A shield, a heal, a speedbuff, an AOE slow and probably the ultimate with the biggest troll factor known to man. Also: yay, Annie for free. <3
On August 06 2011 10:38 Shiv. wrote:A shield, a heal, a speedbuff, an AOE slow and probably the ultimate with the biggest troll factor known to man. Also: yay, Annie for free. <3 Sounds like he could be a decent jungler depending on the numbers.
maybe toplane, depeding on costs. i wonder how they designed his cooldowns, hard to balance with this passive.
On August 06 2011 10:43 LaNague wrote: maybe toplane, depeding on costs. i wonder how they designed his cooldowns, hard to balance with this passive.
Probably along the lines of
On August 06 2011 10:22 r33k wrote: LoL at MLG raleigh and NY confirmed. And doublelift goes to UCI not UCSD.
NY? you mean orlando?
The stops after raleigh are Orlando and Providence, not NY
trolling ranked with mundo
Well actually I'm trying my hardest to win but I just instalock mundo and have no idea how to play him <_< I dunno why I got owned so badly by the warwick last game solo top, I guess WW is a pretty rough matchup vs Mundo.
On August 06 2011 10:58 Shikyo wrote:www.justin.tv/shayukitrolling ranked with mundo Well actually I'm trying my hardest to win but I just instalock mundo and have no idea how to play him <_< I dunno why I got owned so badly by the warwick last game solo top, I guess WW is a pretty rough matchup vs Mundo.
Watching now~~
TO MUNDO ONE MUST THINK LIKE MUNDO basically you're singed but not as good combined with master yi but not as good
also skarner: maybe a use for nashor's tooth at last! (Just kidding)
help me i alwys lose my lane like get harassed a lot when i go to harass they just harass me back sometimes i win lane but that rarely ever happens and when i go to last hit they harass me i feel like a nerd at school getting harassed by the big boys how d i win my lane, i even lose matchups that should be easy wich is why i always duo lane cuz i lose my solo lanes HELP MEE
+ Show Spoiler [Today's Special] +![[image loading]](http://i53.tinypic.com/juwtua.jpg) Stupid teamcomp with a side of trash talk. Lanes were Shaco vs Cho'Gath, Taric vs Malzahar, Nunu vs Caitlyn with Trundle, Olaf, Trundle jungle and Taric roaming. Unfortunately I didn't have LoLReplay on.
wth are there actually people in that parkjay channel TIME TO CHECK IT
On August 06 2011 11:57 unichan wrote: help me i alwys lose my lane like get harassed a lot when i go to harass they just harass me back sometimes i win lane but that rarely ever happens and when i go to last hit they harass me i feel like a nerd at school getting harassed by the big boys how d i win my lane, i even lose matchups that should be easy wich is why i always duo lane cuz i lose my solo lanes HELP MEE zz ill give u lessons msg me in game
record it, i havent seen u giving lessons yet, ive seen dyrus doing it and you might as well have burned the money, same with regi :D
On August 06 2011 11:57 unichan wrote: help me i alwys lose my lane like get harassed a lot when i go to harass they just harass me back sometimes i win lane but that rarely ever happens and when i go to last hit they harass me i feel like a nerd at school getting harassed by the big boys how d i win my lane, i even lose matchups that should be easy wich is why i always duo lane cuz i lose my solo lanes HELP MEE
Old lane tips by Numbers
Last hit, move, last hit, move. Move around, last hit, move. Oh, I'm not last hitting, but enemy is last hitting. They're vulnerable. I can attack them, attack. Oh look, enemy can hit me if I go for this last hit, should I risk it or not.
I can either push the wave, even the wave, or make the wave be pushed towards me. If there are not that many creeps, then if I make a move, I won't take as much creep dmg.
Oh look, he has higher range than me, if he makes a move, then I have to counter attack, or I take dmg without dealing dmg back. If he has to come forward to attack me, then I can move back, and either avoid the move, or take the hit and punish them with creeps. Oh look I have higher range. If enemy goes for a last hit, then I can punish them and if I move back fast enough, I won't take any dmg in return.
Enemy does more dmg than me. Should I stand and fight him? Or should I try to safely farm up and take as little or no damage as possible. I do more dmg than the enemy. When should I engage. Probably not when he has a wave pushing at me. If my wave is pushing, then probably, if they are dumb enough to fight you with a weaker wave, and weaker dmg. If I'm stronger, I want to make a move. Engage him straight out, and either make him run or kill him. Watch out for those pesky junglers, tps, and globals though.
If I stand farthest away from the creep I am last hitting, then enemy champion has to walk a long way and into my creeps to hit me. If I last hit near melee creeps or the creeps I am last hitting, then I have a forward positioning that puts a shorter distance between myself and the enemy champion.
If I push my wave hard, then enemy has a harder time csing near tower, and I can hit them while they are vulnerable last hitting, or deal dmg to tower, but I am vulnerable to ganks. Likewise, if they do the same to me.
Oh look, my jungler invaded enemy jungler. It takes me longer to get there than the other mid. If my wave is pushed and I go, and enemy mid goes, then enemy mid loses a lot of cs and exp. If your jungler is being retarded and has a terrible jungler, then tell them to b. If enemy jungler invaded my jungle, I have to go. If I'm pushed, I just lost a ton of cs and exp, but who wants a f'ed up jungler.
Oh look, river fight. If enemy mid goes, but I don't go, then fight is likely in favor of enemy, but if your team b's, then enemy just lost cs and exp. If they don't b, then you just lost a ton of kills, so it might be a good idea to follow them. If you move towards river first over enemy mid, you have control of brush near river. You can use that to deal the first dmg on enemy mid, most likely winning the fight.
