circumstances. He didn't really need an extra second of speed either. Meanwhile his damage is kind of meh late in the game, still a bit strong early.
I suppose the end result is his early game is even stronger now, but he still has pretty much the same late game issues.
i want to be a winner. should i buy pantheon o_o
god, they're such idiots. Pantheon way too strong. used to be 1 strike per .36 seconds, now it's 1 strike per .25 seconds. Does more base damage/hit across the board, and scales WAY harder, hence absurd DPS now compared to before.
Q is tweaked to be stronger earlier with AD stacking, weaker later, but probably just a net buff overall with the crit when low.
W now better at level 1 which is all that matters because they just made it the easiest skill in the entire fucking world to leave at level 1.
real fucking idiots, he'll be perma ban within 12 hours.
I talked to some Classick in a game once about the latest Xin nerf and he said something like "Xin is an absolute beast at low elo."
He's easy to play and is the best champion in the game for punishing mistakes. They should raise Xin's skillcap some more, but his kit is so basic (and effective) that it's hard to do.
Remove the slow from his e and give it to his ultimate.
Marshall Islands3404 Posts
burst damage on spirit fire sounds interesting, might try maxing it first again
On August 09 2011 12:38 Chrispy wrote: I talked to some Classick in a game once about the latest Xin nerf and he said something like "Xin is an absolute beast at low elo."
He's easy to play and is the best champion in the game for punishing mistakes. They should raise Xin's skillcap some more, but his kit is so basic (and effective) that it's hard to do.
Make E a dash. Like Shens. Problem solved?
Nasus W/E buffs seem really good... I wonder if the initial burst of his E will also chunk armor applicable to having stood in it for the first 3 seconds of the 'old' version? Wither no longer degraded by tenacity is sick(and 4 second less cd is good too), and free 4% more lifesteal @ level 1.
Sneaky Kennen change on the Lightning Rush energy scaling, I think that gives him an extra Shuriken to throw on a typical combo with regular energy regeneration.
Edit: AP Nasus yeye =pp
Do we really need Xin jumping over walls?
While jumping over walls would be pretty baller, it has a ridiculous cooldown and is used to get in not out. 18 seconds without CDR, the only reason you can do it often is because of how busted his W is. There isn't any other way I can think of without making his kit different. Unless E does something like Malakin from HoN. Throw sword, it can boomerang or you can tele to it.
I think the biggest problem he has is the whole cd off by a second every time he hits something. The whole point of having a cd is so that someone blows abilities and then cant use them again. But that w makes it so you can stick to a target all day long if you want.
I think there's a misunderstanding of Nasus' wither. From the wording, it sounds like tenacity will STILL reduce the amount of time the slow is active, but the effect will be compressed so that you reach full slow in, for instance with merc treads, 35% less time.
At least that's how interpreted because otherwise they would have said "wither is now unaffected by tenacity".
United States47024 Posts
On August 09 2011 12:51 Cixah wrote: While jumping over walls would be pretty baller, it has a ridiculous cooldown and is used to get in not out. 18 seconds without CDR, the only reason you can do it often is because of how busted his W is. There isn't any other way I can think of without making his kit different. Unless E does something like Malakin from HoN. Throw sword, it can boomerang or you can tele to it. It would make his jungle ganks way stronger because by jumping walls you can evade wards.
On August 09 2011 12:55 Juicyfruit wrote: I think there's a misunderstanding of Nasus' wither. From the wording, it sounds like tenacity will STILL reduce the amount of time the slow is active, but the effect will be compressed so that you reach full slow in, for instance with merc treads, 35% less time. Someone has actually understood it differently? o_o Isn't this exactly what they said? =P Anyway I'm going to enjoy trololoing with Pantheon with insane dmg scaling early(his lategame is less powerful but who cares)
yeah so why cant we just have a weak pantheon?
it's not like having one or two bad characters is nearly as bad for the games as having one or two absolute beast mode destroyers.
no ori nerf, feels good.
Oriana still OP? naaa mann Mantheon drop on her. Fuck yeah I love this patch. Nasus, Garen, Malph and Morgana Buffs are all good.
My teemo build last game 2x dblades Shurelia's Reverie Atmas
win game 5-2-4, 1854 elo
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[Patch LoCicero] General Discussion