If you look at other lanes, and see the enemy low and tower hugging, it might help to get another presence there, to kill them, and secure another objective. If enemy is pushing, and you go to another lane, it's called a gank. Might want to move through the jungle though, to avoid river ward. Helps your team out a lot when their tower's at 10% health, and you go help them out.
If you go to buy when your wave is not pushed, then your enemy will just push you and force you to lose cs and exp. If enemy goes to buy, then you want to push wave to their tower to make them lose cs and exp. If your wave is pushed though, you do not want to do that because it takes longer to make wave go to tower.
This was a guide in response to someone, might sound a little trollish.
laning guide I wrote for my friends since we are gonna be in a casual threes tournament
General Lane Principles 1) Laning is all about advantageous trades. Taking free hits is very, very bad. 2) A lane that is pushing will continue pushing until the waves reach a tower. When a wave hits a tower it will kill all the creeps, sending the wave pushing back in the opposite direction. The larger the wave you send at the tower, the longer the tower spends attacking the creeps - and the larger the eventual counterpush. 3) Harassing an enemy champion with autoattacks will push the lane, since you will attract aggro and effectively be tanking for your creeps. 4) When are you pushing, you receive more experience and gold. Then when the lane pushes back at the tower, the experience and gold become equalized again. There are four ways to extend this temporary advantage into a permanent one. a) Kill the opponent by hitting an important level before he does. Level two and level six are often kill opportunities for the player who hits them first. b) Send the wave into the tower while the opponent isn’t there. Every wave a tower kills without an opponent there is a significant loss. c) Send the wave into the tower against a weak counterpusher. Only certain champions can last hit effectively under a tower. This only denies gold initially, but many champions will be forced to expend mana or health trying to push the creeps of their tower as quickly as possible. Extended pushing can therefore send them back to base and deny experience. Some heroes will simply lose their lane to this (blitz for example), but there are three effective counters. i) Push back harder. Not always possible. ii) Gank the pushing champion. iii) Superior sustain. Powerful, cheap ways of building sustain include multiple doran’s blades/shields/rings, catalyst, and wriggles. d) Exploit the map control strong pushing grants to accomplish other objectives. For example, in fives, mid can push their lanes, then go do the enemy wraiths and gain a significant advantage. In threes you could push and then rush red. 5) Freezing a lane is when the opponent has a lane that is in the process of pushing, which you then ‘halt’ by equalizing it with your wave at a desired point. Example: A large enemy wave is coming down the lane. Instead of letting it do so, I block them for a few seconds until my wave arrives, then attack his wave until it’s equal strength with mine – that way it won’t eventually push into my tower. If I last hit carefully now, the wave will stay where I parked it for a long time. a) If you control your lane poorly and the opponent freezes it in an advantageous spot, there isn’t very much you can do. Either he has to push it with last hitting or you have to push the lane into his tower to get a counterpush going. If you try to push it into his tower, the lane won’t fully reset unless your wave is large, so it may not be possible to fix the situation this way. Treeline Specific Notes 1) Every lane position is bad without constant warding. 2) Top lane has five positions. a) Opponent’s wave just outside your tower. This is an extremely weak position. You cannot leave your lane without telegraphing your destination, your opponent can leave at any time without your knowledge and is difficult to gank as the approach paths are weak. Your jungler is crippled because he is revealed if he attempts to cross from top to bottom jungle or vice versa, unless he gives up xp and gold by taking the long back route. You cannot be easily ganked from this position, but your jungle and bot lane are very insecure. b) Opponent’s wave pushed just past the bushes. This is not as bad, but still disadvantaged. Your opponent can leave easily as he controls the bushes, and you are gankable, but the overall team position on the map is stronger. c) Waves in the center of the map. Equal. Both players vulnerable to ganks. d) The other two positions are the reverse of the first two. These are the strongest positions. 3) Bot lane has three positions. a) Just outside your tower. You lose control of red, but otherwise this is nowhere near as bad as when top lane’s waves are at the tower. b) Central. I really don’t know what the strengths/weaknesses of this position are. If you have a ward up, shouldn’t be gankable. c) The reverse of the first position. When the lane is here, if red is pinked this is a key opportunity to three man ninja red.
Loco didn't give me softcore pr0n
On August 06 2011 12:20 locodoco wrote:Show nested quote +On August 06 2011 11:57 unichan wrote: help me i alwys lose my lane like get harassed a lot when i go to harass they just harass me back sometimes i win lane but that rarely ever happens and when i go to last hit they harass me i feel like a nerd at school getting harassed by the big boys how d i win my lane, i even lose matchups that should be easy wich is why i always duo lane cuz i lose my solo lanes HELP MEE zz ill give u lessons msg me in game So cute, it'll be like a date ^-^
free gragas plz when has gragas last been free? i have like 3 weeks to get a win with him have 77/80 champs with a ranked win need wukong, yorick, gragas gragas hasn't been free since like november or something ridiculous and fuck me if i'm going to buy that piece of shit
free gragas
On August 06 2011 10:22 r33k wrote: LoL at MLG raleigh and NY confirmed. And doublelift goes to UCI not UCSD. source?
Speaking of carrying 4 retards vs 5 retards ...
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/TVAWS.jpg)
For the last half of the game, I swear to god my team would go out of its way to get caught outside base and die and then I would 1v3 the other team on Trist to even it out.